Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Escape ( Chapter 34 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"I'm not telling," you answer with a straight face, and Wufei sighs in annoyance and frustration. You don't even bother hiding your grin this time.

"Onna, will you tell us something for once?" he snaps, apparently irritated that that's the only thing you've been saying for the past few hours.

You grin impishly at him and stick out your tongue. "But I did, Wuffie, I did. I told you my name, for one thing, so why don't you call me that instead of 'onna' all the time?"

"And I'd like you to pronounce my name right!" he retorts.

You blink and cock your head to the side innocently. "Oh yes. I'm so sorry about that… Wu-chan."

Duo tries unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. Wufei growls angrily, glares at you both, and storms out of the room. You sit up straight and look around the room, eyes wide. "Oh my, did he leave because of me? Whatever did I say?"

Duo breaks out into uncontrollable laughter, and Quatre shakes his head and sighs. "Okay, next question. I hope you can answer this." He pauses. "I looked up your record in our database, and there's nothing at all on you - no criminal activities, no military service, not even a birth record. What is it that you're not telling us?"

You sigh dramatically, slouching and giving them a pathetic look. "Do you really want to know?" They nod. "Well…" You let out another long-suffering sigh. "The truth is… I was born on February thirtieth, AC 180. I was so embarrassed by the fact that I deleted all records of me to be found anywhere."

The four remaining boys stare at you. You just look at them and give them a clueless smile. They blink. You give them a little wave, trying to contain your laughter. Heero stares at you, hard, and you gaze into his beautiful Prussian blue eyes - because let's face it, as much as you want to think otherwise, his eyes are beautiful. You furrow your brow thoughtfully and move so your chin is resting on your hand. "Really Heero, why are you studying me like that? Do I have something on my face?" A new thought blossoms in your head and you grin evilly. "Or is it because you like me?" Heero just "Hn"s and looks away, but you think, for a split second, that you see a slight hint of pink on his cheeks. No, that's impossible. Does Heero even have capillaries that close to the skin on his face? Well, whatever the answer, you're reasonably sure that Heero Yuy has never blushed in his life, and never will.

Quatre sighs, facepalming, and as he does so, you catch sight of the face of his watch. 5:23 P.M. Geez, have you really been here that long? Well then, it's time to formulate your escape plan. Standing up abruptly, you walk over to the boys and usher them out. "Well, it's been fun hanging out with you and all, but it's getting late and I would like to get to some sleep. See you tomorrow!" With that said, you push them forcefully outside and slam the door. You sigh, leaning against it, then walk over to the bed. It's almost full dark outside now, and now that they're gone, you can explore around a bit.

Checking around for hidden cameras, you notice one in the corner opposite the door and one mounted right above the door itself. Normally, a regular person wouldn't have been able to spot them, but let's just say you had experience in the matter. Bored, you flop down so you're lying on the bed and stick your tongue out at the camera above you. "I know you're there, and I know you're watching me! Nyah nyah!" You spend the rest of the time making faces at them, entertaining yourself by weirding out and annoying the people who are undoubtedly watching you. After 8:00 rolls around and it's too dark to see, you stand up and walk over to the cameras. It only takes ten minutes to disable the video on them both and put them back in their proper places. Now to carry out the plan… Setting your watch to wake you up at 11:45, you settle down to take a quick nap. You have a couple hours to get some sleep, and you plan to make the most of it. After the alarm goes off, you yawn, stretch a bit, and immediately start your acting.

"Hey, don't you people feed your prisoners?" you yell to nothing in particular, knowing that there is an audio feature on the cameras. "It's almost midnight, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten anything in at least eighteen hours… really, do you want me to starve to death? Then why go to all the trouble of capturing me, huh? Can't I have some food down here?" You continue your rant until the door opens, and you turn to see a man, looking distinctly annoyed at having to come to a cell and feed an irritating prisoner at this time of night.

"Here, something to eat," he grumbles, shoving a tray in your general direction. "Now shut up. Some of us are trying to get some sleep."

You smile sweetly at him. "Why, thank you." You walk forward and take the tray, setting it down on the floor. As he turns to leave, you reach forward and hit a pressure point on his neck, and he falls unconscious silently. Setting him on the ground, you slip out of the cell and look around for a moment. Right or left, right or left… right. You turn quickly, hoping this place isn't big enough for you to get lost.

As you round a corner, the sound of footsteps and a loud cry tell you that the unconscious man has been found. The alarm goes off, and you wince. The footsteps behind you grow louder and quicker, telling you that you're being followed… throwing all caution to the winds, you speed up and run as fast as you can, choosing random hallways in your attempt to get out.

Dodging to your left and knowing perfectly well that you're being chased by at least twenty people, you run forward a bit more… and stop in your tracks. There, in front of you, are Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei, looking none to pleased that they were awakened to stop you. Cursing quietly, you glance behind you, noting that your pursuers are catching up, and soon, they'll be right behind you… and the only way to avoid any of them is to take that hallway over there. Who knows, it might actually lead to the exit… but from here, you can't tell if it's a dead end or not. What to do, what to do… the clock is ticking, the soldiers are chasing, and the boys are waiting to see what you do. Well then, guess you shouldn't test their patience…

You take a deep breath before rushing forward, straight at them. They don't seem to be the least bit surprised; rather, they seem to be ready for you. You get ready for a fight, just to break through them and try to get away… - go to page sixty-three

You run straight ahead, but dart left into the hallway at the last moment. You don't see the boys' faces, but you can tell they're surprised… but now you've got twenty soldiers plus those five chasing after you. Oh joy. - go to page sixty-four

Are you kidding me? There's no way you can take on all five of them at once, especially if Heero was enough to take you out alone… you turn back and take your chances with the soldiers behind you. There may be more of them, but they're nowhere near as strong as the five in front of you. - go to page sixty-five

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