Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ I'm Not Telling ( Chapter 42 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm Not Telling


You cross your arms, staring at the ceiling. "Hn.  What makes you think I'll tell you anything?" The boys automatically tense up, as if preparing to jump you, but you ignore them and continue, "I've decided that I don't like the way you act - like you own the universe and can pretty much do anything you want, tell people only what you want them to know, and hide the information that they may consider important." You open your eyes and glare at all of them, even Duo. "You didn't tell me that you were Preventers, and you didn't give me any reason to believe or trust you.  I didn't know whose side you were on and I had somewhere I needed to be.  You'll have to excuse me if I didn't ask politely if I could leave."


Quatreopens his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, giving him a look that could pierce steel. "I'm not done.  I agree to meet you, thinking that I might actually find decent people who fight against OZ for a good reason, and you pull guns on me.  You give me no reason to believe that you won't kill me once I tell you what you want to know, and then you blame me when I try to escape from a situation that's turned dangerous?  Stop acting so high-and-mighty all the time and you might actually see the world through the eyes of normal people.  You can't blame everything on someone else, when it's your own darn fault that we ended up with this problem in the first place.  Now, it could've turned into a nice civil talk, but some people refused to acknowledge the fact that we need to know more about each other than our names and the fact that we happened to be at that OZ base at the same time.  I told you my side of the story, and guess what happens?  You say, 'There's supposed to be a stupid attack on the stupid ESUN today!' and tell me that you think that's what I'm really there for!  No 'Okay, here's why we're here' or 'That's interesting, now here's our proof that we're not out to kill you.'  Instead, I get blamed for something that I didn't even know was going to happen, and then you take advantage of the situation to catch me and tell me that, oh, guess what?  WE NEVER BELIEVED YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, SO NOW WE'RE GOING TO DO WHATEVER WE FREAKIN' WANT WITH YOU WITHOUT EVEN GOING INTO WHY YOU SHOULD BELIEVE US!"


Duo, Quatre, and Wufei wince at your yelling.  Heero and Trowa remain silent, staring at you.  Finally, Heero says, "Is that all you have to say?"


"No, one more thing," you answer in a dangerously calm voice. "No matter what you do to me or how much you try, you'll never get any more information out of me.  I'm sorry, but you screwed up big time and already lost that chance.  If you so much as try to get me to talk, I will rip your throats out and laugh over your dead bodies." They recoil slightly at the venom in your tone, but you continue, "And that's all I'm saying.  Except… one more thing…" You look over at Duo, who regards you suspiciously. "You were the only one here who at least halfway trusted me, and I betrayed that trust.  I don't regret anything I did last night except attacking you.  I'm sorry about that, Duo." He just nods, accepting it, but you didn't really expect anything else.


"Now, if you're done?" Trowa asks politely.


You nod. "Yup.  Now lead the way to the dirty, filthy prison cell where I'll be spending the rest of my days."


They do just that - except that it isn't quite as dirty or filthy as you expected, but it is full of other criminals, probably serial killers, rapists, and the like.  Some of them leer suggestively as you pass, and you roll your eyes and flip them off.  Not like they'd stand a chance against you.  You're thrown into the cell at the very end - top security, that one.  You remark about that to Wufei, who merely glares at you as he locks the door.  You call a quick goodbye to the five boys before leaning back against the wall, brow creased in thought as you glance around the room.


'Great, now I'm a criminal wanted by the government.  Peachy.  And to think, this time yesterday, my only problem was that Y wasn't letting me stomp on that base with a mobile suit.' It doesn't take you long to spot the cameras in the room, and you alternate between glaring, making rude signs, and turning your back to them.  Since when has life gotten so boring?  Oh well, at least you have the challenge of sneaking out of this place… escape is one of your specialties.  This will be fun.


Bored, you start pacing across the room, waiting for twelve or so hours to pass until nightfall.  Until then, you have to come up with something to kill the time.  An evil grin spreads across your face as you think of something… hehe, this'll be great.






"SHUT UP!" At least twenty voices roar in answer, and you smirk.  The song really does work.  Of course, that may be because you've been singing it for the past two hours straight, but hey, whatever.  Your throat's getting a little sore, but it's definitely worth it.  Whoever thought it would be this entertaining to annoy the heck out of the prisoners and security guards?


Speaking of the guards… one of them pokes his head into your cell and gives you a half-irritated, half-pleading look. "Please, if you have to sing, can you sing something else?"


You sigh dramatically, giving him a sad look. "Fine, okay.  Only for you." You take a deep breath before you start singing (YELLING) again. "THIS IS THE SONG THAT NEVER ENDS!"


"Not that one, either!"


"Geez, picky, picky…" you grumble.  You hear quite a few people growl, and you suppress a grin.  They'd probably stick you in a soundproof cell if this continued for much longer. "Okay, I'll sing one that doesn't have the potential to go on forever."


"Thank you!" a few voices yell.


You ponder what you're going to sing this time when something comes to mind. "Hey, do you guys remember Jack Sparrow?  Pirates of the Caribbean?" (A/N: Don't own either… unfortunately…)


There are various calls of "yes" from other people, and you smile innocently. "Do you know what his favorite song would be?"


"Yeah," a man's voice answers. "It's that one song, isn't it?  'Drink up, me hearties, yo ho'?"


You shake your head. "No.  Everyone thinks that, since that's the one that's in the movie, but in reality…" By this time, even your guard looks interested.


"In reality?" he prods.




As everyone groans in annoyance, frustration, and general wanting-to-kill-the-girl-in-the-cell-at-the-end-of-the-row, an amused voice says, "You've been keeping busy, haven't you?"


"Hm?" It takes you a second to place the voice, but as a long chestnut braid comes into view, you realize whom it is. "Oh.  Hey, Duo."


"If you keep this up for much longer, everyone's going to go insane," he remarks.


You cross your arms, leaning against the wall. "That's the point.  What are you doing here?"


Duo shrugs. "Just wanted to see what you were up to.  There is a way for us to spring you out of here, but to do that, I'd have to tell you to do something that would make you want to rip out my throat and laugh over my dead body."


"Hn." Stealing people's patented lines has always been a source of great amusement to you. "I don't need your help.  Just watch, I'll be able to get out of here on my own."


"Really now?" Duo eyes you with interest. "And if you can, how come you haven't already?"


"Quoting Jack - I mean, CAPTAIN Sparrow, I'm waiting for the opportune moment."


"Oh." Duo thinks about that for a moment before leaning in closer. "Do you really think you can get out?"


You smirk. "Just watch.  I'll be out of here before the week's done."


"Fine then." Duo takes a few steps backwards, towards the door to the cell. "I challenge you to try."


"Hn." Just before Duo steps out, you yell after him, "Alrighty then.  Who am I to turn down a challenge?"


Good question there.  Of course, getting out may not be so easy as getting in… but you'll certainly try, won't you?  Go to page seventy-seven.