Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Complete ❯ Hijacking MS ( Chapter 44 )
Hijacking MS
Ah yes, the hangar. Home, sweet home. But of course you'd feel comfortable in such a place, having been trained extensively on MS operations back at base. You've never actually piloted one before, but hey, there's no way it can't be fun!
You and Duo share a grin. "Hey guys, I suggest you get out of here," he says happily. "We're heading for the hangar. This'll be fun…"
"It's not rigged yet, is it?" you ask.
"No, not yet," Trowa answered. "That was supposed to be part of your section."
You take the opportunity to throw the rest of the bombs down a random hallway, and Duo does the same. "Great. Well, more for us to stomp on!"
"We'll be leaving communication range soon," Heero warns. "Are you two sure you'll be fine?"
Duo snorts. "Worry about yourselves." The two of you dart straight past the exit, heading towards the most prominent section of the building. "We're gonna make ourselves some fireworks!"
The soldiers obviously weren't expecting you to head for the hangar, thinking you'd have some common sense and head for the exit instead. WRONG! Which is how you and Duo end up all alone inside the large structure, the door to the hallway locked to the people pounding on it from the other side. You take a look around, quickly spotting two identical mobile suits sitting at the other end of the building, past the rows of Aries and Taurus. You and Duo exchange looks, grinning. "There's our ticket out of here," you remark. Duo nods agreement and clambers up onto one of the suits, slipping into the cockpit. You pause for a moment, hitting the switch and grinning as the explosions rock the building, before you follow Duo's example. The MS are obviously prototypes, as shown when the system starts. You go through the list of weaponry quickly: standard-issue vulcans, beam saber, small pistols on either leg, a gunblade - ooh, YES! - and something about fire from the left hand, where a medium-sized shield is mounted. Hehehe… fire… what? You're not a pyro! Really, you aren't!
"Well, if nothing else, this is gonna be fun," Duo remarks through communications. You can almost hear the smirk in his voice.
You nod agreement before speaking into the small mike on your collar. "Hope ya guys are far, far away, cuz we're about to wreak havoc on this end of the galaxy!" With that said, you blast a hole in the opposite wall, fly out, and start attacking. Your first target? To stomp on the hallway leading to the hangar, of course. The sound of people screaming reaches your ears, and you roll your eyes. Serves them right for all gathering in one place.
You fly up into the air quickly, making good use of both features of the gunblade. You can't say you've ever had this much fun, and it's made all the better by having Duo there, sharing in the exhilaration. Suddenly, a good sixty or so MS from the hangar burst outside, attacking the two of you, and you start laughing. Do they really think they can take you down? "Hey Du-chan!" you yell into the communicator. "1000 yen I can take down more of 'em than you can!"
"You're on!" Abandoning the task of making the remains of the base explode, the two of you dart into the cluster of Taurus and start slashing/firing at everything else around you. It doesn't take long for them to separate, creating harder targets - not like that matters much, anyway.
"Ten… Eleven… Twelve…" You fire a rather large blast at a loose group of them and watch in amusement as they all explode. "That makes twenty…"
It continues on in this way for a while. You take down one MS with the vulcans, only to see another off to your side. Well, you haven't used your fire-attack at all during the battle… so you thrust your left hand in its direction and press the button, laughing insanely as you watch it spontaneously combust… well, maybe not spontaneously, but you get the idea. You hear Duo mutter something about "psycho girls," but you choose to ignore him and instead continue on with the fight. You'll get him back for that kind comment later.
Right now, you have a fight to concentrate on, along with a Taurus that's attempting to sneak up behind you. You turn quickly, bringing around the gunblade to slash the suit down the middle… or at least try to. Your MS doesn't respond at all to the command, and you shove at the controls as hard as you can, as if by doing that you can force it to obey you. Nothing happens, and instead you watch in horror as it levels a gun at you…
…Only to get cut in half by a gunblade anyway. You blink for a moment, confused, until a suit that's identical to yours comes into your viewscreen. "What's gotten into you? Didn't you see that coming?"
"Huh?" You move the controls again, only to find out that they're now working. "Oh… thanks, Duo. Now I know why these suits are only prototypes… Don't use the flame unless you have to. There's a bug in the system that makes the suit freeze up for a few seconds afterward." Duo mumbles a quick affirmative, and you get back to the fight. You left off counting at about twenty-two, right?
It doesn't take much longer to destroy the rest of the suits or the base, or as you put it, "Completely annihilate the rest of this pathetic opposition and finally take the time to blow the target of this mission to pieces."
"Mission complete," you announce happily, turning to give Duo an MS high-five. "Not too shabby a job, if I do say so myself, considering we completely screwed up the way we were supposed to do it… but we destroyed the place anyway, so all's well!"
Duo chuckles. "So what's your headcount? I think a few of them killed each other by accident. I got twenty-seven."
"Oh really?" you tease. "Poor Duo-chan. I counted twenty-eight. Those guys were either incredibly stupid or had really bad aim, if they killed five of their own… but whatever. Pay up, Duo."
"What?" he protests. "But I saved your life back there! That's gotta count for something!"
You smirk. "You saved me, but I still got one more kill than you. What does that tell you?"
"…That's unfair."
"That's life." The mike on your collar beeps, and you grin cheerfully. "Hee-chan! How's it going?"
Silence from the other end. You blink, poking the comm. unit. "Hey, is this working? How come you guys aren't answering?"
"…It's working," Quatre says at last, and you can hear the stifled laughter in his tone. Still, you get the impression that he's sweatdropping. "I take it the mission went well?"
"Perfectly!" you chirp, entirely too hyper for the moment.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you guys planned this," Wufei grumbles. "It looked you were having too much fun out there."
"Oh, Wu-man, you offend me," Duo tells him in a fake-hurt tone, and you don't even try to hide your laughter. "Why would we do that? Well… other than that we get to steal all the glory… and pilot a few mobile suits…"
"Which reminds me," you cut in, "What are we going to do with these suits? Destroy them? Hand them in to Preventers? Bring them to a party and have them breakdance?" You can just imagine the round of sweatdrops going around at the last comment. "Can I paint them green and pink and set them on fire?"
"…You have a very demented mind, onna."
"I know." You shrug. "So, what'll it be?"
"Preventers," Trowa answers. "So they know what kind of technology OZ has at their disposal."
"You notice that we don't have names for these suits?" you muse. "And I think we're out of constellations. What'll we call them?"
Duo grins. "Well, since it was your idea to steal them in the first place, how about you come up with a codename?"
"A codename…?" You think about that for the moment. "Phoenix. I dunno why, but it kinda fits… that and the whole fire thing… Fire…" People seem to be sweatdropping a lot today, or maybe that's just because you're around.
"But anyway," you continue, "I have the next day off, and Y won't be expecting me to get back until a week or so for now. So how about I hang around with you guys? You know, explore around, have some fun, yadda yadda yadda…"
"I don't see why not," Quatre answers. "At least until we get the Phoenixes brought to Preventers. We'll take you to our safehouse - it's not too far from here. We can figure out what we're going to do about OZ then, and if it'll be an alliance of sorts."
You smile happily. "Sounds good to me! Let's go!"
A restful day at the safehouse… or not. Well, what did you expect, if you're around to cause chaos for the boys? Look forward to practical jokes and insane mall trips on page eighty!