Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission From Hell ❯ Just read people!!! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: SanosukeLover
Notes: I know this took forever, huh? Gomen Nasai it was not my fault....Okay
so it was know the rest...........
Warnings: If you haven't figured that out by now then you have got a major

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Mission From Hell
By: SanosukeLover

"When we were together....Were you cheating on me for Wufei?" He spinned around and
stared in shock. That was all I needed heart felt like it had been ripped

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Duo's POV

"Then all that time I never owned your heart did I?" I asked.

"What makes you think that?" Heero challenged.

"Don't act stupid, Heero. You think I wouldn't know. You were spending more
time with Wufei than me at the time. I had to suspect some thing..." I reasoned.

Heero just blinked.

"I still do not understand why you would think that. Besides Wufei is a honorable
man and would never do anything dishonorable. You should know that much." Heero

Damn! He's got a point.

"You have a point there. Sorry to bother you." I turned away and sat in my
assigned seat.

Class started but I still wasn't paying attention. That little fact that Heero
isn't being completly truthful is bugging me quite a bit.

"Hellen are you with us?" asked someone.

"Huh! Say what?" I asked.

"Hellen, please pay attention." asked the teacher.

"Gomen nasai.....I really don't feel very good can I just leave and go rest for a
while?" I asked.

"Very well....But you know that you will have to make up everything..." said the

"Yes ma'am...Arigato...." I said as I left.

On the way to my room I noticed a group of people with the popular guy Ameko with
them. Ameko was good looking he looked like a nice person but when he talks to me
I get the chills I don't really trust this guy for some reason.

"Hellen..." Ameko's voice cut into my thoughts.

Great! "Yes, did you want something?" I asked as sweetly as possible.

"Where are you heading?" He asked.

"I'm not feeling well and hoping to get some rest so if you'll excuse me." I said
and started walking off.

"You know that "Heeros" not worth all the white hair your getting." he said.

"What makes you think....." Wait did he say Heero and not Odin? "What did you say?"

"Heero..." he said.

God protect me please....

"I know but who is Heero?" I don't think this is going to work....

"Don't act stupid Hellen....I know that Odin isn't his real name...Triton
blew it for me."

"Oh god this cannot be happening!" I started to run back to class only to
be grabbed roughly by Ameko. "Let go that hurts." Everything went by fast
first Amekos gun on my forehead then all the punchs coming in. I hate to say
this but I owe Wufei.

Just when I was about to give up hope that I will get to Heero on time
Wufei came to my rescue.

"Are you all right Duo?" he asked.

"I'm FINE!" I yelled. Yeah I know so much for me oweing him....But when reality hit
me I was getting steamed.

"Whats the matter Maxwell!" he yelled

" if you don't know. You of all people should know whats wrong! You BASTARD!
God...How would you feel if I took someone you loved away!" I hate him sometimes....

"Is this what this is all about? Because I didn't take him away. Heero said that you broke
up with him. You make it seem as though he left you for me." He said.

"Well you were told wrong Jackass.....Do you actually think that I would leave Heero
after how much I love him?" I asked.

"Well it sure as hell seemed like it....You were always smiling around. How the heck was
I suppose to know that was what was bothering you." asked Wufei. it just me or has Wufei gotten stupid......

"Are you that stupid or are you just doing that to annoy me. Either way its annoying me."
I said.

"Are you trying to say something, Maxwell?" he asked.

"Maybe......" I said. But unexpectedly he attacked me. Why ME? You ask. Hell...I'm still
wondering myself.

All I remember is the fight going on until one passing student went and told a teacher.
(I just remembered Wufei doesn't have a name.....hehehehe....He's name will be Nate ku. ^^')

"Nate ku....Have you now shame in hitting a girl." asked the teacher while trying to calm me

"A women?" He looked like he was about to say I really wasn't a *women* but then he looked
toward the student and guess who? Thats right it was HEERO....arghh....

"Gomen Nasai....she was just saying some not nessary stuff...." he apoligized.

"Like hell I was!" I yelled.

"Hellen, please stop." begged the teacher. "You'll hurt each other."

"I can swear that was the whole point of it...." I said.

That seemed to get to Heero quite a bit for he gave me that look to kill again. I
stopped there I didn't need Heero getting madder at me.

"Gomen.....If you'll excuse me..." I said as I left.

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When I got back to my room I felt like SHIT is all I have to say. This has got to be one of
the worstest day for me.

Quatre arrived back a few minutes later and wanted to talk to me. I know that hes not trying to
be annoying but thats what he's being at the moment.

"Duo what was all that about?" he asked.

"Your guess is just as good as mine." I said. "I got pissed and hit Wufei and him trying to
keep his ego up hit back."

"Oh....Heero?" he asked.

I sighed. "Yeah...I guess its just getting to me that he doesn't belong to me anymore."

Just then a knock was heard. Quatre went to get it....I was so not ready for what happened
next. One second I'm just thinking the next I'm on the floor holding my cheek that got
slapped. I looked up to see a very angry Heero. I knew he wanted to do more but Quatre
begged him to stop.

"What the hell where you thinking?" he asked.

"I...." I couldn't help but let my tears that were forming to fall.

"Not only did you jeapordize the mission but also have Wufei a couple of bruises and
embarrassed him!" he yelled.

All I could do was get up and lock myself in the bathroom. Doesn't he know that hes
hurting me by saying all that stuff.

"Where are you going...I'm not done with you yet." he grabbed me before I could lock
the door. "Wufei told me that he saved you from Ameko who was holding a gun at you.
Why was he?" his voice got colder by the moment.

"He knows that you aren't really Odin but Heero." I said. "I was going to come and tell
you be he held a gun up while I was running back to the classroom. I guess I couldn't
defend myself and Wufei came to my rescue."

"DAMN! And thats how you repay him for saving you?" he asked.

"Gomen.....I didn't mean to; I just couldn't hold my anger any more." I said.

"The anger that you had toward me went to him?" he asked.

I looked up. "No, the anger I had toward him....I'm not angry with you..." I said.

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"WHY! What have I done to him that caused him to dishonor me like that in front of
everyone." Wufei yelled.

"If you knew half the pain hes going through you wouldn't be asking that question,
now would you?" answered Trowa.

"What is he going through that we all are not?" he asked.

"Heero...Isn't it obvious? He's hurt that Heero left him for you. You weren't here
the first few days we were here and have no idea how coldly Heero left Duo..." explained

"Wait...." Wufei stopped Trowa. "It was Duo that left Heero, wasn't it?"

"Hell no....Heero made a big fit over how Duo was so careless and how he loved you and
not him and just left Duo." explained Trowa.

Wufei seemed to be very confused at the moment.

"But Heero said that Duo left him. But the story your telling me is the complete opposite.
Why?" asked Wufei.

"I have no idea were Heero would get that idea from." Trowa thought for a moment.
"Is it possible for an ally to turn against a team during battle?"

Wufei's head shot up. It was but the question was has Heero betrayed them in some sort of

"Heero would never do that would he?" asked Wufei.

Just then they heard a gun go off......

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HEHEHEHEHE........Cliffhanger......< br>
Seiji: You know your evil right?

SanosukeLover: Of course.....

Duo: Why are you torchering me like this?

Heero: I'm lost.....*reads chapter 6 again....*

SanosukeLover: You'll get it........Just wait for the next chapter.

Nuriko: Whats up, people?

Touma: Hopefully the sky.....*Looks up*

Nuriko: ^^' Okay.......Anyways remember to review people.....

SanosukeLover: Sayoonara.......(for now only)....

Just in case some of you don't know who is who.....Seiji is from Samurai Trooper(also known as
Ronin Warriors), and Nuriko is from Fushigi Yugi(Mysterious Play)....
