Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission From Hell ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
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By: Sanosuke Lover
Disclaimers: I DO NOT OWN THE G-BOYS!!!
Warnings: OOC Heero......and OOC Wufei

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Wufei's head shot up. It was but the question was has Heero betrayed them in some sort of way?

"Heero would never do that would he?" asked Wufei.

Just then they heard a gun go off......

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Trowa's and Wufei's head shot up.

"We better check it out now!" Trowa said as he and Wufei ran to find out what happened. "Where did it come from?"

"If your talking about the gun shot it was in the girls hall." said one of the male students.

Trowa nodded his appreciation. He motioned for Wufei to go ahead of him.

"We better check on Winner and Maxwell first." suggest Wufei.

When they got to the room they saw Duo laying on the floor with blood all over him and Quatre crying and begging Duo to
wake up. Trowa ran to Quatre and asked him what had

"Heero...He just shot Duo for no reason I don't know why though. Why would he do that to Duo. He doesn't deserve any of
this." explained Quatre.

"Nevermind that right now! We gotta get Duo to a hospital now! Hes bleeding very badly." said Wufei.

Trowa ran to the nearest classroom and told them that Hellen had been shot and they need anambulance now. When the
paramedics arrived they took Duo in a stretcher.

"He isn't a girl." said one of the doctors.

"Fuck..." cursed Trowa.

"No...obviously not just save him dammit...!" yelled Wufei. Wufei went up to Wufei and held his hand. I'm sorry Duo..."
tears fell from Wufei's eyes. "You don't deserve anyof this....Damn you Heero."

Quatre was growing weak every moment. All of these emotions are driving him crazy. Heero's anger....Trowa's frustration...
Wufei's saddness....Duo's pain....and his grief...

"Is he going to be alright doctor?" asked Quatre.

"He probably won't wake up for a few days but he should be alright. But I can't promise you anything. He was lucky that
it missed his heart." he answered truthfully.

Trowa thanked the doctor and he left to go check on the gundams while Wufei and Quatre stayed with Duo.

'I still don't get why Heero's acting the way he is. Just a few weeks ago he was happy with Duo but then the 4 days before
the mission his attitude changed a lot. He dumped Duo, been showing to much emotions, going out with Wufei, almost killing Duo.
Something isn't right here. I can feel it. I have to find out what has happened.' Trowa thought for a moment. 'His laptop!' Trowa
went to their dorm they shared and took a look at it. It took him a while until he managed to hack in it. Then something unexpected
happened, a voice from the laptop started talking while some sort of gas came out of it. Trowa slammed
the laptop shut.

'Heero......' Trowa understood what had happened to Heero and went to tell the others.

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Duo woke up a few days later.

"DUO!!!" yelled Quatre. "Your finally awake...Ohh God I was so worried about you!!!"

"Arghh....What happened?" asked Duo.

"Heero shot you....And I think I know why!

"Why....?" asked Wufei.

"The day that Duo got shot I went back to the dorm and looked through his laptop and it seems that Oz has done something
I don't know what. But I think that it might be a system with controls the human mind. I don't think that Heero would ever
endanger a mission and it isn't like him to just betray a comrade like that." said Trowa.

"So what your trying to say is in the last few weeks Heero has not been himself and the break up and all was all Oz's doing.
And he only shot me because....wait a minute there. How would they get to Heero's laptop you know how protective his is of it.
I don't see how they got to him. Unless they found out Heero's email address and sent the program to him and Vola!!! They
have Heero on their side." said Duo.

"So if thats it we have to find a system that will reverse the process and hopefully give Heero back to us in one piece. So where
is Heero?" asked Wufei.

"He just ran out of the room when he shot Duo. I would think that out Gundams would have some kind of clue. Like a transmitter.
So as soon as I'm out off here then the sooner we can search for Heero." said Duo.

"Yes, pretty much. I'll go and tell them that your awake. And find out when we can get you out of here." said Trowa.

"I'll go with you!" said Quatre.

As they left Wufei turned to Duo.

"I'm sorry, Duo! I had no idea that Heero really broke up with you. Even though he was being controled I shouldn't have gotten
together with him. He's your not mine. I hope you can forgive me for hurting you." said Wufei.

"No, Wufei you didn't do anything wrong. I knew Heero wasn't himself. But I feel guilty you love him Wufei. And if he wants
you Wufei then I can't distroy that. He should choose who he want. I will accept any answer. How about you? Fair?" asked Duo.

"Yes, I think thats good. Right, now we need to get Heero back safe and sound." Wufei said.

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"Do you understand 01?" asked a voice.

"Yes, I will distroy the pilots and bring their gundams here," said another voice.

"Excellent, I would expect you to know what to do...." said the voice and foot steps were heard and vanished.

"Prepare yourselfs gundam pilots. The end is near...." The boy snickered.

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HEHEHE.....Thats all for now. I'll get then next chapter out soon.....

I will not take that long I promise I just had to much homework for last few months...and got to add summer too I was in Europe visiting my

Until then.....

Sanosuke Lover