Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 3
We caught up to Relena at the reception desk, but I didn't get a chance to question her. The receptionist was waiting for us so we had to go through the rituals of filling out forms and offering up the credit card. When I inquired about computer ports I was given a sheet of paper with the hotel's charges for the service. Peering over my shoulder, Duo gave a low whistle as he read the charges.
"Looks like you're gonna be using a few of those skills of yours," he said in a quiet voice that only I could hear.
I gave a grunt in reply. Duo was almost as good as me when it came to computers. He could create programs, foul up security systems and plant lethal viruses without a second thought. He wasn't as good on the hacking front though. I knew that between the two of us we would be able to log onto the hotel's service, use it as much as we liked and not pay a cent. Sometimes it's good to be me.
"The bell hop will show you to your rooms," I heard the receptionist say as she handed over the electronic key cards to the rooms. Duo took the two for our room and passed me one, Relena took her own. I took the spare to Relena's room and avoided looking at either Relena or Duo, I already knew what they were probably thinking, but I had no intentions of using the key card to Relena's room unless it was necessary. We followed the bell hop to the elevator and rode it to the fifth floor. Stepping out, we turned to the left and walked along the corridor, stopping outside rooms 563 and 564. A swipe of the electronic card and the door opened to 563, Relena stepped inside.
I left Duo to investigate our room and followed Relena inside to check out her room. It was nice with all the usual features: television, 'phone, queen bed, air conditioning. But there was one important feature missing.
"This room won't do,” I said.
"Pardon?" Relena turned to look at me, along with the bell hop who obviously thought I'd lost part of my mind.
"That room won't do," Duo said as he joined us. Seeing the looks on the bell hop's and Relena's faces he went on the defensive. "What?"
"You sure you two aren't telepathic or psychic?" Relena folded her arms across her chest.
"I've been called psychotic on occasion but never psychic," Duo snickered.
The bell hop leaned against his trolley; he was beginning to enjoy himself. Obviously, he didn't get much in the way of entertainment in his job.
Relena shook her head. "There is nothing wrong with the room."
"Yes, there is." Duo raised an eyebrow and I nodded, letting him know I agreed.
"There is no connecting door," I stated flatly.
The bell hop slipped a piece of chewing gum into his mouth and chewed away. Things were getting interesting for him and he wasn't about to miss any of it.
"No connecting door? I don't need a connecting door, unless you're thinking of sneaking in here during the night for a little on the side, in which case you're going to be sorely disappointed."
"Breathe, Heero, breathe."
Duo's words came through the haze as he thumped me on the back. I sucked in a deep lung full of oxygen, much to my body's relief.
"No!" I managed to get out, although it sounded a little strangled. Fortunately, Duo came to my rescue and explained as I continued to try and stabilize my oxygen levels.
"Connecting doors will ensure we can get to you within seconds should you need us. Without the door, Heero or I will have to go out into the hall then come through the main door and thus waste precious time, time that could mean the difference between success or failure."
I was glad that Duo hadn't gone into too much detail with the bell hop still there. You never knew who was the enemy, although I didn't think the bell hop posed much of a threat. He appeared to be more intent on getting the juicier details, no doubt to share with his mates later. But I'd been trained to observe everything and even I wasn't about to start underestimating anyone or anything.
Relena rolled her eyes. "I don't think for one minute that I am going to be the one in need of any help, but I do see your point. Maybe connecting doors would be an advantage." Relena turned away. "I think you two are the ones that are going to need protection though, not me."
Her last words were so quiet that I barely heard them. Obviously, I wasn't meant to, but I did, and I couldn't help but wonder what the hell she meant with her cryptic clues. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut that everything was tied in together, and once I discovered what a Yaoi con was, all would become clear.
"I'll go back down to reception and get us different rooms okay?" Duo asked. "It would be easier than blasting a hole between these two, not that I'm adverse to a little blowing things up."
I gave him a look, one he ignored, and insisted we all go back down to the reception area.
Once more we were in the elevator, this time riding it up to the second floor. The receptionist had been a little disgruntled at first, calmly explaining that the hotel was fully booked and she couldn't possibly change our rooms for us. I was beginning to get more frustrated, unable to reveal the real reason for wanting connecting doors as it would endanger Relena unnecessarily. I'd just about had enough of the woman's obvious misinterpretation for wanting connecting doors. My trigger finger itched, waiting for her to say one word that would insinuate I planned on sneaking into Relena's room for anything other than to check her safety. Thankfully, Duo once again came to my rescue. He plastered a broad grin to his face and applied the Maxwell charm.
I let him go for it, opting to stand back and watch the woman deteriorate into a simpering pile of hormones under his assault.
Five minutes later, we had new key cards.
"Piece of cake," he stated smugly as he waved the new key cards under my nose.
With a long suffering sigh, I followed behind the bell hop, Relena and Duo to the elevators again.
The second floor was the same layout as the fifth. We exited the elevator and turned left. This time we stopped at rooms 211 and 212. The key cards were taken and swiped, Duo going into our room while I followed Relena into hers. The room was the same as the previous one with the addition of the connecting door.
"Everything okay with this one, sir?"
I turned to the bell hop. "This should be fine." I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow in question as Duo entered.
"These rooms are perfect," Duo said as he grabbed our duffles from the trolley and slipped the bell hop a fiver before disappearing back out the door.
Part of my mind wondered why he'd left so abruptly, but I didn't dwell on it.
The bell hop eyed the two remaining suitcases and with a grunt, bent to lift them off the trolley.
I let him struggle by himself, my dignity was a little bruised at the moment and I wasn't feeling charitable. I did pass him five dollars though, I figured he'd earned the extra tip given the workout the suitcases had given him. Once the bell hop had left, I proceeded to go over the room, sweeping it for bugs of any shape, size, form or description.
"Find anything?" Relena asked as she began to unpack her suitcases.
"All clear," I replied as I pulled my head out from the closet.
"Good. I've unlocked the connecting door on my side. Now, I'd appreciate a little time to myself to unpack." Relena waved a pair of frilly knickers at me. "Unless you want to stay and help?"
"Ah, no. I'll go unpack myself and check out our room. I'll call back for you shortly." I turned and fled.
Entering room 212, I closed the door behind me and froze. My eyes widened as I gazed around. No wonder Duo had swiped the duffles and taken off. Besides the usual furniture - two queen beds, television, chairs and such, there was also a range of exercise equipment. Duo waved to me from the 'walking' machine.
"What the?"
"Don't ask me, Heero. I only asked the receptionist for adjoining rooms with the connecting door. I didn't say anything about a private gym, although you gotta admit, could be fun."
I ran a hand through my hair as I watched my partner on the treadmill and shook my head. I didn't particularly fancy another trip down to reception. "Got weights?"
That was good enough for me. "Fine. We'll keep the room but you sleep in the bed closest to the equipment."
"I don't feel like falling over any of it in the middle of the night."
"Ah." A wicked grin lit up his face. "If I hurt myself would you kiss it better for me?"
I spun around so fast I was surprised I didn't give myself whiplash.
"Just joking."
"I have to unpack and check on Relena. I want some answers." I chose to ignore his antics and opened my duffle, pulling out my clothes and putting them away. A soft grunt from the side a minute later, told me Duo was doing the same. I set my surveillance equipment to one side. I'd set that up in Relena's room shortly.
"I'm done." Duo was lounging on his bed.
"Unlock the connecting door and see if Relena is nearly finished. I think we need to get some answers from her and do a quick recon on the hotel."
"Will do, Cap'n Yuy."
Could this mission get any worse? I asked myself. If only I'd known just how much worse it could get I think I would have jumped on the first shuttle back home and begged Une to send me on a suicide mission. At least I managed to survive those.
"Okay, Relena. Spill." I fixed the woman with a glare. "If Duo and I are to protect you we need to know what we are dealing with, what your plans are and no bullshitting." We had finished our unpacking and now sat in a corner booth of the hotel's coffee shop.
Relena averted her gaze, staring at her latte as she dumped a sachet of sugar in it and watched it sink to the bottom. Duo reached for a sugar sachet and sprinkled the contents over the top of his cappuccino, picking up his teaspoon and proceeding to scoop the foam off the top and eat it.
I took a sip from my double shot espresso and waited. After a couple of minutes, Relena began to speak.
"First of all, I want to get something straight here. I didn't ask for you two to be my security detail. Actually, I didn't want security at all, but the powers that be insisted so you can blame them."
Duo's eyebrow twitched.
"All I wanted was to have a weekend away, by myself, doing something I want to do."
The woman was clearly having problems with explaining herself. Why? I didn't know, but I was determined to find out.
"Surely you would realize that popping off by yourself for a couple of days isn't a smart thing to do, Relena. You're a high profile person, your face is well known all over the Earth and Colonies and believe it or not, there are people out there who would like nothing more than to see you removed." It was cold and cruel to speak like this, but I had to get it into Relena's head. The woman really should know better. "Walking around the city, playing tourist by yourself is simply inviting someone to take a shot at you."
"Who said I was going sightseeing?"
"Isn't that what you're here for?"
Duo scratched the back of his neck before adding his two cents to our conversation. "Let me get this straight. You're taking a couple of days off from your diplomatic duties, you travel to a well known tourist destination, but claim you're not here to go sightseeing; correct?"
Relena nodded.
"Then if you're not planning on seeing the sights, what the hell are you planning on doing? I can't see you sitting in this hotel all weekend!" Duo's look of frustration and confusion matched my own.
"Ah, well..."
"This wouldn't have anything to do with the big sign out front, would it?" I asked. "You know, the one that says Welcome to Yaoi Con AC 200?"
"Relena, what exactly is a Yaoi Con?" I carefully studied Relena's face as she fought with her mind, obviously trying to come up with the words she needed to explain. I had a sudden feeling that I wasn't going to like her explanation very much. A glance at Duo found his face impassive.
Reaching for her spoon, Relena stirred her coffee and kept her eyes averted as she came to a decision and spoke. "Yaoi Con. How best to put this? Oh, stuff it. You two have heard of Anime, right?"
Duo nodded. I had to think for a moment before also nodding in the affirmative.
"This convention is a gathering of Anime fans..."
"Cool," Duo interrupted. "There's a lot of good anime shows out there."
"Mostly female fans..."
"Really?" Duo's face took on a look of enthusiasm.
"To be more specific, female fans that watch, read and write Yaoi Anime. Yaoi means boy - boy relationships."
"Ah, I think I follow," Duo said.
"Well I don't," I stated.
"You've heard of hentai? Well, this is the male equivalent. Put simply, Heero, Yaoi is males loving males, homosexuals, gays, bishounen boinking other bishounen, that's what Yaoi is." Relena's eyes hadn't moved from her coffee during the time she'd been speaking, now though, she raised them just a touch to calculate our reactions.
Duo's enthusiasm had waned a little with Relena's blunt words, but I could clearly see the wheels turning inside his head as he processed the information. I must have had an expression on my own face akin to horror, wide eyed and slack jawed as the full impact of what Relena had just said began to sink in. Not that I was adverse to male relationships, personally I didn't give a damn if a couple were same sex or opposite. I wasn't one to pass judgment, especially considering I really hadn't had much personal experience in the field.
"Now you see why I don't think it will be me that needs protecting and why I didn't want a security detail."
"Shit!" I turned to face Relena. "How long have you been into this sort of thing?" I was finding it hard to put Relena, innocent ambassador for peace, and gay cartoon characters into the same picture.
"Oh, about three years."
"Three years?!" Seemed I didn't know Relena as well as I'd thought I did.
"Give or take a few months."
"Well fuck me," Duo stated.
"No thanks, but I think there's going to be a lot of girls here at the Con that, to put it mildly, will be taking a strong interest in you two."
Now that was something new. I turned my gaze to Duo and found him staring back, wide eyed at me as the implications began to register. "And why exactly would these women want to show an interest in Duo and myself? We are only here to protect you."
"Think about it, Heero," Duo said. "A hotel full of females who enjoy the thought of two male anime characters in a relationship together."
"So?" I couldn't help it if I didn't fully understand. I dealt with facts, needed to have things put into black and white, not all the unerring shades of gray.
"You know what a bishounen is, right?"
"Yes. I have watched some anime, I'm not stupid." If I was totally honest here the only anime I'd really watched was a little on the cable network when suffering from nightmares and not able to return to sleep, but the word bishounen was familiar to me. "Bishounen is the term given to male anime characters that are drawn to appear pretty."
"We still need to work on your personal skills, Heero," Duo muttered. "Okay, you know what a bishounen is, now take it a step further."
"How?" I knew he wasn't trying to confuse me on purpose, but I didn't know the next step in his line of thinking.
"I'll lay it on the line for you, Heero.” Duo said, obviously starting to get a little frustrated with my lack of understanding. “Yaoi, two males together. I wouldn't exactly say we are in the class of these bishounen the women go nuts over, but I wouldn't say we are bad looking either. Actually with your dark hair, blue eyes and smoldering expression I'd say you're exactly what some of these females would classify as a 'pretty boy'. Given that and the fact we are working together then I'd say it's a safe bet that these women are going to be putting two and two together and coming up with us."
"Us?" My brain was still stuck on what Duo had said about my looks. An unfamiliar warmth stole over me. Duo had said I was good looking.
"They are going to think that we are partners in every sense of the word, and I don't mean in the way that we just work together." Duo clarified. "They are going to think we are a couple, boyfriend and boyfriend, lovers, you know the deal? Sharing a bed and bodies, doing the horizontal tango?"
Well, fuck me six ways to Sunday, I thought as my brain finally caught up. "I get it, Duo," I growled. "Please remember there are ladies present and refrain from being so crude."
Relena snorted. "You think I'm going to be embarrassed or upset? Shit, Heero. Get your head out of your ass and take note here. I've been enjoying Yaoi for some time, very explicit Yaoi, too. If you think Duo is being crude then are you in for a shock."
It would appear I needed to do a lot of research on this Yaoi business to completely understand.
"Actually, I think this could be a bit of fun," Duo remarked.
I looked up sharply and noticed the familiar glint in his eyes. It was one I'd come to know over the years that spelled mischief - usually involving me and a lot of red faces.
"Fun?" I questioned. "Duo, need I remind you that we are here on a mission? The mission is to protect Relena and keep her safe."
"Yeah, I know that, Heero. Lighten up a little though."
"Lighten up?! Relena could be in serious danger. Just because there are mostly going to be women here for this convention doesn't mean that one of them isn't a killer, hired to take out Relena." I know I sounded pissy, but I figured I had every right to be.
"Let me make one thing perfectly clear. This is my vacation, I wanted to come to this convention and share in the wonderful world of Yaoi, bishounen and all things gay anime brings. I honestly do not believe for one moment that I am going to be in any danger. I wish I could say the same for you two though."
"I am quite capable of looking after myself," I huffed.
"I know you are, Heero," Relena soothed. "But we're talking about homosexual - loving women here. One look at you two and they are going to mob you, want you to pose in obscene ways and want to know all the intimate details of yours and Duo's sex life."
I felt the spray of coffee hit my chest seconds before the sound of Duo choking caught my ears. "Sex life?" Duo squeaked out. "We don't have a sex life! Well, not together that is."
I quickly got up and thumped him on the back.
"They don't know that and despite any protests you guys put up they won't believe you. If you two are at a Yaoi con then that can only mean you're gay and a couple."
Suddenly, I had a feeling I stood more chance of surviving a full on confrontation with a complete battalion of OZ mobile dolls, Taurus' and Leos, minus my Gundam, than I would of surviving a weekend of rabid, yaoi fan girls. "There seems to be only one solution to this mess," I stated as I sat down again.
"No way!” Relena said. “I know what you're thinking, Heero and I am not going back or anywhere else for that matter. I have been looking forward to this convention for ages. I am not leaving!" Relena stubbornly stuck out her chin and folded her arms across her chest.
"No! Like I said before, I didn't ask for you two to come. Hell, I didn't want anyone, but Une assigned you to protect me and I'm staying, so I suggest you find a way to deal with it, or piss off."
"Relena!" I was shocked to hear such language coming from her mouth. A glance at Duo and it would appear he wasn't shocked.
"No. I am staying. Duo?" Relena turned to my partner and raised an eyebrow.
I could see him weighing up the facts. Then blowing his bangs out of his eyes, he fixed me with a stare and defied me to challenge him. "I'll stay."
"Good,” Relena said. Then she looked to me. “Heero?"
What choice did I have? I couldn't leave Relena here by herself, Une would skin me alive. I couldn't leave Duo here by himself either. Oh, he was more than capable of protecting Relena, but if what Relena said about these crazed women was true, Duo would be eaten alive. I felt a twinge inside me, something completely foreign when I thought about Duo being left to fend for himself amid all those females. "I suppose I'd better stay then." I tried to tell myself I was staying simply to make sure Relena was fine, when I knew I was just as concerned for my partner.
"I'm glad that's settled. I'd like another coffee." Relena leaned back in her chair and motioned for the waitress. She ordered her coffee and excused herself to go the bathroom.
"I think I'm going to go back to our room and do a little more research on this. The more I know the better prepared we will be. You okay to keep an eye on Relena, Duo?"
"Sure. You go see what you can find out and I'll quiz the princess here a little more and then come back up."
"Okay. I'll set up surveillance as well." I stood up to leave, but Duo placed his hand on my arm stopping me. I looked down into his eyes.
"Heero, for what it's worth I'm just as stunned by all this as you are. But I want you to know that it doesn't bother me if they think we are a couple. In fact, it will probably help in protecting Relena if they think we are. Besides, if I have to play the role, I'd rather it be you cast as my partner."
I blinked a couple of times and then nodded. "Thanks, I think." I left to go set up the equipment and scan the Internet for more information on this entire Yaoi business. Deep in the recesses of my mind my brain was processing Duo's words. I wouldn't have wanted any other partner for this either.
~ * ~