Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 4
Returning to the hotel room, I swiped the key card and entered. My surveillance equipment remained on the bed where I'd left it and I quickly picked it up, passing through the connecting door into Relena's room. It would be better if I got this set up now, before Relena returned. It didn't take long to place the equipment in various, strategic places and once it was done I felt a little more comfortable. Now I would be able to monitor Relena's room and be alerted to any threat to her instantly.
Returning to mine and Duo's room, I booted up the laptop and set the surveillance program running. Everything checked out and I smirked, rather pleased with myself. Next I hooked up to the hotel's network and took a look at their system, noting their server name and other relevant details. Within two minutes I had hacked into their database and was logged onto their system. As I brought up my browsing program I began my search to uncover the full meaning behind yaoi.
My eyes went wide as my brain went into overdrive absorbing all that I found. Even knowing what Relena had told me about the meaning of yaoi could not fully prepare me to face it in black and white. With the number of websites out there, obviously it was very popular. I was stunned.
Remembering that Relena had mentioned something about fan fiction, I typed in 'Anime - Yaoi - Fan fiction' and waited while the page loaded up with the search results.
I ran my fingers through my bangs and scanned the first page of results - over six hundred thousand pages remained.
This would take a while.
I wasn't aware of how much time had passed until I heard the beep of my surveillance program alerting me that someone was entering Relena's room. I minimized the window I was currently perusing and checked the surveillance screen. I relaxed when I saw it was just Relena and Duo. Their mouths were moving and it was a little hard to lip read given the size of the screen I was working with so I toggled the volume button and caught the last few words; something about a shower, nap and dinner.
The tiny cameras picked up Duo's movement towards the closed connecting door and I could see that my partner was about to step inside the room.
"Hey, Heero. Having much luck?"
I gave him a look that clearly said 'don't doubt my skills' and returned to my laptop screen. I felt his presence behind me and a moment later was surprised to feel his chin resting on my shoulder. A low hiss caressed my ear.
"I see you've set up the surveillance equipment."
I focused back onto the small window that showed Relena's room. "Of course."
I hit a couple of buttons on the laptop and instantly there were four windows on screen, three showing different takes on the main room and the fourth the bathroom.
Relena showed up from three different angles on the tiny windows, rummaging through her drawers and selecting items of clothing. With the garments decided upon, she went towards the bathroom and deposited her clothing on the vanity. She stepped back out and fetched a small bag, returning and closing the door.
The two of us continued to watch, oblivious to the fact that this was technically an invasion of privacy. Relena rummaged in her bag and fetched out several small jars and bottles, standing them on the vanity top.
"Skin creams," Duo stated.
"Since when are you an expert on what women use?"
Out the corner of my eye I could see Duo begin to turn a healthy shade of red. I sensed an opportunity to get in a little teasing. "Duo? How come you know they are women's skin creams?"
"Ummm. Well... I use them, okay? It's no big deal."
I raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
With defeat in his eyes, Duo turned slightly to face me. "You know what it's like living on the colonies, the climate is completely controlled. When I came dirt side my skin began to dry out and I was getting these rashes. I wasn't sure what to do about it and then when I was assigned to play bodyguard to a visiting colony representative, she noticed and recommended I try a cleanser and moisturizer. I did and my skin cleared up. Now I use them regularly." He shrugged his shoulders, his body language daring me to make something of it.
I decided to let it go, but stole a glance at Duo's cheek which wasn't all that far from my own and had to admit his skin did look soft and clear with a healthy glow. I wondered idly if it would feel as soft to the touch as it looked. I stiffened slightly, wondering where the hell that thought had come from and promptly changed my line of thinking back to Relena and the laptop screen.
Relena was brushing her teeth, rinsing and spitting out the toothpaste. She began to pin up her hair and then removed her watch and necklace.
"Errr... Heero?"
"Don't you think we should turn this off now?"
"If we are to protect Relena then surveillance is necessary."
"I don't think she's going to come to much harm in the bathroom taking a shower, unless the hair dryer is hot wired to jump into the stall with her or the towels develop a penchant for strangling or smothering."
"It's for safety."
"You might want to watch her highness strip down to nothing and shower, but personally I can do without that image, thank you very much."
Duo shuddered and moved away from me and I felt the slight coldness as his body heat left. My eyes returned to the screen where Relena was still pinning up her hair and then proceeding to remove her clothes. Oh shit. Maybe Duo did have a point, setting up a camera in Relena's bathroom may not have been a good idea after all. I was about to minimize the bathroom screen when I heard an almighty shriek and the screen showing the bathroom went blank.
"Uh oh," remarked Duo and dived for his bed.
I swallowed. I knew that tone. It wasn't the 'Heero... come and kill me' tone, nor was it the 'Heero... save me' tone. It was the 'Heero... I'm going to rip you apart' tone. Somehow I didn't think her highness appreciated the lengths I'd gone to in order to protect her. Barely a millisecond later, Relena burst through the connecting door, her face red with anger, eyes flashing and something clutched tightly in her hand.
"What the hell is the meaning of this?" she demanded, thrusting the tiny camera in my face.
I looked from the camera to Relena and back to the camera again. I could see Duo out the corner of my eye wearing a look that said something along the lines of 'Let's see you get out of this one, buddy'.
"It's a camera, part of my surveillance equipment. I set it up to be able to protect you."
"I know what it is, I want to know what the hell it's doing in my bathroom!"
"Surveillance," I repeated.
"There is no need to have a camera in my bathroom. If I didn't know you any better I'd say you just wanted to ogle me."
"Oh?" Relena cocked her head to the side, a sly smile appearing. "Not into the female form?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" I growled.
"Here, take your camera and set it up in your own bathroom."
"Why would I want to do that? You're the one that needs to be kept safe."
"Figure it out yourself. But I'm telling you now, Heero, that camera stays out of my bathroom. I refuse to have you spying on me when I'm showering or attending to business." Relena dropped the camera in my lap and left.
I picked up the camera and studied it for a moment before turning to Duo. "Why would she suggest I set it up in our bathroom?"
"Ah, umm... "
Now that was strange. I didn't usually see Duo lost for words. Then it began to dawn on me exactly what Relena had just said and I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. "Forget it," I mumbled and dropped the camera to the desk top before resuming my perusal of the Internet. I could see Duo's reflection in the lap top screen and I couldn't help but notice his eyes sweep over me with a touch of something I didn't fully understand. I gave it no further thought and clicked on another link.
The next five minutes were spent in silence before Duo's curiosity got the better of him and he pulled over a chair to sit next to me. "Find out much?"
"Quite a bit. Did you talk with Relena?"
"Yeah." He scratched the back of his neck before continuing. "It seems this whole Yaoi thing is a lot bigger than I'd thought. I'd heard of it, but never investigated it much. To be honest when I first came across it I thought it was just a few women out there who had nothing better to do with their time than to imagine gay relationships between anime characters when there weren't any. From what Relena has told me it's quite a big thing."
"I've come to the same conclusion," I muttered and indicated the screen.
"Well fuck me," Duo hissed as he saw the number of results for my search.
"Relena mentioned something about fan fiction. Did she say anything more about that?"
"Yeah, she did. She's right into a couple of animes and apparently she also writes about this stuff."
"Didn't happen to say what animes, did she?"
"Actually, yes."
"Full Metal Alchemist and Yami no Matsuei."
"I don't suppose you managed to find out what name she uses when she writes this stuff? Obviously she's not going to use her own name."
Duo fidgeted for a second. "Flutterby."
"Flutterby. That's her pen name. You're not going to...?"
I smirked. "Yes." I typed in a new search.
"Relena's gonna kill you."
"That would make a change," I retorted.
"But isn't that invasion of privacy or something?"
"Not if she has them posted to a web site. Anyone can take a look." I scrolled down the results page and selected a likely site. A couple of clicks later and I found what I wanted.
"Okay!" Duo moved a little closer.
It would appear my partner's enthusiasm had returned. I glanced down the author page. "Shit, just how many fics has she written?"
"She told me she writes to alleviate the stress; looks like she has a lot of stress."
I had to agree.
"Click on that one, Heero." Duo's finger pointed to the screen.
I duly clicked and the page transferred, the fic displaying on the screen.
Cracking his knuckles, Duo scooted closer. "Right. Let's see just what our princess gets up to in her spare time."
"Duo, I don't think..."
"Backing out on me now, buddy? Heero, you're the one that said we needed to find out as much as we can about this whole Yaoi con thing and if what Relena has said so far is any indication, I think it's a pretty safe bet that most of these rabid fan girls either read or write the stuff. To me this is the perfect place to start for recon."
It would be hypocritical of me to disagree.
"Fine." I gave in and began to read. Beside me, Duo rested his chin in his hand and also began to read.
* * *
// Muraki withdrew causing a soft moan to fall from Tsuzuki's lips. Immediately Tsuzuki rolled over and snuggled deep into his lover's arms. They lay together in the afterglow, simply enjoying the moment of closeness that having great sex could bring. Eventually, Muraki began to pull away, the dried flakes of semen itching at his skin.
"I think we need a shower."
"Together?" Tsuzuki asked, hope in his voice. Although his ass burned from their rough coupling, he was eager for more.
"Of course." Muraki felt his desire for the other man beginning to stir again.
"Good." Tsuzuki scrambled from the bed and made a beeline for the shower. He paused in the doorway and fondled his half hard cock, turning to give his lover a coy look. "You coming?"
"I soon will be."
Tsuzuki gave a deep laugh which became a scream of pleasure as his lover pounced. //
"Well, that was..." Duo's face held a slight flush as he spoke.
"I agree."
"Not the sort of thing I'd expect from her highness."
"She seemed to be pretty accurate with her descriptions." Duo mused.
"How would you know, Duo?" I turned to face him and caught the frightened look in his eyes. Interesting.
"Before I answer that, let me ask you a question, Heero." He licked his lips nervously. "Are you opposed to same sex relationships?"
I chewed over that for a moment before replying. "No. I don't think so."
"You don't think so? What sort of an answer is that?"
"I don't really know. Look," I thought it would be best if I just came out and admitted my ignorance completely. "I can't really comment. I haven't had much experience in the world of relationships."
"That doesn't surprise me."
"Thanks a lot."
Duo sighed. "I didn't mean it that way."
I decided to cut him a little slack. "I know. I haven't really given a lot of thought to relationships in general. Given the type of job we do it doesn't seem fair to become involved with someone when you can't promise them you will be there tomorrow. That's why I've never really dated, besides, most of my time is taken up with work, missions and paperwork."
"Amen to that."
"You haven't answered my question yet," I prompted.
"I guess I should come clean." Duo chewed on his bottom lip for a moment, obviously struggling with himself internally. Finally he spoke. "Heero, I'm bisexual."
"You do know what that means, don't you? It means I like both..."
"I know what it means, Duo," I growled.
He cringed, raising his hands in defense. "I'm sorry if my sexuality offends you, but I am what I am."
Did it offend me? No. Shock me? Yes. And suddenly, I realized how my reaction must have come across. Shit, I could be so damn insensitive at times! The poor guy had just confessed something extremely personal and I'd given him the impression I was totally repulsed.
This was something I needed time to digest, analyze and come to terms with.
"Earth to Heero. You still with me here, Heero? Or do I need to find another room to stay in?"
I turned to look at my partner; no, Duo was more than that. He was my friend. So what if he liked men, it didn't change his personality, never affected his functioning as an agent. Why should his confession make any difference to our friendship? He was still the same person I'd come to rely upon, share a beer with. What he got up to in his own time was his business.
"Duo, it's okay. It doesn't bother me in the slightest and no, you're not staying in another room. You're staying right here with me. We're still partners, and I hope, friends."
Duo visibly relaxed and let go a deep breath he'd obviously been holding. "Thanks, Heero. That means a lot to me."
I smiled, a rare thing indeed, or so I'd been told.
"Um, Heero?"
"Would you mind keeping this to yourself? I don't exactly go around advertising the fact."
I could see just how worried he was, his eyes gave him away. Feeling a sudden sense of protectiveness steal over me, I raised my hand and cupped his cheek. "I promise never to breathe a word about it."
"Thanks," he said softly and leaned into my touch for a moment before pulling away. "I'm going to take a shower. Relena wants to go for dinner around six and it's five now."
I watched him grab some clean clothes and disappear into the bathroom before turning back to the lap top once more. I stared at my hand, realizing that it tingled from the brief touch. And yes, his skin was as soft as it looked.
We met up with Relena and headed for the hotel's restaurant for dinner. None of us felt like leaving the hotel to find somewhere cheaper to eat and I figured that under the circumstances, Preventers could pay the bill.
During the course of the meal the three of us discussed the up coming convention a little more. Actually it was more along the lines of Duo and myself asking questions while Relena did her best to answer them. My questions were pretty straight forward.
"What sort of things can we expect to find going on at this convention?"
"There will be many things, Heero. I'm not exactly sure of the timetable, we won't find that out until tomorrow at registration."
"How many people are coming?"
"I really don't know, but it is popular so I think it would be a safe bet to guess there will be about five hundred all up."
I choked on a piece of fish I was trying to swallow. Duo thumped me on the back. "Thanks."
"Five hundred, hey? That's a lot of fan girls," Duo mused as he returned to eating his filet mignon.
"They won't all be fan girls, Duo. There are quite a few males who attend these conventions as well. Some of them are - well let's say very nice."
"Really?" Duo asked.
I was so glad I didn't have another piece of food in my mouth at that point, I had the distinct feeling that Duo would have worn it. The interest Duo had shown in Relena's last statement told me he was certainly feeling a lot more comfortable all of a sudden.
"Don't forget the mission objective, Duo," I managed to hiss out as I kicked him under the table. While I knew Duo was an excellent agent I didn't like the idea that he might be checking out the males in attendance and possibly losing focus of protecting Relena.
Duo gave me a pained look and reached under the table to rub his shin. "Don't worry about me, Heero. I'll behave and keep focused on the mission."
"If you two are so intent on keeping me safe, I still think the best way to go about it and not attract undue attention to yourselves would be for you to act as if you're a couple," Relena said as she finished off the last of her chicken.
"I agree with Relena,” Duo said. ”We will be able to move around freely and yet stay close enough to protect should we need to." Then Duo turned to me. "What do you think, Heero? You okay with that or do you have a better idea?"
I had given it some thought since they had mentioned it earlier over coffee and it did seem to be the best approach. As the pair said, we wouldn't attract attention that way, well, not the sort of attention we wished to avoid. "I agree."
Relena smiled. "Good. Now, can we order dessert?"
* * *
Returning to our rooms after dinner we decided to call it a night and go to bed early. Relena wished us a good night and waited until I'd done a thorough sweep of her room before stepping inside and locking the door. Duo had gone ahead to our room. Once done with my sweep I followed in his footsteps, entering our room and locking the door behind me. I turned around, intending to give one last check of the surveillance equipment before retiring when Duo brought me up short. He was on the treadmill again, walking at a brisk pace. He'd removed his shirt and a light sheen of sweat was beginning to form.
"Are you really sure about this 'pretending to be boyfriends' bit, Heero? I'll understand completely if you want to change your mind."
"Why would I want to change my mind?"
He licked his lips, a habit I'd noticed he did whenever he was nervous.
"I just thought, given that you now know my deep, dark secret you might feel uncomfortable around me, especially in this sort of role."
I snorted. "Duo, I don't give a damn about your sexuality, that's your business. I know you will conduct yourself in a professional manner befitting a Preventers agent. Besides, I said it before and I'll say it again, there's no one else I would trust to watch my back and if I have to do this then you're the person I would have chosen to do this with me."
"Thanks, man."
I sat down at the desk, bringing up my browser window and resumed my investigations on Yaoi. I could see Duo's reflection in the screen and soon found myself watching him as he worked out on the treadmill. He was compact, lithe and wiry. He held a hidden strength inside that body, a strength many wouldn't have guessed at. His muscles rippled under the creamy skin and I found myself fascinated watching the sweat bead and then run over his chest.
What would his skin taste like?
Fuck! Where the hell did that thought come from?
Shocked at my mind's wandering, especially the direction it had wandered into, I abruptly drew my training around me and refocused on the laptop. I was straight, as straight as an arrow, wasn't I? I didn't know that even arrows could bend.
~ * ~