Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Chapter 5
The next morning we ventured down to the restaurant for breakfast. It was pretty full and my eyes swept over the assorted crowd within. None appeared to be a threat but I didn't relax my guard. Beside me I could feel Duo just as tense, but Relena seemed to be right at home. We were shown to a table and given menus. The harassed looking waitress appeared and took our order; Duo decided on the smoked salmon and bagel breakfast while Relena opted for toast. I decided to try the oatmeal.
I continued to sweep the room with my eyes, looking for potential assassins. I noticed Duo also kept his eyes in motion, only he seemed to be taking in the many varied people in the room in a slightly different manner. I wasn't sure if he was looking for the same thing I was.
Breakfast arrived and we ate in relative silence, each lost in our own thoughts. I broke the silence when we reached the coffee stage. "What do you have planned for today, Relena?"
She placed her coffee cup back on the table before replying. "I thought we could take a ride into town and pick up some groceries or something along the snack line."
"What time does this con thing start?" Duo asked as he poured himself another cup and added a liberal amount of cream to it.
"Registration begins this afternoon between three and nine. I'd suggest we get in fairly early otherwise we won't be able to attend the opening ceremony. I've pre registered, but you two will need to fill out the forms and register. I hope you have ID with you."
I gave a snort. "Of course we do."
"Good, because you will need to show it."
"How come? I mean, it's obvious we are registering because we intend to attend the convention." Duo stirred a spoonful of sugar into his coffee.
"Given the nature of the convention and the rules of the State, you must be over eighteen to attend, therefore everyone has to provide proof of age."
I had to admit if nothing else the people who organized this convention were certainly on the ball as far as the legalities went.
"Good to see the organizers are conscientious then," Duo muttered.
"Oh yes. They have to be, Duo. Once you have registered you will be given a name tag and a wrist band. You must keep your wrist band on at all times during the convention. That way the organizers will permit you to enter the different events being held. No band, no entry."
"Makes sense." I drained my cup and sat back. "Why the snacks and grocery shopping?"
"You know how it is, you get peckish and the restaurant is closed or they don't do snacks and the room service menu is way overpriced."
"Amen to that," Duo snickered beside me.
"Fine. Grocery shopping and a look around the town it is. We need to prepare though. I suggest we go back to our rooms and meet in ten minutes in your room, Relena." I gave her a look that clearly said we would accompany her and do what she wanted as long as she cooperated with our mission and didn't endanger herself.
Giving a resigned sigh, Relena agreed and we left the restaurant. I paid for the meal on the Preventers credit card I'd been given to use on missions and didn't let myself dwell on what Une's reaction would be to the exorbitant charges. Considering the circumstances I felt it was justified.
Outside the hotel I called for a cab, much to Relena's dismay. She'd been hoping to take the shuttle bus to the shuttle port and catch the subway into the city. I soon put paid to those plans, insisting we take a taxi as it would be much safer. Duo had suggested we take the car, but after his driving efforts the previous day I wasn't up to playing side kick for Evil Knievel. Duo might have a death wish but I didn't; I'd gotten over that a long time ago. Dying hurt, I had first hand experience at it and really didn't relish a second try. After knowing the alternative to the cab, Relena agreed with me and we soon bundled into the back seat of a taxi.
The drive into town passed quickly and the cab dropped us off in a side street just by Japan Town. Feeling the comforting press of my gun against my side where it sat in its shoulder holster, I followed Relena and Duo into one of the many malls.
Two hours later, I was beginning to regret my decision to let Relena go shopping. My feet ached and my eyes hurt. My brain wasn't doing much better either. Now I knew why men rarely accompanied their wives when they went shopping. Relena had been in no less than five supermarkets and we still didn't have much to show for it. I was, by now, much more conversant in comparing prices and ingredients of various food items. Top brand names versus lesser known alternatives, weight compared with price charged, sugar and fat content - all became painfully aware to me as Relena studied the various packaging of the items she wanted.
What ever happened to just going in and getting what you wanted off the shelf, then paying for it?
When we exited the sixth supermarket I made my discomfort known. Relena agreed we needed a break so we found a Japanese restaurant and sat down to enjoy lunch. Once lunch was finished, Relena assured me that this next supermarket would be the last. It would need to be if we were to get back to the hotel in time for registration. I couldn't help but notice that Duo seemed to enjoy the shopping trip and had added a couple of bags of his own to the assorted items Relena had purchased. I didn't question him, I knew I would get to see what he'd bought later, and sample it if I was lucky. I hadn't purchased anything myself, I'd been too busy scanning for threats.
Back at the hotel, we piled out of the cab and grabbed the bags from the trunk. Duo paid the driver and then picked up the bags, carrying them inside the hotel foyer. I followed behind Relena and did a double take as I entered. The foyer was swarming with people. Looked like the rest of the convention attendees had arrived.
Duo gave a low whistle. "Well, shit!"
I echoed his sentiments. Looking at the milling crowd I began to have my doubts that this was a good idea. How the fuck were we supposed to keep Relena safe with this throng around? Not only were there a lot of people, but the majority of them were dressed weird as well. So many costumes, and most of them capable of concealing weapons of some sort.
As my eyes roved the foyer, the back of my neck began to prickle. There were so many unknowns here, including the young man in a samurai costume who was fast approaching. I reached for my gun, placing my hand on the cold metal, ready to withdraw it from its holster, but then Duo stepped to my side. He placed a hand on my forearm, pressing my arm down.
"Easy, cowboy."
I blinked, but eased my hand from the gun, the scowl on my face saying what I felt. "What the fuck?"
The warrior before me gave a smile and sheathed his 'sword'. A bow was granted, one I didn't return.
Duo's body pressed closer to mine, whether to shield me or the warrior I wasn't sure. His arm suddenly draped across my shoulder and he gave a grin. "Sorry, Kenshin. He's taken."
The warrior bowed a second time. "Some guys have all the luck," he muttered and then disappeared into the crowd.
"Kenshin?" I asked as I turned to face Duo.
"Yeah. From the anime Rurouni Kenshin."
"Ah." It appeared that I wasn't as familiar with all the anime out there as I'd thought.
"I hate to interrupt, but could we go back to our rooms now and get this stuff stashed? Registration started fifteen minutes ago and I'd like to get my tags and goodie bag."
Relena gazed at us with an amused smile on her face. My cheeks began to flush as I realized that Duo still had his arm around my shoulders. "Ah, I think we should," I mumbled and began to shift my body.
Duo turned with me, his arm still across my shoulders as we walked towards the elevators. I could feel my cheeks getting pink as the people around us gave knowing smiles, grins and even the odd whistle or cat call. Funny thing, Duo's arm felt reassuring - nice even.
"My feet are killing me," Duo muttered as he shifted his weight for the umpteenth time.
Mine weren't much better. We seemed to have been standing in this line for hours. My watch told me it was only an hour and a half.
"My back aches. I think I'm getting corns on my toes and my arches are dropping." Duo's voice took on a slightly whining tone.
"It's not much further now," I replied by way of comfort. "See?" I nodded in the direction of the doorway we were waiting to pass through to register. I counted heads. "Ten people and then it's us."
"I'll be a cripple before I get there."
"I'll massage your feet later," I growled. "Shut up with the whining, anyone would think you were a girl."
"I do not whine."
"Could have fooled me. What would you call it?"
"Making observational statements."
I grunted and shook my head.
"Would you really do that?"
"Massage my feet."
"If it will shut you up."
He gave me a smile and promptly ceased his whining. Just what the hell was I getting myself into here? I didn't have too much time to ponder the thought of Duo and his feet, the line began to move and the three of us were now at the door and my attention was taken up once again by scanning the room for potential threats.
Ten minutes more and we were standing before a desk. Behind the desk sat several people in assorted costumes. Most of the anime they represented I didn't recognize and after perusing them, I felt I really didn't want to know either. A friendly looking woman dressed in a black T-shirt, skirt, cowboy boots and cowboy hat approached us.
"Pre-registered?" she asked as she stopped in front of us.
"I am, but these two hunks aren't," Relena said before either Duo or I could open our mouths.
Her eyes gave us the once over and she licked her lips. A shiver of apprehension went down my spine as I watched her gaze linger appreciatively on Duo. Without even thinking, my hand snaked out and snatched Duo's possessively.
With a knowing smile, she averted her eyes and turned back to Relena to converse with her for a moment. I felt a squeeze to my hand and looked up into Duo's twinkling violet eyes.
"Thanks, buddy. I thought she was gonna eat me with her eyes." Duo shuddered.
I smiled. "All part of the service." I was about to say more when Relena interrupted and dragged us along the line.
Within five minutes, ID had been produced, cash handed over, I was wearing a bright orange wrist band, had a name tag pinned to my shirt and was clutching a bag of 'goodies'.
The speed at which we had been processed stunned even me and I was now back outside the registration room wondering what the hell had just happened.
"Relena?" Duo spoke.
"Yes?" Relena replied a little absently, she was busy going through her goodie bag.
"How come we only paid half price to register?"
I spun around, Duo's words jolted my memory and I recalled the woman behind the desk had only accepted half payment each for Duo and myself. Come to think of it, she also had a very funny look on her face.
"Ah." Relena seemed at a loss for words.
Immediately I was on alert. Relena's evasiveness stirred something inside me and I knew it wasn't going to be good. I didn't have a chance to say anything as Duo continued with his questioning.
"Relena, the woman behind the desk said something about being part of a Bishounen auction? Would that have anything to do with the reduced payment?"
"Umm. Actually, yes."
"Relena," I growled. "I think you need to do some explaining."
She leaned against the wall and looked from Duo to me before finding the carpet rather fascinating. "The organizers said they would only charge you half price if you would enter the Bishounen auction. I told them you would."
Okay. "Auction; A public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidder," I reeled off from memory. "I can handle bidding." I looked at Duo who had turned an interesting shade of pink. "What?"
"Heero, this is a Bishounen auction," Duo stated.
Yes, I heard.”
"You remember what a Bishounen is?"
I snorted. "Of course I do!"
"Heero. Put that exceptional mind of yours to work and think about it."
"It means they are going to be auctioning off Bishounen and the attendees, are to bid for them. You know, live pretty boys," Duo said, cocking his head.
Duo's words sank in slowly. "You mean we are going to be bidding for living men?"
We won't be bidding. Relena entered you and me in the auction. We are the merchandise.”
More like, what the fuck!”
I spun around to find Relena who was slinking off down the hall. As soon as she saw my face she took off at a run. "Relena! You have some explaining to do!" Without waiting to see if Duo was following I took off after the woman.
* * *
Sitting in the hotel foyer twenty minutes later, I was still scowling. Relena looked a little upset and Duo couldn't keep the amused look off his face. I had collared Relena and demanded a full explanation, reluctantly, she'd given one. I was still seething over that and it would take a long time before I could forgive her. The thought of being up there on a stage with drooling fan girls all around bidding to have me for themselves for the night didn't sit well. Relena had promised me she wouldn't let me go cheap. That wasn't what concerned me though. I was here to protect her and I couldn't do that if I was auctioned off to some other female.
I'd argued that point and she'd eventually agreed I was right, but, there was one problem. I couldn't withdraw from the auction. I made Relena swear she would bid successfully on me. The alternative was to leave this hotel now and head back home.
Relena didn't want to leave and miss out on all her fun so she accepted my terms. I told her I would give her the Preventers credit card to use as well should she need the funds. She'd looked at me rather funny and asked just how much did I think I would go for and not to flatter myself.
Duo had howled with laughter. I didn't find it the least bit amusing.
"Lighten up a little, Heero,” Duo said. “Relax a bit. You never know, you might start to enjoy yourself."
I turned my scowl to Duo. "Fuck off," I snapped. "It isn't you who's going up for auction."
"Errr. Correction, Heero. Relena put us both in, remember?"
The thought of Duo up there on stage with a bunch of women all lusting after him made my blood run cold. But, why should I care? I didn't have an answer to that one and filed it away for later analysis. I didn't get a chance to reply to him though as Relena sat forwards and taking a highlighter pen from her bag, spread out a sheet of paper on the small table.
"Here you go, guys. This is the event schedule for the weekend."
Both of us leaned forward and took in the information before us. There were several columns on the page listing session names, room numbers and times. Relena began to highlight several.
I fished in my own bag and drew out the same piece of paper. Duo got up from his chair and perched himself on the arm of my chair. He leaned in close, resting his side against my own to peer down at the paper.
"Looks like they have a lot planned," he said as he read down the chart.
I had to agree.
"Relena, what are you highlighting?" Duo asked.
"All the events I want to attend," she replied absently.
I scanned the page in front of me. 'Yaoi in Cannon and Fannon.' 'Alternate Pairings.' 'History of Slash in the West.' 'Bishounen Bingo.' 'Fan Market.' These were just some of the words that glared back at me from the page. Beside me, Duo gave a low whistle.
"They sure have a lot of diverse things planned," Duo muttered.
I didn't bother to reply, I was too busy trying to wrap my mind around half the things on the page. I would either be questioning Relena into the wee hours or spending some more research time on the laptop.
"What have you planned, princess?"
I raised my eyes from my own schedule to see Relena passing over hers to Duo for him to read. He took the page and held it so we could both see. My eyes scanned over and I felt the frown increase. Relena had highlighted quite a few items.
Opening ceremony, Fan market, dealer's room, cosplay, bishounen auction, girls want to know, writing smut, use of foods in yaoi, bondage and submission, kink and fetish, closing ceremony. All of these were highlighted and stared back at me. I swallowed, feeling a trickle of sweat run down my back.
"You're planning on attending all of these?" I managed to ask.
"Yes." Relena gave me a look that clearly said she wasn't missing any of them so I'd better get used to it.
I gave a sigh of resignation. "Fine." At least I would have Duo with me so I wouldn't be suffering alone. I turned to gaze at my partner and saw his eyes still skimming over the page. His skin held a pink tinge to it and he shifted slightly.
"These panels are going to be interesting," he said softly.
"Hn." I didn't think they would be all that hard to sit through.
"Bondage and submission, hmmm. Kink and fetish. Writing smut." Duo shifted on the arm of the chair.
I was still watching him as he read over the list, when Duo moved a little his hips came into closer range and automatically my eyes lowered. I felt my heart almost stop and my eyes widened. There was a distinct bulge appearing in the front of Duo's pants. Not the normal, 'free hanging' bulge either. This was more of the 'I'm getting a bit excited' bulge. Either that or Duo was hiding something really impressive in those jeans.
I managed to tear my eyes away, feeling warmth spread in my own loins. Was Duo getting turned on by reading about this stuff? Exactly what did happen at these panels? I didn't know whether to be scared shitless or curious.
No doubt I would find out soon enough.
~ * ~