Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Impossible ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the G boys, I just borrow them from time to time and return them a whole lot happier, ne? Written for pleasure not profit.
Warnings: Yaoi, sap, angst, fluff, perverseness, humor attempts, Lemon, Heero POV.
Pairing: eventual 2x1
Rating: NC 17
Summary: Heero and Duo have worked as partners for Preventer for several years, completing many successful missions. What happens on this latest mission though will change them both forever.
Notes: Written for Sharon's Moment's of Rapture 2005/2006 fic comp.
Many thanks to Artemis & Yami_tai for the beta!
"Mission Impossible"
Dec 2005 ShenLong
Almost five months have passed since Duo and I attended the Yaoi convention as Relena's security. Duo and I are still together, still sharing our lives with each other and if you're expecting me to say it's been all roses and cotton candy, you're wrong.
Our relationship has grown, blossomed even, and I care more deeply for my long haired boyfriend now than I ever thought I could care for anyone. He's sweet, charming, protective, thoughtful and giving. He's also a chatterbox, leaves the cap off the toothpaste, sheds hair everywhere and feeds the cat from the table.
Despite those flaws, I love him deeply.
Yes, love.
I didn't think I would ever experience the emotion of love. Hell, I didn't think I could feel anything after all of J's training. Somehow though, Duo's quiet persistence, constant influence and sheer determination wormed under my skin and into my system. From there it gradually broke through the many layers of my psyche, chipping away at the barriers that had been erected without my knowledge or consent.
These past months have been both a trial and jubilation for us both. Relationships are not as easy as one would think.
It started on the shuttle flight home
We had boarded the flight and settled into our allotted seats. Once the shuttle was in flight, Relena dropped off to sleep, something I wouldn't have minded doing myself. But that was out of the question. Relena was still under our protection and I needed to be aware of anything and everything going on around me in case there was another attempt on her life. Until she was safely back with her own security detail I couldn't afford to relax.
Duo gave me a soft nudge and smiled as he took my hand in his and squeezed. We were sitting in a block of three seats, Relena by the window, myself in the middle and Duo by the aisle.
"You okay, Heero?"
"I'm fine, Duo. Just thinking."
"Care to share?"
I thought for a moment and then spoke with a little hesitancy. "What do we do now?"
"What do you mean?" Duo gave me a puzzled look.
"About us. I've never had a relationship before, Duo, so I'm not sure what to do." I paused for a moment scrambling my thoughts and trying to put them into some sort of order that would make sense. "I'm not familiar with how a relationship works, what's expected of me."
Duo gave a soft laugh. "Heero, there's no set rules to a relationship. It takes work and commitment from both sides if it is to be successful. It also takes honesty and communication."
I frowned. Communication had never been a strong point of mine. "Well, what sort of things can I expect?"
Duo shook his head slightly. "A relationship usually means spending time together, sharing things we both like to do, going out on dates, learning about each other emotionally and physically."
"What about work?"
"I know Preventers has rules and policies in place regarding involved couples working together on assignments and other things. Is our dating going to affect that? I don't want another partner, Duo. I can't work with anyone else but you, I don't trust anyone to cover my back. If Preventers won't allow couples to partner on assignments then what are we going to do?"
"Good point," muttered Duo. "That's something we're gonna have to discuss a little more, I'd suggest we look into the Preventers policies a little deeper, maybe we can find a solution."
If there was a solution, I knew between the two of us we'd find it.
Duo changed the topic. "Got plans for this Friday night?"
"I'd like to take you out to the movies and dinner, if you'd like to go?"
I smiled at the eager look on his face. Raising our entwined hands, I kissed the back of his. "I'd love to."
"Great! It's a date then."
"Yeah," I replied softly. "Our first proper date."
When we returned from our trip and back to work, we discovered a whole new set of problems. With all that had happened there was no possibility of slipping back into the usual routine. Things had changed, Duo and I had changed. And like I said, that brought with it a new set of problems.
On the shuttle flight back we had discussed a little of what we should do, who we felt needed to know about our new relationship and who didn't. We decided the best course was to be up front with Une about our new relationship and our hopes of continuing to work together.
* * * *
"Congratulations, gentlemen on another successful assignment," Une said. "The case will go to a preliminary hearing next week and then a date will be set for the trial."
"Good," I replied and then fell silent. I nudged Duo with my foot under the desk. He scowled at me, I ignored the scowl and gave him a meaningful look. Being that Duo was generally considered to have the best communication skills, Quatre aside, we had decided that he should be the one to inform Une of our fledgling relationship.
Seeing the unspoken words pass between us, Une raised an eyebrow. "Is there something else?"
Duo rubbed his nose. "Ah, yes."
"Well? What is it? I do have a lot of work to get through here."
"I'm not too sure how to put this, Commander."
"Try just telling me." Une's tone was sarcastic.
"Okay. Commander, while we were on assignment, Agent Yuy and myself, we, well, how can I put this?"
Seeing Une's patience beginning to wear thin by the way her eyebrow was starting to twitch, Duo finally got the words out.
"Agent Yuy and I, we discovered something about ourselves. We like each other - a lot."
"That's nothing new, Agent Maxwell, I already know you're best friends."
"No. I mean, yes. Look, we are best friends, but now we're something more..."
"We're a couple," I stated in an effort to help my partner out.
I'll give the Commander her due, she didn't faint when we told her, nor did she turn psychopathic. She went quiet, something that I found even more unnerving. Duo fidgeted in his seat. When she finally came to terms with her shock, she smiled warmly at us both.
Now that scared the pants off me.
"Congratulations to you both," she said, shaking our hands. "Although it does pose a bit of a problem regarding your status as partners here in Preventers."
We both appreciated the reasons for the Preventers policies on relationships at work. But when it came down to the wire there was no one I trusted more than Duo to be my partner.
We were professionals, knew the risks involved and were prepared to take those risks. Neither one of us wanted to take a desk job, we enjoyed the field work, although a slight change in the level of danger in our assignments would be appreciated.
"We would like to continue to work together in the field,” I said. “However, given Preventers policy we have agreed that while remaining active field agents, we would prefer to be assigned to cases that are not so dangerous. For the more involved cases, we would be happy to take on the role of consultants and coordinate the assignment. I have looked into the policies regarding agents and their partners and there is nothing to say we cannot work together in this capacity, only on the really tough and dangerous assignments."
Une pondered that for a moment and then nodded. "I don't want to lose two of my best agents and under the regulations I cannot allow you to partner on dangerous cases as you are already aware. It would appear you have found a solution to the problem that means I retain your skills, obey the regulations and not endanger either of you unnecessarily."
"Then it's agreed?" I asked.
"Agreed," replied Une.
Duo gave a big grin and went to hug Une. Seeing the look on her face he abruptly changed his course and hugged me instead.
"Thank you."
* * *
We returned to our duties, and Relena went back to her never ending meetings, conferences and talks with the various dignitaries and political groups.
Duo suggested we take our relationship slowly and I agreed. There were so many questions, feelings and emotions to explore and I wanted to be able to fully understand them. I was quite comfortable with Duo, knowing he would explain anything I cared to ask with his infinite patience.
We began to date. The previous times we had spent together catching a movie, dinner or shooting pool took on a whole new meaning for me. Sure we still did them, but now there was more to it. Now when we went out for dinner we went to slightly more romantic places, not the local cafe, pizza parlor or burger joint, but not the sappy, sickening sweet music type places either. No, we frequented restaurants that had a peaceful air about them, decent food and some measure of privacy.
There was one restaurant that fast became our favorite and I clearly remember the first time we went there...
It was Friday night and Duo was picking me up for dinner in ten minutes. I rifled through my meager wardrobe again, searching for something to wear. We were trying a new restaurant that Duo had found called 'The Manse' that required smart, but casual wear. Finally, I decided on a pale blue, button down shirt and navy blue slacks.
We were met by a smiling Maitre d' who took us to our table. The restaurant was comfortable with an old, historic feeling to it, tables suitably spaced far enough apart to give the patrons a sense of privacy, something I appreciated. There were candles on the tables and soft music playing in the background.
We perused our menus and once I'd decided on what I was going to eat I took a look at the front of the menu where it explained a little of the history of the restaurant. It had once been the residence of the Father of the local church. The church had long ago been knocked down, but the manse remained. It was turned into a restaurant twenty years ago and the building itself protected under the historical preservation laws. Given Duo's background and life at the Maxwell Church on L2, it seemed fitting that this would appeal to him.
We placed our order with the waitress and sat back to enjoy each other's company. I smiled at a story Duo was telling me when a sudden desire to hold Duo's hand came over me. I reached across the table and placed my hand over his. He looked at me, curious for a moment and then gave me a huge grin. It wasn't often I showed much in the way of affection in public, fear of ridicule and snide comments being the main reason for my hesitancy.
"You okay with this?" I asked.
"Perfectly," came his reply.
The waitress returned with our entrees and I reluctantly released Duo's hand, knowing the waitress had no doubt seen us and waiting for the usual snipe. It didn't come. She placed our entrees in front of us and gave us a genuine smile.
That relaxed me even further and warmed me to the restaurant and staff.
Having eaten our main meal and ordered desserts and coffee, Duo entwined our fingers and gazed into my eyes. The desserts arrived and we began to eat. I'd just started on my chocolate mousse when I caught Duo gazing at me. "What?"
"You have cream on the side of your mouth."
"Oh." I went to wipe it off with my napkin.
"Let me." Duo's voice was husky as he leaned across the small table towards me.
I felt myself gravitating towards him and then we were almost touching. His tongue came out and licked along the side of my mouth, then flicked across my bottom lip. I moaned, my eyes asking for something more. Darting a quick glance from my eyes to my mouth and back again, Duo closed the gap between us and kissed me.
I melted into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips against mine. A discreet cough broke the kiss and I felt myself redden as I looked at the waitress standing there with cups of coffee in her hands.
"Sorry to interrupt, but here are your coffees," she said with a smile and then placed the coffees on the table.
"Ah, thanks," muttered Duo. He was also red faced, embarrassed at being caught and waiting for the usual look of disdain. The waitress surprised us though.
Bending a little so only Duo and myself would hear, she spoke quietly. "If you two wish to come to the Manse again and would like a little more privacy, request a table in our Burgundy room. It's smaller and more intimate."
"Uh, okay, thanks," Duo replied.
"You're welcome. Oh, you missed the bit of cream on his cheek," she said before giving us a wink and leaving us alone.
"I think I'd like to come here again," snickered Duo.
I shook my head and smiled. The Manse was certainly going to be on the top of the restaurant list.
* * *
Movies also became more frequent. There I discovered the joys of sharing popcorn and snogging in the back row. A little friendly groping was welcome too until we nearly got caught in a rather heated make out session. We toned it down after that.
Then there were the soft touches, the holding of hands or having my arm around Duo's waist and his about my shoulders. I'd never been one to show much in the way of physical affection, not because I didn't want to, but because I'd never had anyone to show affection for.
But it wasn't all sugary sweet. We've had our arguments and will continue to have them. Two people cannot get along if they completely give in to the other all the time. I discovered rapidly that to make a relationship work there has to be give and take on both sides. But more importantly, there has to be communication.
I've never been one to speak much. I don't think it's necessary to say anything if I don't have anything important to say. Duo is slowly training me out of that though. He's pointed out that we need to let each other know what we want, how we are feeling, if the other does something we don't like. It's hard, when all I want to do is make him happy. At first I thought that agreeing to do anything he wanted would make him happy, but that was not the case as I found out one day.
I'd been working late trying to get some assignment plans outlined and finished. Duo had already left, inviting me over for dinner when I'd finished.
I was feeling tired, grouchy and my eyes hurt from all the gazing at the computer screen. I had a headache as well which didn't help matters much. Duo had gone to a lot of trouble making sushi for dinner and proudly displayed his efforts on the table five minutes after I arrived. My lack of enthusiasm must have shown.
I wasn't particularly fond of sushi.
I sat down and tiredly began to eat, forcing myself to take bites, chew and swallow. I reminded myself that Duo had gone to a lot of trouble to make dinner for me.
"Don't you like it?"
I looked up. "It's fine."
"Doesn't look like you're enjoying it."
"I said, it's fine."
"Then why have you got a scowl on your face and look like you're eating poison?"
"Maybe because I don't like sushi," I snapped, my voice raising a little.
"You don't?"
"I thought every Japanese person liked sushi. You're Japanese, so you should like sushi."
"Yes, I'm part Japanese, but you thought wrong about the sushi."
"How the hell am I supposed to know you don't like sushi?"
"Has it ever occurred to you to just ask?!"
He stared at me and I could see the flare of anger in his violet eyes. It sparked my own. I was tired, fed up and hungry - and I didn't want to eat sushi.
"I think we both need some time to cool off."
I watched as he grabbed his jacket and keys, then slipped out of the apartment. Sitting in the silence broken only by the ticking of the clock I cradled my head in my hands. The anger had bled out of me and I realized just how petty the argument had been. That's when I began to understand the need for communication and not doing things just because I felt I had to. I got up and cleared the dishes, putting the remaining sushi in Duo's 'fridge.
That's when I began to laugh.
The irony caught up with me. We'd had an argument and Duo had walked out to give us some space, it should have been me that left. This was Duo's apartment.
He returned an hour later and I immediately wrapped my arms around him, apologizing for my heated words. He apologized too and we sat down on the couch to talk things over. The talking led to kissing and pretty soon hands began to wander. It didn't take long for clothing to become history and words changed to moans as he entered me.
He was hard and fast, just how I wanted it, needed it to be. He didn't hurt me, Duo was still gentle in his lovemaking, but it cemented our faith in each other.
Now I understand better and don't always give in just to please him. We do make a point of never separating on a bad note. On the odd occasion when we have gotten to the shouting stage one of us will turn and walk away, putting distance between us and giving the pair of us much needed time to cool off. Then we regroup and talk about the problem.
The make up sex is always great!
* * *
I still live in my apartment and Duo has his. We decided to wait a while before making the decision to share accommodations. He stays over some weekends and I stay over his place on others. We enjoy being together, sharing the domestic tasks, but it's nice to have that retreat should we need it.
Will we stay together? Take that final step and become permanent partners? I honestly don't have an answer for that. I have no idea where the future will take us, I don't know what lies ahead, but as long as I have Duo beside me I'm willing to find out.
Time is ticking, I'd better shift my ass. Duo will be here to pick me up in a few minutes and I haven't finished packing yet. There's an Anime Convention this weekend - one that has a section devoted completely to Yaoi. Relena is coming with us. She hasn't had the chance to get away much since the con back in San Francisco and she's a lot of fun to be with at these things. I muse over that while I finish my packing. I've learnt a lot from Relena, she's quite talkative and a willing source of information, if you care to ask.
When I happened to spot this convention advertised, I informed Duo and asked what he thought about inviting Relena along. He immediately agreed. I think he just likes teasing the woman and dropping juicy hints about our love life.
She falls for it every time.
I pick up the last item to be packed and a smile tugs at my mouth. I fold it carefully before putting it with the rest of my clothes and then zip up the bag.
I hope he's remembered to pack his outfit for the cosplay.
I can't wait to see Relena's face when she sees us in our costumes.
It was Duo's idea. I guess he wants to thank Relena. After all, if it hadn't been for her, Duo and I would never have gotten together. I think dressing up as Roy and Edward from Full Metal Alchemist is a small price to pay for all she's done for us.
~ Owari ~