Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission Jusenkyo ❯ Warm Water Blues ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: We do not own Gundam Wing or Ranma , if we did, we could
afford roasted duck. After you read this story, this disclaimer will
sound really sick

Author Notes: Heero showing his appreciation for seven letter words.
Very sick Duo. Authors have problems.

Zel: Yaten don't type that

Yaten: Eep, don't hurt me

Hee-chan: Actually readers, Yaten is the only one here with problems

Yaten: Shut-up

Aisha: Problems and a sick mind to boot

Yaten: I'm warning you

Zel: Not to mention she likes Duo, I mean he's not that bad but he's
not that good either

Yaten: You say things like that and I'll haunt you forever (bursts out
into tears)

Zel: (sweatdrop) Umm, I was just kidding about the Duo remark

Yaten: *sniff* *sniff* Now on to the story, Omae O Koruso Zel!!!

Chapter 2: Warm Water Blues

A Gundam Wing and Ranma crossover

By: Yaten, Aisha, Zel, and Hee-chan

"DIE MAXWELL!!!!!!!!"

"Whoa Wu-man calm down!"

The Jusenkyo guide watched, as a black-haired girl chased the long
haired chestnut haired girl around. Finally, the black-haired one
caught up with the chestnut one.


"*choke* Damn, this wasn't how I imagined my last *choke* moments.
*choke* This is *choke* injustice."

"Injustice is me being a weak onna!!!"

At this moment in time, the Jusenkyo guide thought it best to
interrupt, lest the young woman lose her life.

"You come with five people?"

At the sound of very bad English, both Wufei and Duo turned around
(Well Duo tried to turn around but it's kinda hard to do that with
someone's hands around your neck) Surprised, Wufei let go of Duo's
neck. Relieved to be breathing in sweet sweet air, Duo's gasps could
be heard in the elongated silence.

"You come with five people?"

"Yes do you know where they are?"

"You come with me."

As they entered the room the Chinese man had directed them, they were
distracted by the farm animals. There was duck, glaring at everyone.
There was an unconscious black pig. There was a mouse being chased by
a cat. Last but not least, there was a boy crying in the corner. At
the sight of the boy, both Duo and Wufei burst out laughing. The boy
was wearing a medium length pink skirt, and a starched pink blouse.

"That has got *snicker* to be *chuckle* Relena *guffaw*"

"In- *guffaw* justice *chuckle* a boy wearing *snicker* pink"

These words sent the boy into another fit of tears, while Duo and
Wufei laughed harder.


"Quack," The ducks arms were crossed and he was giving the laughing
pair, the Duck Death Glare.

This made Duo and Wufei laugh harder.

"Heero the duck. Kawaii!!!" Duo said making the duck quack

"Injustice, Duck Death Glares"

This only made Duo laugh harder.

"Quack Quack Quack Quack" Translation: Omae O Koruso

"I feel really threatened Mr. Duck. I'm thinking maybe we can have
roasted duck tonight, what'd ya think Mr. Duck?"

"Quack Quack," Translation: You bastard

"Just what I----"

At that moment, the Chinese man entered the room carrying a teapot.

"You fall in Jusenkyo springs, very bad, but not permanent. Hot water
turn you back."

Wufei and Duo looked at each other.

Wufei shrugged, "What've we got to lose, I just want to get rid of
this body."

"Quack Quack," Translation: I agree

"See, even Heero thinks we should try it."

Duo turned and smiled evilly at Heero.

"Sad though, I always wanted a pet duck"

Something not thought possible of Heero Yuy, passed through him at
that instant: Fear

"Quack Quack, Quack Quack" Translation: Wufei keep that sick bastard
away from me.

"Why don't we just try the water on Mr. Duck first."

"Quack?" Translation: Why?

"That way, if things go wrong, I can still have my boiled duck."

"You decide yet?"

"Yeah, the duck get's it first"

With Duo's decision made, a desperate Heero Yuy made a last attempt at
getting away. Unfortunately, as he was taking flight, who would catch
on to his leg (if you call that part of a duck a leg?) but Duo. Heero
was almost ready to start crying.

"Quack Quack Quack, Quack Quack Quack Quack" Translation: When this is
all over, Omae O Koruso

"Promises, Promises" Duo said airily, "Boil the duck already."


Duo broke out into hysterical laughter, the cat and mouse stopped in
their tracks to stare, Wufei mumbled injustice while covering his
eyes, and Relena received a nosebleed.

"Omae O Koruso, Duo"

And that's how it ends. With all this talk of boiled duck, the typist
is starting to get hungry but she will stay to translate a few things
for you:

Onna- a woman

Kawaii- cute

Omea O Koruso- I'll kill you

C&C always appreciated


The authors (I don't feel like typing out all those names again so
deal with it)

Have you ever had questions you wanted to ask your favorite anime
character? Well now, we industrious authors are starting a talk show
in which you ask the questions. Just e-mail your questions to
[1], and we'll get back to you as soon as possible

