Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Spying on Heero ❯ Mission: Spying on Heero ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was a darker night, lit only by the occasional explosions off in the distance. Rebels no doubt. Not like he could talk, he was a rebel too. The braided warrior sat a top of the shoulder of his very large friend, twirling a bitten into apple around his callused fingers. He was silent for once, but his violet eyes seemed to have the world to say, and to blame for his misfortune. He wondered why he had to fight occasionally, but always reminded himself that he was Duo Maxwell, and that was a name that meant death to some and nothing to others. So he may as well fight, because if he died, no one would really care, would they?

He then thought of the other boys in his situation as he bit slowly into his apple. There was Wufei, who was doing this for the honor he always seemed to complain about. Duo didn't know a thing about honor, well not much anyway, but the Chinese fight seemed to hold his very body up with that thought. Wufei was well toned and well disciplined, so maybe there was something to this Honor crap. It was enough to get Wufei in shape.

Trowa was always the mysterious type. He hid his emotions behind that half clown mask. Duo wondered why. Trowa was a handsome guy, tall, built, respectful, god knew he had nice eyes, and although his hair was a bit off, Duo thought he should be more sociable. It might get him a girlfriend...or boyfriend for that matter. And then it struck the young pilot of 02, he didn't know which way Trowa "swung" to speak of. He laughed a bit to himself as he thought of someone else.

If anyone swung the other way, it would probably be Quitter. So polite and raised like the prince he was. Golden tresses, turquoise eyes that shimmered, pale skin like milk, even a pink shirt and violet vest. If the teen hadn't known better, he'd have said Quatre was a princess in pilot's clothing.

He laughed out louder to himself, nearly losing his balance and grasping unto the shoulder of his gundam for support. His apple however, fell to the ground below, and Duo watched as it landed at the feet of the only pilot he had left to consider. The quiet and perfect soldier, Heero Yuy.

Duo quickly scampered back up to the gundam's shoulder as Heero stared up at him with that piercing cobalt gaze. It always seemed to look right through you, but if it did, Heero never said a thing about what Duo was thinking. He merely tossed the apple back up to Duo, and turned, making his way to the base, his body seeming to sink into the darkness like the shadow he always struck Duo as being.

Duo caught his apple, and blinked, taking another bite. Heero always confused Duo. There was just something, though, about the messy coffee haired boy with that cobalt gaze that intrigued him. He never knew what, but he always found himself bothering Heero unintentionally, or was it? He then sat back on his gundam, so that his black jacket cushioned his back nicely against the hard metal. Why did he always bug Heero? Was there some ulterior motive that he was hiding even from himself? It hurt a bit to think like this, but he though back to some things he said, and remembered him saying he wasn't sure which sex Trowa preferred and it hit him like a sack of bricks, he wasn't even sure which sex HE preferred! Did he have a subdued crush on Heero? He didn't like the thought, but it sounded to reasonable in his head to ignore it.

He scoffed at himself. Even if he did, it wasn't like Heero would like him back. He had damn near come to the conclusion where he had found Heero to be asexual. He laughed at the thought, but still couldn't resist going and doing his favorite hobby, Heero spying. He was always curious to find out what was going on through the pilot of Wing Zero's head.

He tossed the apple over his shoulder and began to shimmy down the side of his seated machine. His cap covered mischievous eyes , and his braid swung with each step he took. His nimble hands grasping at the beaks in the metal as he finally made it down to the ground.

He was happy then that his clothes happened to be jet black, it might help in keeping anyone from spotting him as he snuck about the compound. He was careful, once inside the hanger, hoping that Heero wasn't there fixing Wing Zero, like he always seemed to be doing. He poked his head out from behind a corner to take a peek.

All he could see was Trowa's legs sticking out of the cockpit of Heavy Arms as he motioned with a single hand for Quatre to hand him a wrench.

He took a breath of relief and slid past those two easily. He quickly made his way into the Hall way of the compound, looking up and down to make sure no one was coming, especially not Heero, he didn't want to be caught here like this. He heard some footsteps and quickly jumped into the open broom closet, only closing it enough so that he couldn't be seen, but leaving enough space so that he could peer out.

It was only Wufei, looking over a clipboard of information. He scoffed a bit, saying something about this plan looking like a woman wrote it up. Duo huffed, it was his plan! Wufei stopped dead in his tracks and looked about as Duo slapped a hand over his mouth, held very still, and hoped that Wufei didn't find him. He would be called a no-good-childish-pilot if he was caught, and that's the last thing he needed.

Wufei moved on, thinking it was probably the air-conditioning acting up. Duo let out his air as he thought to himself, " Why am I doing this? This is stupid. I mean, nearly getting caught so I could just spy on Heero? Well, I've done it lot's of times before. Maybe I do really have a crush on Heero..." Duo felt his own cheeks grow slightly pink at the thought and shook his head, " Nah, I'm just being my typical assholish self." He tried to reassure himself, but stopped again, thinking of Heero, "ggr! And what if I really do like him? I know! I'll go, and say I like him! If he does like me, well good for me and I'll go from what to do there, and if not I can say it was a big joke and he didn't need to take it so seriously!" He grinned widely at his solution, fixing his cap and jacket, as he checked outside of the closet, and climbed out, looking back only to notice the bad pun in the action he had just made.

He shook his head and marched off to Heero's room, slowly cracking open the door, just slightly open. He didn't see anyone. Maybe he had missed him. He incautiously stepped into the room, taking off his cap and scratching the back of his head with the same hand, his other hand placed stiffly on his hip as he thought of where Heero might have gone.

The door suddenly slammed shut and locked behind him. It was Heero, waiting there for him. Duo was shocked, and jumped back a bit, staring at the silent soldier, not being able to say a word himself.

" Why do you keep following me? Is there something I have that you want? Is there something you need to borrow from me?" his words stung a bit, but it was just like Heero to be like that. Get to the point quickly.

Duo began to mutter a few words, but nothing he said made sense. Telling Heero that he liked him was harder then he might have thought.

Heero listened to Duo mutter nonsense like that and it began to annoy him. It also reminded him of those TV shows where the guy was trying to tell this hopelessly pretty girl how much he loved her. He watched Duo twiddle his thumbs and mutter more nothings as he tried not to look shocked as the thought hit him. Did Duo like him? In that sort of way?

His cobalt gaze studied his fellow pilot. He was playing with the end of his braid, and he was scuffing his foot on the ground as his muttering was too low to fully understand. His hat had fallen to the floor in his surprise, and despite Duo's previous annoying behavior, it had never struck him before that Duo's actions were kind of cute. What was he saying to himself!? He wanted to get this chattering braided and annoying idiot out of his room now, but how could he do it? Well, if he wanted a kiss, that's what Heero would give him. If he didn't want it, he would at least leave Heero alone and leave in a fit of disgust, hopefully not to bother him anymore, and if he did want it, it would at least get Duo to shut up, all this muttering was giving Heero a headache.

His slender strong hand reached out and grabbed Duo's collar. Duo should have known. Heero was going to deck him. He shut his eyes tight, expecting a fist to the jaw, and instead felt Heero wrap his other arm around Duo's back and his lips being pressed a bit roughly against Heero's warm lips. Duo felt himself blushing, but he didn't struggle, merely closed his eyes and wrapped his arms loosely about Heero.

Heero felt Duo's return of affection and softened his kiss so that it was a bit warmer in nature. He was beginning to like this, and almost let himself go in this. He began to pull Duo with him, almost subconsciously towards his bed, turning only so he could break the kiss and push Duo lightly down on it.

Duo took a few deep breaths, his violet gaze searching Heero's cold, cobalt one, which had become warmer as he pinned Duo to the bed, pressing his lips against his once more.

Duo felt Heero's warm tongue intruding into his mouth, caressing his tongue roughly at first, hungrily. All Duo could do was fidget slightly, and enjoy this. He never knew Heero had this in him, and he was too in shock to do much back right now.

Heero was also enjoying this. He liked the way he could dominate this so called god of death, and began to take advantage of it. He first took off the tiny band, holding Duo's braid, loosening it and running a single hand along his cheek and the other through his sweet smelling coffee tresses.

Duo looked up at Heero as he broke the kiss, he stared up silently like this might have been a dream and Heero would fade any second now, but nothing happened, Heero merely kept caressing Duo's cheek with his callused thumb. Duo placed a hand over Heero's with a warm smile, not his usual mischievous grin.

Heero got off of Duo for a second, removing his own green tank top and tossing it aside. Duo found himself blushing at Heero's thin, but imposing build. Each muscle seemed toned to a perfect roundness for someone like Heero.

Heero then began to unbutton Duo's jacket, and Duo caught his own senses, playfully batting Heero's hands away with his own secretive grin as he let his Jacket hang open and loosely. Heero wasn't the one to take no for an answer, he pressed Duo to the bed again with a passionate kiss while he slipped off the rest of Duo's jacket and let it fall off the side of the bed to the floor, leaving Duo in a white tank top. Duo raised his hands to let them slide down the front of Heero's toned chest, his finger tips running like the hairs on a paintbrush and feeling every detail.

Heero finally slipped the tank top off of Duo also, revealing a build that had it's own nicks and scars, but was built from time and experience. He was thin, but stocky in his muscles. Heero almost gazed in half shock. Always having seen Duo in such baggy clothing that covered every bit of him, he had no idea that the braided pilot was so... handsome. The thoughts running through Heero's head caught him in a mild blush.

Duo saw this and took advantage of it, sitting up to kiss the other pilot as he slipped his hands into the back of Heero's infamous black tight spandex shorts, blushing only at what he felt next. Apparently Heero didn't believe in under wear.

Heero had his hands trailing down Duo's back as he turned his head so he could kiss his neck. His fingers met the lining of Duos waist band as he toyed with it before moving to the front and unbuttoning his pants.

Duo blushed a bit, but moved only so it was easier for Heero to do as he planned. Heero unzipped Duo's fly without hesitation, the entire time keeping his gaze on the violet-eyed pilot's face. Only after removing his black pants did his gaze shift, as he tossed them aside, looking down to find Duo's blushing was not without reason, apparently he was just a bit excited about this.

Duo caught sight of Heero's own excitement. It wasn't easy to hide in Spandex shorts, but he knew Heero wouldn't let him relieve it right away, not until he had his way with him first. Duo's breathing quickened as he felt Heero pulling down his boxers, the cold air from Heero's room striking his naked self.

Heero, tossed the boxers to the side, looking up at Duo once, then down at his member. It seemed almost as tense as Duo himself, but Heero didn't waste time in helping that out. His mouth quickly closed over Duo's piece, the warmth of his tongue massaging the side of Duo's erection.

Duo gasped at the sudden move, feeling himself put one hand on the back of Duo's head and run his fingers through Heero's hair. The other hand clenched the bed sheets as he let his eyes slowly close.

Heero was rough with Duo, but in all honesty he was enjoying this thoroughly, and he wanted the full experience, not some half assed excuse. So he would make this rougher on Duo until he got what he wanted, and being the soldier he was, he had no intention of quitting until he did.

Duo gasped again, feeling Heero's tongue seem to pin his member to the roof of his mouth. Duo tried to say something, but the words merely came out as harsh breaths of air.

Heero stopped his assault on Duo's piece, kissing the tip just once more as the cold air rushed over the saliva that Duo had now been covered with. Heero came up to kiss Duo's neck gently as Duo's breathing slowed to normal. Duo hugged him, but didn't plan to leave his favor in vain. He let his hands grasp Heero's waistband and pull it down, showing off Heero's own hungry member. Duo was in no position right now to kiss it like he wanted to, but he could tease Heero, and that's exactly what he did. Letting his fingers trail along the shaft of Heero's member until he felt Heero shudder. He took this opportunity to kiss Heero's strong neck, his hand wrapping about Heero's piece as he rubbed it in a slightly rough manner.

Heero let out an almost in audible groan, but it was enough movement to give Duo the space he wanted. He was able to push Heero back on the bed now, one elbow on Heero's thigh as he looked up to him with that sly grin, his curls falling over his shoulder as one finger seemed to twirl teasingly about Heero's tip. Heero merely looked down at him in a bit of disbelief.

Duo took his sweet time, licking up the side of Heero's shaft, using only the tip of his tounge. He even nipped a bit at his tip, trying to see how far he could push Heero.

Heero wasn't much for these games, he wanted Duo and he wanted him now. He pushed Duo back unto the bed, looking him right in the eyes and catching Duo once more by surprise. He kissed Duo deeply.

Heero couldn't take it anymore, his hands went to Duo's knees, spreading them and letting them run up his thighs to his hips. He let his tip linger only momentarily at Duo's entrance before pushing himself in, causing Duo to muffle a moan and clench once more to the bed sheets. Duo tossed his head back and his hair flew over his shoulders as Heero sunk the rest of the way in.

Heero began to caress his cheek trying to calm Duo, but he still felt the cold sweat dripping from Duo's forehead, just like the one on his own toned body. They both wanted this, and the best he could do was take him and finish the job. His hands lowered to Duo's hips and he began his rhythmic thrusting. He was soft with it at first, but he began to feel that lust once more for this other pilot, this pilot he once deemed annoying and was now pleasuring. Funny how the tides shift.

Duo moaned softly at the thrusting, groaning a bit louder when Heero sped things up, feeling how hungry he was for this. Duo wanted it too, there was no more denying it now. He wanted to feel the warmth of Heero inside him like that, he just liked it too much to even say a word. He let out a loud moan of pleasure as apparently Heero had struck gold and hit his spot.

Heero noticed this too, as he began to groan himself in a ferocious furry of repeatedly thrusting at that spot with more effort then before.

Duo felt himself rising more, his back arching more with each of Heero's thrusts and his hands ripping some of the sheets off of Heero's bed. Some of the sweat dripping down his neck as his moans seemed to be unrestrainable now.

Heero felt himself coming close to his peak, grabbing unto Duo's rear tighter and pulling him further into himself as he kissed Duo's neck.

Duo could feel himself about to climax as well, his eyes shut tight as he lifted a single hand to run his fingers through Heero's hair and trail them down the back of Heero's neck. Again he tried to say something, but all that came out was moaning and harsh breaths.

Heero groaned one last time as he held Duo tightly, releasing the warm build up inside of Duo. Duo felt himself also let go as he felt his own cum sandwiched between the warmth of their bodies.

Neither seemed to care about the sticky white liquid, Heero was too busy kissing Duo's face all over as Duo caught his breath. Heero finally stopped and looked Duo in the eyes, their foreheads pressed together, " Now what did you want to tell me before?"

Duo smiled softly as he kissed Heero's cheek sleepily and whispered in his ear, "Nothing, I believe you took care of it..."