Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission to Russia ❯ Journal of Duo Maxwell ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: “Mission to Russia” by Princess Remu
This story is also posted on, and my personal website. I would like not to see it anywhere else. You can link to me if you give me a heads up, but otherwise, leave it where it is.
Summary: In a slightly AU situation, the gundam pilots now work for the Ancient American Army. The gundams have been reassembled into bi-gundams, and they boys have to investigate a threat in what used to be Russia. The idea for the plot came from the movie Black Hawk Down, but I wrote the fic before I watched the movie the entire way through. It started as BHD, but it got blown up and twisted into a completely new animal. It's completely done, so I'll just upload new chapters once people start reading it.
I LOVE comments! Please leave me some. <3 (They're also how I gauge reader-popularity.)
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Gundam Wing or Black Hawk Down's premise, nor am I making any money off of them.
Mission to Russia
Soldiers Log
Seventeen Hundred Hours
The Seventeenth of May, After Colony 205
Duo Raymond Maxwell
Great…Another mission. Yee-ha. I'm really starting to hate missions. I didn't mind them before last year, but since last May things have been going downhill.
Exactly a year ago today, my best friend in the whole world, Heero Yuy, was sent on a mission to Old Russia to research some reports. Today, our Ancient American Army Post observed a moment of silence for him. We don't know what happened to him. Radio contact ended suddenly, and his fighter jet disappeared off our radar. Our superiors refused to send a rescue party until our army post was well established.
Six weeks ago, our superiors declared our army post finished and unveiled our newest weaponry: bi-gundams. The creators of our army post worked with the doctors to sort of hot-glue and duck-tape our old gundams together to make a more-powerful gundam that would be piloted by two of us. Only two were done at the time: DeathRock and HeavyTaku. Quatre and I are to pilot the DeathRock, and Trowa and Wufei have the HeavyTaku.
However, three weeks ago, Trowa and Wufei were sent in the HeavyTaku to Old Russia to test the new bi-gundam, to research those bad reports, and to try to rescue Heero.
Their last transmission was a mayday that told us that land soldiers had shot down their bi-gundam with anti-aircraft homing missiles. The moment of silence today was also dedicated to them. They're presumed dead, but tomorrow Quatre and I are being sent to rescue them.
God Help Us.
Over and out
Gundam Pilot 02
Duo Maxwell