Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mission: Wings of a Dove ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alright, standard warnings: Don't own G-Wing. Wish I did though…

Beginning poem is a little bloody, if you have a weak stomach, which I'm sure most of you don't, then just walk away. Violence and all the good stuff, haven't decided if I want to make it a lemon or not, but this may very well be a long one. And as always, R&R.

The pool of blood that drowns her in her dreams.

The eyes of a cruel stranger set in her child's face.

The innocence that was lost, and can never be regained.

The bruised spirit of a warrior, fighting to survive.

The mocks of men she can't see hounding her ears.

The feel of dirty men on her skin.

The pain as she bites her lip to stop her wail of utter despair.

~Make it end, just make it all end…~

"You've been plucked, warrior," laughed the stranger.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

Seven years later, A.C. 200….

Darkness penetrated every crevice of the ex-Gundam pilots' current safe house, one of the Winner estates. They were off on another mission, and the mansion was completely vacant, soundless.

The scratching of a lock pick, the turning of a door knob, and a shaft of dim moon light pierced the shadows. A cloaked figure padded silently through the door, plastering himself to the wall of the entryway and gazing carefully about. All was clear, and he motioned through the door. Another smaller figure tip-toed into the building, melding in with the shadows. The taller figure motioned for the other to stay in the dark, and crept off into the depths of the mansion.

The dark figure pulled a pistol out of his back pocket, keeping it at the ready as he swept through every room. The first floor consisted of the kitchen, several different dining rooms, a grand music room, four bathrooms, an indoor pool, and several living rooms. All was secure here, and he made his way up to the second floor. As expected, this floor consisted of the bedrooms, each with its own private bath. The creeper took his time standing in the middle of each room and observing it until he found what he wanted. Most of them were vacant, and he was halfway down the lengthy hallway before he came upon the proverbial pot of gold.

One dark room was disgustingly clean for a lived-in bedroom, with only a laptop on the desk, and a pair of black spandex shorts on the untidy bed. Clearly the room of Heero Yuy, the "perfect soldier".

The next room was just as organized. On the dresser was a very long line of pictures, all girls that looked quite similar to each other. Undoubtedly Quatre Winner's room.

The next room may as well have been declared vacant. There was almost no sign of life, save for one thing. A clown mask rested on the pillow of the well made bed. Trowa Barton's room.

The fourth room was just as clean as the others. Again, there was very little sign of life here, but slightly more than Trowa's quarters. A book on the desk and a pair of reading glasses resting on it. The book was Great Expectations.

"Huh, unusual…" the intruder dared to mutter quietly. His voice was masked and artificial, robotic sounding through the device he wore over his mouth.

A bracelet hung from the doorknob, with a jade bead and a tiny bell hanging from the string; a good luck charm, obviously. A katana sat safely in its sheath in the corner of the room. Chang Wufei.

The fifth and final room at the end of the hallway was a stark contrast to the other rooms. It was a horrible mess in comparison, but not the worst in the world. Clothes were scattered here and there around the room, along with other miscilaneous items. The intruder moved cautiously inside, observing everything in great detail as he had done the other rooms. Upon the unkempt bed, a black priest's outfit was strewn out. Setting his gun on the bed, he carefully picked up the shirt with his leather gloved hands and daintily sniffed at it.

A quiet chuckle left his throat. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, this belonged to Duo Maxwell…

AN: Lemme know what you think. R and R if you please! First fanfic, so go easy. Does this intrigue you? Should I post more of it? Lemme know! Ja ne! ~Roxie~