Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Missions are supposed to be Easy ❯ School ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Heero what are you doing?” A guy with chestnut brown hair in a braid, cobalt blue eyes, and wearing a pair of black chain bondage jeans, a black long sleeve shirt with thumbholes, and a pair of black boots sat on a bench looking where his friend was.
“Nothing Duo.” Heero had messy brown hair that fell into his Prussian blue eyes and wore a pair of blue jeans, a long sleeve white dress shirt, and a pair of brown doc martins. Getting up he started to walk into the school they were currently going to. It was another mission as usual yet this one was taking longer than normal. Every time they got close to reaching their objective something would come up and stop them. So much for hacking, it was time to get into the main computer system. Heero gave everyone he walked past a cold look as he went into his first classroom and took a seat in a secluded corner.
“Do you think she has any friends?” A couple of girls had gathered at the window looking down at someone sitting under an oak tree typing on a laptop.
“I don't know, all she does is type on that laptop of hers. I mean she's not mean or anything…she's just…”
“Weird.” All the girls nodded and went back to their seats as the teacher came in to start class. Heero looked out the window at the girl the others were talking about. Narrowing his eyes slightly he finally got a good look at her. Brown hair went to her shoulders and was in layers and her bright silver-blue eyes were covered with a pair of silver-framed glasses. She wore a pair of dark blue jean pants with some beginning holes in them, a black tank top with arm bands covering her wrist to her elbow, and a pair of black boots. Looking at her laptop she didn't seem to be aware of the guys playing football near her or the girls screaming out cheers as they practiced. All she did was sit, stare, and type.
“Reminds me of someone.” Duo grinned as he sat in front of Heero late as usual, his cheeks were flushed slightly and his lips a bit swollen.
“Hn.” Heero ignored the American pilot and took out a notebook and some paper and started to pretend to take notes. Duo just chuckled to himself and faced the teacher who seemed to be debating on yelling at Duo for disrupting his class or just kicking him out.
“Man…why does she have to ignore me?…” Duo sighed and sat at a table with a bunch of “Punks.” He had his elbow on the table and his hand was holding his chin as he looked across the lunchroom at a table full of girls. The girl his eyes were focused on though had blonde hair in a messy bun, bright blue eyes, and wore a blue jean skirt, white tank top with a light pink short sleeve button up shirt over it, and pink Adidas.
“Maybe because your one of the `gothic' kids. ” A guy at the table shrugged and poked at his pudding, not really finding the goop appealing.
“Your probably right…” Duo glared a little bit and got up to go use the rest room. The girl he'd been looking at watched him go silently before getting up and following him. Getting to the bathroom he went in and up to a urinal starting to go.
“Why do you keep staring at me?” The girl asked as she walked right in the bathroom and looked at him slightly confused. Duo jumped slightly hearing her and quickly pulled his zipper up, before turning to her and looking a bit shocked.
“W-why do you say that?” Duo stuttered slightly as he looked at her nervously.
“You're in most of my classes and I could see your reflection on the window.” The girl said a little bit annoyed.
“Didn't know you noticed, what's your name?” Duo blinked and looked a little bit surprised.
“Well quit it. You're getting on my nerves and it's Kathryn for your information.” Kathryn rolled her eyes and left the bathroom as some other guys came in. Looking at Duo's slightly disheveled appearance they smirked and started to ask him perverted questions. Duo chuckled and shook his head as he left the bathroom and headed to his classroom.
*Don't own the GW characters and yes this will be about Heero and Duo.*