Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Words ❯ Parting Ways ( Chapter 42 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mistaken Words
Pious Knight and morgansgirl, I couldn't do this without either of you! Thank you!
Disclaimer: Oddly enough I still don't own Gundam Wing...
Parting Ways
“Ash…” Heero asked opening his eyes as his friend walked into the room, early in the morning. “Are those pictures procreating?” his eyes moved from Ash's face to the pictures hanging on the wall, during the week Heero had noticed a new picture almost everyday. But they had been appearing in greater numbers these last few days, almost always while he was asleep.
“Good morning to you too,” Ash said with his usual cheeky smiles, before looking at the same wall Heero was still considering. “Amazing isn't it?” he asked stepping towards them leaning close before smoothing his hand over a few.
“Not particularly,” Heero answered dryly lips twitching as he said it.
“Everyone's been more than willing to add to this wonderful collection,” Ash smiled walking over to Heero's bedside, “I plan to get more from Quatre, apparently he has a fair few.”
The former pilot could only imagine, during the time they had been together before all this happened Quatre had held many events, which they either attended as friends or protecting Relena. In either case there had always been a multitude of photographers documenting everything, some for magazines and documentaries, others hired by Quatre himself just so he could remember the moments of relaxation they had been able to share. Heero remembered the events clearly, though he wasn't necessarily sure he had ever seen the pictures.
Ash took a seat on the edge of the bed his expression changing, and Heero knew exactly what was about to come. Suppressing a sigh Heero merely rolled his eyes before closing them, and the words followed with a laugh, “So, how are you feeling?” the question was asked solely to annoy, though Heero didn't doubt Ash still cared for the answer.
“When do you have to leave?” Heero asked blatantly changing the subject, or at least trying to, he didn't expect Ash to let the matter go that easily.
“Changing the subject,” Ash laughed to himself slowly shaking his head, “You should know by now that won't deter me.”
“Most people pick up on pointed hints,” his tone was sarcastic, but he couldn't deny he was still enjoying himself.
Ash laughed stroking his chin in what appeared to be an attempt at professionalism, “To quote you `I'm not most people'”
Shaking his head slowly Heero looked his friend square in the face, “Ask John.”
“Would that I could,” he quipped with a crooked smile, “But he's not here right now, and won't be for many hours.”
Heero unconsciously rubbed at his right eye, the pain behind it having returned, “Then I guess you're out of luck.” There hadn't been that many times where Ash had accepted a non answer, so either someone had somehow answered for him or the subject had been changed with something more important. Heero had used up all the loop holes he had been able to see in Ash's question, but still couldn't bring himself to answer honestly. It was a stupid question, one asked far to often by way too many people, it was no small wonder Heero was sick of hearing it, not enough changed day to day—at least by his thoughts—to warrant asking every time they walked into the room.
Ash sighed while at the same time drawing the table across Heero's bed and setting the chess board up between them. “You know,” he began, his eyes looking at the board as he placed the pieces, “I haven't managed to get a straight answer out of you yet, despite my rules.”
“You think that'd tell you something,” the Japanese man commented pointedly drawing his free hand up again to massage at the skin near his eye. The lights in the room, a mix of natural and artificial were piercing his brain painfully.
“That eye bugging you?” Ash asked looking at him now with a raised eyebrow.
“Just a little dry,” Heero lied smoothly, turning his focus to the prepared game board in front of him.
His friend nodded mutely at that also looking at the chess set, “Dante and I have to leave late tonight,” he answered Heero's earlier question rather suddenly. “With the conference over it's time to go back home,” he moved an arbitrary pawn forward.
“Will that be hard for you?” Heero asked selecting a knight before looking up at his friend.
“Will what?” Ash appeared confused.
“Keeping up appearances,” the former pilot clarified, for the first time feeling a spark of nerves at the thought. This was why he had fooled them all because no one was so perfect an actor that they could maintain a cover for years. He hoped it would take nearly half that long to bring the Inner Circle down, but how were any of them to know for sure? And Ash was going back to the front lines.
Ash nodded his head in understanding, his eyes appearing to try and reassure, “Those close enough to me to know what I've been doing these last few months knew I was going with Dante to find closure.” A sheepish smile touched his features then, “Thankfully none of them were in the room when John tried to give me that closure. It shouldn't be too hard to keep people from asking questions.”
Heero smirked a little at that, as he placed Ash's pawn aside, he had heard some of what had been said and done in that room. “Will you hand me that cup of water?” he asked, looking at the cup that had been in front of him before Ash had moved the table.
“Sure,” Ash placed it before him making sure the straw was close to Heero's mouth, “So how are you going to hold up?”
The former pilot considered his friend silently for a moment before making another move on the chess board, “Same as I always do.”
Ash winced at that before smiling again, “Sorry if I don't find that all that reassuring.” He drew one knee up onto the bed resting his elbow on it before dropping his head onto his palm. Ash looked utterly relaxed as his hazel eyes flickered from the game to Heero and back again, “Dante's been wanting to come and see you before we leave. He would have been here sooner if not for the conference, and any spare time he's had this week has been spent with Une.”
“Une and Dante?” that raised an eyebrow as Heero's hand halted over the piece he had chosen to move.
“No one's told you yet?” Ash laughed a little reaching for a pitcher of water and pouring some into Heero's cup. “They've been seeing each other for a while now, though I don't think they intend to make it public any time soon.”
“Hn…” Heero thought about it for a moment, he didn't much care for the relations of others, he had a hard enough time just figuring out Relena. Tactically speaking however he could see the advantages to Une and Dante being on more personal terms. He could also see how it would have been difficult for Une to lie to Dante, had they been seeing each other before the truth had come out. “So he knows about the Inner Circle,” he mused to himself.
“Yes, he and Une apparently agreed not to make a move just yet,” Ash took hold of one of Heero's pieces, “If possible they want you to be a part of that mission.”
Heero's eyes fell closed at that, he wanted, more than anything to see the end of this mission. For him it hadn't ended there wasn't another to begin until he had taken down the Inner Circle. But looking at himself know feeling the pain, knowing the distance he still had to go just to get back on his feet, it all seemed impossibly far away. Heero was too strong to let it all overwhelm him, in fact the knowledge that they wanted him to be a part of the attack merely strengthened Heero's resolve to get back on his feet as fast as he could.
“You tired?” Ash's voice broke through his thoughts then with a note of concern.
“No,” Heero assured quickly opening his eyes once more and focusing on the game board it was his move again.
“You know, I don't know if you've realised, as I have, just what it means to have Dante and Une seeing each other,” Ash continued a sly smile playing on his features. The former pilot considered his friend for a moment, but Ash didn't bother giving him a chance to respond. “It means more trips to earth, more chanced for me to harass you,” Ash's smile only grew.
“Joy,” he responded dryly earning a laugh from Ash.
“C'mon, you'll miss me when I'm gone,” he continued to smile brightly as he selected yet another piece at random.
“If it makes you happy to think that,” he said with a shake of his head.
Ash beamed at him, “Believe me, it does.”
Breathing was a difficult thing for Heero. There were times when he had to take full breaths despite the pain, or risk future problems of loosing lung capacity or letting fluid settle in his lungs. He had dealt with broken ribs before so none of this was new, what he hadn't dealt with was so many on top of so many other things. There were times when Heero just didn't want to breathe at all, times when no matter how he tried each breath felt like knives stabbed him from all directions. This had turned out to be one of those days. Heero drew a slow shallow breath. He had felt alright when Ash had come to see him, but it had faded fast. Now the pain of his ribs combined with that of his head was growing into something he wasn't able to ignore.
He hadn't said anything to Ash, and he doubted his friend had even noticed. Ash was observant, more so that the vast majority of people. But Heero really didn't want to deal with people fussing over him today, he knew John would notice the minute he walked into the room, the old doctor seemed to have a sixth sense for that. So Heero made a mental note to get some sort of painkiller into him before John arrived. As it was Heero didn't want anything in his system, this being Ash's last day here Heero really didn't want to be drugged up. Ash had left the room to seek out some lunch upon receiving a phone call from Dante to let Heero know he was on his way.
Heero's eyes flickered to the door as he tried very slowly to shift on the bed, there wasn't really anywhere he could shift to that would be more comfortable than he already was, but he found he had to at least try. It was in that moment that he heard a knock on his door and he settled himself, trying to draw a full breath. The last thing he needed was to sound winded when Dante came in. The door opened only a moment later and the leader of the Free Born slowly walked in, he wore a suit as usual and his eyes looked directly to Heero the minute he walked through the door. That was as far as Dante got, the door closed swiftly behind him but he didn't come any closer. Heero could tell he was uncomfortable being there, but too his credit his gaze never wavered his bluish green eyes remaining intently locked with Heero's own cobalt.
Not really being in the mood to converse Heero was content to a point to let the silence remain. As much as he didn't want to start the conversation he didn't want to just stare at Dante for an interminable amount of time. Thankfully he wasn't forced to, on the other hand he had to deal with something just as annoying to him. Dante drew a breath preparing himself as though for a prepared speech he was about to give, “Heero, I just wanted to say--”
“Don't,” Heero cut in with a shake of his head, “Don't apologise.”
Dante looked at him with an odd light in his eyes, “Why not? I'm as much to blame as anyone,” again Heero shook his head working hard at surprising a sigh, despite his ribs it wanted to come out. Dante's brow drew together in a confused frown, “I all but hand delivered you to the Inner Circle, how can you shake your head?”
“I don't want anymore apologies,” Heero told him, “I'm tired of them,” perhaps that was selfish, they all needed to clear their consciousness whether an apology could do it or not didn't matter it was merely the first step as John had often said. That didn't change the fact that Heero was receiving all of them, and feeling tired of having to say the same things to convince each and every one of them that things would be alright, he forgave them. “You apologised at the hospital,” Heero added finally watching Dante's eyes flicker away thoughtfully as he thought back to the time mentioned.
“That hardly counts,” Dante was fast to retort, “As I recall you almost predicted exactly what would happen, because of my actions.”
“All of which is in the past, nothing can change it.”
“I don't expect an apology to change anything,” Dante moved deeper into the room finally taking a seat next to Heero's bed as though this potentially uncomfortable conversation had allowed him to forget his unease about being in the room. “Nothing can change what happened, but an apology is expected whether the recipient wants it or not.
Heero could stop himself from rolling his eyes, “You try dealing with one every time that door opens,” a small exaggeration, but that's what it felt like to Heero, if he could he'd hunt each of them down and knock some sense into them. He only hoped for their sake they got over their guilt before he was back on his feet.
Dante's serious expression cracked a tiny smile at that, at the same time he looked surprised, “You're a very different man around them,” he observed serious once more.
“Not really,” the former pilot countered with a shake of his head, “Not a different man now, a different man then.” In three years of deep cover, granted there wasn't much of a difference, someone who didn't know him at all wouldn't have been able to say one way or the other. Heero knew for himself the only real difference was he didn't have to outwardly hate the people he internally missed.
“You're more relaxed than I ever remember you,” he said softly in a tone that sounded a little awkward, his eyes shifting away from Heero then to land on the chess board still set up from Ash and Heero's last game. “He really missed you,” Dante comment looking back to Heero, “He refused to accept that you had died, caused me a lot of headaches” he smiled now, but Heero knew those times would have been stressful for him. Ash and Dante were friends as close as he and the pilots were, Heero had often wondered how and when they first met, but had never been really inclined to ask, if it didn't pertain to the mission it was irrelevant.
Heero reached out to finger one of the castles on the board, “He's determined to a fault.”
“Reminds me of someone else I know,” Dante commented shifting to the edge of his seat and positioned the board a little closer to the two of them.
He had not been hinting at a game, but certainly it would be nice to have something to distract him from an awkward conversation. Dante seemed just as willing reaching automatically for the side closest to him, white. Ash had managed to win the last game they had played. They started with silence merely watching the board playing each move quickly both hardly even seemed to need to thing about it.
“Une would have liked to be here as well,” Dante said after several pieces had been won on both sides, Heero had quickly decided he liked the way Dante played, not so random as Ash but not predictable either. “But she received an important call last minute,” Heero simply nodded his head to that not even looking up from the game. Une would come when time permitted she was not as bound as the others, and Heero actually expected a few choice words from her when she did arrive after all she was the commanding officer, even if she did have trouble controlling them at times.
A knock on the door caused only a seconds pause in the game, Heero chose to watch from the corner of one eye, if it was someone coming with a meal for him he'd rather ignore them anyway. Ash strode through the door carrying in a bag in one hand with an easy smile on his face much like always. “I'm going to have to start buying those in bulk,” Ash laughed, “There's no way that boards going to last with all the use it's getting.”
“Did you enjoy your lunch?” Dante asked casually while placing aside one of Heero's pawns.
Ash sighed somewhat dramatically, “It's really not the same when I don't have Heero to harass to eat.”
“You survived five months,” Heero told him dryly.
“That may be,” Ash said pointing a figure at Heero, “But I brought you something just so I'd feel more at home.” He smiled brightly swinging the package out before Heero's face, “And before you tell me to screw off just see what it is,” he reached into the bag and pulled out a little container placing it on the table in front of Heero with a plastic spoon beside it.
“Heavenly Hash?” Heero asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Just a new flavour of ice cream I thought you'd like to try,” Ash told him with a smile bouncing forward on his toes as he waited for Heero to open it.
“You're not an ice cream eater Ash,” Dante commented eyes lifting from observing his position on the game board, “What made you pick that one?”
Ash's eyes sparkled, “Had a cool name,” he stated simply
Heero returned his attention to the small container in front of him, he didn't much feel like having ice cream a little to close to food for him right now. But his curiosity about its flavour was a little too much for Heero. John had showed him a few flavours beyond simple vanilla, and they had been all good so very different, such strong flavours that they'd stay with him for a long time after eating. Seeing the game with Dante had paused Heero reached for the container and opened it.
The ice cream within was like nothing Heero had ever seen before, not one simple colour but many varying colours all mixed together with chunks of what looked like nuts mixed in. Taking the first spoonful Heero found himself anticipating the sugary taste and cold feeling that always melted through him. Silence filled the room for several minutes while Heero ate his ice cream and Dante and Ash watched without making it too obvious. Heero's eyes almost closed in pleasure as the cool sensation from the ice cream spread into his chest, smoothing away some of the pain from his ribs. It no longer felt so much like a gnawing ache, he still couldn't draw anywhere close to a full breath but it felt a little easier to breathe. He wished the feeling would last.
His game with Dante continued then, Heero slowly eating his ice cream as he made his moves taking a moment every now and again to look like he was studying the board while he was merely enjoying the feel of the ice cream melting in his mouth. Taking his time it took Heero almost a half hour to finish the small container and by the end the ice cream was very soft. He decided near to the end of it, that he wasn't all that fussy on nuts in his ice cream, it took away from the smooth nature. As Heero finally placed the spoon aside and refocused his attention on the game before him, he felt a strange yet all too familiar feeling wash over his mind.
The pain in his ribs and head ebbed almost immediately, his eyes instantly turned to Ash then, not even taking a moment to enjoy the absence of pain. “What did you put in this?” he asked unable to keep himself from sounding surprised.
Ash's smile was a sly one, and at the same time appearing all knowing, while Dante looked on confused, “You honestly thought I wouldn't notice.” Ash slowly shook his head, “I've spent the last three years of my life trying to figure you out, I've picked up a few things.” He sat himself down on the edge of Heero's bed, “And before you start pointing fingers solely at me, you might want to keep in mind that Wufei was actually the one to provide the drugs.”
“You're the one who went to him,” Heero returned massaging the bridge of his nose willing his mind to clear, he didn't want the pain to return just yet but he didn't want to feel so out of it.
Ash chuckled, “Now might be a good time to point out that Heavenly Hash not only has a cool name, but the nuts in it help conceal any odd texture because of the drugs.”
Dante's eyes switched between the two of them, “Ummm I'm imagining these drugs are pretty powerful…” he began looking closely at Heero's face, “Don't you have to sign out these drugs?”
“Restricted floor. There isn't much worry of junkies breaking in and taking anything,” Heero clarified for Dante. During normal times Sally kept everything under a careful lock and key, she didn't want them to be treating their own injuries without her knowledge. A difficult task considering the men she was trying to keep out could both pick or hack whatever lock she had put in place. There was also the option of intimidating a lesser nurse or intern though that tended get back to Sally all the faster.
“What about overdosing? Shouldn't a doctor be monitoring what you take?” the tone of his voice almost sounded concerned.
Heero just levelled Dante with a flat look, “First is the challenge of getting a pilot to actually take drugs,” Ash explained smiling and looking to the ice cream container now completely empty, “An interesting challenge.” Heero turned his once flat look into a glare and focused on Ash. “Hey be grateful I care so much, at least you're not in pain right now.”
“So how are you feeling Heero?” Ash inquired with a sly expression.
“Drugged up,” was Heero's bitter response, despite everything he was grateful, though he'd never be able to admit that to Ash.
That answer gave Ash a moments pause, “Mark this day down!” he exclaimed turning to Dante, “I think this is closest I've ever come to getting a straight answer out of him.”
“Go to hell,” Heero shut his eyes with an audible sigh, knowing full well that such a reaction would not be enough to deter his friend.
Ash laughed he didn't take Heero's dark tone seriously, a few moments of silence passed “You tired Heero?” Ash was overly concerned.
The former pilot didn't even crack an eye, “Exactly why I didn't want anything,” he knew he was going to have to open his eyes soon if he didn't want to fall asleep here and now, the painkiller just made it too easy.
“We can play another time if you want Heero,” Dante offered.
“No,” Heero opened his eyes then, shifting on the bed glad to able to move easier now, “How have things been on Freedom's Point?” Heero directed his question at Dante pointedly ignoring Ash.
Dante pulled a hand through his hair, glancing sideways at Ash, “Surprisingly quiet for having a criminal syndicate hidden among my people.”
Heero carefully moved a piece of the chess board noting his hands were trembling visibly, no doubt caused by the painkiller. “That's not really all that surprising,” he commented trying to focus his mind a little, “They don't really want to draw attention…”
Ash chuckled leaning closer to Heero so despite the Japanese's man's gaze Ash was in it, “Sarcasm,” he told his friend bluntly. Heero glanced away from the game board looking more fully at his friend with a questioning expression. “I really think you should get some sleep,” he smiled.
Blinking several times Heero tried to clear his vision, “You're fault,” he narrowed his eyes at Ash.
“I know, I know,” Ash smiled raising his hands in defeat, “Honestly though, I'd much rather leave knowing you're not in pain.”
“Mission accomplished,” despite the fact that it had been done against his will Heero appreciated what Ash had done. And although he'd never say it, Heero already knew Ash was more than aware.
“We'll play another game next time I come down,” Dante said as he came to his feet reaching for the coat of his business suit which he had draped over the back of the chair.
Heero nodded his head mutely and turned his attention to Ash, “Look,” Ash's expression became very stern, “Don't keep pushing yourself so hard.” Heero continue with his silence but rolled his eyes, Ash laughed as he stepped away from the bed. “I'll be in touch,” he said his voice sounding reluctant as he and Dante walked over to the door.
“Safe trip…”Heero let his eyes finally fall closed then not giving himself time to really think as he simply relaxed and fell into the sleep his body had been craving.
Heero opened his eyes slowly feeling as though they had been weighed down with lead a common after effect of being drugged the night before. His eyes felt dry and he let them fall closed giving himself a few moments to wake more fully. It was no effort to remember what had happened to leave him feeling this way, and doubted he'd ever trust something offered to him by Ash again. Heero knew that wouldn't stop Ash just like it had never stopped Sally from finding creative ways to drug them. He thought John or Trowa might have come into the room at some point, Heero seemed to remember rousing himself a little, but whatever Ash had given him had still been strong in his system.
Opening his eyes again, Heero attempted to focus his eyes on the clock, it took them several seconds, and when they did he saw it was closing in on eleven o'clock. “What was that stuff…” Heero wondered aloud rubbing lightly at his eyes with his left hand.
A knock on the door alerted Heero, and he shifted on the bed raising his head from the pillow. He was grateful to the fact that the pain still hadn't returned in full force at least his head felt free of pain even if his ribs didn't. The curtains in his room were partially drawn allowing the late morning light to spill into the room without making it too bright. Returning his gaze to the door Heero watched as Quatre walked into the room, looking very relaxed in a light t-shirt and kaki pants, a stark contrast to the usual business suit even for Heero.
“Good morning,” he greeted with that same gentle smile he had always warn when speaking with anyone, “Did you sleep well?”
Heero shifted again trying to find a little comfort, “More than I wanted…”
That drew a chuckle from Quatre, “I heard what Ash did yesterday.”
“He's as bad as Sally,” Heero said reached for his glass of water, feeling his mouth was really dry right now. It was an effort to get the straw to lips, but Heero was glad Quatre didn't try to help. He wanted his independence. Quatre did, however take hold of a pitcher of water and refill his nearly empty cup. After putting the pitcher aside, Quatre walked around the bed and took a seat in the plush chair, Heero turned his head away from the cup and looked more closely at Quatre his cobalt eyes also noting the date calendar, it read June 18. “I thought you were leaving when Ash and Dante did…”
“That was the original plan,” Quatre nodded resting his head on his palm, “But I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye first.”
“You came in last night?” he asked taking hold of the light blankets covering him he wanted to push them back as far as he could. For some reason he had begun to feel to warm under them.
“I did,” Quatre confirmed, “But I didn't want to wake you then, so I thought I'd wait a day, I didn't want to raise any eyebrows, so I took Relena out to a private dinner.” He grinned then leaning back in his chair, “Of course the press was all over it, and I suppose I should be the one to tell you our engagement has been announced in several papers, and Relena's pregnancy in a few of the less reputable ones…”
Heero's eyebrows raised, “All this while I was sleeping?”
“I'm apparently very talented.”
“I thought you had enough women throwing themselves at you, why'd you have to take mine?” his tone was sardonic.
Quatre laughed outright at that and his mirth was contagious drawing out a fraction of a smile on Heero's face. “Just a little incentive for you to get back on your feet,”
“What's she think of all this?” Heero knew Relena was used to the media and the conclusion they could jump to.
“I believe the first words out of her mouth was `You'll make an excellent trophy husband, but I'd best check with Heero first.' At least she wanted your opinion,” he shook his head slowly still smiling, “That's got to count for something right?”
“I suppose…” Heero returned his focus to the glass of water feeling once more very parched.
“So,” Quatre said sounding more serious now, “How have things been, between you two?”
Despite what they had been talking about Heero felt caught off guard by the question, no one had yet to outright ask him that, not even he and Relena had come so far as to openly discuss where they stood. He wasn't sure it was something he felt comfortable discussing but avoiding it felt as though he'd be admitting some sort of defeat, not something he really wanted to be doing. “Slow,” he responded finally.
“It's been great to see her smiling again and know it's genuine,” Quatre smiled himself as he spoke,
Heero's lips twitched into a ghost of a smile, there were still moments where Heero knew they both felt awkward around each other unsure where to go next, but her cheerful nature almost always lifted his frustration. It stabbed at him even now to know three years of her life had been spent hiding behind a mask. As a politician she had to have a mask, but it wasn't something she needed to wear while around her closest friends. Heero hadn't allowed himself to think of that when he had walked, hadn't even considered it until now. “I wouldn't let myself…” he wasn't sure how to finish.
“You really missed her…” his friend finished.
“I couldn't think about it…” that had been the hardest thing to deal with while he was undercover, it would drive him to drink faster than anything.
Their conversation lapsed into silence then as Heero slowly drank, and Quatre glanced about the room. “I remember when Sally had completed this room,” Quatre said leaning back in his chair, eyes still looking over every inch of it. “I wasn't really around for it, but I seem to recall hearing that she was impatient to be able to try it out.”
Heero grunted as he shifted on the bed, “She takes it as an insult when we do get hurt, but when she's got something new to try out it's almost like she can't wait…” his tone was excessively dry.
The young president laughed, “It's true,” again his eyes flickered over the three walls he could easily see, “Doesn't have much in the way of entertainment.”
“Hn, she'd probably prefer we were resting,” something they all would have fought against. Heero was getting to the point now where he needed something anything to distract himself, he could spend the entire day asleep, not unless they drugged him. And laying there with nothing to do but watch the time slip passed was nearly unbearable. So far it had done nothing but shorten his tempter, having Ash come in and speak with him along with the others helped, so did the chess board.
“I'd imagine you're feeling the boredom,” Quatre said not needing to read Heero's thoughts to know he was right, any of them would have been driven nuts in Heero's position, they were all just used to too much activity.
“Getting there…”
“Is there anything I can do to help? The chess board was a great idea, but it's not exactly something you can do on your own…” Quatre lifted the king from the board turning it over in his hands, as his eyes watched Heero's face.
He hadn't been expecting that question, he didn't know why, he had just assumed he'd have to ask one of them. “A laptop would be nice,” as he was now Heero felt that was something he'd easily be able to work with, it would also allow him to have a fuller understanding of what was going on around him.
“I think that can easily be arranged,” Quatre smiled looking pleased that he could be of help. “Oh, something you might be interested in looking up once you get the laptop,” Quatre continued leaning forward in his seat. “My sources have caught wind that another Eve War's movie is in the making…”
“Are we the enemy again?” Heero asked, remembering all too well the last movie that came out, almost right after the war had ended. Its timing wasn't the only thing in poor taste, but the depiction of the Gundam Pilots couldn't have been much worse. There had been a few movies made entirely for TV but they had simply been wrought with inaccuracies, made only to try and make a quick buck.
“Hard to say this early on, but my source said the producers and director seemed to be doing their research trying to find anything they can.” He pulled a hand though his light blond hair, “Not that it really effects us, but I'd like to keep an eye on it might be interesting to see how they portray us, so long as it's not as the devil.”
Thanks for Reading!
Little Surprises:
He was pausing in his aimless work, to give his arms a break, when he heard a knock on his door that he had been expecting it for some time now. John walked through the door only seconds later carrying a thermos in his hand. That caught Heero's attention. It had been a while since he had seen that. John halted only a couple of steps in the room, “Well this is new,” he said eyes looking at the computers in front of Heero, “When did you get that?”
“Couple of hours ago,” reaching out with his left hand Heero pulled the screen closed, “Quatre brought it before he left.”
John smiled at that as he walked over to Heero's bedside one hand touching the laptop as his eyes looked to Heero's. “That was thoughtful, have you got any sleep yet tonight?” Heero chose not to answer such a loaded question, which was just the answer John had been expecting. Shaking his head slowly, John placed the thermos down on the table, “I brought you a treat tonight, my wife thought you might like a change of pace.”
“Your wife?” Heero asked confused and more than a little concerned, he trusted John but to the world he was supposed to be dead, they couldn't risk the information getting out.
“Don't worry,” John assured quickly, “She has no idea who you are, in the past when I've had a long term patient she's often made soup for them.” He smiled then, it looked nostalgic as though he were remembering those past times. He shook his head a little looking back down to Heero then, a glint in his eyes Heero would have called mischievous. “I didn't think you'd be able to turn down food made especially for you,” John sat himself down on the edge of the bed, his expression turning smug.
Heero's brain didn't even try to think up a retort to that, he had been left stunned by John's words. He couldn't have meant it exactly as he said it, why would anyone, especially someone who didn't even know him, go out of their way to make something for him? Heero couldn't understand it, “Why…” he asked, eyes looking up to John though his head didn't move.
The old doctor chuckled softly, “Why so surprised? Hasn't Ash done something like this before?”
“Ash I know…”
“Merrian's a sweet woman,” John told him as he began pouring some of the soup into the bowel like lid, placing it before Heero along with a spoon.
Morganeth Taren'drel