Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken ❯ Mistaken 8: Imaginary ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mistaken 8: Imaginary

By Shadow_Kat

Disclaimer...I don't own them but I would give my first born to keep them...well if I ever have kids. If you actually thought that I owned them I guess nothing drives me insane faster than being able to predict stupidity.

Warning: Male/Male sex...well relations at this point, violence, and drama...I'm not very good with the warnings I guess...I mean it's not like anyone is even reading this anyway.

NOTES: Sorry this one took me so long but I have been dealing with RL issues and have to start thinking about moving to China by October 7th. I hope to have the one after this one also posted before moving but I won't guarantee anything in writing so you'll just have to take my word.

I would also like to note that I have been pretty much going back and forth as to where I wanted this to go. When I started this little experiment in insanity I was aiming for a short little piece with a lot of gooey lemon's turned into something with a plot due to the rabid psychotic thought snails

(yes, they have been demoted from rabid snails) they have been bickering over the content. The angsty rabid psychotic snail named puck wants it to turn tragic, while the happy ADD rabid psychotic snail named dick wants Heero and Duo to fuck like a virus *It's 3:25am sue me for not being coherent* but I think I have pretty much settled the skirmish but you'll get to find out the results of that later. Oh and Thanks to the reviewer that offered their services to me on the BDSM part of the ficcie...I do believe I'll keep you in mind ;)

Oh and Remember kiddies:

Opinions are like assholes...everybody has one and they all stink, why not share yours?

Reviews appreciated

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I took the stairs that the fat sniveling ugly man had indicated, I couldn't think any more...I was consumed by something that I still can't describe let alone put into words. I needed to save Duo, whether or not he wanted to be saved...I couldn't let anyone else have what was mine. I flew up the stairs and I didn't notice any of it. It was almost as if time had stopped and no matter how fast I ran or how hard I pushed myself those damn stairs would never end. In the back of my mind I idly noted that this whole trip...this whole damn situation was probably a bad idea, shit that was an understatement, but I had to do it. What I thought I was going to find or what I thought that I was going to do when I got there, to the point when I had Duo, wasn't even a consideration.

Time resumed as I made it on to the 2nd floor landing of the seedy hotel and my entire being zeroed in onto the door that I was hunting for. Without so much as a second guess I pounded on the door, my bare hand slapping the cool metal with an icy sting. "Duo fucken open the door! Duo I know your in there! PLEASE!" I knew there would be no answer, I knew it the moment I heard the man at the counter warn me about the security of the door. If the hotel was so into security that they would have such a secure door, then it obviously would have made the damn thing sound proof as well. And yet I continued my pounding and yelling, praying to every god that I didn't believe in that Duo would be alright.

Giving up my wailing string of curses and prayers I stepped a few feet back and leveled my shoulder, preparing myself for the painful ordeal I had set up in my mind. Taking a deep breath I plowed into the solid door with all of my strength, only to be greeted by the sickening smack of flesh against metal and a dull thud of the frame. I had overcome greater obstacles with greater odds far too many times to give up on one stupid door, not when my greatest prize lie just beyond it, in a situation that I had managed to work into nothing short of rape. Again and again I threw myself into the door, and each time I was greeted by the muted groan of the was the only weakness that I knew. The door itself may have been made of solid metal but the frame itself could not have been more than metal struts. This hotel might have been made for sleazy encounters and questionable practices but it was no OZ was not constructed of solid steel and concrete to keep some of the most dangerous men alive within it's walls. This place only held nauseatingly young prostitutes and their revolting pedophile johns...and Duo. No, this hovel could never stand up to me...not even if this mission wasn't as important as it was.

Finally the frame began to crack and the door shifted in it's more good blow and the damn thing would be gone. I was one step closer to him...the meaning of my pathetic little life and perhaps my own salvation. I could feel myself tense at the thought, I was caught between wanting to rush in there and holding that stupid boy in my arms till it hurt but I also knew that I may not receive the welcome that I hoped for. Gritting my teeth and firming my resolve I strode back for the final blow. Again time slowed as I hit the door and continued through into the dim musty room.

It took only seconds to take in the entirety of the room. The dingy gray interior was only mildly illuminated by the faux candle fixtures mounted on a cheap chandelier and along the walls. Apparently `The Rack' got it's name for it's medieval dungeon atmosphere and it's wide assortment of in house torture devices provided with the room. I cringed as the old bitter remnants of sex and fear washed over me in a vile wave of knowledge...this was the type of place that Duo had grown up in...this was the type of place that made him who he had become. I was never completely fooled by the smiling happy mask that he wore to hold his demons at bay...we all had one and his was that of the joker. Did it hurt me that he felt that he couldn't be himself with me, I suppose it did on some level but then again I was more concerned with the war that had to be won. During all the time that I had spent with him and the other pilots I tried not to get attached to them, I knew all too well the fact that personal feelings and relationships were a distraction to my mission. Those damn scientists had made sure that I had learned that lesson very well.

That's when I saw him, and it was all I could do just to remember to breathe...he was naked from the waist up, and unmistakably aroused. I could clearly see his thick shaft outlined by the well fitting leather pants he still had on, it's no wonder that I had totally missed the fact that he had been pointing a gun at me at the moment. My entire body reacted to the mere sight of him and my blood boiled and my flesh burned with a need I could only vaguely define...oh I wanted him, what I wanted him for was the real question. I knew that I wanted him physically for a long time...too damn long in my opinion but then again I was a teenage boy with as many hormones as any, but in the year that I had been away I had admitted that I missed him. I wanted to say that I loved him, I really wanted to be able to say that with no doubt in my mind, but what do soldiers know about love? If all this agony was love then I was definitely way over my head. All I knew for sure was that I wanted to posses this man in front of me in a way that would mark his soul as mine...yes I would make him mine.

It only took him a second to process the fact that I was actually standing in front of him in the flesh. The look on his face was a clouded mixture of disbelief, confusion, and something I could not quite categorized. "...Heero..." My name dropped from Duo's lips as if it were coated in honey and cream, something to be savored and the sound went straight to my own groin. It was then that his expression cleared and I recognized the anger and the pain that had flashed in his eyes only an instant before he had clocked me square in the jaw.