Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mixed Emotions ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
Title: Mixed Emotions
Type: Yaoi, possibly lemon, possible Relena bashing (sorry Relena fans)
Pairings: 1x2/2x1, 3+4/4+3
Explanation: Inspired by various different songs by various different artists. ^_^ Enjoy.
Disclaimer: Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing and affiliated characters do not belong to me. If they did, then I'd be fabulously wealthy, maybe not. Shin Kidousenki Gundam Wing and its characters belong to Bandi Entertainment, Sunrise Entertainment, and it's original creators.
Duo Maxwell walked down the street of the current colony he was staying on. Although Duo appeared happy enough on the surface, he was actually very upset that he wasn't at least sharing the apartment with his best friend. Duo's thoughts of his other friends went out of his head when he noticed someone that looked very familiar to him through the bakery window. Duo blinked to clear his vision and the person was gone. He then saw the same unruly head of brown hair on a person throwing a ball to a child in the park. Duo shook his head as he turned. He then saw that same image sitting down inside the café, this time Duo caught his face.
"Heero…?" Duo walked inside the café and to the table he saw Heero at.
When Duo arrived at the table, the person was gone, along with the cup Duo could have sworn he saw the other boy handling.
`Duo, you're losing it, man.' Duo thought to himself as he started walking home.
As soon as Duo opened the door to his apartment, the ex-Deathscythe pilot turned on the light to his living room and then the TV.
The braided boy's jaw dropped to the floor when he saw a certain familiar set of cobalt blue eyes and head of very unruly russet brown hair on the television screen.
"I must be hallucinating again. Heero can't be on TV." Suddenly, another very familiar person appeared on the 12" screen.
"Okay, so I'm not imagining Heero on TV. He is on TV, and he's with her." Duo hated the fact that Heero had decided to comply with Relena's request to be head of her security and not to mention her personal bodyguard.
Duo also noticed how close Relena was being to Heero and the diamond ring the girl had been sporting. The braided ex-pilot became furious. How could Heero do this to him? Before Heero left, the ex-Wing pilot had told Duo that he cared for him and he'd be back for the blue-violet eyed boy after his mission was over. That had been nearly six months ago. Heero never contacted Duo but the black clad boy figured since Heero was on a mission, he couldn't contact any of them.
Duo never thought that Heero's mission involved the blonde hair stocker bitch from hell or that his mission actually was that stupid bitch.
Duo finally turned the sound up on his TV. He wondered where Heero was with that bitch that called herself Relena Peacecraft.
"Miss Peacecraft, where will the wedding be held?" One of the reporters asked.
"Oh, well, we haven't decided on that just yet."
"Is this the lucky guy you're going to be marrying?"
Duo looked at the surroundings before shutting off his television. As usual, the two were in the Sanc Kingdom. Duo Maxwell was determined to get his Heero back.