Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ mocking bird ❯ Problems ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yaoi: 2x4
Song fic: Concrete Angel by Martina McBride
Kyrbri: Here's a new story so enjoy! Oh I don't own this song or Gundam Wing!
Mocking Bird
She walks to school with the lunch she packed
Nobody knows what she's holdin' back
Please Quatre! Listen come out!” Duo pleaded as he banged against the oak wood door connecting to Quatre's room. “We're worried about you! You can't stay in there in forever. There was no answer but the light reflected off the cream colored carpet and dark shadows of furniture. He had been in there for at least half the day without eating, talking or coming out of his room.

Wearin' the same dress she wore yesterday
She hides the bruises with linen and lace
What's the point of living when no one cares?” A small voice replied “No one cares and my family is gone” Quatre slowly fiddled with the pocket knife clutched in his left hand slowly making a thin line. A crimson flush seeping out slowly but this made Quatre fell better, clam and peaceful. He hardly ate, only maybe a peach and some tea. Nothing more. School was nothing more to him and hardly attended. His grades dropped quickly. Duo was suspicious and today the day they would find out. Quatre never knew that he left the door unlocked. He was about to make the second line when Duo was fed up and there was a big crash. The door had come off the hinges.
The teacher wonders but she doesn't ask
It's hard to see the pain behind the mask
Bearing the burden of a secret storm
Sometimes she wishes she was never born
Duo, Please.” Quatre stammered “Don't tell, please?” he slowly dropped the knife on to the carpet leaving a blood stain on the cream colored carpet.
“Q? Why? How long?” Duo question as a million questions popped into his head. “How long have you been cutting?”
“Why should I tell you” Quatre snapped
“Because!” Duo replied softly

“So you can take me to rehab! It's too late for that!”
“No...” Duo replied again, “I love you and I always will! Let me help!”
“No,” Quatre mouthed in a quiet voice, “I won't let you”
“What?” Duo stuttered as he took a step back a couple feet from where the knife landed moments ago.
Quatre slowly picked up the knife again, as he made a first lunge to get to it. But Duo got to it first, “I'd rather die then go to that place.” As he wrestled Duo to the ground clutching his knife in hand, gripping the knife hard in his hand as blood drops pored over Duo's face.
“Help” Duo screamed mentally “Anybody!”
At that very second Hiiro and the others walked in to see Quatre on top of Duo with a knife and a blood on the ground. Then the silence was broken by Hiiro, “Quatre! What the hell is going on?”
“Don't get into this Hiiro, or I'll have to kill you three also.” Hissed Quatre, “Any last words Duo?'
“Help!” Duo cried in a strangled voice
“Trowa! Hold back Quatre!” he screeched “I'll help Duo
The next thing Quatre was Trowa lunging at him pinning his arms behind him dragging him off Duo. Hiiro quickly went over to Duo's side to see if he was just shaken or had internal bleeding or any wounds that he would fix later. “H-h-e a-a-l-most k-k-i-i-lled me!” Duo yelled at the top of his lungs
“Let me at him, you all deserve to die!” Quatre screech back “You all deserve to die!” as he thrashed through Trowa's arms trying to pry his way out at a fast pace but slowly tired out. After about five to ten minutes Quatre was asleep in Trowa's arms.
“Let's get to the Rehab center quickly before he wakes.”
“Hmmmmm.” Hiiro's replied as they walked out to the car
Through the wind and the rain
shestands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where she's loved
Concrete angel
At the Angel Gabriel's Rehab Center
“Hello” Duo said to the sectary
“Fill this out!” She sneered “For your friend Then get him to sign and hand it back to me.”
Name: Quatre Winner
Age: 16
Birthday: March 14th(A/N: I now his b-day in March sometime.)
Syncopations: Cutting, suicidal issues
Signature: Q. WINNER
“Thank you” she said “Follow me
“Duo?” Quatre squeaked
“Yes?” He replied softly

Somebody cries in the middle of the night
The neighbors hear, but they turn out the lights
A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate
Quatre's room contained a bed with white washed walls, a window and a small bathroom. There also was hidden camera's Duo made a mental note about that and not to tell Quatre about that or he would be intimated like a mouse in a box. He also noted that there was a shadow up on the window that gloomed over the one window.

When morning comes it'll be too late
Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone
In a world that she can't rise above
But her dreams give her wings
And she flies to a place where she's loved
Concrete angel

“Duo….” Quatre mouthed silently, “Please don't leave me here all alone!” It's dark and I'm scared. Please help me.”
“Quatre, listen you'll be safe here, I'll come visit you every time I can.” Duo whispered into Quatre's ear, then walked out silently shedding tears of sorrow for his friend.
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The next day Quatre woke up to a start to find some type of greenish puke colored gruel at the end of his bed with a glass of musty orange juice placed on a gray tray with his “uniform.” This read QUATRE R. WINNER, guest 43534 in big bold letters. Also a newspaper lay astray on the ground with the main title reading:
Gundam Pilot in Rehab for Cutting, Why Did He Do It?
Pilot in Rehab for cutting, why did Quatre Rebra Winner do it? His fellow piloting friends refuse to give any information at this time. On Tuesday he was brought to the Angel Gabriel's Rehab Center. His former Gundam Pilots say that they where concerned with his health and might be suffering from anorexia. Doctors will not tell us what really happened to him and are having some minor complications figuring his problem out. The real story will not be revealed for his own sake says his older sibling Ida. See more on this story on A3.
Story By: Hiroshi Hagato (A/N: Random names)
Picture By: Nangao Mioshoa
Underneath the article was a picture of himself with his hair tussled and the bags under his light Persian blue eyes. His clothes seemed to hang off his shoulders like a piece of clothing hanging of a hanger. His pants where baggier than usual and seemed to droop under the weight of gravity. The background was dull and looked like a blur. Quatre quickly hurled the paper across the room and feel to his knees into a silent sobs rocking himself back and forth convincing he was only in a dream. Slowly drifting into dreamless sleep thinking about the world around him and what had happened in the last few hours. And on top of the window sill sat a ebony bird glazing at him with it's icy blue eyes that would listen to him sob.
A statue stands in a shaded place
An angel girl with an upturned face
A name is written on a polished rock
A broken heart that the world forgot
*^#*&%)(#&%()#&)(^&^)(&#end chappie TBC ($&(*#^_)%*(+_#(%^#_^(+#^_)*#^%_)
Kyrbri: Done the first chapter finally!
Dark Roxy: You hardly write!
Gutter flower Girl: ^_^ what did I miss|?
Kyrbri: Baka! The first chapter!
Gutter flower Girl: opps. 0-0
Kyrbri: Dense Jester!
Gutter flower Girl: I'm not dense just a little slow!
Dark Roxy: -________-
Kyrbri: Please also give me song Ideas (that ARE SAD) and I will continue as soon as possible ! ^_^