Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Moments ❯ Moments ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

by Kai

for: Raintenshi

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and I get no money for ANY of this, just the joy of messing with the guys.

Ratings: NC-17 (sexual content and language)

Warnings: Yaoi and language, etc., AU, *blushes* my take on sap I guess...

Pairings: 3x5

Summary: *written
for Raintenshi* A series of snap shots of their relationship, growing till just before the wedding.

by Kai
My life can be broken into a series of moments that led me to this one.  Coincidence, fate, or luck... the reason for them isn't important.  What's important is that they were.
The First
"Come on Tro!  Move your ass or we're going to be late!"
Duo was dragging me across the parking lot towards the new gym.  "Duo..."
"Oh no you don't!  You need to get out more.  You spend all your time with your animal patients at the clinic or working out on that gymnastics center that Q and I helped you install in your house.  You have to meet new people.  Besides, you promised.  And I quote.  'Duo, if you ever decide to get back into martial arts, I promise to go with you.'  End quote."
The problem was that he was right.  I had promised, but at the time I hadn't seen any other way of convincing him to try tackling his dream of becoming a top-notch martial artist again.  He'd been real good before a few years ago when he had almost became crippled by an opponent who had thrown the rules out the window.  At the end of the match after Duo had won and had turned to leave the area, the guy had attacked him.  Duo hadn't expected to suddenly be attacked by the guy, though he had managed to block the first strike and broken his arm in the process.
So, what else could I do but pick up my pace and show him that, despite my reluctance, I was still with him on this.  He flashed me a grin and I found myself thinking that it was a shame that both Quatre and Duo were straight.  If they hadn't been we might have been more than just friends, and I wouldn't have to sit through their constant match-making attempts.
I'd changed into comfortable clothing at my house and Duo was already in his Gi. So as soon as we were inside the gym, Duo pulled me to a back room where about twenty people were already mingling.  Following Duo's example, I took off my socks and shoes before going into the room, bowing to the room before I stepped into it.  I put my socks, shoes, and my jacket against the far wall like everyone else.
Turning I saw that along with a few others Duo was in the middle of the room doing stretches to warm up.  I threaded through the people standing near the wall and made my way to Duo's side where I started to stretch as well.  Having grown up in a circus where I'd been a gymnast, clown, animal trainer, and anything else that had been needed I was well taught in ways to avoid injuries. Being a vet only ensured that knowledge because while animals and people might be very different from one another, the fundamental basics were similar.
I had just finished when two men, dressed like Duo, came into the room and walked to the front of the class.  Next to me Duo got to his own feet and then pulled me to mine. The two of us and everyone in uniforms lined up while those in street clothes hesitantly copied us.
It was then, when we were waiting for everyone to line up that I got a good look at our instructors.  One was half Asian with messy, dark brown hair and penetrating blue eyes while the other was Chinese with shoulder-length black hair pulled into a painful-looking ponytail and black eyes you could get lost in.  They were both about three or four inches shorter than I was and attractive though the Chinese man was beautiful - not just attractive.  He was like a dream.  It was very difficult not to stare.
Only when everyone in the room had settled, did the Chinese one who spoke in a clear and sexy baritone address the class.  "I am Change Wufei and this is my brother Yuy Heero. We will be the Senseis or instructors for this class.  You may refer to us as Sensei Chang and Sensei Yuy.  All of you who have no or little experience with martial arts please raise your hands."  About half the class, including myself, raised our hands.  "I would like you to form four lines on the right-side of the room please.  Move quickly."
I switched with a woman in a green belt, not entirely happy about being separated from Duo.
Once we'd re-arranged ourselves, Sensei Change continued, moving so he stood in front of the four beginner's lines.  "I will be teaching the beginners while Sensei Yuy will be in charge of the more advanced students.  During the next few classes you may find yourself placed in the other group.  This isn't a slight to you if it happens.  It simply means that you may know more than you thought you did or that you need to re-learn something. In the end it will only enable you to achieve your true potential.  There are also rules to follow in this class.  This room is our dojo, you must not wear socks or shoes inside it, and you must bow into and out of the room to show respect for the area, since this is a place of learning and knowledge.  You must treat your Instructors, fellow students, and yourselves with respect.  If you do not understand something - ask.  You must also bow to your Instructor at the start of and end of class.  Sensei Yuy and I will demonstrate this as well as the ready stance.  If you are waiting you should assume the ready stance.  Sensei Yuy."
They showed the class how to bow from the waist, legs and feet together, hands and arms against their sides.  Then they straightened and stood with their feet shoulder width apart, fists in front of them held at belt level about an inch in front of their abdomens.  Unfortunately, when Sensei Change bowed the pants of his Gi had tightened over his rear and the image momentarily short-circuited my brain.
I gave myself a shake.  I didn't know what was wrong with me.  I never acted like that.  I was always controlled, and I was rarely attracted to anyone much less to someone I hadn't even officially met yet.  It was very difficult to keep my mind on the class and what was going on instead of imagining him naked or what it would be like to kiss him or feel his lips on my skin.  And the class was two hours long.  What on Earth was wrong with me?
Sensei Chang turned to face us again.  "First we bow to each other, and then we'll go through some stretches and warm up.  Just follow what we do.  If you're having trouble fall into the ready stance and we'll come to you."
And so the class went through the stretches and warm up. Amazedly, I managed to stay focused on what I was doing.  After an hour they split us into two groups.
Sensei Chang had us practicing punching for ten minutes, making sure we were doing it properly.  I was because one of the rig-men at the circus had taught me a few things in case I ever had to defend myself, so Sensei Chang paid little attention to me.  Then he showed us the upper blocks, I was trying to focus on the movements and ignore everything else, so I was a bit startled when he appeared right in front of me and gently moved my arm a bit lower.  "Smaller movements will allow you to react more quickly to what your opponent does Mr..."
I licked my lips nervously.  "Barton.  You can call me Trowa though, I might not answer to Barton since no one usually calls me that..."
He smiled slightly and I almost forgot to breathe.  "Alright Trowa.  Keep it up, you're doing well."  He moved away to help someone else while I tried to regain what little composure I'd managed to gain before he'd come to help me.  Another fifteen minutes went by where we practiced both the blocks and the punches.  Then he demonstrated a front kick and has us do that.
I didn't have much trouble with the kick because my balance was perfect - walking the high wire when growing up seemed to have that affect, but I almost lost my center when he walked around me, watching me, eyebrows raised a bit in surprise and nodding to himself in what seemed to be approval.  How could he do that to me?  Just his attention alone knocked my stability off, and at the same time it made my face burn and my stomach tighten.  "Good Trowa."
Many more 'Good Trowa's' and I wouldn't make it to the end of the class in one piece.
The rest of class was practicing upper blocks, front kicks, and punching in various combinations.  I couldn't tell if I was grateful or upset when they bowed the class out and we were allowed to leave.  Well, everyone else was allowed to leave, that is.
"Mr. Maxwell can we talk to you for a moment?"
Duo paused on his way to me, looking at our instructors and then back to me.  I just shrugged and leaned back against the wall, out of the way, as everyone gathered their things.  Duo flashed me his trademark grin and jogged over to them while I did my best to avoid staring at Sensei Change and making a fool of myself.
I would have been content doing that until Duo was finished, but... Duo never did let me follow my own plans in peace.  "Hey Tro!"  I looked up and he waved me over.  "Come here!"
There was no where to disappear to as everyone else had left, so I put my hands in my pant pockets and went.
Duo seemed happy, that was good at least.  "Tro, Heero here says he's willing to give me extra practice.  See... the room's free for the next hour so we can get another hour in right now."
"That's fine.  I can walk hom..."
My heart stopped at Sensei Chang's next words.  "I can give you a ride, I'm done for the day."
I didn't have a chance to answer because Duo did it for me.  "Gee, thanks Wu-man!"
Sensei Chang just raised an eyebrow and said, "That's Wufei, Maxwell."
Duo winked and rocked on the balls of his feet.  "Of course it is Wu."  Then he turned to me.  "I'll see you tomorrow when I bring Scyther in for her checkup."
"Alright, but remember to be on time.  I can't keep rescheduling zoos or animal parks every time you're late."
"Course Tro."  But I could tell I'd already lost his attention.
"I just need a minute to change.  Is that alright Trowa?"
I blinked over at Wufei and felt myself blush at the mental image those words brought to mind.  "Sure."
He smiled at me and walked me to the door before exiting the room with a bow.  It was difficult, but I managed to keep my mind from making me blush anymore.
About ten minutes later, I felt a hand on my shoulder.  Turning I almost swallowed my tongue.  Wufei's hair was down and damp; he must have had a quick shower.  He was wearing black jeans and a red t-shirt which he looked mouth-watering in.  Strangely enough my mouth was as dry as the Sahara desert though.  And then he smiled again.  "Ready to go?"
I nodded and followed him to his car, carefully not looking at the way the jeans seemed to lovingly cup his rear.
The drive was filled with idle chitchat I couldn't even remember. As soon as he pulled up to my house, I would have bolted but his hand caught my arm and I found myself looking at him.  His dark gaze was intense and I could feel the strength in his hand.  My gaze fought to look at his lips, but somehow I kept it on his eyes which weren't much safer.  "Trowa."  When he said my name like that - like it was a caress, like it was made to be formed by his lips and his voice - I knew I was already lost, and I had no idea how it had happened.  "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?  Around seven o'clock?"
I shook my head, not willing to trust my mouth.  It could say anything or do anything - like reach towards his lips for a taste.
He smiled again.  "Would you like to go to dinner with me?  A date, just the two of us?"
I swallowed hard and nodded.
His eyes flicked to my lips.  "You know, you can call me Wufei when we're not at the gym..."
I blushed.  He seemed to like that.  "Okay.  Thanks for the ride.  I'll... I'll see you tomorrow Wufei."
He continued to smile as he lifted a hand gently to my cheek.  "See you tomorrow Trowa.  I'll pick you up at 6:45, okay?"
I nodded and got out of the car, watching him drive away and found myself lightly touching my cheek where his hand had been.
Second Moment
I finished work at five in the evening only to find myself showered and standing in front of my closet in a near panic.  With all the clothes I owned, I had nothing to wear.  If I called Duo, I'd never hear the end of it, but if I didn't call someone...
My hand had reached for the phone before I'd even realized that I had already made my decision.  I dialed Quatre's number from memory.  He answered on the third ring.
"Quatre Winner speaking."
"Uh, hi Quatre.  Are you busy?"
"Trowa!  Just going over some WEI reports, nothing important.  What's up?"
"I have a date in little over an hour, and I don't know what to wear."  It came out fairly neutral, but he'd known me most of my life so I wasn't surprised that he managed to hear the well-concealed panic in my voice.
"I'll be there in ten minutes."
He hung up and I was left to occupy my time by finding boxers and a robe to wear for when Quatre finally arrived.
Quatre entered my house like a hurricane and promptly took over, much to my relief.  He tore through my closet like an offended tailor and a great majority of my clothes did not meet the standard.  The few that did, unsurprisingly, were the ones that he, his sister Iria, and my sister Catherine had given me for Christmas or my birthday.  The ones Duo had gotten me were in a pile next to them, but they were the type of clothing that was made for going to bars.
Once he was done sorting, Quatre turned his attention to me.  His blue eyes were calculating.  "So tell me about this date."
I licked my lips and sat on the bed.  "Dinner.  Not sure where."
He crossed his arms over his chest when I didn't say anything else.  "Well, I need you to tell me what he's like if we're going to dress you appropriately."
I tried not to blush.  "He's a karate instructor, shorter than me, Chinese... he..."  I found myself staring at the floor.  "I like him Quatre."
"Then we're just going to have to make you look fantastic, right?'  He pushed the bar-clothes out of the way and started picking through the other small pile of clothes until he found two shirts, one black and the other emerald green.  He held them next to my face, "Look at me Trowa.  Hmmmm.  Definitely the green I think, it brings out the color of your eyes and according to Hilde they're one of your best features."
I raised an eyebrow slightly.  "It doesn't bother you that your wife talks about other men and their attractive features?"
Quatre shrugged as he went back to digging through the pile of clothes.  "She says the same things about everyone - male and female - even Duo, and he's her brother.  It's just a part of her charm.  Now, if I remember correctly, she also said that you had legs to die for, a shapely throat and a tight ass."
My face burned.  I was never going to be able to look at Hilde again.  "Quatre!"
Quatre just smirked at me without remorse.  "That's what she said and she has a good eye for things like that, one of the many reasons why she's the Head of Marketing at WEI."
He pulled out a pair of blue jeans and held the green shirt next to them.  "That should do.  Go put them on."
Taking the clothes to the bathroom, I slipped them on.  The shirt was long-sleeved, silk, with a collar but it wasn't very long.  "Should I try and tuck the shirt in?"
"No, and leave the top three buttons and the ones on the sleeves undone.  He yelled it through the door, but it was easy to hear him.
I chose not to look in the mirror.  I'd never cared too much about my appearance before, but for the first time in my life I wanted to look good - better than good, perfect.  Looking in the mirror would only make me frustrated with the things that weren't.  Once I'd put on the pants which seemed a bit too tight around my rear and legs and had the shirt fixed to Quatre's instructions, I stepped out for his criticism.
He walked all around me, smoothed the shirt a bit and went to the dresser, bringing back a gold chain.  "Put this on.  I think it'll help bring out your tan and it should bring attention to your throat.  Hilde's necklaces always do."
I put it on and waited as he got my hair gel and began fixing my hair.  The gel left my hair in place but didn't make it hard like a helmet.  It was a WEI product and Quatre knew everything about the products his company sold even those he didn't use himself.  When he was finished he nodded.  "Go put on your socks and the black loafers Hilde got you last Christmas.  You can wear the black leather jacket Duo got you two years ago as well - the one you've worn all of six times."
I just did what he said.  When it came to dressing for occasions, business, or relationships, you should always do what Quatre told you and not ask questions.
Once I was finished he looked me over again and then took a small case out of his jacket pocket and I blinked in disbelief.  "Make-up?"
He shrugged.  "I wear it for press conferences and anything involving cameras, have to, if I didn't I'd look like a ghost in pictures and on TV which would be a very poor image to have as the face of WEI.  I'm not going to put on much, your eyelashes are long, dark, and full so you don't need much - just a little green eye-shadow around the eyes..."
"Trust me Trowa, if you want to really impress this guy you need to do what it takes, besides, the only good make-up is the stuff you don't see.  It just helps accent stuff - like your eyes.  Now trust me and close your eyes."
What else could I do?  I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and let him put make-up on me.  Was Wufei worth it?  My heart sped up.  Yes.  Yes, he was.
"Okay, open your eyes and look at me."
I did what he asked.  He looked entirely too pleased with himself.  "If only you'd dress like this all the time you'd end up with more dates than you could handle, and then Duo and I could stop worrying about you so much."  He glanced at his watch.  "It's 6:30, did you want me to stay?"
I shook my head woodenly.  "No, I'll be fine."  I didn't feel fine, though.  My stomach seemed to be trying to climb up my throat.
He cocked his head to the side.  "You said you weren't sure where you were going, right?"
I nodded, not quite sure where he was going with that.
"Then he asked you out, right?"
I nodded.
Quatre grinned and then gave me a quick hug.  "Then you shouldn't worry?"
"Is he the kind of guy who would ask someone out just to pass the time or is he the sort of guy who would ask you out because he truly wants to get to know you?"
Wufei was definitely the latter.  "Oh."
Shaking his head Quatre headed towards the door.  "You've got it bad Trowa.  How long have you known him?"
"Since yesterday."
He stopped in the process of opening the door to stare at me in shock.  "That isn't like you."
My voice was soft.  "I know but Quatre... I really like him..."
He took a really long look at me and closed the door.  "I'll wait with you until he comes.  I can lock up so you won't have to worry about it."  He had that look on his face that said nothing short of an alien invasion would get him to change his mind and even then the aliens would have a fight on their hands.
We sat down in the living room to wait.  We didn't have to wait long because the doorbell ran five minutes later.  Quatre beat me to the door.
"You're here for Trowa."  Quatre sounded like he did when he was on the phone dealing with work, politely unpleasant.
"Yes.  I'm Chang Wufei and you are..."
Quatre opened the door far enough that I could see him but he couldn't see me.  He looked... amazing.  He was wearing a Chinese tunic of black with gold designs of dragons on it and black dress pants, his hair was down again, and I had an urge to reach out and touch it.
"Quatre Winner.  I'm a close friend of Trowa's - almost family really.  Once Catherine and Duo marry we will be."
Wufei nodded in understanding, but what he suddenly understood I had no idea.  "Ah, I see."
"Good.  So where are you going for dinner?"
"My parents own a restaurant - Clan of the Dragon.  I consider it one of the best in the city and appropriate for a first date."
The 'first' date part made me swallow hard because it implied that there would be a second.
Quatre nodded.  "Anything else planned for the evening?"
"There's a park near the restaurant, after dinner I thought a walk might be nice.  I plan to have him home by eleven; twelve at the latest."
"That sounds like a pleasant evening..."
Wufei's face became even more serious.  "He deserves an evening to remember, an evening of true value to match the quality of his character.  I know his true worth, even after such a short time, and I will treat him as a prince among men because that is his true value."
I could hear the smile in Quatre's voice.  "Then I shouldn't keep you."  With that he shouted over his shoulder at me - as if he hadn't known I was two feet away.  "Trowa!  Wufei's here!"
Nerves made me hesitate a moment, but I moved forward slowly as Quatre opened the door wider.  Wufei's eyes widened as he bowed to me.  "You look stunning Trowa."
I blushed, feeling suddenly awkward and unsure.  "You, too."  He smiled at me again, and I found myself smiling back.  I could really get used to just looking at him.
"Well you two should probably get going if you want to be at the restaurant by seven."  Quatre sounded as if he was trying not to laugh, but I couldn't be upset with him because Wufei was blushing.  It was fascinating, starting in his cheeks and slowly spreading outwards disappearing into his hairline and moving down his neck towards his collar.
"Of course, Mr. Winner..."
Quatre did laugh then, "Quatre is fine... Mr. Winner is for the boardroom."
Wufei bowed to him.  "Thank you Quatre.  If you'll excuse us we'll be on our way."
"Have a good time."
I followed Wufei out the door and Quatre shut it behind us once we were outside.  Perhaps he was giving us privacy until we were gone.  He was free to stay or use my house if he wished, but I couldn't see him waiting until I got back.  There was no reason for him to do that.
"Quatre is Duo's brother?"
I shook my head.  "Quatre is married to Duo's younger sister, Hilde."
"Then Catherine is your sister?"  He went around to the driver's side and unlocked the doors.
Once inside I answered his question.  "My older sister."
He put on his seatbelt and I did the same before he started the car and turned a bit to look at me.  "You can feel free to ask me questions if you would like to.  Anything I don't wish to answer I can just tell you that I don't want to answer it."
I smiled slightly and nodded.
Nodding in return he pulled away from the curb and drove down the street and I found myself quietly taking him up on his offer.  "In class you said Sensei Yuy was your brother..."
He was smiling again.  "You can call him Heero outside of class - he won't mind.  And he is my brother, though not by blood, we're adopted.  So was our older sister Sally.  We kept our last names because we felt it was an important part of who we are, but in all the ways that count we're a family.  You'll probably see them when we get to the restaurant.  Does that possibility bother you?"
I shrugged.  "I used to perform in a circus.  Crowds don't bother me."
"Okay, but do you like them?"
I blinked at him and then looked out the front window.  "You know, no one has ever asked me that.  All my life the circus was all I knew, I guess that it makes sense that I don't go out of my way to be the center of attention and that I tend to stay by myself because... I don't really like crowds.  Not really.  I don't mind being around friends or family but..."
"We don't have to go to the restaurant.  We can go else where if you'd prefer."
I had no idea why I was saying the things I was saying.  It just felt right to be talking to him about it.  "No.  I want to.  I think I would like to meet your family."
"I'm glad.  So, why don't you tell me about what you do now?  Hobbies, job, interests..."
"I'm a vet, I mostly work on large exotic animals, but I have the training to look after smaller animals which I do put to use fairly often.  I have a degree in electrical engineering that I don't use unless I happen to be visiting the circus.  I'm a gymnast and a variety of other things that I gained experience with while at the circus; I suppose the best way to describe my position at the circus would have been a 'go to' guy.  If a member of an act was sick... go to Trowa.  Short-handed for setting up the rigging or tents... go to Trowa.  And that's about it; well, other than karate - which I started yesterday.  What about you?"
"Martial arts... not just karate.  I guess you could call me a professional martial artist.  I do have a double major of literature and history though, and I do substitute teach elementary school classes ever since I got my teaching certificate.  I suppose my only real hobby is reading.  Both Heero and Sally enjoy teasing me about the 'library' I own."
I found myself curious when most of the time things like that, outside my little family, didn't matter to me.  "What do you like to read?"
"Anything except self-help books."
I got to see that blush again; it really was a nice contrast to his loose dark hair and those incredibly deep black eyes.  "Including romance."
He glanced at me but only for a second before his eyes were back on the road.  "Yes?"
"Why did you ask me out?"
He seemed to be a bit self-conscious.  "I know it was a bit sudden but, you drew me to you from the first moment I saw you.  It was extremely difficult to keep my attention on the class and remain professional.  I... I've never had that problem before and then when we were in the car... the words just came out, I just couldn't help myself...."
His right hand was resting on the seat between us, and I reached out slowly to lace our fingers together.  "Me too"
Wufei's eyes widened a bit as he looked at me again and then he smiled that slow, sweet smile I was quickly becoming addicted to.  It made me so happy that I thought my heart would burst.  The rest of the drive was quiet but I liked it because the silence was spent with him.
When we got to the 'Clan of the Dragon', we were greeted at the door by a blond woman, about my height, with a hair-style I'd never seen before, some sort of twisted pig-tails.  "Wufei!"  Her intelligent gaze settled on me.  "And you must be Trowa.  I'm Sally Po, Wufei's older sister.  I've heard a lot about you."
I blinked at her in surprise before throwing a questioning glance at Wufei, who looked both embarrassed and sheepish.  "You have?"
"Yep, Wufei wouldn't shut up about you.  He seems quite taken with you."
Feeling a bit unsure I blushed and stared at my feet.  "The feeling's mutual."
I felt a hand take my own and looked up to find Wufei smiling at me.
Sally chuckled.  "Come on baby brother, we have a back booth saved for you as requested."  She led us to the table and we fell quiet again once we sat down.  For some reason there just wasn't any need for us to talk.  We didn't know much about each other... but at the same time I felt as if I'd always known him.
An older woman with long, curly black hair and blue eyes brought our food.  Like Heero, she was half-Asian.  Wufei cleared his throat.  "Trowa.  This is my mother Lee Sakura."
I nodded to her with a polite and reserved smile.  "It's a pleasure to you Mrs. Lee."
Her eyes were soft and warm.  "Feel free to call me Mama Lee or mom, Trowa.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of each other in the future."
She frowned at her son.  "Now Wufei, you know very well that I have a good track record with this sort of thing.  I was right about Heero and Noin, an outstanding young woman and a detective as well... that was a good match.  I was also right about Sally and Zechs, he's an officer in the military, you know."  Her gaze had switched to me halfway through her speech.  "And what do you do Trowa?"
Mama Lee clapped her hands.  "A vet!  That's wonderful dear.  Sally's just finished medical school, so with you we'll have the animal world and the human world covered.  Two doctors in the family, any mother's dream..."
"Mom!"   Wufei's face had gone beyond the blush I'd seen and into a deep dark red that looked almost unhealthy; it didn't help when his eye had started to twitch.  Before either of them could say anything, I reached across the table and took Wufei's hand, my thumb rubbing the back of his hand slightly.  The second he focused on it he calmed down.
Mama Lee just smiled at me and winked.  "Enjoy your meals boys."
Once she was gone Wufei sighed.  "I'm sorry..."
I'd pressed a finger against his lips, stopping the sounds.  His lips were as firm as they'd looked, and I felt a thrill go through me.  "Don't.  There's no need."
He smiled against my finger and nodded.  I let my hand drop from his face and we ate our meal in silence, our hands still resting together at the table's center.
His family chose to leave us alone for the rest of the meal and the walk to the park was soothing.  Once each of us was sitting on a swing, Wufei broke the silence.  "So, you have a sister..."
"It's just Catherine, the Circus and me, though it's beginning to grow.  Duo's planning to ask Catherine to marry him in about a month, once they do Quatre and Hilde will officially join our family too."  I waited a moment and decided conversation only worked if both parties asked questions.  "Where do you live?"
"With my parents right now, I'm looking for a place."
"You could move in with me..."  I held my breath, why did I say that?
"You know, I'd like that, but we should probably give this a few weeks before we consider that again, to be certain."
"I don't... I mean..."  I didn't want him thinking I was a slut or a pervert or something equally bad.  "I'm a virgin."  What was wrong with me?  I heard him stand up and I closed my eyes painfully.  I couldn't watch him walk away, I was fairly certain it would kill me if I did.
The sounds stopped in front of me.  "Trowa, please look at me."
I did what he asked and found him kneeling in the sand in front of me.  "I know you're not a loose person, and I also know that if you feel for me what I feel for you, it must be confusing and not a little unsettling.  Every part of my being tells me that I need to be with you; that without you I can never hope to be complete.  It's very difficult not to rush this, but I'm scared that if I do I'll lose you and I think I might die if I did.  In a couple of weeks we can talk about me moving in with you again, if it still feels this way for both of us we can see about it then, okay?"
I nodded and he stood, moving behind me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me back against his tight stomach.  It was nice being held like that.
He took me back to my house at eleven and walked me to the door.  For a minute he just stared at me and then he brushed my hair out of my eyes.  "May I kiss you?"
Somehow I managed to nod and then his lips were on mine in a soft brushing caress that sent tingles down my spine, right to my toes and back.
He pulled away smiling.  "See you in class tomorrow."
I smiled but it felt almost goofy, nothing like the smiles my face was used to.  "Yeah."
Third Moment
Everyone had just finished helping Wufei move into my house; three weeks after I'd first asked him.  We still had separate bedrooms, which Duo rolled his eyes about and Hilde thought was romantic.
As a 'thank you' to everyone who had helped with moving things, we were having a barbecue.  Everyone was outside when I went to get more drinks or so I had thought.
"Wufei's one of the strongest people I know."
Growing up in a circus meant growing up around pranksters.  As a matter of survival, I'd learned to hide my reactions.  So I calmly continued to fill the cooler with more ice and drinks despite my surprise.  Heero rarely talked to me and the only times I'd seen him were at karate classes three times a week, which came to a grand total of about nine times I'd actually seen him.  And I hadn't expected him to seek me out now.  Sally had already given me the older sister lecture, which could have been summed into 'hurt my brother and I'll make sure you become a medical cadaver'.  I was pretty sure Quatre, Hilde, Duo, and Catherine had all done the same with Wufei, though I hadn't actually seen any signs of it.  But Heero I hadn't expected a lecture from as most of the time - in class - as long as I was doing things correctly, he acted as if I didn't exist. 
Heero seemed to be waiting for something after his statement so I nodded.
His eyes drilled into mine.  "He was married before to Long Meiran.  She was killed during a mugging.  It hurt him.  He's the strongest person I've ever met and that hurt him.  Now he cares about you and he's happier than he's been in a long time.  I don't want him to hurt again.  You will become proficient in self-defense - I will see to it personally.  If you ever feel you're in danger you will notify me immediately.  I reprogrammed your phone.  Dial one and you'll reach Wufei's cell, dial two and you'll reach mine, three is Duo's, four is Noin's - my girlfriend - she is a detective with the police, 5 is Zechs - Sally's husband - a Captain in the air force, 6 is Sally, 7 is Quatre, 8 is Hilde and 9 is your sister Catherine."  With that he left, and all I could do was gap after him.  I'd known a bit about Wufei's marriage and that he was bisexual so my shock was solely due to Heero's words and actions.  Still, he had a point.  I wasn't helpless by any means, but learning more would mean more than just protecting myself; it would mean protecting Wufei.
Carefully I carried the cooler into the backyard and set it on the ground near the picnic table, before walking over to join the others on the deck.
I looked at Catherine, who was sitting in Duo's lap and waited.
"Wufei and his family say they've never seen you do gymnastics or any of the other acts.  So I volunteered us to give a demonstration of knife-throwing.  It would also be nice if you could show them some tumbling."  It might have sounded like a suggestion or a request, but it was actually an order.
The deck was a story off the ground and about ten meters from the house.  There was a high-wire stretched from the deck to the roof of the house.  It was set up so that I could keep in practice.  So I jumped onto the deck banister and onto the wire shortly after she'd spoken.  Hesitation only made Catherine angry, and she was very good at holding onto grudges when it came to me.  She still hadn't forgiven me for the time I'd accidentally let Zizan, one of the lions, turn her favorite doll into a chew toy.
I'd already made it halfway across when the panic in Wufei's voice made me twist without thinking and I had to throw myself into a one-handed cartwheel, followed by a back-hand spring to keep from falling.
As I regained my balance, I could hear Catherine on the deck.  "He's fine Wufei, he's been doing this since he could walk."
"He almost fell!"  Wufei sounded upset.
"No, he didn't."
"Cathy-girl, I hate to say it, but I think Wu's right.  I've never seen Tro loose his balance before but that move wasn't as smooth as he usually makes them."
I looked back to see Catherine frowning at Duo before looking across the wire at me.  "Trowa, did you almost fall?"
I cringed internally though I doubt anyone noticed.  I already knew what was coming the second I confirmed what had been said.  I wanted to lie, but I really preferred to have Catherine's irritation on me instead of Wufei.  She wasn't a bad person, but she wasn't always easy to get along with because she'd been both my mom and my older sister since she was fifteen.  The Ringmaster might have been our guardian, however Catherine had raised me.  "Yes."
Her face became grim.  "You haven't been practicing like you're supposed to."
I had but she wouldn't believe me if I tried to tell her that so I just remained silent and waited.
She crossed her arms over her chest and moved to stand on the deck near where the wire was secured.  "I want you to run through the patterns."  And that was it, she was no long my sister, she was a professional whose living didn't just depend on her and her performance but on everyone else and their performances as well.
"Which ones?"
"All of them."  That confirmed how upset with me she really was because there was over twenty sequences for warm up and practice on the high-wire.
"Okay."  I moved to the other end of the wire near the roof and moved right into them, ignoring her eyes burning into me and the others' baffled and confused looks.
I just pretended they weren't there, even Wufei.  I put the sounds of their arguing and presences out of my mind just like at the circus and did what I had to do.  It didn't take as long to do as some might think because I did practice every day.  I even enjoyed doing it when it wasn't a punishment.  I ended by doing a double flip and landing solidly on the deck away from where the others were crowded.
They weren't a happy group.  It sort of surprised me to see that Wufei and Catherine were glaring at each other in confrontation.  I wasn't used to someone actually standing up to her.  Duo charmed her into compromising, Quatre reasoned with her until he was blue in the face, and Hilde just chose not to listen, but with everyone else she usually got her way.  Her personality was just too strong and it usually bowled others over.  And I'd never really cared enough to challenge her on anything.
"He's no longer part of the circus, there's no reason for him to continue to practice such things unless he chooses to!"  It seemed that I finished the patterns around the time they had gotten to the middle of their argument.  Wufei's face had darkened in anger, like the way it had on our first date, and his eye had started twitching.
Catherine seemed unimpressed though and far angrier than I'd ever seen her.  "Once circus, always circus!"
I felt somewhat frozen in place.  Not once in my life had anyone fought for me let alone over me and that's what was happening despite my utter disbelief.  It was strange to watch.  Wufei and Catherine were facing off against one another, Heero was behind Wufei showing were he stood and the rest seemed uncertain where to stand or what to do.
"He isn't something to own or possess, he's a person, an amazing person who deserves far more consideration than you're giving him!"  Wufei's fists were turning white. 
Catherine's usually warm eyes went cold.  "And I'm beginning to think you should take your things and leave.  I don't want you near my brother."
In the sudden silence my voice sounded extremely loud.  "No."
Everyone turned to look at me, almost as if they had all forgotten about me until that moment, but I was solely focused on Catherine as she turned her obvious anger on me.  "Excuse me, little brother.  What did you just say?"
"I said 'no'."  I was sweating from doing the patterns on the wire, but I was strangely calm and relaxed - as if I wasn't doing something dangerous and self-destructive.
Her eyes narrowed.  "No about what, little brother?"
"No he doesn't have to leave.  If he chooses to leave because he wants to - that's up to him - but I don't want him to leave and it doesn't matter whether or not you want him near me or not because that's not up to you.  It's something that is only between Wufei and myself."
Catherine wasn't the only one surprised by what I was saying.  Duo, Quatre, and Hilde seemed down right stunned.  "What did you just say?"
I continued to meet her gaze as I had from the start of the conversation.  "I said 'No', and this discussion is over."
I didn't bother saying anything.  I just stared at her a full minute before deliberately turning and walking down the steps to the picnic table and more specifically to the cooler and a bottle of water.  I had drunk half the water before the explosion occurred.
"How dare you!  Duo, we're leaving."
I didn't bother turning around as Catherine stormed away with Duo trailing after her.  A couple of minutes later Duo's car started and pulled away.
I turned to Quatre and waited for him to continue, noting the stunned looks on everyone's faces.  Wufei's face was almost white, something I couldn't understand.
I didn't have to wait too long for Quatre to continue.  "Are you okay?  I've never seen you argue with her before."
Shrugging, I screwed the lid back onto my bottle of water.  "There was nothing I ever cared enough about to argue over, so I usually went with Cathy on everything.  She's done a lot for me... it just seemed like the right thing to do back then, but I'm not a child any more - I haven't been for a long time - and whatever happens between Wufei and I is no one's business but our own unless we choose to make it their business.  I may seem to have no limits to my tolerance or patience, but I do. And it is time she learns that and get an idea of what those limits involve."
I had a sudden feeling that everyone except Wufei was re-evaluating their opinions of me but it didn't matter.  Something was wrong with Wufei and I wanted to know what.  "Wufei?"
He looked at me a moment, then tucked some stray hair behind his ear.  "Maybe I should try to call her and apologize."
I wasn't the only one to be shocked by that.  Wufei knew himself so well that he was certain of the validity of everything he did - I'd never seen or heard him apologize for anything.  "Why?"
He threw his hands in the air in exasperation.  "Trowa, she's the only family you've got!  Loosing her over me... I'm not worth that."
I was in front of him in two quick, long steps, causing him to blink at me.  I didn't touch him - I didn't need to - I knew my look alone was enough to hold him in place.  I understood the importance of family to Wufei - being an orphan who'd been lucky enough to be adopted into a loving family could cause that reaction, as could a number of things.  "Never say that again."  I waited as he slowly lowered his hands, watching me a long time before smiling slightly and nodding.  "Good.  As for Cathy... if this is enough to break us apart completely then she was never truly my sister to begin with.  I love her Wufei, but I'm my own person even if she never really noticed.  I will compromise on everything for her and I have but not this.  Not you.  Either she'll come to accept that or she won't, the next part is up to her."
His color had returned to normal.  "You don't seem worried."
"I'm not.  She loves me.  She's has a stubborn streak a mile long with a nasty temper, but she's smart and she'll think it through once she's calmed down enough to listen to Duo and her own heart."  I shrugged again.  "It's already done though and there's nothing we can do about it right now so we might as well go back to the barbecue."
And that was what we did, though everyone left after a couple of hours, leaving Wufei and I to clean up.  After we'd finished Wufei, went to his room to organize things and I went to the gym I'd had built onto the house.
I was a little surprised when an hour later Catherine appeared at the door, eyes and nose red and swollen from crying.  Finishing what I was doing, I threw a towel over my neck and went to her.  She couldn't look at me and I didn't know what to say so I waited.
She cleared her throat delicately.  "You were right.  I had no right to say what I did.  I'm sorry."
"I forgive you."  Her eyes shot to mine in surprise and I smiled.  "You're my sister Cathy, nothing can, or will, ever change that."
And I suddenly found myself in a strangle-hold of a hug; not minding in the least.  She pulled away but didn't let go of my arm.  "I should go.  Duo is waiting for me in the car."
"I'll walk you out."  We passed Wufei, who was sitting at the kitchen table and she hesitated, but Wufei just smiled and shook his head.
"I already forgave you and you forgave me, nothing else needs to be said Catherine."
Next to me she returned the smile.  "No, it doesn't."  She kissed my cheek - standing on her tip-toes so she could reach.  "I can show myself out little brother, love you.  Bye Wufei."
"Night Catherine."
I watched the door close behind her and heard her key in the extra lock.  She was still watching out for me, but I didn't mind.  Turning to Wufei, I leaned against the doorjamb, "Bed set up yet?"
"Don't worry about it.  You can sleep with me."
He raised an eyebrow.  "Sleep?"
"Sleep.  I have an early day tomorrow.  I have a series of checkups to run at the zoo."
He smiled again, got up and walked over to me.  Kissing me lightly.  "I'll go get read and meet you there."
He went into his room and, after stopping in my own to get a pair of sweatpants, I went to take a quick shower and brush my teeth.  By the time I got back to my room, Wufei was already in the bed waiting for me.  Dropping my clothes and towel in the hamper, I crawled in beside him and enjoyed the feel of his arm over my waist as he slid up against my back.  "Night love."
"Night Fei."
Fourth Moment
Two months went by and though we slept together we didn't let it go farther, even though it was difficult.  I wasn't sure why we kept stopping, but I didn't want to push him.  And it seemed that it wasn't going to happen yet again.
We were in bed kissing and touching and I wanted him in ways I didn't even understand, when he started to pull back like he always did, but unlike the other times, when I'd let him go, this time I opened my legs and  pulled him against me - wrapping both my legs and arms around him as I did.  The movement brought our erections together and my body shuddered in a pleasure I'd never experienced before but wanted... oh, did I want it.
Wufei groaned, "Trowa, if we don't' stop now I don't think I'll be able to."
I sucked on his ear and his hips moved convulsively against my own.  "Then don't.  I want you, I've wanted you since I first saw you."
One of his hands tightened on my shoulder and the other gripped my hip hard.  "Are you sure?"
I wrapped my hands around his ears and pushed his lips open with my own so I could feel his tongue touching mine.  When I pulled back to breathe I looked into his deep black eyes and panted.  "Yes."  It came out as a growl and suddenly my jogging pants and his boxers were gone and his hot, sweat-slicked skin was sliding against my own.  "Wufei... take me..."  My body was aching for him.
Wufei mouthed my neck before licking down my skin to my nipple, nipping at It and causing my body to arch off the bed enough for him to slid his hands under my ass, fingers trailing over the crack and making my muscles quiver.
He continued to kiss down my chest and stomach until I could feel his breathe caressing my erection.  Then he pulled away and I reached for him.  "Wufei..."
He moved forward to kiss me and then got off the bed and went to his dresser.  "Just a moment, Trowa, I just need to get something to make this easier and more enjoyable."
He came back with a tube, and I felt myself blush slightly as I realized it was lube.  Despite that I found myself opening my legs wider as he settled back on the bed.   He slowly crawled towards me and his mouth gently settled against the tip of my erection, lips rubbing back and forth against the slit.  I'd never felt anything like it before, I almost missed the feel of cool slick fingers against my rear as he gently pushed one slowly inside me and pulled my erection into his mouth.  My hands automatically went to grip his hair.  "Wufei..."  It came out as a slight moan.
He hummed around me as his finger moved inside me and all I could do was feel.  I felt him add the second finger as he sucked on my erection, pushing deeper inside me until I was pushing back against them.  "Wufei please... I want you... I need to feel you..."  Air seemed impossible to keep in my lungs.
"Just a little longer Trowa; I don't want to hurt you."
I could feel three fingers moving inside me, twisting and stroking until I thought I would explode with wanting.  And then he pulled his fingers away from me, and I think I could have killed him if he hadn't angled my hips up moments later to slowly push his erection pushing inside me.  It was thicker and larger then all three of his fingers had been.  The stretching burned a bit, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected it to be.  He continued to push in slowly and all I could do was wrap my hands around his forearms that were holding my hips steady.  After a few moments, he stopped and I could feel hair and skin pressed tightly against my ass and he was so still.  "Wufei...?"
He pulled me into a deep kiss and then leaned his forehead against my own when he broke it, panting rapidly.  "You're so tight... I'm almost scared to move, I don't want to hurt you..."
"You won't hurt me."  My voice was steady and certain and there was no way he could deny that I believed it.  "Now move."
He nodded and slowly pulled out a bit before pushing back in. I laid still trying to identify every sensation I felt; not quite able to do it.  It was like behind massaged from the inside out. He increased the pace slowly, pushing in further with each stroke only to pull out until the tip of his erection was all that lingered inside me at moments.
I was only mildly aware of the wanton sounds I was making, but every one of his sounds made the tension inside me coil tighter until I was trying to push back onto him and increase the pace. He seemed to understand because he was moving quicker, more solidly into me.
Then the tip of his erection brushed something inside me that took my breath away in a long drawn out moan.  I founded myself automatically trying to move my body and hips in a way that would cause that sensation again... I was getting a bit frustrated when Wufei pushed a blanket a bit under the small of my back, propping me up just enough so that he would hit it again the next time he thrust inside me.  "Harder Wufei... please... harder..."  I think I scratched his back, despite my nails being short, as I tried to make him move.  I sort of lost track of everything except the rhythm of our bodies, the look of bliss-want-need-desire-rapture on Wufei's face as he reached for something we both wanted - and the guttural sounds he was making.
Without really realizing what I was doing, my hand reached out to wrap around my throbbing erection and I few strokes later I was climaxing - barely aware of the surprised gasp from Wufei as I tightened around him and I could just feel him shudder inside me through my pleasant haze.
I was awake, but I wasn't really aware for a few minutes.  I blinked slightly when Wufei shifted on top of me and I could feel him inside and I wondered what it would feel like to be inside his body.  Slowly, almost bonelessly, he pulled out and moved so he was next to me.  "Are you okay?"
I was already beginning to ache and I knew that the next day would only be worse, but it was nothing in comparison to what we'd just done.  "Yes..."
His hand traced over my eyes, nose, cheeks, and mouth as he smiled at me.  "We should take a bath."
I didn't like the idea of moving, but I knew that if I didn't it would only be worse the next day.  So I slowly forced myself out of bed and did my best to ignore the feeling of semen and lube moving inside me as I made my way to the bathroom, Wufei behind me - hands moving over my back and rear.  He couldn't seem to get enough of touching me all of a sudden.
He continued to rub his hands over my skin as the tub filled, but I didn't mind.  I even enjoyed it when he got in the tub first and pulled me close to him, his legs on either side of my waist.  The problem was that I was starting to enjoy it too much, and my body couldn't do what we had done again - not so soon.  "Wufei..."

He sucked on my ear.  "We don't have to have anal sex Trowa.  I just want to feel you in my hand..."  As he said it his hand squeezed my hardening cock and my head fell back onto his shoulder, eyes closed as his calloused hand moved easily over my erection.  The warm water only seemed to increase the pleasure.  All I could do was lean back into him as his lips and tongue danced over my neck and shoulder.  Then I felt his teeth at the juncture where my neck and shoulder met, while at the same times his finger rubbed the slit of my cock and I came for the second time - trying to remember how to breathe.
"Gorgeous.  You're absolutely gorgeous like that."  His voice sounded both husky and possessive; I liked that.
I didn't really noticed when he finished washing us off, drained the tub, or toweled me dry, but I did notice when he settled us back into bed and pulled me tight against me, still lightly petting me.  I knew with a certainty that it was something I wanted to get used to.
This Moment
I'd been carrying the rings in my pocket since the day after our first time together, nearly four months ago.  I'd been trying to find the right moment to give Wufei his since then.
It had only occurred to me when Duo and Catherine had told me the 'disaster' that had been Duo's marriage proposal - complete with a flat tire, him forgetting his wallet, and the two of them washing dishes to pay for the meal and a trip to the emergency room when Duo had electrocuted himself - that neon of the other moments I held close to my heart were perfect.  Duo's proposal had been a disaster, but it was a special moment for them because it was theirs - because they were together.
So I waited until our evening walk on the very same day my sister and Duo had told me their story we had just reached the hill that looked over the street we lived on when Wufei asked me why I was so quiet so I stopped there to answer him - why not...?  "Moments."
He gave me a puzzled look.  "Moments?"
I nodded, watching him.  "The moments of my life, the ones that I truly treasure exist because of you.  Without you they wouldn't exist."
He smiled and brushed hair behind his ear, I loved his hair, and I loved when he did that.  "They wouldn't exist without you either."
"Exactly."  His eyebrow raised slightly in question, so I explained.  "The two of us together are what make those moments so important.  Together.  But I want more of them and for that we have to be together... always."  I took the rings out of my pocket and held the two simple gold bands in the palm of my hand.  "Would you consider the idea...?”
He stared at the rings and slowly picked up the smaller one, turning it slowly in his own hand before sliding it onto his finger.  Then he took the other and slid it onto mine.  "I knew the day I first saw you that only with you could I be complete.  Always together sounds like an awfully good idea to me."