Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Moonbreed ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Authors notes and Disclaimers: Gundam wing is not owned my me. It belongs to Bandi and other respected companies.
am only borrowing the G-boys and girls for a while. I will bring them back. For they are the muses for a millions fan writers.story is way AU. I hope you enjoy your walk with me. Into my world. *winks at you * Breanna belongs to me. So do any made up characters that appear with in the story.

'italics' and single '' inadacate thoughts
bold italics the wolves speakingtyping is the story itself.


It was a dark night. The moon was black. An eye could only see the stars from this forest dwelling. The gundam pilots were camping with the girls. The deep primal forest sang. The owls hunted on their hunts. A pack of wolves howled. Crickets chirped. A night wind softly sang its song. The river that ran just a few feet from the cabin joined the wind in its song.
Relena put another log on the fire. Heero watched her movements. 'She is beautiful. Nothing like Hilde.' Hilde snuggled into Heero. 'My little elf. Pixy girl why you ever choose me?' Trowa was helping Relena with the wood.
Wufei was quietly talking to Sally. They were having a quite argument. Over what true strength was. Heero smiled watching them. 'I wounder if he is aware. Most likely is not. Wufei open your eyes. Blind man can you not see your love for Sally as well as hers for you?'
Quatre was talking quietly with Cathrine. 'Who would have though quite Quatre with brash Cathrine. But it is a true match.' Then he looked over at the girl that Cathrine had introduced them all too. 'Her name was Breanna'. She moved around the room with wolfish grace. It was her cabin they were at. Her golden eyes caught Heero's. 'Amazing beauty almost wolfish in presence.' He shook the wool gathering mind. Mesmerized in her golden gaze. She seemed to see right into his soul.
"So is your friend Duo going to grace us with his presence. I though he was a talkative one." Breanna smiled as she spoke softly.
"Usually he is." Hilde spoke up. "He grew quite when we came into the woods."
"Well these woods do have a magical quality about them." Breanna smiled at them. 'He must feel the wild call. I thought I smelled wolf in him.' She continued to smile. 'I have been waiting so long. Let him be the one.'

Duo sat alone. He looked at his hands. 'I am alone. With this gift/curse. For it can be both. Even my fellow pilots don't realize it.' He sighed looking up at the dark moon. 'Would be a good night for a run. After they all go asleep.' Duo smiled at the thought. He listened to the wolves howl.
Come join us brother. We hunt tonight. the wolf pack sang to Duo. Come hunt with us.
Duo smiled. Listening. He felt that they were all still inside the cabin. He tilted his head back and howled himself. I will join you later. When the two-legged ones sleep .

Hilde snuggled closer to Heero upon hearing the wolves Disclaimers. Breanna frowned at her. "The wolves will not hurt you Hilde. They don't hunt humans. They are smarter then that." Breanna watched Hilde. 'Not the old fears. I don't need to deal with the old fears'
Hilde looked at her. "Really?' She asked her voice scared of the howls she heard. "But."
"No buts girl. They will not hurt any one." Breanna looked at them all. "That is old folk rubbish. Made to keep people indoors and to create fear. Wolves would not naturally hunt humans." She shook her dark tresses. Sighing deeply looking at Hilde and the others scattered about her cabin. "I was hoping but I should have known. People are afraid and they should not be."
Quatre nodded. "I believe you." Looking at Breanna. "I also agree." He shook his head looking at Hilde. "You cannot always belive what people tell you Hilde. Those men." Quatre was upset you could hear the anger tinged in his voice. "Would tell people anything inorder to destroy what they don't understand. This pack of wolves is one of two wild packs left in the world. They are protected." Cathrine touched Quatre's arm. "It just makes me angary all this." His arm gestured to the woods outside. "If it were not for Breanna's family this would no longer be."

Duo came in. Closing the door with an loud bang. He winced as Cathrine, Hilde and Relena jumped.
"Makes you wish you could see its beauty." Quatre spoke softly. He turned to see the long haired American standing inside one more. Looking at his hostess. "Glade to see you have returned to us Duo."
Duo spoke to her smiling. Winking at his friend. "Beautiful woods you are in. They feel healthy." His blue eyes sparkled with merriment. He seemed alive and at peace.
Breanna smiled. "Yes nature has been balanced here. My family owns all this. They have been buying up this land for years. They are not wealthy now. But if you asked them they would say they are rich. Rich with nature's beauty all around them." Her voice musically warm to her listeners.
Quatre looked up at her. "Not many can claim to own half a state. Montana is large. They keep it safe and beautiful." Looking out the window. Cathrine joined him. "Your family is too still rich none of you like to speak of their riches" Quatre gently teased his hostess. "Or else you would not still hold on to this."
"It is amazing half a state." Hilde said leaning on Heero. He was running his fingers through her hair. Not even realizing that he was doing it.
Relena watched inclining her head to the couple. 'Amazing. I am so glade he is happy' Trowa winked a deep green eye at her. She smiled 'I just wish Duo could find someone.' Shaking her head. They both sat infrount of the fireplace. Relena sitting between Trowa's long legs. 'It is so good. I still cannot get over the fact he likes me so. Who would have thought me with silent Trowa.'
Duo wandered over to a window and gazed out into the woods. Breanna joined him. "Seem to call out to you huh?" She asked her voice soft and husky.
Duo looked at her. 'She knows. But how? I did not give myself away. Damn.' Then looked back in to the night cloaked woods. "I am unsure what to say. But it is amazing. So balanced."
She smiled looking out into the night shrouded wonder of the woods in the night. "Yes it is. I am so in love with this land. It seems to sing at times. If you listen you can here the woods many voices singing of nature's balance and way."
Hilde smiled seeing a new dance beginning for Duo. She looked over at Cathrine. She nodded winking at Hilde and smiling at Sally who shook her head. Relena smiled too then sighed.

The fire burned down in the fireplace. Everyone started to get ready for bed. Duo walked outside again. This time he was clad in only his boxers. Wufei came out and looked at him. "I'll be in in a bit. Go to bed Wufei."
"I suppose don't get any ideas about wandering off baka." Wufei snarled frowning. "I know your up to something. You've been too quite."
Sally came and drug Wufei in. Then reappeared herself. "It just has him unnerved. He does not like that." Sally looked at him. "He thinks the woods are more then the usual alive."
"They are Sally." Duo stated softly. "They are. Go to bed. Keep that uptight lover of yours busy." Duo's eyes twinkled devilishly. She swatted at Duo's ass. Giving the American a wink as she ushered herself back inside the cabin.

As each person in the house fell asleep. Duo stood on the porch. Wishing for the moment they all slept. Nestled deep within the lands of Nod. He listened to them. Their breathing gave away their sleeping state. His lips curled into a smile.
Duo walked out into the woods. He was clad only in his black boxers. The soft night breeze played with his hair, cooling his body with its touch. He knew the others were asleep. They would sleep til dawn. The nights soft sounds were music to Duo's ears.
Crickets chirped. Owls hooted. Nightbirds sang. The brook ran and sang its merry way by the cabin. The trees seemed to sing with the soft winds help. To make their quite voices heard. The silver moonlight shone down on the earth. It was a gibbous moon in the sky.
'Amazing.' He thought as he walked deeper into the woods. He stripped off his boxers. Standing naked in the dark woods. His white body seeming to glow in the darkness.He sighed feeling the pain shoot through him. He had become taller as he walked. More hairier. Now that hair was thickening to fur. Arms and legs changed. A wolf stood where Duo once was. This wolf was noticeable larger then its brotheren. Its clear blue eyes seemed to mock those about him. A keen mind was hidden there. He looked like a patch of darkness. He ran.

Breanna came out of the cabin. She was dressed in a Asian silk robe. It had wolves and dragons embroidered on it. She looked deep into the night of the woods. Her keen eyes finding the discarded boxers. She shook her head.
Sally joined her. Breanna motioned for the other woman to keep her voice down.
"Were did Duo go?" Sally asked the other woman in a quite voice. Not wanting to wake the others. "He shouldn't be out there." The night continued its song. Owls hooted and the book babbled loudly in its own tune.
"Don't worry about Duo Sally." Breanna answered softly. "He'll be fine."
"There is something different about him." Sally continued. She felt a light touch grip her shoulder. Breanna gave her a soft squeeze. Then a sisterly wink from the other woman.
"You are not afraid of it are you?" questioned Breanna softly. Her golden eyes taking in the blonde woman's words and thoughts. 'She has the feeling of kinfolk. She would not be afraid of either of us. Good for I am tired of fear.'
"No." Sally sighed. Her brow caressed with worry. 'For some strange reason I am not. Feel as Duo does, enchanted.'
"Go back inside Sally." Sally nodded to Breanna. Breanna and Sally smiled at each other. Sally took herself back inside. Snuggling down next to Wufei. Who curled up next to her.

Duo ran. Feeling the wind through his fur. He jumped over a fallen tree. Howling happily. He stopped short. A silver female wolf sat in the clearing looking at him. Her golden eyes regarded him.
Come run with me. She howled at him. Then turned and took off. Duo followed. Running, jumping, wrestling with this other wolf. She gave him a merry chase. Soon they were joined by the pack.
Lets hunt . The grey and black wolf howled at the others.
Yes hunt. The wolves agreed. The fanned out smelling for deer or elk. Duo found and elk's scent. He let out a Disclaimers. The others began to follow him. They ran quickly and quietly. Finding the herd. They looked for the one they would take down.
They spotted the one. It's hind leg was broken. The wolves circled around the herd of elf. Coming to the one with the broken leg. They let up a hunting howl and leapt on the elk. The elks bugled in alarm and ran. The wolves brought down the wounded elk. And began to eat.
Hot blood and raw red meet crossed down Duo's throat. He felt one with the cycle of the great Mother. He ate his small share. He watched as the silver wolf seemed to pull away a moment after he did.
'Good hunt. Must go back to two legged ones before they worry.' Duo howled.
'Good hunting. Good journey.' The wolves howled. The silver one had disappeared. When Duo wolf looked for her. 'She is gone.'
Duo ran back to the cabin. He was sitting next to his boxers. He changed bak to his human form. Slipping on his boxers. He walked back to the cabin.

Breanna opened the door for him. "Out late." Her golden eyes twinkled with mirth.
"I thought you were asleep." Duo said his voice surprised. He watched her smile at him. 'She has golden eyes like the silver she-wolf. That would be too odd a thing.' He shook his head. As if trying to clear the fuzzys out of his head.
"Go to bed Duo." Breanna steered Duo to his spot. Everyone was asleep. Trowa snoring softly Relena's arm was flung over the silent pilot's chest. She had a small smile on her lips. The other girls were in similar positions. Each with a small smile on their faces. As they cuddled with their lovers.
Duo sighed. Shaking his head. Breanna winked at him as she disappeared into her own room. Duo peeked in. Her room was like the rest of the house a fusion of Celtic-Indian-Asian styles. She turned and smiled.
"Could I sleep on the floor in here." He paused. "So I don't have to look at the lovebirds."
"Go ahead." Breanna answered him smiling. "There is a fouton right there on the balcony space. This place is larger then it appears."
"I noticed." He smiled as he took himself on the porch. He layed down shutting his eyes. He fell asleep.
Breanna checked on him. Duo was sleeping soundly. So were the rest. 'All of them have the feel of kinfolk. Not all are wolfkin.' She shook her head. But most of them are. Just the one young fellow. He has the feel of Dragonkin.
Breanna took herself off to her bed and fell asleep. Dreaming of a certain long haired pilot. She sighed in her sleep. As she snuggled into her pillow.