Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ More than Rejects ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author: Supurrkitty
Disclaimer: I do not own any GW characters. That is all.

Damn me! writing so many fan-fictions at once! Please read and review.

More than Rejects

The circus was as full as the bright, Earth moon that night. The show ran late into the dark night.
Trowa, the clown that got knives thrown at him, was rather unaffected by this, yet still wary. He could never be caught unawares and he blamed this on his warring instincts since childhood.

" Hey, Trowa, good show, as usual." One of the performers said, giving Trowa a pat on the back.

Trowa answered him with a wave as he walked out of the tent for some room and fresh air. It was true that a few years prior, he would have just ignored such remarks. Or, any remarks for that matter. Sometimes he felt like he was losing his touch, but he'd realize the world no longer needed his 'touch'. And now, the world had rejected him for all he knew to be.

' A soldier in a circus...' He thought to himself, ' Why the hell did I stay here?'

He looked towards the visitor exit where people were swarming, still enjoying themselves, though the show was through. There was an amazing number of children, running around, getting lost, their mothers frantically looking for them and then scolding them. There was no longer the worries of war. The children could be just what they were, children.

Trowa looked up at the stars and the full moon. Earth was a wonderful place. The Circus had stayed on Earth for a few months now, going to different provinces every now and then. Yet, things were pretty slow, all around. Trowa felt like he should be moving farther, quicker.

He had to dismiss this thought as well, though. I t was an instinct he didn't need anymore. It was something that made him all the more useless.

Something pulled Trowa out of his thoughts as he realized he had been walking the whole time and was now in the park that was right next to where the circus was stationed. The entire park was empty and void of life, except for some movement by a tree that caught Trowa's attention.

There was a woman kneeling by some trees behind a set of public restrooms. Trowa couldn't make out what she was doing or what exactly she looked like. Then, she stood up and he got a better view of her. She looked young, really young. Trowa guessed that she was under eighteen. She was dressed in a few layers, even though it wasn't that cold. Her strawberry blonde hair was up, but messed up.

She wrapped her clothes around her and went away at a hurried walk. Trowa took a few steps forward and noticed that she left something. He went towards it and noticed that it was something wrapped in clothe. He jumped slightly when it unexpectedly moved.

" What the...?" Trowa bent down and uncovered the bundle. What he saw made his heart do cartwheels. Bad cartwheels. (Supurrkitty: What the hell was that!?)

There was a tiny child, with nothing but the clothe wrapped around it, squirming. Trowa jumped up and back and looked again, just to make sure he was right. He looked behind him to where the girl had gone to. He could barely see her, but went running after her.

Once he caught up, she turned around and stared at him, wide-eyed and almost scared, before a certain realization seemed to sweep over her face. Trowa was confused at first, until he realized he still had his clown suit on. He cursed him self as the woman turned away from him again and started to walk away.

" Wait, miss!" Trowa called after her, " Your child! You left your child!"

The girl stopped again.

" No I didn't!" She screamed back, her voice suggested to Trowa that he was more than right about her age, " Do I look like I'm old enough to have a baby!? I have no child!"

She shot him a glare with her light brown-green eyes before she ran off, near tears. She had to have been fifteen or sixteen.

Trowa stood in shock before remembering the infant and rushing back to where it was. He reached down and carefully picked it up. He wrapped the clothe around it's tiny body and looked at it's face. It's cheeks were red and, like all newborn babies, its eyes were blue.

" Why aren't you crying?" He asked the child. It just stared back up at Trowa, tiny wisps of wavy red hair stuck to its scalp.

Not knowing what else to do, Trowa took her back to the circus, where he met up with his worried sister.

" Trowa! Where heave you been! I looked all...wh-what's that...?" Catherine asked pointing to the bundle in Trowa's arms.

Others also stopped to stare. A clown holding a fragile baby was indeed a sight to see.

" She's not crying, I think something's wrong with her." Trowa said.

" A...a baby?" Catherine was frozen in her spot, " Where did...?"

" Her mother left her in the park..." Trowa said.

" Shouldn't she be returned?"

" Her mother doesn't want her." Trowa said, " now, get the doctor." He ordered.

Catherine hesitated, before running off to find the doctor.

Trowa looked down at the baby again. She was still staring at him, but this time, she flung her arm out of the small blanket and thumped Trowa's hand. He looked at her little hand on his and noticed the vast difference in size. Tears were threatening him from behind his eyelids.

" How could anyone leave you to die like that? She didn't even give you a chance." Trowa stared down at the child as she looked away. He didn't even notice when the doctor walked up, in his night clothes. He seemed angry until he saw the infant in Trowa's arms.

" Give me the child." The doctor said and reached for the baby.

Trowa looked up, surprised and pulled the baby away. But, then, he reluctantly handed her over and watched her be carried away. He seemed lost in thought as Catherine approached him again.

" Perhaps you should get changed, Trowa" Catherine said, patting his shoulder, " We'll get everything figured out as soon as the doctor brings her back."

Trowa nodded and headed towards his trailer.

Sorry, that was short... New chapter coming up very soon, though! What happens to the poor baby? Well, she can't go back to her mother...
I don't quite remember where I got this idea, but I remember last year a whole bunch of teenagers were just dumping their babies at places, not caring what happened to them. A lot in garbages...
If they don't want their babies they could just give them to me! Or at least put them up for adoption! If they didn't want anyone to find out about it, they could have just dropped them off at a hospital! *sighs* I guess people aren't that sensible, or just don't care about the life of a completely innocent child...that pisses me off...*grumbles*

Enough of that, though, tell me what you think, alright?

Great, now I'm in a bad mood...

That's bad

But, I have the desire to help people! Specifically babies!

That's good

I want a baby...

That could be good or bad...