Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morituri te Salutant ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warning: Contains yaoi and het err kinda well it contains 1+R+1, 1x2x1, and some 3x4. Oi also has angst. Go figure.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, Sotsu and Sunrise do. Heh believe me if I owned them you'd know.

Author's Note: This fic starts out R+1 and one-sided 1x2. But have no fear I could never write a serious R+1 without gagging.
**Morituri te Salutant is latin for "Those who are about to die salute you."
Don't worry it may not appear to fit the story but it will.

Morituri te Salutant
by Lady Dragon


He had been sitting there for a while now. Gazing down through the window watching the faceless people below go about their daily lives. His gaze swept briefly over the pedestrians before moving onto the figure that had just rounded the corner. The figure was still quite some distance away yet he could make out the boy's features easily. Obsession at its best he mused to himself.

Walking with smooth-calculated steps, head bowed down with his hands tucked firmly in his jean pockets. The figure gave the appearance of idly strolling, completely unaware of the hustle and bustle of the mid-day crowd around him. But he knew better, he knew that the boy was acutely aware of everything that happened around him, that the boy could no doubt give back a complete and thorough report of the people he glimpsed in the windows and on the street. He was also painfully aware that although the boy was currently walking down the street that lead to his apartment he would not be recieving a visit from said boy.

With a heart-felt sigh he turned away from the window, the image of Heero Yuy imprinted on his brain. Closing his eyes he tried to push back the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. The war had ended two years ago and so had his friendship with the Perfect Solider.

Everyday he awoke, hand stretched out clasping the empty air trying to reach the figure that should have been by his side. Glancing back out the window, once again his eyes sought the wild haired youth before finding him standing outside a store windo gazing deeply at the store's wares. Shakily he reached out, long elegant fingers meeting the cold glass of the window. Just one of the many barriers that stood between him and his love.

With sudden ferocity he grabbed the curtains, jerking them shut. What was done was done; there was no going back now. Heero was lost to him, and no doubt that's exactly how Yuy wanted it. How could he, Duo Maxwell compete with the likes of Relena Dorian?