Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Morning, Lover ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is unfortunately not mine, but is the property of Sunrise, Bandai, Sotsu Agency, TV Asahi and other associated parties. This piece of fictional work is only for entertainment purposes and has not being used for any exchange of money. Any reproduction of any work is purely accidental and will instantly be removed or edited should it cause any offence. I do not lay any claim to the characters used (unfortunately) which have being used in this piece of fiction without permission, so please do not sue me. I have big debt problems as it is, and if you should decide to try and sue me, I'll cry. ^_^

Title: Morning, lover!

Author: Koko Kitty (

Archive: `Gundam Wing - Into the dreamscape': Anyone else, take an application form, fill it in, and I'll get back to you ASAP. ^^

Category: Yaoi, lemon PWP

Pairings: Classic 1x2 *grin*

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: I quote from the hot napkin I had while in a restaurant in Collinsdale, London. "Refresh Yourself, LEMON FRAGRANCE" ^_^

Feedback: Yes, please! Give me everything you've got, and send it my way.

Notes: Umm…this didn't quite work out as well as I hoped. When drafting it, it seemed so much more...passionate. It somehow sorta became lazy, slow, crap sex.…ball swinging had to be removed, as it just didn't…'go'

Hmm…ah well! Enjoy!

Humongous thankies go to Raven for pointing out when my idiocy creeped into this fic. Thank you so much! I appreciated your help a heck of a lot! ^____^ *glomparoonie*

Morning, lover

A GW fanfiction by Koko Kitty

Duo padded around in the kitchen and made his way to the sink; turning on the tap, he proceeded to wash his bowl and spoon. He'd woken up unusually early and couldn't get back to sleep so he'd gotten up and ate breakfast, and was now washing up after himself.

Heero woke up from the most delicious dream. He dreamt that he and Duo had been sharing a steamy shower, and had now awoken decidedly amorous. He stretched to relieve any kinks, and opened his eyes when he had expected to encounter Duo's warm body, but felt nothing but cold sheets. Frowning, he untangled his naked body from the bed and went off in search of his lover.

Peering into the kitchen, he found Duo rinsing out a bowl. A wicked grin pulled at his lips as he quietly sneaked up on him.

The long-haired ex-Gundam pilot jumped in shock when all of a sudden, strong arms wrapped around his waist, the bowl he'd being washing clattering into the sink. He whipped his head round, and saw familiar soft, chocolatey brown stands of hair in his vision. His body relaxed, and he snorted quietly in amusement when he felt Heero chuckle against his skin. He felt the muscular body press against him, Heero's hard length pressing against his ass.

"Morning, lover."

Heero grinned, "Morning."

As he felt himself gently pulled away from the sink, Duo quickly turned the tap off before he flooded the entire house. He was turned around to face Heero's intense, glittering prussian blue eyes, and then pushed back against the counter. Heero rubbed himself against Duo, arousing them both. The motion of Heero's hips, which was no doubt done to coax Duo, served its purpose as Duo felt the familiar stirring under the teasing sway of his lover's body. The braided boy sighed, as Heero started up the wonderful tingling in his groin.

Looking up at Duo under lust filled eyes, bangs falling sexily over them, Heero took hold and then ripped off the boxers that Duo was wearing, walking backwards while bringing Duo with him. Turning Duo around yet again, he sat down into a chair, slouching into the seat so he reclined in it, his bottom over the edge. Pulling Duo on top of him, he set him on his torso, his powerful body easily supporting his weight, his lower half still free to move. He shuffled Duo until his legs were at either side of his own, which were planted on the floor. The position that Heero had moved them both into placed Duo on top of him, legs astride his erection. Heero moved them so that his hard length pushed against Duo's puckered opening, stroked the sensitive flesh of his perineum and gently brushed against his sac. Duo's head fell back onto Heero's shoulder and he groaned when Heero gave a smooth, slow rock of his hips.

"Oh my God…"

"Like that?"


Heero continued to rock his hips, his entire length rubbing underneath Duo in a way that left the braided pilot gasping. He trailed a hand slowly, up Duo's thigh in a tingly caress, his other hand was stroking at Duo's chest, wondering leisurely over the warm flesh. Sucking lightly at Duo's neck, he kept up the actions of his hands, hips and lips as he strove to arouse and tease Duo further.

"Heero…feels so good…" Duo gasped out.

Duo's entire body was practically humming with awareness, trapped as Heero's almost casual touch burnt through his senses, driving him crazy. Writhing on top of him, he arched his back and cried out as Heero angled his thrusts to nudge at his opening a notch harder. Squirming, he tried to lift his hips, trying to shift himself onto Heero's arousal, before crying out in need when Heero's arms moved to hold him down and stop him.

"Nuh uh uh", he reprimanded.

Desperate for some kind of friction to relieve the ache Heero had started, he moved his hand towards his neglected erection before that too was restrained.

"Heero! Please! I need t-Ahh! Nnnn!!!"

Smirking at the response that roughly grabbing Duo's hard length gained, he kissed below Duo's ear, darkly whispering.

"That what you needed?"

Giving him a few strokes, Heero silently groaned as he listened to the delicious sounds Duo was producing from the onslaught of pleasure. As the cries of pleasure increased, Heero stopped stroking Duo before he could come. Leaning forward, Heero slid onto his knees to the floor, slipping himself from under Duo and pushing his lover onto his hands and knees infront of him. Stuffing his hand down the side of the sofa, he searched for the lube he *knew* was there, jerking it out when his fingers came into contact.

Joining Duo on the floor, he stroked some lube onto himself, and then smeared his slick fingers across Duo's opening. Groaning in satisfaction, Duo felt Heero position himself behind him, while he was poised on all fours anticipating Heero's next move. He felt Heero enter him painstakingly slowly, rotating his hips in circles and pulling back slightly before inching forward again so Duo would feel every tiny movement. And feel he did. Gasping in shuddering breaths that couldn't seem to be inhaled enough, Duo groaned as he felt himself stretched in the most delightful way to accommodate Heero. The slow rub that Heero was doing drove him crazy, gratifying him in a way that made him groan out in rapture and try to push back against his lover.

"Like that?"

"Unnnn…Heero…" Duo gasped. Panted, over and over as he groaned his happiness.

"Brace yourself" Heero whispered before he suddenly began a series of hard, long thrusts that brushed Duo's prostate on every forward thrust, and created delicious friction on his enveloped length.

"Ahh! Heero!"

Both groaned with every push, the power behind each of Heero's thrusts causing them to rock forward violently with the intensity. Numb with pleasure, Duo dug his fingers deep into the carpet as he tried his best not to be thrown into the floor. The frantic pace wrenched loud, appreciative groans from both. Heero's messy hair hung in his eyes as he sought release. Feeling himself unbearably close, and wanting to take Duo with him, Heero reached his arm around Duo's spread legs to stroke Duo's erection in a firm counterpoint to his desperate thrusts.

Duo hoarsely cried out as sharp, blinding gratification swept it's way through him, making his body arch as each rolling wave of pleasure forced it's way through his body. Heero groaned loudly as he reached climax himself.

As orgasm subsided, both Heero and Duo stayed stationary as they caught their breath. Tiny delicate kisses were sprinkled in a random fashion over Duo's damp back, Duo felt Heero gently slide himself out, and then proceed by pulling Duo to lie between his legs as he seated them both of the floor.

"Geez, Heero. One heck of a morning greeting if you ask me."

Heero smirked. "It was your fault. You were doing naughty things in my dream."

"Oh? What kind of naughty things?"

"Want me to show you?"


With that, Heero stood up treating Duo with an eyeful before pulling him up. Dragging his lover to the shower, he proceeded to spend the rest of the morning making his dream come true.


July-October 2001 >.< I'm so slow at fic writing…. -_- Too many at once!