Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Mortal Kombat: Annihilation ❯ Prologue/Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A video message signal popped up on Bulma's taskbar as she worked. Bulma glanced at the beeping signal and decided it wouldn't take too much time to just look at it. Bulma clicked on the signal and a picture of an old man, with white hair and a beard, wearing wierd glasses, appeared.

"Hello," The message began. "I am Dr. J. I send you this message from an alternate timeline. In our universe, there is war. Our government is corrupted and we hae no semblance of composure. We also have mobils suits called Gundams, and 5 young boys that pilot them. They're names are; Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Winner and Chang Wufei. They have been trained in all sorts of espionage and battle tactics, but we have found that is not enough. We have an even more serious problem on our hands, a breed of life we found on our secret Mars Terraforming project. 4 other scientists, besides myself, know of a team of soldiers you have in your world, called "Z-fighters". We need their help, they must train our 5 soldiers so we can defeat this new threat. I have contacted you, Bulma Briefs, because we also know you are very close to them. Even married to one. We know you will help us, so 24 days from now, our pilots will be sent to your timeline. Please relay this message to your team, and be ready." The message ended and 'End Transmission.' beeped on the screen.

"Was that a prank? I'm not sure, but I guess I'll call everyone here to tell them and see what they think." Bulma said to herself, as she picked up the phone sitting next to her computer. She dialed Chichi first. Goku, Gohan and Goten deserved to know at once. The phone rang for a minute and Chichi answered.

"Son residence." Chichi answered cheerfully. But after a few minutes of Bulma's non-stop talking, Chichi wasn't so cheerful. "You mean, 5 boys from another timeline are coming here?? Sounds like another case of Mirai Trunks. I guess I'll tell Goten to retrieve Goku and Vejiita from thier sparring, and go directly to your place, see you soon."


All 5 Gundam Pilots stood at attention, thier mission slowly sinking in. They knew of the new threat to the earth and the colonies, and they knew that the Gundams were useless against it. '24 days until we leave our own time. Never knew those docs were so smart..' Duo thought to himself. 'What have I gotten myself into this time. I thought piloting a Gundam didn't get any worse. Now a new species. Sheesh..' Quatre also thought to himself. He thought volunteering to be a Gundam Pilot didn't include time travel and aliens.

"Listen. In their time, things run differently. When you get there, you MUST obey everything they tell you. Bulma Briefs, The daughter of the CEO of the Capsule Corporation will be housing you. There you will meet your trainers. They have much to teach you, so do not underestimate them." Doktor S. said, pacing in a circle.

"Are we dismissed?" Trowa finally said, breaking the awkward silence. "Yes, Trowa. You are dismissed." Dr. S said. Everyone breathed a long, silent sigh. This was gonna be an adventure they'd be able to tell their Grandchildren. That is, if they made it out this situation alive.


In the Capsule Corp. living room, everyone from Piccolo to Vejiita looked stunned. Goten and Trunks couldn't quite comprehend everything Bulma said, but they knew they were in for something big. "So, we have 24 days to prepare for these boys' arrival?" Goku asked. "That's what I was told." Bulma replied, a look of worry on her face. "24 days isn't long, we'd better start now." Piccolo stated.

"Wait. Me, train some weakling boy from another timeline? I think not." Vejiita said, folding his arms over his chest defiantly. "Vejiita, don't you have some kind of small will to help?? They're being sent here to be trained by ALL of you. AND THAT INCLUDES YOU!" Bulma yelled at Vejiita. "Yeah, Vejiita, you have to do this!" Goku chimed in. "Fine, I will. But I don't have to like it." Vejiita replied, looking slightly defeated. But no one noticed that. Everyone else was busy making plans.

"Will I be helping too, mom?" Goten asked. He really wanted to help. "Yeah, mom. It'll be a learning experience for him." Gohan added, in the favour of Goten. "You can help Goten, but you must study at night after every training session." Chichi said. Goten and Gohan groaned. Goten, because he hated studying. Gohan, because he had heard that every single time he wanted to do something with Goku. "Well, fair's fair, Goten." Gohan said. "Can I help too?" Trunks asked Bulma, eyes wide and sparkly. Bulma sighed, if Goten was gonna be there, Trunks just HAD to be there too. "Sure, Trunks, sure."


Throughout the span of 23 days, several colonies tried to defend themselves against the attacks of the new species. They all failed. "Finally! We have risen to claim this solar system! It is rightfully ours!" One creature said. He looked human enough, but with a slight twist. He had slitted onyx eyes, long blue braided hair, pale-red coloured skin, and he was short. There were millions of them, and all because of Relena Peacecraft and her Mars Terraforming project.

"1 more day to go, and soon after we'll have the 'training' we need to defeat them. Then we can carry out our original mission. To destroy OZ, but right now, OZ defenitely isn't in the forefront." Duo said, leaning back in his chair. "I wish we could help those people." Quatre said, looking out the window at all the explosions. "To go out there now is certain death. We can't help them now, but soon we may be able too." Trowa said, closing his eyes and turning away. Quatre just huffed and tried to ignore the explosions.


And that start's a new adventure..