Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Movie Night ❯ Movie Night ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I wouldn't need to write this!!

I have so much studying for exams these days and it's become such a mind-numbing chore that I've ended up watching Slasher movies. How much more cheesy could they possibly get? Well anyways, through those long hours I came up with this. Hope you like it.

Movie Night

By Midnight Lover

Hilde ran the dust cloth over the last shelf of videos, finishing the last of her housework at 4o'clock in the afternoon instead of later that night. She glanced at the shelf of movies accumulated by Duo and chewed at her lower lip in thought. "I wonder if Duo would be up for another movie tonight." She said to herself. She and Duo had been watching quite a few movies lately. Mostly movies of her choice however, she didn't enjoy horror films, she preferred action/romance movies. But then again who didn't? Gorgeous guys with broad chests and well-muscled bodies all slick and sweaty from performing unrealistic feats and saving the day at the last second. She sighed happily; she had one of those gorgeous guys. And he did help save the world. Twice. 'Yup, he's my guy right out of the movies.' She thought.

She looked at her watch, Duo would be home soon, and she could practically hear his stomach grumbling in hunger. She threw the dust rag into the laundry bin and washed her hands quickly before tackling the kitchen to finish up the lasagna she had in the oven. Humming to herself as she broke the washed lettuce for salad she didn't hear Duo waltz into the house from the back door to her left.

The braided man sniffed the air upon stepping into the house. "Mmm… Babe, something smells good." he commented, poking her side and making her screech in surprise. Behind him Quatre chuckled. The blond had been visiting with Duo the afternoon since he was free of his conferences that morning.

"Duo!" Hilde swung around and whacked him across the head. "Don't scare me like that!" he looked at her questioningly having thought that she knew he was home. "Hi Quatre, how are you?"

The blond man smiled softly, "I'm fine Hilde, just a little tired I can't wait to get home." He ran a hand through his blond locks letting them fall in a big mess over his eyes. "I can't wait to see Kai."

Duo looked over to the blond, "So what you're saying is that L2 isn't good enough for you?" He crossed his hands over his heart in mock pain, "You hurt me Q-man."

Hilde shook her head and turned back to her salad. "Well don't lurk in doorways, it's not polite, come on in. I'm just finishing up dinner. I hope you like lasagna, Quatre." She tossed the rest of the prepared ingredients into the salad bowl, "Duo do something other than annoy Quatre, set the table."

Quatre laughed at Duo who reluctantly complied with the request. The blond rinsed his hands and offered Hilde a hand with the remainder of the meal preparations. "Don't worry Hilde, I'm used to Duo after all these years." He helped the braided man with the table, despite Hilde's protests, claiming that guests shouldn't have to help out with dinner and the like. Quatre just shrugged off her words. "I don't like to just stand back and watch." He smiled.

Duo finished setting the plates and asked Quatre for the knives and forks in the second drawer to his left. "When is your flight?" he asked, setting down the cutlery. He glanced up at Quatre through the cover of his chestnut bangs. The blond shifted and looked at his watch.

"I have to be at the airport in an hour and a half." He smiled sadly, "I think I'll be eating and running. I'm sorry." The timer buzzed and he glanced over at the oven where the smell of Hilde's cooking emanated, it smelled good. His stomach grumbled and he giggled, before asking for the cooking mitts to remove the food.

"Done!" Hilde exclaimed proudly, setting the Caesar salad on the table in the small kitchen. "Come on boys let's eat." She laughed, her blue-black hair tumbled over her eyes and she brushed it aside, "Enjoy." She winked, sitting at the table.

Duo took his seat beside Hilde and Quatre, "Dig in." he served the food and began to eat. "Q-man, I'll take you to the hotel to get your bags and shit then we'll go to the airport. How does that sound?" he swallowed his food before stuffing his mouth once more. "Damn Babe this is good."

"Yes, Hilde it really is quite amazing." Quatre admitted, before turning to answer Duo. "I don't want to trouble you. You don't have to take me to the hotel. I can take a cab." He watched with wide eyes, as Duo polished off his plate in record time. 'If he were anyone else they'd be sick right now.' He said mentally.

Hilde blushed at the comment. All she normally got from Duo was a satisfied belch or a hot wet kiss, the compliments were well accepted from both men. "Quatre, it's fine, really. Duo, I was thinking about getting a movie for later. Maybe we can take Quatre to the hotel and the airport then we could go pick up a movie." Duo nodded, confirming her proposal. "See Quatre, it's not trouble at all. Besides, we'd never let you take a cab if we could take you ourselves, which wouldn't cost anything." Hilde's lips quirked into a smile that told the blond man he could not refuse her offer he nodded.

Once supper was done Hilde did a quick clean up of the dishes, stuffing them into the dishwasher while Duo took Quatre outside to show off his newest and most favourite toy other than Hilde. His Jeep. The other one had caused too much problems so he traded it in for a new one. A few moments passed before Hilde bounced out of the house, and skipped down the walkway to the car, she hopped into the backseat, followed by Quatre and Duo who took the two front seats. Duo gunned the engine and they sped off to the hotel where Quatre was staying to pick up his bags then to the airport where he caught his flight back to L4.


Once they got back to the car, Hilde pulled Duo in for her long awaited 'Honey I'm home' kiss. He had neglected to give it to her when they were at home and she thought it time she received it. "So which movie are we renting?" Duo asked, lacing his fingers with hers and taking off to the video store.

"Hmm… I don't know. Who chose the movie the last time? I think it was me." She bit her thumbnail, thinking about the last movie they'd rented. Her short dark hair kept falling over her eyes and she brushed it back, vowing each time to cut it back to the usual short length. It was too long now that it was a few inched passed her shoulders, not to mention layered. "I guess you're choosing the movie this time. And please, not porno. I don't want to watch another Pretty-Un-Suited Sailor Soldier flick." She shuddered at the memory of the movie, but smiled at the hot and sticky results. 'Well maybe on occasion a flick like that is ok, right?' she asked herself.

Duo smiled, he had a movie in mind. "How about a slasher movie?" he asked. She'd always said she didn't like horror movies, which was strange seeing as how she lived through her own personal horror movie, during the war. But a horror movie might give him just the right stuff to make touching her even sweeter. And boy did he plan to hold her tonight. After hearing Quatre yap on all day about Kai and missing her he was more than thankful that she was always close by.

"Duo you know I have those movies." She protested. "They're gross." She shook her head looking at him with big pleading blue eyes, but Duo only smiled. She felt like crying, she hated horror movies, it wasn't fair. They pulled into the parking lot of the movie rental place and stepped out of the car. "Duo don't. Please." She begged, but to no avail. His cobalt eyes told her that it wasn't going to work.

They walked into the store and Duo went automatically to the scary movies. It was his turn to pick the flick and he had to pick well. Not too scary, not too cheesy just enough to get her to want to cuddle closer to him. From the corner of his eye he could see the wall of Scream movies. 'Haven't seen those in a long while.' He smiled to himself, pulling the first in the trilogy of movies off the wall. He thought back to when he watched it last; it wasn't that scary, he'd seen it a few years back with the guys. Even Quatre laughed at the cheesiness the movie held. He looked back at Hilde who stood with her arms crossed over her chest pouting at him a few feet away. He reached out and pulled her into his arms. "Don't worry Babe, you've got me to hold all night. Besides, it's not that scary. You'll laugh trust me." He kissed the top of her head. Hilde could take it, he hoped.

Hilde sighed and grabbed the case, flipping it over to read the back cover. "It doesn't sound that bad. Fine." She handed him the video. "I better laugh or else." She took his hand in hers, and they checked out the movie before heading home.


After a shower, once they were nice and cozy in their pajamas, Duo popped the tape into the VCR and sat down with Hilde to watch the movie. Hilde kept a blanket close to her, the movies seemed fine, so far but just in case she needed to cover both her eyes and ears she kept it handy. She found comfort in Duo's big arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her to him and snuggled against him.

"You okay Babe?" Duo asked, watching the screen. The young blond was on the phone with her killer, and he could feel Hilde's involuntary tensing muscles at the scenes to come. He looked down at her, brushing her dark hair from her face and tilting her head up to his. "You want me to turn it off?"

Hilde shook her head, "I'm fine. Just please take it off surround sound." Hilde's eyes focused on the screen, wide and afraid. She grabbed the black blanket and threw it over her head, burying her face in the crook of Duo's neck. The sound of the dying girl in the first 10 minutes too much. "Duo, I don't want to watch this. That's gross." She wailed. "I'm not laughing that was sick! I don't want to watch people getting killed! I had enough of that during the war."

Duo reached on to the coffee table and picked up the remote. "Ok, so maybe I was wrong." He was feeling really guilty for taking out the movie and not listening to her. "I'm sorry Babe." He hit stop and placed the remote down before he took the blanket from Hilde's head.

"No I'm sorry Duo." She said sadly, "I ruined movie night five minutes after the movie started." She pulled away, bringing the sheet to cover her head once again. She couldn't look at him, she didn't want him feeling guilty, and it was her fault she wasn't strong enough to sit through two hours of a movie, even if it was a little bloody. "You have the right to want to watch any movie you want. I just can't see people getting killed like that. Even if I did live through a war."

Duo pulled Hilde close, pulling the sheet off her head and lifting her head up to his. "This didn't go as I wanted, I'm sorry." He kissed her softly, wiping the tears from her eyes with his thumbs. "Stop crying Babe. It's ok, from now on there aren't going to be any more horror movies in the house. I don't like my gal with tears in her eyes." He kissed her again, hugging her tightly.

Hilde sniffled and buried her face in Duo's bare chest. "I like action movies. Because you're my action movie boyfriend." She giggled, trying to change the subject and lighten her mood. "Look at these muscles." She traced his biceps with her fingers before running her hands over the broad expansion of his well-toned chest. "Not one of those freaks, who runs around with a knife killing people by giving their girlfriends horror movie quizzes."

Duo laughed, pulling Hilde away from him. "And I have saved the world, well, I helped anyways." He smiled sheepishly. "You know, I listened to Quatre talk about how much he missed Kai. That guy is never home and when he is Kai is away doing conferences and that shit. It got me thinking; I'm so lucky to have you. I mean you're always around when I need you. And I don't have to worry when you're coming home or if I have a meeting on L3 X-18999, or L1 S-12003 when you have some free time. I'm really lucky to have you. I love you." He pulled her close and kissed her softly, cupping the side of her face with his big hand.

Hilde smiled softly, "I love you too." She whispered, her arms wrapped themselves loosely around his neck, and their kiss grew more intense as her small tongue darted into his mouth and entwined itself with his. 'Well maybe the night can't be all that ruined. Maybe next time I'll settle for his porno fetish.' That was her last coherent thought before Duo's hands traveled up her tank top; she lifted her arms, letting him pull her shirt up over her head, breaking their kiss for a moment. She kissed his cheek, trailing her lips to his the spot behind his ear that made him melt in her arms. Lowering them to the couch, Hilde's hands went down to the waistline of his black silk boxers and began to slide them off his legs. Duo groaned and Hilde smiled triumphantly.

Duo's sucked on her collarbone, rubbing his hands over her hard pink nipples, until she begged him to touch her more. Kicking off his shorts he pressed his lips into the valley between her breasts, jutting out his tongue as he moved to trap a rosy nipple in his lips. His other hand pulled loose the ties holding up her pants and sliding the cotton material down her slender legs. He bit back a gasp when her warm hands wrapped themselves around his semi-hard member, stroking it until it grew erect in her hands. She giggled and nipped at his earlobe, while she kicked away her pants. Duo switched breasts, pulling the other nipple in his teeth, and suckling it roughly, his fingers went down to her lower entrance and traced her slick opening eliciting a moan of longing from her lips. He touched his lips to her in a gentle kiss; his bright violet eyes sparkled in the dim light of the room, with unmasked love and lust and his hand hovering over her center. "Does my lady want something?" He asked sultrily against her mouth.

Hilde nodded, "Touch me." She whispered back, arching up against him and catching his lips in a hard kiss. Her hands wound themselves in his hair and she pulled it begging him not to tease her. He complied, touching her clit lightly at first before rubbing circles around it making her writhe beneath him. His fingers thrust up into her at a fast pace, making her world spin, she arched her back against his chest, and she cried out his name in a breathless gasp demanding something more when his motions became too much for her.

Duo covered her mouth with his swallowing any moans and gasps she breathed. He ran his hands up her sides, over her breasts, before tangling them in her blue-black hair and pulling her face up to his. Their kiss deepened with each passing second, tongues meeting in frenzied motions. Hilde's hands found the band holding together Duo's meter-length hair together and pulled it free, loosening the braid and letting it fall over them like a blanket of silk. Breaking their kiss, Duo slid off the couch, holding his lover by the shoulders and bringing her to face him. He knelt before her, looking up at her sitting on the couch, her breasts heaving as she tried to regain her normal breath. Her blue eyes were no longer full of fear like they had been earlier, and he smiled up at her, watching her eyes as he pressed his lips to her flat belly, kissing her heated skin. His hands on her hips guided her body off the couch to the cold wood floor. He sat alongside her, one hand playing at the junction between her legs and the other tracing her soft face. He smiled, watching her eyes close tighter each time his finger swirled across her nub. His hardness throbbed, wanting to be embedded inside her, but he held back. "You like this, don't you?" he whispered in her ear as he breaths grew more ragged. His hand left her nether mouth and he straddled her hips dragging his lips down her abdomen to her wet center.

Hilde whimpered when his tongue touched her, licking every inch of her lower entrance. "Duo." She rasped out, reaching down and holding his head to her as she writhed under his ministrations. He brought her to the edge of her world, and let her fall into bliss before catching her and bringing her back to him.

She placed her hands on his arms, pulling him up to her for a quick kiss before she pushed him onto his back and straddled his waist. "Yes, I love the things you do to me. The way your hands feel on my skin," she kissed his chest, and licking a flat nipple, moving her lips to the other one seconds later. She could feel his length warm and hard against her, and breathed in, rubbing herself against it. "I love the way this feels," Her hands reached down and took hold of his hardness, squeezing to the point he thought it was over, but was glad it wasn't and sighed in relief. Her tongue ran a path down his chest and abdomen, stopping at his erect member. "I like this." She looked at him through her bangs, smiling wickedly as she took him into her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down on him, sucking and tasting. She wanted more. Lifting her head she looked up at him. Duo's face was contorted in fear and pleasure when she straddled his waist once more, sliding herself back onto his member. "I also love this." She moved her hips, sliding up and down on his shaft. "I love you." She whispered.

Duo thrust his hips up, meeting her thrust for thrust. His hands set firmly on her waist helping her move easier on him. "I … love … you … too … Hilde." He murmured. She began to move faster, her dark hair sticking to her face and neck and Duo felt her muscles close on him. He arched his back to her capturing a nipple from her bouncing breasts in his lips. She was driving him insane. Her low grunts and moans swam in his head, accompanied by his own groans. Her other breast rubbed against his cheek, before he took it in his hand and massaged it. He bit down on her nipple making her cry out.

"Duo!" She couldn't take it any longer, shuddering in his arms she cried out, arching her back and rolling her head on her shoulders. "Oh, Duo." She ducked her head into the crook of his neck breathing irregularly as he continued thrusting into her wet sex. Her hands wound themselves in his hair, tugging at it, making him go faster. Duo flipped her onto her back and thrust his manhood into her in long strong strokes, touching her button with every thrust. Once more the movements became too much for her and the burning she felt inside her came out, and her cry resonated throughout the poorly lit house. "Ddddduuuuooooo!"

With her vaginal muscles pulling at him, Duo drove himself into her a few more times before releasing his seed into her canal. "Mmm… Hhhiiillldddeee!" he grunted, shuddering and collapsing atop her. He caught himself on his elbows and rested his head against her collarbone, spent and breathless.

Hilde stroked his head gently, holding him to her with her legs entwined with his. "Duo." She said softly, content.

His chest began to rumble and she could feel his laughing as he was still inside her, "Babe, are you sure you don't want me to rent more scary movies?" He looked up at her, smiling brightly, "I mean, look at this, we're on the living room floor, what could be better?" he kissed the tip of her nose.

"You can if you want to, just don't think I'm going to sit here and watch it with you. I don't like them." She said.

"Whatever you say, I'm not going to rent them then. I like to cuddle up with you on the couch to watch movies. It's boring alone. Besides, if I was alone then there wouldn't be situations like this." He smiled and looked down to where they were joined, "I really like being like this."

Hilde smiled, brushing aside Duo's matted bangs, "Me too." She reached up on to the couch, pulling the black blanket to the floor, "I don't want to move. Let's just stay like this for a while." Her bright blue eyes were pleading and he couldn't refuse. Nodding at her she smiled, "Just a little while."


Hilde woke up the next morning to the warmth of Duo's chest under her cheek; she smiled to herself and looked down at her lover. His chestnut locks spread across his face and his chest heaving with his shallow breaths. He looked more like an angel than the God of Death he claimed himself to be. "And I love waking up to this." She pressed a kiss to his half-parted lips before returning to sleep.


Wow. I'm done. I can't believe this. Shit. Having done this means I have to study now. Does anyone know who invented studying? Or provincial exams? If any of you do, tell me who it is so I can knock them upside the head. Anyways, what did you think? Was it crap, or has my lack of sleep resulted in something good? Tell me what y'all think. I'm off to catch my own zzz's… it's 3 in the morning, studying and text books overflowing with numbers, equations, summary statements can wait until I haul myself out of bed in the morning… whenever I'm waking up.