Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Murder and a Music Box ❯ The Cobra ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes: Thanks to Ash Black Raven for reviewing. I'll take some huggles and candy! Hope you and everyone else reading likes this chappy. I'm gonna try to write the next one quicker. I've just been kinda busy the last few weeks, but this weekend is all mine!

Disclaimer: Duh, I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I would have a lot more money.

Warning: Slight language and more shonen ai, but if you're reading this fic you already know that. I guess I should mention there is a little 2x4, he wishes, 4x1, maybe a little 3x2? Man, Duo gets a lot of action. Oh, and past Rx5xR.

The Cobra

Needless to say I was shocked. Again. I even forgot about trailing Chang. By the time I remembered he was long gone, and Quatre and Heero were probably tucking into their appetizers. I guess it was good in a way. It made me start to question Quatre. I, already being familiar with Heero, didn't think much about him. But then I did start thinking maybe Heero had seduced Quatre, which wouldn't be hard for him. Ahh, then I got a headache.

I got into my car and waited patiently for them to leave the restaurant. Now, I was acting out of emotions here, not rational thought. I had been, well, not betrayed. But both Heero and Quatre acted like they hadn't known each other very well. It was possible that that night was their first date, and they were so attracted to each other they had to kiss before dinner. Man, I didn't even get dinner with Heero. Just some beer and tequila. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Well, as you can tell my thoughts were jumbled, and I just sat there and waited.

Finally, the pair emerged from the restaurant. They walked into the parking lot and got into a white BMW. Quatre was driving. I followed them out of the parking lot and around downtown. As the surroundings started to look more familiar I saw The Blue Angel in the distance. I had a feeling where they were going, and I was right. They turned into some apartment complex that looked vaguely familiar. Hey, the last time I was there I was drunk then hung over.

Well, I didn't stick around after that. I turned my car around and drove home. I tried to sort out everything I had seen that night. It wasn't really all that suspicious. I was just jealous, right? I just wished it was me taking out that sweet blonde and then taking him home. But something about it didn't feel right, and this time I definitely noticed. It was a relief when my racing mind finally quieted down, and I fell asleep.

I got a phone call bright and early the next morning. "Hello?" I mumbled into the mouthpiece and silently cursed the person on the other end for waking me from my slumber.

"Hey, Duo. Still sleeping in?" a-way-too-happy-for-that-early-on-a-Saturday-morning voice asked.

"Yeah, that's the point of the weekend, Trowa." I didn't want to admit it, but I was actually glad he called.

"Yeah," he said and sighed, "I wish I could freelance."

I laughed at that. "Don't patronize me."

"I'm not, Duo. But that's not what I called for. I ran a check on Wu Fei Chang, and it came up clean."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," I said and sat up in bed. "Have you gotten any further in those robbery cases?"

"We have a few leads we're looking into," he said, typical cryptic Trowa. "You got anything?"

"Hmm, a few leads," I lied. I only had one so far.

"Well, good luck. You know, if you ever need anything you can give me a call, Duo."

I smiled. "I know. Good luck to you too, Tro."

He gave a small chuckle. "You haven't called me that in a long time."

"Well, don't get all mushy on me you big girl," I said and laughed.

"Me a girl? I seem to remember you're the one with the ass long braid and the habit of wearing women's clothing." Then I instantly regretted mentioning the fairer sex.

"Good bye, Barton," I barked into the phone.

"Talk to ya later, Duo," he said, and I put the phone down.

After I did the morning routine, breakfast and a shower, I decided to head over to Chang's and resume my stake out. It was a good way to keep my mind off of what I saw the night before. Plus, I kept picturing Heero cooking breakfast for Quatre naked. And I didn't want to think about that for a variety of reasons, one being Heero looked very good with and without clothes.

Well, I got over to Chang's crappy apartment and waited for a while. I knew he was still there because I saw his car. I was beginning to think he'd just sit inside all weekend when I saw him emerge and drive off. I was incredibly relieved and followed him. He drove a few miles down the street and stopped in front of a pawn shop.

It was one of those area's that don't have parking lots so you have to parallel park along the road. I hate to parallel park. I failed my first driving test because I couldn't do it, and now I avoid it like the plague. But, at least I have a small car. So, I parked (which took longer than I care to admit) and I got out of my car and waited. I was across the street and kinda kitty corner to the place Chang went into. I figured there was less of a chance he'd see me that way, and I really needed to stretch my legs.

As I was waiting I glanced into the windows of the shops on my side of the street. There were a couple of antique shops, the kind that litter certain areas of every city. Mostly crap, really. But I guess occasionally there are good deals. I was never one for going antique shopping. Trowa is, but that's another story.

So, I was looking in the windows and waiting for Chang when I saw something familiar. It was an ornate music box covered in flowers and little victorian scenes. My heart started beating in excitement. Hey, it was a big break in the case. Anyway, I pulled out my notes and quickly compared Quatre's description of the music box to the one in the antique shop's window. It was a perfect match, and for the second time in two days I forgot about trailing Chang.

I walked into the shop and it greeted me with the little ring of a bell to let the sales person know someone was there and it was time to start pressuring them to buy stuff. I scanned the shelves, but it was mostly junk. Piles of torn up books, mismatched dining sets, old ratty toys, you know the usual for a place like that. But I wasn't here for any of that. I was there for the music box, so I reached into the window display and grabbed it.

"Can I help you?" a voice asked from behind me layered with a thick German accent.

"Uh, yeah," I said and turned to face the voice. It was a woman, petite with short dark hair and big eyes.

"Well?" she asked and looked at the music box in my hand. "You want to buy the music box? It is $150."

Well, I raised my eyebrow and gave a small chuckle. "Actually. It's going to be free because it's stolen property."

Her big eyes narrowed into slits. "You get out of my shop if you are going to accuse me of being a thief."

I shook my head. "I'm not a accusing you, miss. I'm accusing whoever sold it to you."

"No, get out. I call the police," she said and looked like she meant it.

Well, I had to do something. So, I did what came natural. I stretched the truth to fit my purpose. "I am the police," I said and flashed my detective badge. It was too fast for her to really get a good look at it. "I'm detective Maxwell, and I'm investigating the theft of this music box and the murder of the man it belonged to."

She said a couple of things in German that I obviously didn't understand. "Even if you are police I cannot just give the music box away. You still have to buy it."

"What?" I couldn't believe I was hearing this. "No, I don't. It's stolen property. You have to give it back and lose money. Maybe you should be more careful about who you buy from."

Well, she glared at me again. "You police are all the same. You only care about the rich people. When my shop gets robbed do you look for the criminals? Do you give back the money that was stolen? No! But now you expect me to give back a $150 item because it was stolen. Now you steal from me."

Okay, I have to admit I didn't really know how to respond to that. It wasn't a great shop, and I can't imagine it made much money. Then again, she was probably taking me for a ride and bought and sold a number of stolen items.

"All right," I said, "I'll make you a deal."

"What kind of deal?" she asked suspiciously.

"I'll give you the $150 if you give me the music box and information on who sold it to you. Deal?"

She took a minute to think about it. "Okay. I don't care about him anyway. He is a liar and a bastard. I'll do your deal."

I nodded and she walked over the the cash register. I followed and pulled out my credit card. Like I'm gonna carry around $150 in cash. It was kinda annoying to have to pay to get the music box back, but I figured I'd just add it on to Quatre's bill. He could afford it.

"You take Visa?" I asked and held out my card.

"You only have credit card?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, "sorry."

"Fine," she said and swept my card.

After I had signed the receipt and she put the music box in a bag I stood there for a moment, waiting. "Well? Who is the guy that sold you the music box? What can you tell me about him?" I asked and pulled out my notepad and pen.

"He is not a nice man. He comes in and sells things sometimes. I do not like him, but he sells me nice things so I will buy from him."

"What is his name?"

"I do not know his name. But he has a tattoo of a cobra on his arm. Right here," she said and pointed to her biceps.

"When did he sell the music box to you?"

"Maybe a few weeks ago."

"What does he look like besides the tattoo?" I asked.

"He is tall and thin. Asian, I think, but I don't know which country he is from. His hair is black and kind of long. It almost reaches his shoulders."

"Thanks," I said. "If I need anymore info can I come back?"

"As long as you buy something."

"All right," I said and couldn't help smiling. "Thanks again."

As I walked out of the shop I was surprised that Chang's car was still there. But it suited me just fine. I got back in my car and waited. I was half way there. It was a great feeling. I had the music box, a good lead and as I thought about it this guy with the cobra tattoo sounded like somebody I knew. Asian with almost shoulder length black hair? Who could that be? Okay, so I didn't know if Chang had a cobra tattoo, but if he did I had him.

After another twenty minutes or so Chang walked out of the pawn shop and got into his car. I followed him back to his crappy apartment and waited some more. Man, it was getting really boring. Plus, now I had some evidence and a better lead. I needed more info. I only knew of four, maybe five people who could tell me if Chang had a cobra tattoo on his arm. And I didn't feel like talking to most of them.

I knew I should go tell Quatre about the music box, but I didn't want to see him at that moment. Chang was the closest person to ask, but would he tell me? Well, there was only one way to find out. I put the music box in my trunk and walked up to his door. Then I rang the bell and waited.

He answered the door about a minute later. When he saw me his black eyes narrowed and he folded his arms across his bear chest. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to ask you a couple more questions," I said and looked at both of his biceps. He was fit and had a very nice upper body (probably equipped with a nice lower body too), but I wasn't thinking about that. Okay, I did briefly, then I scanned for the cobra tattoo. It wasn't there.

"I don't want to answer any, Detective. And I don't think you can make me."

Well, he was still as testy as ever, and I was feeling annoyed. I had been so sure it was Chang. "You don't have any cobra tattoos?" I ventured.

"I wouldn't poison my body with paint," he said but then smiled thinly. "Are you looking for a man with a cobra tattoo?"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"Why don't you go to The Blue Angel and ask for Cobra. Then you can talk to him all you want."

"Who is he?" I asked. I hated getting lead around like a dog on a leash and that's exactly what I felt like.

"Go find out for yourself," he said and slammed the door in my face. From the other side I swear I heard the bastard laughing. I guess I should have taken that as a bad sign, gone home and called it a day. But I'm too curious for my own good sometimes.

Can you guess what happened next? Well, not exactly next because then I went home, put the music box away and had a late lunch. Then I gave Ignatius some carrots and played Go Fish with him. Who won? Who do you think? Yeah, I know. I suck at games.

So then I put on a pair of pretty nice grey slacks and a blue button up that brings out my eyes, and I left. Back to The Blue Angel.

Was I apprehensive about seeing Heero again? A little, but this was too good of a lead to pass up. I could be close now. I could find out the truth about Mr. Winner's death, get paid and forget all about Quatre Winner and his pretty boyfriend. Oh, by the way I'm really not bitter about it. I guess I was a bit annoyed at the time, but I did have the slightest crush on Quatre so can you blame me?

Anyway, I got there, parked and walked inside. There was no Heero on stage. Perhaps he wasn't working that night or it was just too early, I didn't know and I didn't care. Okay, I cared a little because I thought he might be on another date with Quatre, but Iike I said I'm not bitter.

So, I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. I know, I know, maybe not the best idea considering what happened last time. But was one measly beer gonna hurt? After all, I earned it after finding the music box that day. I drank my beer and looked around, but I didn't see anybody who matched the girl's description.

"Hey," I said to the bartender after I finished my beer.

"Yeah, you wanna another one?"

"No, I'm actually looking for someone."

He laughed. "Heero doesn't come in until midnight."

I glared at him and was thankful that the bar was dim. "I'm not lookin' for him. I'm lookin' for Cobra."

He checked me out slowly. "You a cop?"

Well, I wasn't a cop anymore. I was a private detective. "No."

"Right through there," he said and pointed at a door in the shadows.

"Thanks," I said and paid for my beer before walking toward the door.

I tested the knob and it turned, so I carefully walked in. It was a small room with another door and a big guy. You know, standard muscle.

"I'm looking for Cobra," I ventured and hoped he had the brain cells to comprehend my sentence.

I guess he did because he just opened the door and motioned for me to go inside. It was another room, slightly bigger this time and there was a guy lounging on a couch in it. He was thin and tall with almost shoulder length black hair and Asian features, Japanese to be exact. And sure enough there was a tattoo of a cobra on his left biceps.

"What do you want?" he asked softly.

"You're Cobra?" I know, lame. But I was trying to buy some time. I needed to think about what I was gonna say, and that's not something I'm good at.

"Yes. What do you want?" he asked again and sat up.

"I wanted to know why you sold the music box of a murdered man to an antique shop?"

Well, he didn't do what I expected which was to look shocked. Instead he started laughing. "You should really mind your own business, Duo Maxwell."

"What?" I said, shocked. "How do you know my name?"

Well, he didn't ever answer me. At least not with words. But I got a really nice right hook in my jaw. I tried to fight back, and I'm sure I got a number of good punches in, but he was just too fast. No wonder they called him cobra. After he punched me repeatedly in the stomach, and I was sure I was never gonna catch my breath again he called in the big guy. I remember being carried out a back door and thrown out with the other trash, how cliché.

"Mind your own business, detective," Cobra said and punched me in the face one last time.

I really struggled to hold on to consciousness, but in the end I lost. And as everything faded to black I swear someone called my name.

* * *

More Author's Notes: Who is Cobra? Yeah, my beta reader and friend asked me the same thing. Well, he's not from GW because I ran out of characters. He's not my own creation either. He is from a different anime. It's not really a crossover, more of a cameo. I will reveal his identity in the next chapter, I think. Oh, and the girl in the antique shop was supposed to be Hilde. I don't know how to write a German accent though. So, what did everyone think? Please review and tell me!!! Thanks!