Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Murder and a Music Box ❯ The Man Who was Always There ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Notes: Thanks for your review Sailor Firestar. Yeah, Quatre is a bit nervous, but who wouldn't be with Detective Maxwell on to you! I'm really happy you like this story so much, it means a lot to me!!! I'll check out, it sounds cool.

Another thank you to TKM for your review. Heero is a bit of an enigma, but that's the way I like him. Please enjoy the rest.

Disclaimer: Duh, I don't own Gundam Wing. If I did I would have a lot more money.

Warning: In this chappy there is some bad language, but only a couple times. Shonen ai, but if you're reading this fic you already know that. I guess I should mention there is a little 2x4, he wishes, 4x1, maybe a little 3x2? Man, Duo gets a lot of action. Oh, and past Rx5xR.

Well, here it is, the very last chapter. Enjoy!!!

The Man Who was Always There

On the one hand, I could take the money and forget all about the case. That really didn't seem like a bad option to me. It had been a hassle. I'd been beat up, yelled at, it really stretched me to my limits. The money was also a nice thing. I could do a lot with that amount of money (and I'm talking about a lot of money, for one case anyway). I wouldn't have to work for a while at least.

But, on the other hand, I had worked extremely hard on this case and to give up now, was well, quitting. And Duo Maxwell doesn't like to quit, unless there is a really good reason. Plus, there was Trowa. He would be disappointed if I quit. He probably wouldn't say anything about it, but I know him. We had come so far working on this case together that if I gave up now it would have been for nothing.

But all that money! Okay, by then Quatre was looking at me. So was Heero. They were both waiting for whatever my answer was. So, I gave them one.

"Okay," I said, "I'll take it." Hell, it was a lot of money.

Quatre nodded and smiled lightly. "Oh, well that's nice."

"But," I quickly added, "I'm gonna go to my good friend Detective Barton with all the information I've gathered."

Quatre's smile flickered slightly, but stayed. "You have new information?"

I just nodded and looked at Heero. He looked slightly interested, but he kept quiet. "Your father wasn't too pleased when he found out you were gay, was he Quatre?" I asked and looked at the kid.

His eyes narrowed slightly. "No, I guess you could say he didn't approve," he said and glanced at Heero.

"Was it love at first sight?" I asked not bothering to keep the sarcastic edge out of my voice.

Quatre blushed slightly and Heero only smiled. "I'd say it was more of lust at first sight," he said and glanced at Quatre.

Quatre glared at him for a minute and then resumed his look of shocked innocence. "I guess it wasn't love at first. But what does this have to do with the case, Duo?" he asked and I could tell he was getting annoyed.

"I'm getting there," I said and took off my coat. "Now Quatre, when did you start paying Mr. Yuy?"

He let out a little laugh. "He isn't a prostitute if that's what you think. I don't pay him. I give him gifts because he's my boyfriend." Damn, he sounded really sincere when he said that too.

I nodded and asked my next question. "And do you consider it an exclusive relationship?"

"Of course," he said a little too loudly. "Why wouldn't it be?" he asked and looked first at me and then at the calm Heero.

So, he didn't know. Well, I had half a mind to tell him and maybe I should have. But, I didn't. "I suppose your father wasn't happy about the bill he was footing to keep your boyfriend clothed and in a nice place?"

"No," he said simply and shifted in his seat. Heero just looked at him kindly.

"Well, that seems like a good enough motive to me," I said and let it sink in.

"Motive for what?" Quatre asked slowly, still the innocent.

"Murder," I said and smiled. "I mean, Trowa Barton already doesn't trust you. If I throw him that bone what do you think he'll do with it?" I looked at Heero who just artfully raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't have anything to do with my father's murder," Quatre said and I could see the tears forming in his eyes. Man, he had to play that card, didn't he? I should have known, but at the time I just tried not to look at him.

"I don't think you did," I said and sighed. "But I think you know something you're not telling me. There was something in this box that you wanted, and if I can prove it you have to tell me everything you know. Or else I'll go to the good Detective Barton with your motive, deal?"

"More like blackmail," Quatre muttered and looked at Heero.

"Yeah, deal," Heero said and slid an arm around Quatre's shoulders pulling him close. It made my stomach ache a little to see that sign of affection. Although I wasn't sure if it was because of Quatre, Heero or both.

I nodded and opened the music box. Well, this was the moment of truth. Was there really a false bottom that contained something? Or was I delusional and it was just a plain old music box? Well, at first it seemed that way. I didn't see any place for the false bottom to be. I fumbled around with it for a moment, turned it upside down and shook it lightly all while avoiding looking at the pair of lovers who were watching me. Then, when I was about to give up I decided to wind it. I gave it a turn backwards to make sure it was at the beginning and I heard a pop. The bottom had opened up and I smiled. There was nothing in it at the moment, and it was too small for much of anything, but that didn't matter because I had been right.

"You found it," Quatre said and met my eyes.

"So, what was in it that you were looking for?" I asked.

"A necklace that was my mothers," he simply stated.

I nodded and pulled out the pictures of him leaving the antique shop from earlier that day. I set them on the table and looked up at Quatre. He grabbed the pictures and looked through them quickly while Heero took the ones he was finished with and took his time.

"You were following me?" Quatre demanded. It was the first time I'd ever seen him get angry. It wasn't very formidable, but I didn't wanna push it.

"No, it was a coincidence. I was just going by to question Hilde and I saw you there. Were you asking about your mother's necklace? How did you find the place and what aren't you telling me?" I asked and raised my voice a bit, for the effect, you know.

"I . . . just . . ," he glanced at Heero for support who gave his lover's shoulder a squeeze and looked at me.

"Why don't you just tell us what you know and we'll fill you in on the rest, Duo. It's not nice to play around," he said and smiled.

"Yeah, I'll bet," I retorted and glared at him. "I know you're father's business was in financial trouble. He hired Wu Fei to straighten things out, and then threatened and fired him. I know he borrowed money from Dorothy Catalonia, a shady character at the least, and you probably know her, don't you Heero?"

He just flashed me a smile and I continued. "Well, from what I gathered Akito Sohma, or Cobra is working with Ms. Catalonia, and Hilde, the girl from the antique shop is involved as well. I think she and Wu Fei both know something, but they're too scared to say anything. I also think you know Ms. Catalonia, Quatre. So, fill me in," I finished and leaned back. At that point I really wished I had asked for some water.

Heero chuckled. "You're a better detective then you let on, Duo." I didn't know if that was meant to be a insult or a compliment, so I just gave him a smirk.

Quatre looked at Heero and then looked down. "You're right," he began, "I know Dorothy, and I don't blame Wu Fei or Hilde for being afraid. She's a dangerous woman." I nodded and he went on. "My father owed her money, the money he borrowed, I mean. But I don't think he wanted to pay her."

He looked up at me and his dark blue eyes were swimming with tears. "I loved him, but he was pretty greedy, Duo. I'm sorry, I didn't want to cry," he said and began wiping them away. Heero used his thumb to help and planted a gentle kiss on Quatre's head. It would have all been very touching if I wasn't about to gag. Or maybe I was a little jealous.

"What happened then?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and looked up at me again. "I think it was Dorothy who has been organizing these robberies, and I think she had my father killed because he wouldn't pay her back."

I nodded. "What about the music box?"

"I don't know," Quatre said and shook his head. "I don't understand why they took that. When you said you found it at an antique shop I thought I'd go see if Hilde was the one who sold it to you. I know them both," he explained, "Hilde and Akito."

"Why didn't you tell me this in the beginning?" I asked and let the annoyance seep into my voice.

"The same reason Wu Fei and Hilde are scared. I didn't want Dorothy to hurt me, or Heero," the kid said and squeezed Heero's hand, who smiled kindly.

"Why hire a detective then?"

"Because," Quatre said and his voice sounded urgent. "That way it would throw them off. If I pretended like I didn't suspect anything they would leave me alone. Plus, if you found out anything you could catch them and arrest them for everything they've done."

"Yeah," I said, "but it would have been nice if you warned me about Cobra!"

Quatre nodded regretfully. "You're right. I'm sorry about that."

I gave a loud sigh and leaned forward. "No problem," I muttered under my breathe.

"We'd like to help catch them," Heero said. "I don't want to worry anymore. Quatre, do you?"

"No," he admitted. "Is there anything we can do to help?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'll have to talk to Trowa about it, but I bet there is." I stood up, feeling more exhausted then I had in a long time.

"Are you leaving?" Quatre asked and stood up with me, Heero did the same.

"Yeah, I should get going and talk to Trowa," I said.

"Okay, if you must," Quatre said, smiled sweetly and handed me the check with all those zeros. "Don't forget this."

"Thanks," I said and smiled back as I walked away. Then I got into my car and drove home with more on my mind then I'd had when I drove over. It was gonna be a long night.

* * *

A few weeks and a whole lotta red tape later, Trowa and I sat in a surveillance van outside of The Blue Angel. It was well past midnight and Heero was inside working a couple of his jazz tunes. Quatre was in there too, but he was on a completely different mission. Trowa was fine tuning some to the equipment while I munched on a bag of chips. He was working on his third cup of coffee, I was on my fifth.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked for the hundredth time.

"Yeah, Trowa. Relax, it'll be fine," I said and adjusted my headphones.

"You're right," he said and threw me a smile. "He's the only one that could've gotten in.

I nodded and smiled back. "The kid's bright," I said. He was. That entire evening had been his idea. He was the only one with enough inside information to get Dorothy to talk openly. He even agreed to go in there wired. At the time, we all thought it was a great idea. Ahh, hindsight.

Suddenly, Heero's piano faded away as Quatre was being lead into a back room.

"Thanks for seeing me," he said, the same old innocent kid.

"It's my pleasure," a women's voice answered. It was smooth and dripping with power, but I didn't trust it. "What can I do for you?" she asked, and I wondered if she was smiling.

"I just want the necklace back," Quatre stated simply. He sounded slightly nervous, but I hoped she wouldn't notice.

For a long moment she said nothing and Trowa threw me a worried look. "What makes you think I would have it?" she finally asked.

"Because Hilde had the music box," Quatre answered, his voice sounded more self-assured this time.

"And did your detective tell you that?" Dorothy asked dangerously.

Quatre hesitated for a moment. "You know he did because he went to Hilde."

Then Dorothy laughed, but I've never heard anything should less cheerful. It sent shivers up my spine. "All right," she said, "let's quit playing this game. I'll give you the necklace back, Quatre, but what will you give me?"

"I'll give you the money my father owed you," Quatre said, his voice shaking slightly, "before you had him killed."

Dorothy laughed again, a little longer this time and I looked at Trowa. "This woman's nuts," I said and took a sip of coffee.

"Yeah," Trowa said and nodded.

"Yes, well he was being rather rude about not paying me," she said when she stopped laughing.

"You could have just asked a few more times, you didn't have to kill him," Quatre said and sounded angry. I was worried he was gonna blow his cover if he kept it up.

"I don't think Cobra thought it would kill him. It was an accident, Quatre. I apologize," she said and her voice was dripping with honey.

"Fine," Quatre said and took a deep breath. "Can I have the necklace now? I'll bring the money by on Friday."

"Yes," she said, "it's a relief to stop playing." There was the sound of movement and a few moments later I could hear Heero's saxophone wailing.

Trowa turned to me and smiled. "He did it. It's enough to bring her in."

I nodded and patted him on the back. "Yeah," I said and leaned back in my chair. I was just glad it was almost over.

* * *

The next couple of days were a blur of setting stories straight and legal work. Trowa produced an arrest warrant for Dorothy and was gonna go get her. But, since that didn't have anything to do with me I was gonna go thank Quatre instead. When I got over there no one was home. Which wasn't particularly strange because it was kinda early. So, I decided to go check Heero's and see if the kid was there.

I rang the bell at Heero's apartment and waited. A few moments later Heero opened the door. "Hey," he said and smiled, "come in."

"Thanks," I said and walked inside. Heero's place looked a bit messier than usual, but I didn't say anything because I'm really not one to talk. "Is Quatre here?"

"No," he said and shook his head, "he had to go on a small trip."

I nodded absently. "Do you know when he'll be back?"

"A few days," Heero said and started picking up some clothes. "We are supposed to take a vacation in a week. He said he wants to get away from this place for a while, and school just let out so he's free for now."

"Where are you going?" I asked, curious despite everything.

Heero shot me a devilish grin. "Someplace warm."

"Well, I hope you two have fun," I said and felt a slight twinge of jealously. Although it was to a much lesser extent this time.

"Thanks," he said smiling.

I didn't have anything else to say to him, so I headed for the door. "I'll be seeing you, Heero."

"Wait," he said and I turned around. "I almost forgot Quatre wanted me to give you this." He pulled out a small key on a chain and a note.

"What is it?" I asked.

Heero shrugged. "It's a key to a safe deposit box in the City Bank building downtown. I don't know what's in it. He said something about a bonus."

"Thanks, Heero," I said and held out my hand to shake his. It felt a little awkward considering the other positions we'd been in, but I didn't know what else to do.

He shook his head and laughed. "Is that anyway to thank me?" Then he leaned forward and kissed me lightly. I'm not gonna lie about it, I kissed him back. But it wasn't a hot and heavy kiss, it was just light and gentle. Like he was teasing me.

Well, I pulled away and shook my head this time. "See you," and then I walked out of Heero Yuy's door forever.

At that point my curiosity had the best of me, so I looked at the note Heero gave me. All it said was the bank and the number of the safe deposit box, so that's where I headed. The traffic wasn't too bad for that time of day, and I even found a pretty descent parking place.

I walked in and down the stairs to the basement where the boxes where kept. I smiled at the young guy working the desk and showed him the key. "I'm here to retrieve box 1756."

He nodded. "Right this way, sir."

I followed as he lead me into one of those rooms and pointed at the biggest safe deposit box I'd ever seen. It was really more like a chest than a box. I think I even opened my mouth and gapped.

"I'll leave you alone," the guy said and walked out.

I only nodded to show I understood, waited for the door to close and slipped the key into the lock. It was so big I had to put in on the floor. By this point I had a lot of thoughts about what could be in the box. A whole lotta money was my hope. On the other end of the spectrum I had some bad thoughts like a body, but that just came from me watching way too much TV.

Slowly, I put the key in the lock on the box itself and opened. Inside the massive box was another box, but not the one I'd expected. It was the music box, looking strangely small in such a big chest. Well, my mind was racing, and I was a little confused at that point. I was wondering if Quatre maybe thought I wanted the music box, but that didn't make any sense. So, I pulled it out and looked inside.

It was empty so I clicked the winder backwards to check the secret compartment. There was a small note inside scribbled with Quatre's handwriting. It read:


I wanted to thank you for finding the music box and helping me get my "mother's necklace" back (yeah, there were quotation marks around that). Please thank Detective Barton for me as well. I couldn't have done it without your help. I hope you lock up Akito and Dorothy for a long time, they've been very bad.


Quatre Winner

I read the note three times. Then I looked at the music box and placed it put it back in the chest. The key was still dangling innocently from its chain. And the only thing I could think of was that Quatre Winner was long gone, and I had helped him get that way.

* * *

So, that was the story of Quatre Winner and his missing music box. Damn, now do you understand why I was so annoyed about him? He played me like a fool. I know I said I was a fool, but that doesn't mean someone has to play me like one.

I guess you're wondering what happened after that? Well, Quatre was gone and when I went to look for Heero he was gone too. Yeah, I know. What a bastard. Anyway, they got it all. All the money that was stolen from those houses was gone with the two of them. Dorothy and Akito are still awaiting trials, but that's the legal system for ya. I really don't know what happened to Chang and Relena. Maybe they made up and got engaged again, maybe not.

As for me, I felt like shit for a while. My ego had really taken a beating and I was doubting my skills as a detective. Luckily, Trowa felt the same way so I wasn't alone. Then one day after moping around the house and playing Risk with Ignatius he gave me an idea. Well, he was climbing around Europe and that gave me the idea.

So, I picked up the phone and gave Trowa a call.

"Hello?" he said.

"Hey, Tro. I have a great idea."

Well, he laughed but I couldn't really blame him. "What's that?" he asked when he was done.

"I was thinking about all that money that Quatre gave me, and I decided why not go on vacation?"

"Sounds great," Trowa said. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Well," I said and smiled, "I was thinking about France."

Trowa gave a small chuckle. "That sounds like fun, Duo. I hope you have a good time."

"I will," I said, "but I'd like a translator, Tro. You wanna come with?"

He was silent for a moment on the other side of the phone. "I'd love to," he finally said.

"Great. Come over later and we can start planning it," I said.

"I'll see you later then," he said and hung up.

I hung the phone up too and looked at Ignuatius wandering around Africa. Then I handed him a carrot stick.

"Looks like I found what I need," I said and smiled.

The end.

* * *

More Author's Notes: Okay, so that was it. I hope everyone who read it enjoyed it, and thanks a lot for taking your time to read it! I know every question didn't get answered, but I think I got all the major ones. I think it's better that way anyhow, or that's how I like it. Please let me know what you think! Thanks!!!

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