Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Music's Calling ❯ Let the Sirens Sing ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I do not own any rights to ‘Gundam Wing’ or its characters. This work is not for profit.

“The light of a fading star, is what you wear, is what you are.” Trowa sang the words along with the radio the afternoon sun glinting off the bay windows to his seaside villa’s living room. He was currently cleaning the whole place, having recently returned home after his latest attempt to convince Quatre that Dorothy didn’t want flowers she just wanted his attention. The green eyed man was pretty sure he’d failed yet again, but Dorothy knew he’d tried. He was rather proud of his beachside home, having worked as a Preventer after the wars in order to earn it. It was his single greatest accomplishment, he’d designed it and helped build it with his own two hands, it was beautiful – and all /his/. His voice floated out across the sea from his open window – reaching ears that hadn’t heard his voice in several years...

Night fell and the moon cast its spell over the churning water around the slab of rock that Duo had been stranded on for the last two days. When they’d dumped him here, saying things like he needed to learn responsibility and stop acting like he’d saved the world in a gundam, because they all knew he wasn’t cut out for something like that. Bullshit, they didn’t know anything about him; though that was the point. However, Une hadn’t sent him undercover so that he could be marooned on an outcropping in the middle of who knows where. But as the sun began its descent from zenith he heard a familiar voice. He hadn’t seen the man in three years, hadn’t spoken to him in just as long and had /never/ heard him sing before, but Duo KNEW that it was Trowa he heard singing along with Flogging Molly. He continued listening as the sun set and the water and wind cooled his burning skin, then suddenly Lifehouse was booming from the other side of the rocks behind him. “I know you didn’t bring me out here to drown, so why am I ten feet under and upside down?” Duo’s voice carried across the night blackened surf...

Hearing a voice singing along with the music he’d been contentedly playing his flute too Trowa sat the instrument down and went outside - being guided by the sound of the beautiful voice coming to him across the waves. It sounded vaguely familiar, but he was having a hard time placing it. Suddenly it hit him and he raced into the waves, “DUO!?!”

Hearing his name called out had the braided man giving in and diving into the water, swimming around to see the modest villa house winking in the distance. When he reached a spot where he could touch he scanned the area for Trowa, finding the banged man splashing toward him through the surf he made a mad dash effort to reach the sand and Trowa. Falling after a particularly strong wave crashed into the backs of his legs he stood and moved toward Trowa’s open and waiting arms. “Trowa.” He hugged the other man tightly amused by the fact that he’d been only meters from help for a couple of days.

Trowa held onto the soaked former gundam pilot like he was a lifeline, other than Quatre - who was generally too busy to really see him - the former Heavyarms pilot hadn’t seen any of the others in years. “Duo.” Trowa leaned back a ways and looked at the bedraggled and obviously sunburned man in his arms, “What on earth are you doing out here?”

Duo hung his head, unable to meet the acrobat’s eyes because he’d failed his mission. Not only that, but it was a mission that Trowa would have excelled at, he /was/ the best when it came to infiltration and deception after all. Too bad he’d retired some three years ago. “A job went a little south. I’ve been out on that damn rock for two days already,” The cobalt eyes almost met green before skittering away again and he chuckled self-deprecatingly, “I seriously thought I was out in the middle of nowhere.”

“Meaning you haven’t eaten or had fresh water in two days?” Trowa deadpanned. “Why’d you start singing?” The inflection in his voice for this question let Duo know that he was simply curious as the man turned and wrapped an arm around his waist and began the trek back to the house.

“I heard you singing with Flogging Molly earlier, it took me a bit but I realized it was you. After that though, the only song I knew was the one by Lifehouse. And since you weren’t singing anymore, I thought you might be able to hear me. Though how you did so over the loud music I really don’t know.” He answered as they walked; entering the kitchen Duo looked around at the spacious and stocked with everything-one-could-possibly-need room. Deathscyth’s pilot grinned, “Think you’ve got enough?”

Trowa had gone into the living room and turned down the music, he came back smiling at Duo. “Never. It’s nice to know that I own it all. That I finally don’t have to want for anything.” The generally stoic man shrugged, “How’s ham and eggs sound?”

“Sounds amazing.” Duo wilted into a stool at the island bar in the center of the kitchen as his stomach growled rather loudly.

Trowa chuckled, “Good, cause it’s what I was planning on making already.” He winked at the braided man before grabbing out another plate and more eggs. He set to cracking eggs in a skillet and filling them with cheese, bits of onion, green peppers, celery and carrot slices. Dishing up the two omelets he pulled the ham from the oven and cut several slices, two to each plate. He sat one down in front of Duo and the other at the stool next to him. “What do you want to drink? Water, juice, milk?” He asked as he brought two glasses down from the cupboard.

“Umm, milk sounds good.” Duo was practically drooling, but he wanted to wait for Trowa, it was only polite after all.

Trowa grinned and filled both glasses with milk setting them down as he sat beside Duo. “Dig in Shin, there’s more if you’re still hungry when you’re done.” He gestured with his fork as he handed Duo his.

They ate in relative silence, Duo getting up and grabbing several more slices of ham, and then looking back at Trowa for permission to make another omelet – the silent question got a nod and the long haired still damp man made himself another. Once they were both full Trowa showed him to the second floor bathroom -complete with amenities - and left to get him something to wear. Coming back to the door Trowa knocked, not hearing water running like he’d thought he would. “Duo? You okay?”

“Yeah Tro, I’m fine. Come on in, I decided to fill the bath instead of taking a shower.” Duo’s voice drifted contentedly through the door.

Turning the handle Trowa entered the room to see that Duo hadn’t bothered to pull the curtain and was laid out in all his glory, nothing but water and stray floating hair covering his body. Trowa froze for half a second his eyes whipping to Duo’s, which were closed. Apparently his nudity didn’t bother him in the slightest, “I brought you a t-shirt and some sweatpants. I wasn’t sure if you’d want a pair of my underwear or not.” He set the folded clothing on the back of the toilet and then sat on the lid simply looking his friend over. Trowa kept telling himself that he was checking for any injuries. Even though he figured Duo would have mentioned them if he had any.

A smug smile crossed the chocolate and caramel haired man’s face, “Thanks Nash. Look all you want by the way. This tub is nice; I haven’t had a bath in a long time.”

Trowa jerked slightly and nearly choked on air at Duo’s words, but he didn’t bother to deny them. “You’re welcome Shin.” Trowa looked him over once more before rising from the seat and leaning over the tub, “You’re beautiful Duo.” He kissed the man’s forehead, “Soak all you want.” Then he left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.