Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Music ❯ It Starts... ( Prologue )

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Music (Pending Title)

Prologue of ?

Author: care

Genre: AU, romance, adventure, humor


Warnings: PG-13 for: shounen-ai, cross-dressing, BB (blond and bish) Solo ("OC," be forewarned that my OCs are weird), no research done on the part of historical background, corny magical objects (hell, corny magical plot), Duo-butt-torture (care: it's not as bad as that sounds…), mead, violin music, language, and worst of all, hick Zechsy. (o_O;;;;)

Pairings: umm.. oh boy… well… undecided at the moment… Que sera sera…

Disclaimer: I dun own 'em. Yadda yadda yadda...

On with the fic, Sancho!

He hated dresses.

Scratch. Scratch.

And he hated corsets (which, mind you, he didn't need).

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

And he absolutely loathed whatever idiot part of his brain that came up with this all-together-too-damn-successful ploy.

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

Scratch. Scratch.

Goddam ribbons.

Duo sighed as he once again scratched ineffectively at the lacey parts of his ensemble, cursing to hell that one lacey, Godawful corner of that… crocheted freaking torture device that dipped down a bit too low for comfort and was rubbing entirely too intimately with his… er… backside.

Muttering sotto-voiced curses under his breath, 'cause you could never be too safe, he straightened the nearly non-existent apron that was tied around his slim waist, shook his hair out a bit more, and opened the door.

Pasting a demure and innocently bright smile on his face, he walked over to Gi, who was hunched lecherously over a pint of mead.

"Sir, how does the uniform suit me?"
Gi obligingly leered a bit before nodding, satisfied and perverted.

"M'dear, we'll need to fix up that skirt, but other than that…"

Duo perked at the thought of lengthening the dinky thing.

"Really sir? I thought it was a bit short too. Do you-"

"Short? Short!? Zechs! Short, she says!" Amazed and amused, Gi walked over to his son who had been indifferently sitting at the counter, reading a book. Smacking Zechs quite soundly on the back, Gi grinned at Duo, poor, innocent, confused Duo.

Zechs, with no other option, grudgingly looked up from his text. Quickly, the bored expression on his face flitted away to… well… drool.

"Ya hear me boy? Short she says! Bah!"

"Yeah, Paw, I's know whatcha mean…"

Conclusive, the two both grinned lewdly at the lost brunette.

"Duette, m'dear," started Gi.

"It ain't short enough!" finished Zechs.

Cackling madly, father and son went back to staring mouth-agape at the general vicinity of Duo's chest.

He suddenly felt very exposed.

Now, he didn't have anything there but two rolls of stockings, but it still made him feel damn uncomfortable. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, in an attempt at blocking the view but instead just serving to make things… poof up a bit more, he vainly tried to smile.

The pathetic smile immediately crawled under a hole and died as a drunkard from behind roughly pinched one of Duo's cheeks. The ones behind.

'My life sucks.' was the obvious litany that ran through Duo-Duette's head, as uproarious laughter filled the tavern.

Well, that and, 'Bastards, just what do you think you're staring at?!'


Meet Duo Maxwell.

Thief extraordinaire.

Alias: Head barmaid of Gi's local inn and tavern establishment.


AN: in the eloquent words of dear chippie… "XD"