Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved's Kiss ❯ The Shock ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
i do not own Gundam Wing! however, any and all original characters and ideas belong to me. please do not steal them!

My Beloved's Kiss

Chapter 2: The Shock

Heero closed the door to the electric breaker with a feeling of accomplishment. Mission complete. They had just moved into this safe-house this afternoon and he had been more than a little aggravated to find that the room he had chosen did not have working electrical outlets and therefore, no way to charge his laptop's battery.

Duo had suddenly announced that he was going out not long after his discovery and had dragged a protesting Quatre with him. Wufei had left soon after that saying he would be training in the woods behind the house, and Heero set off to the basement in search of a breaker to see if it was working. Trowa offered to help search and after an hour of careful scrutiny, they had conceded that it was not located in the basement. Two hours later proved that it was not in the house at all and another hour of searching outside proved fruitless. Finally, Trowa suggested the attic and though skeptical, after all who would put an electrical breaker in an attic and not the basement, Heero looked and sure enough, there it was. Of course, that was when that braided baka decided to show up and Heero had nearly cringed in expectation of the loud voice that would soon be thrown his way.

Surprisingly though, it had been Quatre, not Duo, who had called out to them first and Heero was relieved at the sound of the blonde's soft voice. Quatre always seemed to know exactly when to cut in on the American's, at times, annoying chatter. In fact, if he didn't know better, he'd say Quatre purposely said or did something that would distract Duo from being a nuisance. Even if Duo was his best friend, he knew exactly how to drive him nuts.

He nodded to Trowa who had been standing by in case of any assistance needed and turned to the stairs. It was at exactly that moment that a woman's scream pierced the air. His senses were on instant alert. An intruder! His gun was out and he was down the stairs before the scream even subsided, Trowa hot on his heels.

They both stopped in shock at the sight of the beautiful girl in front of them. Golden hair that made silk seem as plain as cotton flowed halfway down her back. Slender hips that tapered up into a slim waist and a bust that was neither big nor small but sized perfectly to her body. Strangely, the girl was dressed in what appeared to be men's clothing. Khaki dress pants and a pink dress shirt that looked just a size too small and oddly familiar. Heero's gaze traveled up until he met scared, almost wild blue-green eyes and reality hit him in the gut like a punch from Wing Zero. This girl. This undeniably female person in front of him was... Quatre?

No. He had to be seeing things. Quatre? Female? When had he hit his head enough to become delusional?

He walked forward dazedly, barely noticing how Quatre tensed up on the verge of flight. He had to prove this was just one of Duo's stupid tricks. It had to be his fault! This just had that idiot's name written all over it. But why would Quatre go along with it?

When he reached the upset teen, Heero extended his hand towards his chest intent on proving that this was a joke. He should have expected the slap across his face when his hand touched the breast in front of him. It stung but the warm flesh that his hand had come in contact with showed him that the female body in front of him was in fact real.

A gasp snapped him out of his daze and he looked to Quatre's face. The slightly shorter boy was looking at him with a stunned and almost apologetic expression. "I... I'm so sorry, Heero! It was just a reaction! I don't know why... I... This is my fault. I'm sorry," Quatre wailed in a sweet angelic soprano voice. Tears filled his eyes and he seemed to be on the verge of becoming hysterical.

The soldier in him took charge. This was a problem and it needed to be handled quickly. Quatre couldn't go off doing any missions looking like a girl.

"How did this happen?" he snapped, keeping his voice flat and even. After all, he was trained to handle... surprises, this shouldn't be any different. There had to be a solution, and though he wouldn't admit it to himself, something in him hated to see Quatre so upset.

"It was actually my fault," Duo said from his right.

Trowa, who had stayed frozen at the foot of the stairs, suddenly appeared in front of him and pushed him roughly against the wall. "How is Quatre turning into a girl your fault?" Trowa looked beyond pissed off and Heero refrained from slapping himself in exasperation. Of course it was Duo's fault.

"W... Wait! Just let me explain first, okay?" Duo struggled to get away from Trowa's grip and he was released. Though it was obviously done with extreme reluctance. He moved to Quatre's side and began to explain. "I sorta convinced Quat to come with me to see a fortune teller."

Heero and Trowa looked at him in disbelief and Quatre groaned slightly. "I knew you guys would laugh at me for going," he muttered. He appeared to be calming down but still seemed shaken.

"Anyway," Duo continued, "This fortune teller turned out to be some kinda witch or something and she said a curse would solve Quatre's... er... problems. Quatre said no and we tried to leave but she like appeared out of nowhere and grabbed him and I guess put the curse on him anyway." Duo sighed. Running his fingers through his bangs, he looked at Quatre and said, "I'm sorry, Quat. I didn't know it would turn out like this."

Quatre attempted a shaky smile. A smile Heero couldn't help noticing seemed to make him more beautiful, though oddly enough he still looked like Quatre. "It's okay, Duo. You were only trying to help," Quatre tried to reassure him.

"So," Trowa spoke up, "this witch said the curse would help Quatre?" They nodded. "How?"

Duo shrugged. "How the hell would we know? That old woman was crazy!" His face turned thoughtful as he seemed to remember something. "Although, she did say something about how to change him back. What was that last thing she said, Quat?" he asked looking at the blonde. Quatre looked at him in confusion and then both of them seemed to remember at the same time. "That's it!" Duo exclaimed proudly. "That's how it would help." He started to laugh and Heero couldn't help but wonder if the witch had taken away the few brain cells Duo seemed to have left.

"So how do we change him back?" Heero asked, getting tired of the somewhat cryptic conversation.

Duo grinned. "Oh, that's easy! All you have to do is ki-... !"

He was suddenly silenced when Quatre clapped his hands over Duo's mouth and hissed, "Shut up, Duo!"

"But, Quat!"

In a panic, Quatre dragged Duo down the hall into his bedroom and slammed the door.

Heero was stunned. They knew how to fix this and Quatre wasn't even going to tell them? It didn't even seem like he wanted them to do anything about it! Had Duo rubbed off on him?

"All you have to do is ki-... !"

Was he supposed to do something? Duo had said it was easy so why did Quatre seem so scared about it? He glanced at Trowa who merely shrugged in response. "Since they seem to have some idea of what to do, let's just let them handle it, Heero," he spoke up quietly.

Heero just nodded as Trowa walked off and disappeared into his room. Leave them alone? Not a chance! If this had to do with him, which it appeared to, then he was going to find out what he had to do and fix this mess.

So how was this chapter? Good? Let me know. Not sure if I should continue but if I get enough of a response I might. (Or if a really good scene pops into my head.)