Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved's Kiss ❯ The Friendship ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
i do not own Gundam Wing! however, any and all original characters and ideas belong to me. please do not steal them!

My Beloved's Kiss

Chapter 4: The Friendship

Heero Yuy was now thoroughly convinced that there was something wrong with his head.

It had been two weeks since Quatre's.... transformation, and he had begun to view his fellow pilot differently. Not different in the sense that he was female. He refused to see the other pilot as a girl, despite his feminine appearance. To Heero, Quatre was still the Quatre he had always known. Intelligent, skilled in leadership and combat, and a guy. On the inside at least. No. The extra curves were not what was changing his view. It was Quatre himself.

Lately, Quatre had been around him almost every time he turned around. Sometimes he was quiet and said nothing more than a greeting. Other times he would talk about his past, his dreams or something that may have happened earlier in the day. He never seemed to expect Heero to talk to him or respond to his comments and Heero found himself growing accustomed to the gentle voice and quiet company. It was quite a contrast to Duo's loud mouth and usually boisterous movements. In fact, the American rarely showed up at all when Quatre was around but it seemed that whenever Heero was feeling even slightly suspicious, Quatre would flash him a dazzling smile and somehow he would forget to think about it.

It wasn't long before he began to expect Quatre's presence. To look for him when he entered a room. To hear the smile in his voice when he said "Hi, Heero!". To feel compelled to respond to some of his quiet dialogues, and see the way Quatre's eyes lit up when he did. He even caught himself talking about his own past on occasion, and Quatre always seemed to be understanding about his past and never criticized or judged. In fact, he seemed happier about the fact that Heero was speaking than what he was actually saying, though he always paid rapt attention to him. Heero knew that he was getting closer to the blond Arabian and he was considering him as more of a friend than just a fellow soldier. It didn't bother him to admit that. He was friends with Duo even though he couldn't stand him at times. What bothered him was that the friendship he felt with Quatre felt different than the friendship he had with Duo and the other pilots. The way a friend sucks on a popsicle should not affect you. A casual brush of skin as you walk by your friend should not make your skin tingle. And you should definitely not be reacting to the way your friend smiles at you.

Yes, something was seriously wrong with Heero Yuy's head.

"Hi, Heero!"

If he was one to show his emotions, Heero would have groaned in frustration as the very cause of his mental illness entered the living room where he sat typing on his laptop. As it was, he only nodded at the newcomer and continued to scan the files he was hacking into. At least, he tried to look like he was. His attention however, was on the blonde settling himself next to Heero on the couch with a book. Heero mentally growled. Quatre had to be torturing him on purpose. He felt eyes on him suddenly and glanced up to see Quatre looking at him with concern.

"Are you all right, Heero?"

Damn. He had forgotten about Quatre's empathy. Keeping his face nuetral and his tone bland he managed to say, "I'm fine." Something flashed through those blue-green eyes but Heero couldn't decipher what it was and it disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Okay," came the soft reply.

Quatre looked a little sad and Heero felt compelled to say something. He opened his mouth and....

WHAM!! "Hey, guys!" Duo shouted as he burst through the front door.

Wufei came out of the kitchen and growled, "Maxwell, do you have to be so loud?"

"Of course I do, Wuffers. Somebody has to since the rest of you are quieter than the dead."

"My name is Wufei," the irate chinese pilot growled.

Duo ignored him and called out for Trowa to come to the living room. Heero nearly smiled at the memory of how Wufei had reacted to Quatre's transformation. He had begun ranting about letting a woman in the house and hadn't even noticed it was Quatre until Duo had taken great pleasure in shocking years off of the pilot's life by informing him. Needless to say, there was a lot of quick explaining done and outright denial on Wufei's part that he would ever accept Quatre as a female. Heero had told him to ignore that part and just think of him as Quatre. After all, that was what he was doing. Quatre's smile at those words was nearly blinding, and oddly enough a part of Heero was glad he had been the cause of it.

Once Duo had everyone in the living room, he turned to face them all with a smile that instantly put them on guard. "Since we'll probably have new missions pretty soon, I've been thinking we should do something fun before we get back to work." He pouted at the blank looks he received. "Oh come on you guys! I found a club in town and it would be perfect for a little partying. They don't even check I.D.'s at the door!"

Wufei muttered something about using a braid as a noose and started to walk out. Trowa followed and Heero just went back to his laptop.

"Come on, guys! Please?" Duo whined. After being ignored he said something that caught everyone's attention. "If you guys come this one night, I swear not to say a word to any of you unless it is mission-based."

Heero's head snapped up and he heard Trowa and Wufei turn around behind him. "Is that a promise, Maxwell?" Wufei asked with barely disguised eagerness.

"Not a word. No useless chatter or anything," Duo said as he crossed his heart and nodded his head furiously.

Trowa seemed to like the idea too and Heero was about to mention the impossibility of that promise when Quatre looked at him and smiled. "We might as well eh, Heero?"

He found himself nodding and Duo whooped with joy.

Four hours later found them in front of a club hidden behind two alleys and a building that looked condemned. The bouncers at the door didn't even twitch as Duo sauntered through the doors like he owned the place. When Heero caught one of them looking at Quatre appreciatively, he sent them the most withering glare he could manage and ushered Quatre in as quickly as he could.

The place wasn't any different than he had expected. Loud, pulsing dance music filled their ears as soon as they entered and colored lights flashed to the beat. A bar was off the left with tables scattered randomly on each side. It wasn't as run down on the inside as it appeared on the outside and Heero was grateful for that much. The club was packed with young people from teens their age to some possibly in their twenties.

Duo was practically bouncing off of his feet in excitement. "Trowa, Heero, you guys go get some beers and we'll find a table," he shouted over the music.

Trowa sighed and turned to the bar. Heero sometimes got the feeling that Trowa really hated being the tallest at these times. Quatre made a face at the word 'beer' and Heero figured beer was not Quatre's drink of choice. He didn't have a chance to ask though because Duo was already hauling him off . He suppressed a sigh and followed Trowa, Wufei hot on his heels. It was obvious he didn't want to be around "Maxwell".

Heero ordered himself a beer and after a moment's hesitation, ordered a frozen margarita for Quatre. He had discovered that the Arabian loved frozen drinks. He ignored the somewhat amused look that Trowa gave him when he received his order and left him and Wufei to get their own as well as Duo's. He located them after a quick scan of the tables and since their backs were turned to him he approached them unseen. He froze when he was close enough to hear their conversation.

"You have to tell him, Quat."

"I told you why I couldn't do that, Duo."

"You can't go around as a girl forever, and I know you don't want to."

Quatre sounded troubled but determined. "I know, but I won't ask Heero to do that for me."

He felt Wufei move up beside him. "What are you waiting for, Yuy?"

The two pilots at the table turned at his voice and Heero shook his head. "Nothing," he managed to say as he moved to a chair near Quatre. Duo pasted a smile on his face but Heero could tell it was slightly forced and Quatre still looked a little upset. He placed the margarita in front of Quatre and was only half as glad as he would have been before hearing their words when Quatre looked at the drink and then him in surprise. A smile broke across his face and Quatre was nearly beaming as he he thanked him. Heero only nodded distractedly. Now he knew that Quatre's curse had to do with him, and Heero was going to find out what he had to do if he had to force it out of him.