Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Best Friend's Wedding ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: My Best Friend's Wedding

Part: All & epilogue.

Author: Oriana

Rating: PG-13 for most; NC-17 for the lemon. Warnings are placed all around it, so please no bashing if you stumble on to it and don't want to. The lemon is not a crucial part of the fic, so like I said:: if they squick you, please don't stop reading -- the epilogue is right after it. ^^

Notes: This was originally a crossover/fusion with the movie "My Best Friend's Wedding", but seeing as I hadn't viewed the movie fully before I wrote, it became a more original piece of fiction. If you think you know the entire plot of this fic from watching the movie, guess again! ~_^

Duo whistled softly as he made his way to his favorite coffee shop. Several people called out to him, and he replied cheerfully, waving hello. "Hiya, nice to see you, too!" Duo grinned as he finally reached the cafe, running in out of the cold into the small, warm shop. He breathed in deeply, simply enjoying the fragrant aroma of coffee beans. "Hey, Wufei, the usual!" He called into the back room, and a slight Chinese came out, grumbling.

"You wake up too early, Maxwell... you haven't even had your damn coffee yet!"

The other grinned. "I got a letter from Heero today... I was waiting until I got here to open it. Thought that maybe you could do your eavesdropping from nearby for once."

"I do NOT eavesdrop on you!" Wufei handed Duo a steaming mug of black coffee, which Duo sipped gratefully, fanning his mouth when it proved to be a little too hot. Wufei eyed the letter. "Well, aren't you going to open it?" He finally said, not caring if Duo's teasing had just been verified.

Duo took a long, slow sip of his drink. "In a minute." He grinned at the other boy's obvious discomfort.

Wufei smirked. "What, are you afraid to open it?"

Duo shook his head and set his mug on the low table in front of him. "Of course not, baka." He carefully slit the envelope across the top, not wanting to mar the contents. //I wonder what he sent... It's been about a month since we've heard from each other.//

Duo pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it, curious. "Dear friends and family..." He read aloud for his friend's benefit. "I am thrilled to be able to write this announcement of my engagement to Relena Peacecraft. We are getting married in two weeks in her hometown of San Diego, California. Enclosed is a plane ticket for your journey, should you wish to attend. God bless you all..." Duo's voice trailed off. "Heero Yuy." He whispered in shock.

Wufei looked in the envelope. "Hey, wait, there's something else in here."

"It must be the plane ticket."

"No, it looks like a note or something." He started to open it, when Duo snatched it away.

"Baka, give me that! Don't be such a snoop!" //Dear Duo... I hope this note finds you. Quatre told me that you'd moved to New York, so I put a plane ticket it your envelope. I hope you'll be happy for Relena and I; I love her dearly and she the same. You're my best friend; and I really wish you would come to my wedding. Love, Heero.//

"So, are you going?" Wufei asked bluntly, resting his feet on the coffee table.

"I honestly don't know..." Duo swallowed hard. "You know how I feel--- felt about him."

"Does he know?"

Duo shook his head. "I never got a chance to tell him. He moved to California. We kept in touch, I see what he's been doing with his time."

"Do you still want him?"

"Yes.. I mean no... I mean... It isn't right! Wufei, he's *engaged*!"

Wufei put his hand on Duo's shoulder. "I'm going to the wedding with you." He announced, an odd light flashing in his eyes. "And you, you are going to win that bastard back if it's the last thing I do."


Duo wondered if maybe he shouldn't have taken Wufei up on his offer. //If I'm not careful, I'm going to fall in love with him all over again... I can't.. I can't let that happen.// He angled his neck, trying to see the movie screen in the front of the plane. Finally giving up, he shifted in his seat, attempting to get comfortable. There were just top many tall people in the world.. //Heero was tall. BAKA! Don't even think about him! Thinking is now declared bad.//

Wufei smirked as he recognized the internal battle going on inside Duo's mind. The other boy was gripping the armrests tightly, his knuckles turning white, and his face was contorted in a grimace. "Was the chili really all that bad?" He asked innocently.

Duo groaned. "That's not even close to what I was thinking about."

"I know." Wufei reached into his carry-on bag and withdrew a framed photograph. "You almost forgot to bring this." He handed it to Duo.

"NANI?! I deliberately left this behind!" Duo nearly dropped the picture in the aisle, much to the dismay of a passing stewardess. The conversation these two passengers had been having had been...interesting. It would have been nice to know whom it was all about. Duo buried his face in his hands. "What would Heero think if he walked into my room and saw a picture of him on my dresser?!"

Wufei frowned. "I thought the reason you were going to the wedding was so that you could win Heero back."

The American shook his head. "NO! He's fallen in *love*, Wufei. I can't take that from him. You don't know how depressed he used to be. I was the only one who was able to bring him out of it, sometimes. I don't know how many times I stopped him from committing suicide. He even jumped off a building once... Wu-man, I just want him to be happy. No matter if he's with me, or if he's with someone else. Besides, I don't have those kinds of feelings for him anymore. I just don't." //Liar.// //Shut up!//

Wufei nodded. "I understand."

Duo sighed in relief. "Good. And I had better not catch you making any moves on him."

Wufei's shout echoed throughout the plane. "I AM NOT GAY!!!!!!"

Duo snickered. //And I'm the Queen of England.//


Heero gently stroked his beloved's cheek.

Relena pointed to the picture on her fiance's nightstand. "Is HE coming?" She asked, trying to sound a little bit tactful. She didn't want to hurt Heero's feelings.

Heero nodded curtly. "He sent me a reply yesterday. He'll be here. Why?"

"I don't know... I just wondered. He's special to you, isn't he?"

"He's my best friend." Heero stretched out on the bed. "Why have you been asking me all these questions about him? You can't possibly be jealous. I haven't even seen him in nearly a year."

Her cheeks colored slightly. "Of course I'm not jealous. Just curious-"

He cut her off with a kiss.


Duo stretched in his seat. "Hey, Wu-Chan, are you awake?" He shook the other boy into consciousness and was rewarded with an involuntary blow to the face. "Shit!" Duo yelped, backing away.

Wufei yawned and sat up slowly. "Morning, Maxwell..." He looked over at Duo in concern. "Nani? Did you hit your face on something?"

The American grinned. "Not exactly, but that doesn't matter. The plane's about to land..." Duo reached up to overhead compartment to get his carryon, and was promptly pushed back into his sear by a very irritated stewardess.

"I SAID, seats in the upright positions, and PLEASE replace your trays in their compartments! And PUT your seatbelt on!"

Duo blinked as he recognized the girl from earlier on in the flight. She had been the one hanging around Wufei and him, listening to their every word. He smirked. "I guess what you'll do next is ask me to put masking tape over his mouth." He pointed to Wufei.

The Chinese boy glared at him and muttered something about justice and frying Duo's ass later.

Duo grinned innocently. "Did you say something Wu-man?"

The stewardess sighed in disgust and stalked away. //FINE! BE that way! What do I care if we crash and they get broken into a million pieces?// Her eyes widened. //Aya, what I am SAYING?!// Without a second thought, she hurried back to Duo's aisle and, reaching down quickly, she buckled him in and kicked his seat upright before walking primly off and dusting her hands imperiously.

Duo stared after her, wide-eyed, as the plane finally landed in San Francisco. "What was WITH that girl?" He asked incredulously.

Wufei was staring after her, eyes glazed over slightly and drooling. "I like strong women..."

The other sighed. "Baka..." He hit Wufei over the head numerous times until he came to his senses.

Wufei sat up straight. "JUSTICE! JUSTICE!"

Duo clamped a hand over his mouth. "Do I have to get you a restraining order?!"

He blushed. "Gomen Duo... I'll shut up now." He was thrown forward in his seat as the plane lurched to a stop. "Aaack!"

Duo snickered. "Guess you should have put on your seatbelt, ne?"


Relena held tightly to Heero's arm. "Heeeee-rooo.... he can find his own way from the airport."

Heero sighed and removed her hands easily. "No, he cannot. You've never seen Duo drive. He has NO sense of direction. I need to go pick him up. I'll see you later." He gave her a quick peck on the nose and fled for the car.

//Whew... I swear, that girl is becoming a leech! She isn't at all the same as she was when I first met her...// His hands tightened on the steering wheel as he remembered what she had said about Duo after he had kissed Relena.

//I almost strangled her... no one, and I mean NO ONE, not even her, insults my best friend!// The car swerved and he almost lost control before he realized what was happening and looked up. "Yeesh... that was close."

Heero shook his fist at a yelling driver he had almost hit. "Baka no hentai!!! Omae o korosu!!!"

The other man blinked and shook his head. Young people talked so strangely these days!

Heero finally reached the airport and pulled into one of the few parking spaces, cutting past a few other drivers to do so.


"What the hell do you think you're DOING?!"


Heero simply stared at them and they backed away. This guy was intense!

Duo looked up from where he sat in front of the terminal, humming to himself and coloring a picture of Heero on a blank sheet of paper. "HEEEROOO!!!!" He shrieked, and ran up to him, the drawing momentarily abandoned.

Heero grunted slightly as the other boy threw his arms around his waist then hugged him back. "I missed you too, Duo."

Duo sobered up slightly as he pulled away. "Hee-chan, this is Wufei. He came with me to the wedding so I wouldn't have to travel alone."

//Just a friend, ne?// Heero thought suspiciously. //Nani? Did I just think that?!//

Duo hugged him again. "So, you're really getting married?"

Heero nodded. "Her name is Relena."

Duo looked at him questioningly. "Do ya love her?"


" Nani?!"

"I asked you a question, Hee-chan."

"Of course I love her. I'm marrying her, you baka." Heero glared down at his friend and gently shoved him away. "The car is this way."

"Okay, wait just a second, I need to get my suitcases."

//Suitcases, as in plural? Oh damn, no one's going to be able to fit in the car after he puts in his luggage, are they? He's going to have to sit on my...uh oh.//

Duo returned a moment later, with Wufei holding a large suitcase and a duffel bag, and the American dragging three huge rolling suitcases.

Heero snickered. "It seems your friend doesn't travel light either, Duo."

Wufei looked up at the Japanese boy and grinned. "The only thing out of all this that I own is the duffel bag. The rest is his. Don't ask me what's in there besides bricks, because I'm not sure I really want to know."

"Baka..." Duo muttered, grabbing onto the strap of his carry-on with his teeth. "Oiy, Hee-chan, help me here!"

Heero shook his head and chuckled softly, then grabbed the small bag and one suitcase. "I think you're going to have to sit on my lap, baka."

"I don't know, I just might!" Duo waited for Heero to pop the trunk then somehow managed to stuff everything he brought into the small space.

Wufei whistled loudly with appreciation. "Who are you, Mary Poppins in another body?"

"Be careful what you wish for, Wu-chan, it might come true!" Duo winked suggestively.


A few parking spaces away, the stewardess winced and placed her hands over her ears. "Why, why, oh why me? Why did they have to get off the shuttle at the same stop I did? Am I doomed to run into them for the rest of my vacation?! Give me a sign!"


"Aaack!" The stewardess ducked and barely missed being hit by a long pink limousine. "Not a deadly sign! A nice one!" She called up to the clouds.

Relena stuck her head out the window. "Heeeeerrooooo, I came to help you get that boy home so we could spend some more time along together!" She smiled sweetly at Duo. "Oh, there you are. I see you brought a friend! Come on, all of you, hop in!"

Duo shook his head. "That's all right, I'll ride with Heero."

Heero nodded. "I need to get my car home anyways, Relena. I can't just leave it at the airport."

Wufei grinned evilly. "I'll ride with you, Relena-sama. That way Heero and Duo won't be so cramped in the car."

Relena frowned. This wasn't what she had expected. She had thought that Heero would be glad to be away from the longhaired boy. Apparently, he was not.

The Japanese smiled lightly and grabbed Duo's arm. "Come on, everything's in the trunk or backseat. Let's go. Maybe we can get home before dark, and you won't get me lost this time."

As soon as they were out of Relena's hearing, Duo answered him. "What ever made you think that was on purpose, ne Heero?"

"The fact that you jumped me the instant I told you we were in the middle of nowhere."

Duo blushed, remembering. "You didn't seem to mind."

"No, not then." Heero sat down in the driver's seat and started the engine. Within a few moments, they had left the airport district and were headed towards the outskirts of the city.

"Does that mean you would mind now?"

Heero was silent for a while. "I don't know," He replied finally. "I wouldn't try it if I were you."

"Oh." Duo grabbed the map Heero held. "Lemme see. If I'm right, we're going in the wrong direction."

"You're holding the map upside down."

"No, I'm not. You were."

Heero's eyes widened and he grabbed the map. "Seriously? You're serious?"

"No. I just wanted to see your reaction." He withered slightly at Heero's glare. "Of COURSE I'm serious."

"Ku'so!" The other boy turned the map right side up and looked at the directions. "We won't be home until midnight! Relena's going to kill me," He added, almost as an afterthought.

"So? I say we spend the night on the town."

"We're in the middle of nowhere." Heero froze when he realized what he had just said. "I mean-"

"I know what you mean. Don't worry, you won't be tempted, pressured, anything you don't want. In fact, I'm not going to even look at you..." //Because I know I WOULD jump you then.// Duo turned and gazed out the convertible's window.

Heero took in a quick gulp of air as strands of the other boy's hair worked themselves loose of his braid, whipping against his face. //This is not happening. My best friend does not turn me on! My best friend is a GUY, for that matter!// He rested his forehead against the steering wheel. //Please god, let us get home before I do something I'll never regret...//

Heero's hands tightened on the steering wheel as they pulled into his driveway. Duo had fallen asleep around half an hour ago, his head eventually landing in Heero's lap. And it was getting EXTREMELY hard to concentrate. //ARGH! No, not that word! Has a double meaning... cannot think in double meanings! There's a little something the others would be SURE to notice...// He looked down at Duo's head and gulped loudly as the other boy shifted slightly in his sleep, nuzzling Heero's... lap.


The Japanese boy's arousal disappeared almost instantly. "I'm home, Relena..." He called into the house, gently shaking Duo by the shoulders. "Duo-chan, wake up, we're there."

"Mmmm...." Duo snuggled closer, wrapping his arms around Heero's waist. "Don't leave me, Hee-chan!" A small frown appeared on his face.

Heero hoisted the other boy upright. "Duo, you have to wake up, now! Do you want Relena to find you in my lap?!"

"But, I'm not in your lap."

Heero sighed in relief. "No, you're awake now. Let's get your things and go inside, ne Duo?"

Duo yawned and stretched, resembling a neko. "Kay, Hee-chan... Man, how long was that car ride?"

"Too long, in my opinion!"

Heero looked up at the frowning girl, her thin form silhouetted in the doorway. He sighed. "Ohayo, Relena-sama."

She smiled, but even Duo could tell that it did not reach her eyes. "You're late, koi..." She said quietly. Relena walked down the steps and wrapped her arms around Heero's neck, kissing him soundly on the mouth.

Duo's face fell at her choice of words with which to address his best friend. //She called him koi...that means he must love her as much as she loves him.// He hung his head and half-heartedly hoisted his bags unto his shoulder. "Come on, let's go inside; it's cold out here."

The Japanese extricated himself from the girl's arms and took two of Duo's bags, handing the smaller one to Relena. "Here. Where do you want him to put these?"

Relena looked at him in shock. //He expects me to carry in a guest's bag like a... like... like a servant?//

Heero frowned at her. "Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go inside, like Duo said, it's cold out here." He climbed the stairs and twisted the doorknob, but it appeared stuck. "Relena-sama, you didn't lock the door, did you?"

"Well, I guess I must have forgotten."

Duo shrugged. "I can pick it for you."

"NO!" She shrieked, then turned red. "I mean, no. I don't want my lock picked; it insults my sense of dignity." She tossed her hair behind her shoulder. "We'll just wait out here until someone else shows up with a key. I know! We can use this time to get to know each other better!" Relena smiled sweetly, fluttering her eyelashes at Duo and Heero.

//Oh, Shinigami, who does she think she's kidding?// Duo raised a mental eyebrow as the blonde girl pulled Heero down to sit next to her on the porch swing, and then the shock again on her face when the Japanese boy pulled Duo down next to him. //Well, this is all nice and cozy... bit why do I get the feeling that she has the key in her pocket? I'd reach in and grab it, but she'd scream "Rape" and then look where THAT would lead. Hey, wait a second, isn't Wufei in the house? He went back in the *shudder* pink limo with Relena...// "Ne, Relena-sama?"

She pursed her lips. "Yes...Duo?"

"Ne, isn't Wufei inside the house? Why don't we just ring the doorbell?"

She gave him a withering glare. "Because this house is very old. It doesn't have a doorbell because it was a historical landmark."

"Sheesh, in New York, no one cares about that."

"Well, this is San Francisco, isn't it, Mr. Maxwell?" Relena snuggled closer to Heero, inserting herself under his arm.

Duo grinned at the almost imperceptible twitch across Heero's face. //So, he isn't overtly affectionate with her at all... or is it just because I'm here? Does he have a problem with public displays of affection?// He rested his head on the other boy's shoulder and yawned.

Heero glanced over at him. "How can you be tired? You slept the whole way here!" He toyed with the end of Duo's braid, slipping back into the habit he thought he had rid himself of.

Duo nuzzled against Heero. "I don't know; it's been a long day. Where the hell do you suppose Wufei is?"

Relena watched in fury as her fiancé spoke to the other boy.

"How would I know? We weren't in the limo with him; we took my car, remember?"

"I know that, I'm not stupid."

"Of course you aren't, baka..."

"Hey, that's an exy-moron!"

"You mean an oxy-moron?"

"Who you callin' a moron?!"

"Wu-man?" Duo looked up from his staring contest to see the door wide open, Wufei standing just inside.

"I heard voices, so I came downstairs. This is an interesting scene." He indicated the three people on the swing.

"Yes, I would say so as well! Hello, Duo, Relena."

Relena's eyes brightened. "Hilde!"

Duo shrank down in his seat. "H-Hilde?!"

Hilde smiled and wrapped an arm around Duo's shoulders. "Hello, lover."

He gave her a mock glare and shrugged off her arm. "Oh, haha, very funny."

"Hey, I tried, didn't I?" She grinned broadly. "Hey, why the frown? Come on, show me a smile..." Hilde reached over, placing her fingers on the sides of Duo's mouth. She pulled her fingers upward, stretching his mouth into a forced smile.

"Hey, shtoppit, Hirdee..." Duo tried to get out words from behind her hands. "Hirdee, I can' tack wight..." He tried to back away, but the girl followed him, giggling. "Hey, Hee-shan, hewp ee!"

Heero hid a quirk of a smile with the back of his hand. "Sorry, Duo. I'm rather enjoying this."

Wufei gave a snort of laughter and looked on in amusement as Duo struggled to get free from the persistent girl. "Hey, Relena-sama, friend of yours?"

"Ish mootooal." Duo informed him, pulling on the end of Hilde's hair.

"Itai!" She almost grabbed his braid before she realized that would mean letting go of Duo's mouth. "Shimatta!"

"Ha, ha!" He gurgled, sticking out his tongue as best as he could without licking her.

"Ew, Maxwell, you LICKED me!"

//Oops, my bad! Guess she moved her fingers.// Duo thought belatedly as Hilde let go of his mouth and lunged for his dangling braid.

"DIE, Maxwell, DIE!"

"Meep!" Duo took off behind the house, Hilde chasing after him and catching up fast.

Heero watched in amazement. "Who IS that girl?" He asked, blinking, as Duo rounded the house again, gasping for air. The American jumped unto Heero's back, nearly knocking them both over.

"Onegai, Hee-chan, you hafta save me from her... she's evil, I swear to you!" Duo whimpered. "She's attacking my braid with a pair of scissors!" He shuddered and hid his face behind the other boy's head.

"Oh, really?"


Heero watched again, amused, as Hilde made her way around the house as well, looking around frantically for Duo.

"Okay, where is the little bastard?! He has my hat!!!"


"Nani, Hee-chan, I don't have anything!"

Wufei cleared his throat and pointed indiscreetly to the baseball cap hanging out of Duo's pocket.

"Ohhhhh, does she mean that old thing?" The braided boy asked innocently, fluttering his eyelashes at Hilde, who rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I, DO!" She hissed, stalking up the steps and snatching the hat away from him, then plunking it unceremoniously on her head.

Relena watched the scene with barely concealed distaste. //Honestly, if that is the way these two are going to conduct themselves in private, think how they may behave at the wedding, in public! Or...wait, was that the other way around? Never mind that. Anyways, I must be absolutely certain that that...that... idiot's room is as far away from Heero's as possible. I can't have him distracting my beloved...//

"Well!" The blonde girl said brightly, "Aren't we all just little rays of sunshine?"

Duo stopped in the middle of pulling on Hilde's ears as far as they could go and grinned. "You put the words right in my mouth." He stuck his tongue out again, and Hilde made a grab for it.

"Don't stick that somewhere where it might get caught in something dangerous..." She smiled sweetly as Duo shut his mouth tightly.

"Humph..." Relena cleared her throat. "As I was saying..."

"Well, you shouldn't be trying to PUT it anywhere dangerous!" Duo replied, somewhat muffled.

"Or should you?" Hilde smirked.

"AS I WAS SAYING!" Relena nearly shrieked.

The Americans looked at each other, dumbfounded, and shrugged, as if to say, 'What's HER problem?!'.

Relena twitched slightly, eyebrow threatening to reach the top of her forehead. "As. I. Was. Saying."

Duo cocked his head, still clinging tightly to the Japanese boy's back. "I dunno, Relena-sama, what WERE you saying? I think I may have missed it..."

"I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted that we should all get inside before someone catches a cold." Relena turned in a huff and strode through the door, throwing her coat on the stair railing.

"Well, it definitely wouldn't be her, she's practically an Eskimo in that parka." Duo mumbled against Heero's neck as the other boy finally gave up trying to put the American down and carried him inside and upstairs.

Heero groaned at the added weight. "God, Duo, you're heavy!"

"Is that an insult? Because I'll let you know just how much of it is muscle..." He replied suspiciously, surprised when his friend laughed and set him down outside a door.

The Japanese boy pushed the door open and showed Duo the room. "I'll be right back up with your bags."

"Nah, you don't have to, I'll get them."

"It's all right, I want to." Heero said softly, before walking slowly back down the stairs to retrieve the other's luggage.

Duo smiled to himself and sat down on the four poster bed. It was actually a relatively spacious room, with thick blue carpeting and a window seat against the far wall from which sunlight would stream in the morning. He yawned and leaned back on the bed, pillowing his head on his arms. //Damn, nice place Relena has...she must be really rich to be able to have so much space for a guest bedroom.// He heard footsteps and turned his head to the door, where Heero stood with his three bags.

"Hey, Hee-chan! Just put them down by the door, kayo? Umm, Hee-chan?"

Heero stood where he was, transfixed by the sight of Duo lying on the bed in front of him. //Why can't I move? Of course I can't move, I'd kiss him, and then I'd be slapped across the face.// "N-nanda?"

Duo frowned and walked over to his best friend, taking the bags from him. "Um, Heero, did you hit your head or something? You look a little... out of it."

"Huh?" Heero shook his head, clearing it slightly. "Nothing, nothing," He muttered for both his benefit and the American's, then turned and left the room.

//Yeesh...// Duo thought to himself, flopping back unto the bed. //I will NEVER figure that guy out...never!//

Heero walked to his room in a daze. //Why... why did I react like that? It was almost as if I couldn't move for the life of me... if my ass had been in flames, I wouldn't be able to move...// He nearly walked into a person and looked up. It was Relena.

She looped an arm around his. "Are you all right, Hee-chan? Did that boy wear you out?" Something in her eyes flashed dangerously.

He disengaged his arm from hers and glared at her. "Not now, Relena. I'm going to bed." He opened his door and slipped inside; she followed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" He yelped, spinning around.

"I- I thought we..."

"Nothing, and I repeat nothing, happens in here, okay? I don't want to insult your... your... honor." //Where did I get that from? I only spoke to Duo's friend for a few minutes.// His eyes widened. //Duo... could it be that I don't want to hurt him...?//

Hilde grabbed the toaster and thumbed out two slices of toast as Relena dragged her out the door. "Hey, Maxwell! Catch!" She threw one of the pieces of bread at the braided boy.

Relena tightened her hold on Duo's braid and Hilde's hand. //If this works right, I can get them interested in each other!//

Duo caught the toast in his teeth, munching down happily. "Fanksh, Hirdee!" He mumbled around a mouthful of food.

Relena wrinkled her nose. "That's disgusting!"

"Do you want me to take you out for see food instead?" The American asked, slightly annoyed. "Itai!" He rubbed his head and turned to see Wufei behind him, braid in hand.

"Don't even THINK about doing that, Maxwell. It's unjust."

Relena frowned. "What are YOU doing here?"

"I'm coming with you. Did you think I was going to stay home all alone? Hell, Duo's coming so I'm coming."

Hilde hid a snicker. "Oooh, double entendre! Better watch yourself, onna!"

Wufei's nostrils flared visibly. "I AM NOT AN ONNA!" He yelled, clenching and unclenching his fists.

Hilde held up her hands. "Hey, hey, don't get testy on me! It's a mistake anyone could make!"

"Ah, well, not really--"

"Shut up, Maxwell!" Hilde smiled. "I call shotgun!" She catapulted herself into Relena's limo.

Relena sighed and climbed into the limo, followed by Heero, Wufei, and Duo. "Pierre, make sure to swing by Dorothy's house on the way to the dressmakers. She'll be my maid of honor, of course, so she also needs to be present for the final fittings. The wedding is, after all, in two days."

Wufei's eyes widened. //Hey, it is, isn't it? That means I haven't got much time to put my plan into action...// He felt something poking into his shoulder.

"Flower! Flower! Flower! Giant California Redwood! Flower! Flower!" Duo whispered, snickering as he poked Wufei with a mechanical pencil. (1)

The Chinese man turned and glared at his friend. "Baka, stop that. He tried to bat away the offending hand to no avail. "Duo..."

Heero watched in amusement, his lips twitching into an occasional smile.

"Flower! Flower! Polar Bear! Flower! Flower! Fl--mmmmph!" Duo struggled against the duct tape that had been pressed to his mouth. "Mmmmph!"

Wufei grinned at Hilde. "Thanks, onna."

She gave him the thumbs up sign and stuffed the roll of duct tape back in her backpack. "Anytime."

The limo screeched to a stop in front of a large mansion. "Here we are, Relena-sama..." The driver announced wearily.

"Good!" Relena reached into the driver's area and honked the horn. A thin girl with long blond hair and forked eyebrows ran out the door towards the pink limo.

"I'm coming, Relena-chan!" She called, skidding to a halt in front of the limo.

Duo poked Heero in the ribs. "Hey, if she fell over, those eyebrows would be a real health hazard... she'd probably spear herself to death!" He whispered into the other boy's ear, his lips just barely brushing the sensitive earlobe.

Heero's eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow, as if just realizing the hazard.

Duo grinned to himself. He considered himself something of an expert on reading Heero's facial expressions, if you could call them that, and this was the one he used when he had thought of the same thing before and was desperately trying not to laugh. Or, at least, Duo thought that was the case.

Dorothy climbed into the limo, seating herself between Wufei and Relena. She turned to speak to the other blonde girl, giving Wu-chan a very exposed view of her lower back and hips.

Wufei reached a hand up to his face.

The American snickered. "Nosebleed, Wu-man?"

"Nothing of the s--" Red liquid dribbled between his fingers and he cursed to himself. "Ku'so!"

"Saaaa, Wufei, just admit it and I'll let you use my handkerchief!"

"Fine... I have a nosebleed... are you happy, Maxwell?"

"Perfectly." Duo reached and withdrew a folded handkerchief, which Wufei readily grabbed.

"Arigato Duo..." The Chinese boy pressed the cloth to his nose, tilting his head back as Hilde, Dorothy and Relena chattered nonstop, glaring at Duo whenever he attempted to enter into the conversation.

"Hey, Relena--"


"Hey, Dorothy--"


"Hey, Hilde--"

Glare. Smack.



Duo rubbed his cheek and turned back to Heero. "Why am I regretting even coming to this wedding?" He muttered to himself, leaning back against the seat.

Heero looked up. "Nani? Did you say something? I thought I heard you mention the wedding."

"Huh?" The American shook his head. "No, it was nothing. Just forget about it." //It should be him and I getting married, not him and Relena. It just isn't fair...// He crossed his arms across his chest and slumped down against the soft leather cushions.

Heero watched him curiously for a minute, then returned his gaze to the tinted window.


Relena spun around, the long pink gown swinging around her feet. "Well, Heero-chan, what do you think?" She smoothed her hair in front of the mirror.

Duo couldn't resist. He snuck up behind the girl, making faces where she couldn't see him and pointing at the dress like it was some kind of oddity. //Well, it IS an oddity!// He thought crossly to himself when Heero glared daggers at him and shoved him into a hard plastic chair. //It's long, pink, and frilly... not even a pair of combat boots to spice it up! Yeesh, it's hideous!// He checked out the reactions of the others to the monstrosity.

"It's wonderful." The Japanese boy intoned, staring indifferently at the dress.

If Relena noticed his lack of interest, she didn't show it. "Why, thank you, Heero," She purred, twirling around again. "I was hoping you'd say that!"

Wufei, Duo noted, was facing the far corner of the room and snickering quietly, Hilde beside him in a fit of silent giggling. Dorothy was just gazing in plain wonder at Relena, as if she was the most beautiful vision in the world.

"Oh, Relena-sama, it's just perfect!" The blond cooed, shimmying up to the decked out bride-to-be.

Relena gave a high pitched squeal and bounced up and down. "You really think so? You really think so?"

//Shinigami, if I have to hear any more of this, I'll puke.// Frowning slightly, Duo stood, shoving his hands in his pockets, and walked out the door of the bridal shop. He looked up to see a happy couple brush past him on the sidewalk, laughing at some private joke. //I wish...// His forehead creased slightly and he pushed the thought out of his mind.

The light wind blew the leaves skittering across his feet as Duo shuffled his way into the seedier parts of San Francisco. He kept his eyes on the ground, not looking at any of the local denizens. Not a good idea to attract attention in these parts of town. Duo didn't know why he always gravitated towards this type of district; he figured that maybe it was all those years he'd spent as an orphan in New York. He'd had plenty of time in this kind of place then.

He stopped at a cross section of sidewalks, wondering what path to take. //So many choices, so little I can do about anything that happens to me. The guy I love is getting married... gods, I must be really stupid for this to just be sinking in. I don't know what I thought would happen... maybe that he would see me and tell me he felt the same way. That he would take me in his arms and kiss the hell out of me. Well, whatever it was, it isn't happening. He's getting married in two days. There's no more time. Sorry, Wu-man, but your plans didn't work. I lost him.// Duo made his decision and turned into a dark alleyway, walking along the narrow space until he eventually ran into a dead end. //Huh... story of my life, isn't it? Just a whole lot of dead ends. I'm probably going to end up laying dead in one, one of these days. Maybe sooner than I think.//

He sighed. //I don't think Heero knows just how much I love him. I don't think he ever knew, even when I told him, so long ago. Yeah, so long ago...//


Duo leaned back into Heero's arms. They were fifteen, it was summer, and Heero's parents were gone, out on the town for the weekend. Life was good. The American boy looked up at his friend. "Hee-chan?"


"Can I tell you something? Do you promise you won't be mad at me? You won't slap me or hit me or run away or anything?"

"Why would I do that?" Heero asked, naively confused.

"Because of what I wanna tell you. You might not like it."

"Well, what is it? Quit stalling."

Duo rubbed his thumbs together, biting his lip. "Who, me? Stalling?"

Heero grinned slightly. "Yeah, you. Come on, spit it out."

The other boy took a deep breath, then exhaled. "Heero... I like you."

"I like you, too, Duo."

"No, I mean, I like you a LOT. I think..."


"I think I'm in love with you."

Heero stiffened and fully sat up, Duo sliding from his precarious position on the other's chest. "Honto?"


"Duo, I don't know what to say."

"Neither do I." Duo flicked his gaze up to Heero's face and saw the odd, slightly disturbed look on his friend's face. He sighed. "Ne, never mind what I just said, okay? I was just kidding. You know me, always joking around." Duo attempted a wide grin, scrambling up the tree that Heero had been leaning against. "Ha! Got you!"

Heero relaxed visibly at Duo's light words. //I feel something for him, but it's just friendship. It has to be. It has to be.//


Duo turned and headed back out of the alley. It wasn't really all that smart to hang around in a dark place like that. Anyways, Heero would be worried about him-- //No, he won't...// Nagged that annoying little voice in the back of his head. //He hates you. Don't you remember how he just shoved you back into that chair? He doesn't care about you at all. He's in love with Relena.//

//Shut up!// Duo argued back. //Maybe that's so, but I don't need it rubbed in!// He shook his head, then gasped as he ran into something warm and solid. A pair of strong hands grabbed his shoulder and held him still. //Oh, SHIT! Tell me this is not happening... I didn't come this far in the world to die in the downs of San Francisco...//

He looked up at his assailant and gazed into a shock of brown hair and Prussian blue eyes.

"What the hell did you think you were doing, walking out on us like that?!" Heero ground out, holding Duo in a tight hug. "We were... I was worried about you. Why are you all the way in here? You shouldn't be here, you could get hurt, someone could rob you, or rape you, or..."

He realized he was babbling and closed his mouth, simply holding his best friend tight against him. He reached down and tilted Duo's chin up so that he looked into those bright violet eyes. "I was so scared..." He whispered, not knowing just what he was doing until he closed his eyes and felt a pair of warm lips gently caressing his own. //It feels so different from when Relena tries to kiss me...he feels so alive.// Heero leaned into the kiss, running his fingers lightly along Duo's back. "Duo..." He breathed softly, pressing his mouth firmly against the other's.

A startled shriek sounded from the street. "Heero?!"


Duo kicked his feet up onto the coffee table. "So, um, Heero...."

"Hn?" The Japanese boy gazed at his laptop screen, completely absorbed.

"What happened yesterday...exactly?" He cleared his throat nervously, rubbing his feet together.

Heero sighed and spun around in his chair. "I talked to Relena. Everything's cleared up between us."

"Okay, so everything's fine between you and the princess of perfection, but, Heero... I was talking about US, not about Relena." Duo shifted uncomfortably in his seat. //Shinigami, I know, I really KNOW I didn't force him into anything yesterday! I mean, he was most definitely kissing me back! There was no mistake there. So why is he acting like it never happened? Does he have selective amnesia or something?!//

Heero sat in silence, simply staring at Duo.

Duo stood, his hands clenching into fists of their own accord. He walked over to Heero and brought his hand down hard, slapping the other boy across the face. Heero stared up at his friend in shock. "Dammit, Heero, talk to me! Or hit me! Or kiss me! Shimatta, just DO something! Let me know you know I'm even alive! Something happened yesterday, why can't you admit it?!" Duo felt something catch in his throat, and he turned around before Heero could glimpse the raw pain on his face.

"There's nothing to admit." Heero countered coolly, a slight tremor in his voice betraying his apparent calm. "You kissed me."

"And you kissed back, dammit!" Duo shook his head, tears streaming down his face. "Ku'so! Kisama!" He covered his eyes with his hand and ran down the stairs, only to collide with a very confused Hilde.

"Duo, oh my god, what's wrong? I heard someone shouting..." She pushed his hand away from his face. "You're crying! What happened?!" Hilde took his arm and led the quietly sobbing boy to the living room couch.

He shook her off and buried his face in his shaking hands. "I hit him, I can't believe I hit him..." He mumbled, his voice slightly muffled.

"Hit who? Wufei?"

"No, no, no, Heero..." A low sob escaped from the confines of his throat. "Oh, Shinigami, he must hate me now, even if he didn't before... here I am, invited to his *wedding*, and first I kiss him, then I *slap* him, and he doesn't even do a thing! Either he's just plain indifferent, or I disgust him so much I don't even deserve a response!"

Hilde hesitantly placed a hand on Duo's back and rubbed it gently. "Of course he doesn't hate you... Duo, Heero is, well... Heero is confused. He feels something for you; I know he does. Even I can see something change in his eyes when he looks at you. He's just so unused to feeling emotions like that; he's so wrapped up in this little corner inside his mind that he can't admit it, even to himself, not yet. He just needs a little time."

"Yeah, well, time is something I don't have."

Hilde propped her chin up on a hand. "Oh, I don't know... there's still his bachelor party."

"Nani? He didn't mention anything about that, I figured he didn't want one."

"Well, this one will have to be a surprise, then. You mean you were going to let him get married without showing him what he'd be missing?!"

"Well, yeah... I figured that's the way he'd want it." Duo ran a hand through his hair and bit his lip. "Besides, how could I possibly surprise him? He's *perfect*. He'd know in an instant."

Hilde grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Oh, I think I know a way... it's actually quite easy. It involves that roll of duct tape I carry with me..."

"Oooh, I follow, I follow..."


Heero sat cross-legged on his bed, still numb with shock. //Duo's never been like that before... he was so angry with me. Why? I didn't do anything! Was it something I *didn't* do? But then what would it be?// He rested his forehead against the cool white wall. //I just don't understand him! What does he want me to do? To say?// Heero felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind, and something sticky was slapped across his mouth. Heero stiffened in surprise, momentarily too shocked to move at all.

"Sorry, Heero, but it's for your own good..." Duo quickly bound his friend's wrists and ankles behind him, then hoisted Heero over his shoulder and sauntered down the stairs. "Hey, Wu-man?"

Wufei appeared at the door and his eyes widened.

Duo jerked a thumb to the door. "Go get the car ready, will you? Mr. Perfection can't miss his own bachelor party."

//BACHELOR PARTY?!// Heero struggled against the ropes, but to no avail. //Ku'so! He tied them too tight! I can't get out! Dammit, I'm going to *kill* him when he unties me!// He bucked against Duo's arms, nearly falling to the living room floor.

The American tightened his hold on the other boy. "Uh-uh, not so fast Hee-chan. You honestly thought I would let you get married without showing you what you would be missing?" He frowned as he realized the double meaning of his own words. //Me... he'll be missing me. Or is it only the other way around, not reciprocated in any way?//

The Japanese boy sighed as best he could and relaxed slightly, sending Wufei a glare over Duo's shoulder. Actually, this *was* kind of comfortable. No reason he couldn't stay here for just a little while longer. Yeah. That was it, it was comfortable. He allowed himself to be toted out to the car and seated in the passenger's side. Duo hopped into the car and grabbed the wheel, Wufei climbing into the backseat.

"Okay, we're meeting Trowa and Quatre at the Golden Orb. They said they'd be there around seven, so we better get going or we'll be late."

Wufei blinked. "The Golden Orb? Isn't that where those waitresses wear the-- never mind." He finished hastily.

Duo grinned wickedly. //Oh, I'll show you what you're going to be missing, Heero. Even if it only results in you hating me for the rest of your life, at least I'll find some satisfaction in your knowing what you could have had.// He pushed down on the gas pedal and the car sped out of the driveway. "Kay, Fei," He announced as soon as they had reached the highway, "You can take off the duct tape now. Leave the restraints on, though."

Wufei reached up and unceremoniously pulled off the duct tape. //Injustice, but there is justice if it hurts him! How dare he make Duo cry?!//

Heero worked his mouth open and closed for a few seconds until he could talk again. "Kisama-baka, what do you think you're *doing*?!" He complained, twisting in his seat.

"I'm teaching you how to have some fun."

"I know how to have fun."

Duo raised an eyebrow. "I would hardly call playing with that laptop of yours 'fun.' No, Hee-chan, I mean *real* fun. You know, loud, crazy, wild fun. Getting so drunk you don't know your own face. Being with friends. Being with the people you l-love." He staggered a little on the last word. "Having such a good time that you don't want to wake up in the morning, because you think you're dreaming and you never, ever, want it to end." Duo whispered the final bit of his rant to himself, blinking hard. //How long has it been, really, since I've felt like that?//


Heero staggered into his room, laughing and clinging to Duo for support. "You know, Duo, you really shouldn't have done that."

His friend looked up at him innocently. "Oh, really? But, Hee-chan, the *look* on Trowa's face, it was priceless!" He snickered, remembering.

"And I'm sure Quatre didn't appreciate it either..."

"What, are you trying to tell me that he *didn't* enjoy being locked in a closet with the banged wonder?" Duo threw himself onto Heero's spare bed, stretching out his long limbs.

"Well, from the sounds emanating from the closet, I would say he definitely did enjoy it..." Heero blushed slightly. "Hey, do you want some beer?"

"Nani? You have some? Cough it up, Hee-chan!"

The Japanese boy reached under his bed and withdrew a six pack of beer. He tossed three of the cans to Duo, and popped open a can of his own. He raised his can. "To us."

Duo looked up, surprised as Heero's choice of words for a toast. "To us," he echoed, grinning widely.

(end flashback)

Duo grinned again, remembering. //Oh, Shinigami, we get so drunk that we ran around the neighborhood in our skivvies! His mom *really* didn't like that! The neighborhood girls did, though. And then we got *so* sick... I don't think I've ever felt so bad! Where did Heero get that beer, anyways? We were most definitely underage...// He took his eyes off the road for an instant and glanced over at Heero. The Japanese boy was staring out at the dwindling sunset, an odd look in his eyes. //Hmm... maybe he's having some memories, too...better not to ask him, though. He'll just close up on the world again.//

Wufei tapped Duo on the back. "We're there..." He pointed to a bright neon sign that flashed over the streetlight, reading 'The Golden Orb".

"Yeah, that's it!" Duo pulled the car into one of the last remaining parking spaces and undid Heero's bindings. "Now, promise me you won't run away?"


"I'll take that as a yes, kay Hee-chan? All right then, let's go inside!" He held the door open for the other boy and Heero climbed silently out of the car, heading for the entrance to the bar. Duo grabbed his friend's arm and hauled him back. "Ne, baka, wait for us!"


"Oh, is that so? You're going to spend the entire night sulking, are you? Well, let's just see about that." //Get a couple of drinks in him and he's completely out of control...//

Heero frowned as he was dragged into the bar. "Duo..."


"Why are you so set on making me have 'fun'?"

"Um, it's kind of a long story, but I had this talk with Hilde and--"

"Duo! Heero! Over here!"

Duo looked up to see a small blonde Arabian waving energetically at him from the tiered upper section of the bar. The tall boy standing behind him clutched at the back of his shirt, attempting to keep his friend from falling over the edge of the railing.

"Hey, Quatre! You actually got Trowa to come? How'd ya do it?" He ran up the stairs to the other two boys, leaving Heero standing with Wufei by the door, slightly confused.

Wufei felt a slightly evil grin come over his face and he took the perplexed boy by the arm. "Yuy, we need to talk. How about a few mugs of beer between friends?" He led Heero towards the serving area of the bar.

Heero shook his head. "No, thanks, I don't drink."

The Chinese boy leaned against the counter and tapped the bartender on the shoulder. "Hey, two mugs of your strongest." He accepted the alcohol and handed one mug to Heero. "Now you do. Go on, try it, it's good." He took a cautious sip, raising an eyebrow as the liquid burned trails of fire down his throat. //Hoo boy! The guy was right; this has got to be the strongest stuff in the place!// Wufei drew in a slow breath, careful not to show his reaction to Heero. "Well, see? It's fine."

Heero looked at the other suspiciously, then tipped his glass back and downed half of the mug as Wufei watched in astonishment. He coughed once and grinned, rubbing his chest slightly. "When I said I didn't drink, I never said I didn't know *how* to drink. Don't look so surprised."

"I'm not. I just didn't expect someone like you to be able to handle this kind of liquor. Anyways, I didn't want to talk to you about alcohol and it's many merits and demerits. I wanted to talk to you about Duo, well, mostly about Duo, but also about marriage in general."

"What would you know about marriage?"

A pained look appeared briefly on Wufei's face, then vanished just as quickly. "I was married, once. My wife died about a year or so ago."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Meiran is happy now."

"Meiran? That's a pretty name."

"Yeah, I thought so too. But stop trying to change the subject."

"Hn." Heero drank the rest of his beer and dropped the mug unto the bar. "More. I think I'm going to need it."

//You won't need it, but it'll work to my advantage if you're drunk into oblivion.// "So, you love Relena, right?"

"O-of course! Jesus, twice in a week! Duo asked me that, too."

"I was there," Wufei reminded the Japanese boy, "Remember?"

"Oh, yeah. Thanks;" He took the newly refilled mug from the bartender and hopped up onto a swiveling stool.

"All right, so you love her and you want to spend the rest of your life with her."

"I didn't say that."

"Well, isn't that what you're about to do? You're *marrying* her, you idiot. Haven't you read through your vows? You know, the part where it says, 'till death do us part'?"

"I really don't care about the technicalities. I mean, hell, the only person I'd want to spend the rest of my *life* with is--" Heero stopped in mid-sentence.

"Is who?"

"It's none of your business." He stood and shoved his hands in his pockets, preparing to go look for the others.

//Oh no you don't... not when you're so close.// "Hey, hold it Yuy!"

Heero stopped and turned around. "What do you want?" He snapped, his words slurring ever so slightly. "Do you want me to tell you that I want to spend the rest of my life with my best friend? Because if that's what it takes to get you t' stop with all the questions, I'll just shout it to the world!"

Wufei smirked. //Whoa, I guess he *does* get drunk easily! Duo was right about that!// "That's what it takes, Yuy."

"Fine!" Heero clambered up onto the barstool he had just vacated. "I FUCKING LOVE MY BEST GODDAMN FRIEND IN THE WHOLE F'ING WORLD!"

The other boy raised and eyebrow as Heero climbed back off the stool and walked off, oblivious to the odd stares he was receiving from the various denizens of the bar. //Geesh, he didn't have to yell it quite so loud...// He complained inwardly, rubbing his ears, which were still ringing from the sudden onslaught.


Heero picked his way through the crowd, trying not to knock over a very enthusiastic couple. //Do they realize how embarrassing and degrading that kind of dancing is?// He thought to himself, watching as the man and woman gyrated against each other, their hips grinding together to the beat of the music. His eyes widened as he recognized the 'girl' as being Duo Maxwell himself. The other boy's braid had come slightly undone, tendrils of chestnut colored hair falling across his face, and Heero's breath caught in his throat. //He's beautiful... he's *mine*!// He weaved between the throng of dancing people until he finally reached the other boy. Heero grabbed the American's sleeve and yanked him around so that he faced him.

"Oiy, Hee-chan, whassa matter?" Duo looked slightly offended as pushed his sweaty bangs back from his face.

"What the hell were you doing?!"

Duo blinked. "Huh? Oh, that! I was just dancing." He played with the tip of his braid as the throbbing music shifted to a slow, gentle melody. "Wanna dance?"

Heero swallowed hard. "I don't know how."

"I'll show you, then." Duo slid his arms around the taller boy's neck, resting his head on Heero's shoulder. "See, it's like this. You just kinda sway back and forth, and-" He laughed suddenly. "No, Heero, you have to put your arms around my waist; ya can't just leave them hanging at your sides like that." He removed his arms from the other's neck and reached down, placing Heero's hands on his own back. "Like this." The American returned his limbs to his friend's neck and shoulders, snuggling against him.

Heero stood stiffly for a few seconds, then relaxed against Duo. //This feels...right.// He thought.

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"

"Huh?" Heero blinked, not realizing he had spoken out loud. //I guess I did say that.// He nodded and placed a finger to Duo's lips. "Let's just dance."

"Okay..." The other boy agreed, perfectly content to just be in the Japanese boy's arms... for a few minutes. "Heero? About that talk with Hilde I tried to tell you about earlier?"


"She said she thought you cared about me, a lot, like I care about you. Do you care about me, Heero?"

His mind muddled, and not all from the two mugs of potent spirits he had consumed earlier, Heero nodded once without thinking. "Yes." He tilted Duo's face back and captured his lips. "Dammit, Duo, how could you think I didn't?"

"Oh, there were..." Duo traced the outline of Heero's mouth with his tongue. "...lot's of ways..." He tightened his arms around the other. "...I could think that."

"I'm sorry..." Heero moved his hips gently against the American's, moaning softly into his mouth.

Duo gritted his teeth and pulled away. //I have to be strong. I will *not* deliberately harm his relationship with Relena.// "That..." He gasped, trying to breathe normally while tears streamed down his face for the second time that day, "That, Heero Yuy, is what you're gonna be missing. Just think about that. Think about it." He pushed his way through the crowd until he reached the door, crying openly and not caring who saw. //Most of these people are so drunk they won't remember what they did tonight anyways.//

Duo stumbled into the parking lot and pulled out his cell phone. "Hello? Can I get a taxicab out at the Golden Orb? Yeah, it's off the highway and down the pike... please be here as soon as possible. Thanks, bye." With that, he slumped against the wall and waited for the taxi. //I'll come to the wedding tomorrow... I just don't know if I can stand to be in the same house with him for another night. There has to be a hotel around here somewhere. He won't be worried about me; he never is...//


"Has anyone heard from Duo?"

"No... I'm sure he's fine, though."

"Yeah...I hope." Heero paced nervously around the choir room. "Kami-sama, I feel so guilty... he wouldn't have left if it weren't for me."

Wufei looked up from fiddling with his tie. "What did you do?"

"I, ah... aw, shit." Heero mumbled something under his breath.

"I didn't hear you..."

"I kissed him... and then he told me that I knew what I was missing. And he left. When I went outside to look for him, he was leaving in a taxi. Dammit, he didn't even look back!" The Japanese boy collapsed in the nearest chair, shaking.

Wufei noticed. "Having wedding jitters?"

"No, I'm worried to death about Duo. He was crying... he hardly ever cries. I'm scared he might do something..."

"But you're also having wedding jitters." A statement, not a question.

"Doesn't everybody? Besides, it's too late to change my mind. I'm getting married in half an hour. Pretty soon, I have to go stand in the annex or I'm going to miss my cue."

"Do you remember what I told you last night?"

"You told me a lot of crap last night." Heero snapped, blowing his hair out of his face.

"I'm talking about the 'till death do we part' area. It isn't something to take lightly. Frankly, if you *didn't* have second thoughts, then I would be doubting your sanity."

"You mean to tell me you don't already doubt it? You think I'm crazy for marrying Relena. You think I should be telling Duo exactly how I feel about him."

"You're putting words in my mouth, Yuy."

"But they're the one's you were going to say, aren't they?" Heero pressed, unrelenting. "Don't lie to me! In your opinion, I'm throwing away the chance of a lifetime as soon as I say 'I do' and place that ring on her finger!"

"Well...yes. You're right on that account. Duo IS the chance of a lifetime. Don't throw him away, Yuy. Broken hearts don't mend as easily as you like to pretend. They hurt like hell. You should know that..."

"I don't want to talk about that. We need to get moving." He stood and made his way down the narrow hallways of the church to the annex.

"Don't break his heart, Yuy. He needs you! She doesn't..." Wufei called after him, before shoving his hands in his pockets and shuffling along behind the groom.

"Who are you to tell me what to do with my heart?!"

"Someone who knows what he's talking about."

Heero blinked as the Chinese boy pushed past him and hurried down the hallway, shoving the door open and slipping through soundlessly.

Soft strains of music floated their way to Heero's ears. //SHIT! I'm gonna miss my own wedding!// Cursing softly to himself, he sprinted the rest of the way to the main church area and skidded to a stop before walking slowly down the aisle. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face the congregation and the traditional bridal music began.

Relena walked alone up the long aisle, Dorothy and Hilde trailing behind her in miniature versions of her long pink wedding gown. //Here comes the bride, all dressed in... well, all dressed in pink...// She thought proudly to herself, picking up her pace until she reached the raised portion of the altar and stopped, facing Heero as the priest beside them picked up a thick bible and began to read.

Heero looked up at Relena as the priest intoned the ceremonial words. //I can do this. I know I can do this."

"Do you, Relena Dorlian Peacecraft, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?"

Relena lifted up her veil slightly to speak. "I do."

"And do you, Heero Yuy, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest looked up expectantly.

"I.." Heero cleared his throat and looked around the packed church for one familiar face. Finally, he spotted a long chestnut braid and violet eyes, staring back at him. As Heero watched, a single tear slipped down the other's face. "I..." He swallowed hard and gazed into Duo's eyes.

Relena stepped on his foot. "Hee-ro, you have to say 'I do'!"

He returned his gaze to her and took the rings from the ring bearer, and placed them both in her hand, closing her fingers tightly around them. "I... I can't."

A collective gasp went up around the church, and a few guests rose to their feet in shock.

"But... but... Heero, I love you!" Relena protested, forcing her lower lip to tremble.

He gave her a soft kiss on the head, then turned and walked back down the aisle. "I wish I could say I felt the same way about you... I'm sorry. My heart was given away a... a long time ago." He said quietly as he passed the pew where Duo sat in the back of the church, eyes wide with surprise. "I didn't think you were coming..." Heero whispered before exiting the church, leaving behind him and uproar of Relena's family and friends.


Duo sat in his pew, numb with shock. //He... he didn't do it. He told her that someone else already held his heart... he loves someone else. Was he talking about me? He looked right at me... but that's impossible; it has to be impossible.// Unaware of his own movements, the American stood and walked out after Heero, pushing open the heavy, ornate doors of the church with little effort.

Heero sat in his car, holding his head in his hands. He looked up as Duo walked up to him, a hopeful look in his eyes. "Want to go for a drive? I don't think it's a good idea for me to hang around here any longer. Bad vibes from Relena's side of the church, I mean."

"Sure, if you want me to." Duo slid into the passenger's side of the car and fastened his seatbelt. After a few moments of sitting in silence, he reached over and poked his best friend. "Aren't you going to start the car first?"

Heero seemed startled out of a deep thought. "Huh? Oh, hai." He reached down and turned the key in the ignition, relishing the sound of the engine as it roared quietly to life. "Where to?"

"Does it matter to you? Cause it doesn't matter to me..." Duo commented, leaning his head on Heero's shoulder as the other boy turned the car onto the open road.

"It doesn't matter to me, either. I just wanna get away from here."

"Same." Duo sighed. "God, so much has happened in a week I can't believe it. I came here to watch you get married and--"

"I didn't, though."

"Was it my fault? You can still go back to her, you know. She loves you."

Heero turned to look at the braided passenger. "But I love you." He said simply.

"Do you know what you're saying?!" The American asked incredulously, unwilling to believe what he had just heard.

"Yeah. I'm saying that you are my koi, the one I care most about."

"Hee-chan, I--"

"Shh... you don't have to say anything. You don't even have to tell me you feel the same way...cause, it doesn't matter to me if you don't. I couldn't do it, Duo... I couldn't marry her. Because if I did, I would be spending the rest of my life with someone I didn't love... and you would have been spending the rest of your life alone." He brought his hand up to hesitantly brush Duo's errant hair back from his face. "I don't want you to ever be alone."

"If you're here... I won't be."

They rode in silence for a while, each sneaking glances at each other and blushing furiously when caught. After an hour of quiet, the sun began to set and stars began to appear in the sky.

Heero switched the car into park, and turned to Duo. "Duo?"

***WARNING!!! HERE THERE BE LEMONS! If you are underage or if they squick you out, please scroll on past and continue on to the epilogue at the bottom...***

"Yeah?" The other replied, folding his arms behind his head and staring up at the stars.

"Look around you."

"Nani?" Duo sat up straight and looked out at the seemingly endless fields of corn. "I don't get it." Then it dawned on him.

Heero reached over and lay his hand on Duo's soft cheek. "We're in the middle of nowhere..." He whispered huskily into the American's ear, eliciting a sharp intake of breath.

///We're in the middle of nowhere,

The middle of nowhere

No place or thing I have to do

We're in the middle of nowhere

No where I gotta be///

Duo wrapped his arm around Heero's neck, bringing the other boy's lips to meet his own in a hesitant kiss. He moaned softly into Heero's mouth as he pressed hard against Duo's lips, slipping his tongue inside to caress Duo's own.

Duo gently suckled on the intruder, reaching his hand to Heero's chest and unbuttoning the few buttons that remained. "I love you, Hee-chan..." He murmured against Heero's mouth.

Heero reached around Duo and undid the lock on the door, causing them both to tumble out unto the grass.


"Gomen nasai, koi..." Heero smoothed the American's bangs back from his face. "The car was getting kinda cramped..." He propped himself up on his side and gazed into Duo's eyes. "I thought maybe..."

"You thought right." Duo's hand snaked downwards, undoing the clasp of Heero's pants and slipping his hand inside. Heero took in a shaky gulp of air as Duo's venturing hand brushed teasingly against his member.

"Oh, Shinigami..."

Duo stopped immediately. "Is something wrong, am I going too fast?"

Heero tilted his koi's chin and planted little kisses along his neck, trailing them down his chest and unto his muscular abdomen. "No, nothings wrong; it... it felt good." Heero hooked his fingers under Duo's shirt and pulled up, yanking the shirt over the American's head. He eased the other boy's denim pants off his long legs, throwing them to land in a heap along with his shirt.

///Come on, just take me in your arms

I've got all the time in the world

Don't you know I can't do you harm

No one could give me enough to hold

No where I gotta be///

Duo looked up at him from behind lowered eyelashes and grinned, gently stroking Heero's thighs.

"Oh, dammit, just take off the pants...quit teasing..." Heero groaned loudly, arching into Duo's touch.

"So impatient..." Nevertheless, he slowly slid the jeans down Heero's slim hips, creating just enough friction to bring forth another moan from his beloved. Duo kissed the swollen lips, swallowing the quiet sounds his koi was making.

"Nnn, Duo!" He pushed himself into Duo's probing hand, thoroughly enjoying the gentle caresses but wanting something...more. His hand reached forwards of it's own accord, stroking the other boy's rigid erection in time to his heartbeat.

Duo arched towards him, sliding Heero's shirt off his chest and rolling the hardened pebbles underneath between his thumb and forefingers. He whimpered as Heero pulled away once again began kissing his way down the lithe body. Heero paused over the other's erection, questioning, asking silently for permission to touch this beauty.

"Nngh...Hee-chan, please..."

Heero dipped his head down, licking his way around Duo's firm shaft and then taking the other boy fully into his mouth.

"Aah!" Duo thrust himself into Heero's mouth, rocking back and forth with the exquisite pleasure that was being offered him.

Heero held down the other's hips with one hand, the other cupping his ass and teasingly tracing a circle around the tight ring he found there.

"Mm, that's not funny, HeeRO!"

Heero had sat back on his heels, looking down at his koi.

"Heero, what do you think you're do-"

The Japanese boy rummaged through the pile of clothes and withdrew a bottle of lotion. Popping open the lid, he poured a liberal amount unto his hands and spread the lube over his fingers. "You didn't think I'd want to hurt you, did you?" He purred, resting his forehead against Duo's.

"N-no..." Duo's entire body stiffened as Heero slid the first probing finger inside his moist channel. "Oh, my god..." He wrapped his arms around Heero's back, his nails digging into the other's back as he slipped two more fingers inside Duo.

"Feel good?"

"Hell, yeah..." Duo cried out as Heero's curious fingers brushed against something deep inside him, causing an amazing wave of pleasure to wash over his body. He reached for the abandoned bottle of lotion and squeezed out a good amount, reaching down to coat Heero's erection. "Please..." He moaned into his koi's warm mouth, running his hand over Heero's body frantically.

Heero gritted his teeth, barely stopping himself from slamming into Duo right then and there. "Please what?" He asked, dropping a kiss on the American's earlobe.

"Please take me..." He once again wrapped his arms around Heero's back. "I wanna be yours..."

///And I'm too tired of fighting

A thing that we both know is love

I'm too tired of waiting

For someone else to show you love

No where I gotta be///

With that, Heero nudged Duo's legs apart and inserted himself between them, rubbing his cock against Duo's before positioning himself over Duo's opening. He took in a deep breath of air and covered Duo's mouth with his own as he began to plunge inward. He groaned loudly, not caring if a passing car might hear them. It felt so Duo. His erection throbbed in time with the pulsing of Duo's inner walls, sending rolling waves of ecstasy throughout him, all centering at the point where their bodies were connected.

Duo rocked against him as the secret spot was hit again and again as Heero slammed into him. He reached his hand down to join Heero's on his erection, moving his long fingers in time with his koi's.

Heero caught a few drops of pre-cum on his thumb and raised it to his lips, sharing the taste with Duo. "You taste so good..."

Duo could only nod in response, his ability to speak long gone. As Heero's throbbing shaft hit against his prostrate one last time, the trembling in his thighs intensified and he felt streams of hot seed erupt from his erection. "HEERO!" He gasped, arching his back to meet his new lover.

Heero felt Duo's muscles clamp down on his hard shaft and groaned loudly, joining his koi in pure bliss a few seconds later. He collapsed on top of the other boy, quickly rolling sideways so that Duo wouldn't be smothered with the weight. He looked over into the American's eyes, which were as glazed as his own.

Duo gratified him with a satiated grin, snuggling closer into Heero's arms. "'love you, Hee-chan..." He sighed, his eyelids threatening to close.

Heero tightened his hold on the braided boy, running his hand through the long hair. "Ai shiteru, Duo..." He whispered back. He meant it.

///We're in the middle of nowhere,

The middle of nowhere

No place or thing I have to do

We're in the middle of nowhere

No where I gotta be///

***Lemon is over... please scroll past entire poem/song to epilogue. ^^***

///We're in the middle of nowhere,

The middle of nowhere

No place or thing I have to do

We're in the middle of nowhere

No where I gotta be

Come on, just take me in your arms

I've got all the time in the world

Don't you know I can't do you harm

No one could give me enough to hold

No where I gotta be

And I'm too tired of fighting

A thing that we both know is love

I'm too tired of waiting

For someone else to show you love

No where I gotta be

We're in the middle of nowhere,

The middle of nowhere

No place or thing I have to do

We're in the middle of nowhere

No where I gotta be///


"Once again, wedding bells sounded for Heero Yuy. The Japanese boy looked out at the congregation, feeling an odd sense of Deja Vu as he scanned the crowd. Trowa and Quatre stood beside him, holding hands as the best and second best man. Duo was standing in the back of the church, and he looked amazing; he looked more than amazing from Heero's point of view. I was in the front pew with Hilde, who I had gotten to know very well since Heero and Duo disappeared that day.

"The organist began to play the bridal march, and Duo started his walk down the long aisle. The pews were filled with Heero's family and friends on one side, and a strange assortment of characters on Duo's, including his old friend Solo. It had taken me forever to locate that guy; everyone thought he was dead. He was just hanging out at a flower shop that was run by some suspiciously dangerous looking guys.

"Duo was wearing this strange contraption he had dreamed up... a long white wedding gown with a veil, plus army boots... and his usual braid was dressed up into the French variation of the hairstyle. Heero was dressed like any normal guy about to get married... you know, black tuxedo, the penguin suit. Only difference was that Duo had somehow talked him into wearing a bright green tie that read, 'Property of Shinigami.'

"I never did get the chance to ask either of them what it meant. Duo was a little hesitant to tell me. I guess I'll always have to wonder.

"But anyways...Duo was grinning like a maniac as he finally made his way to the altar. Must have had something to do with the tie, because he gave it a quick, possessive tug before standing on the other side of the priest.

"They said their vows, with some little extras added in between. A few of them were in Japanese, but they must have been kinda suggestive; some residents of Heero's side of the church turned a brilliant shade of red. I think Heero was in for it afterwards. Heero reached into his pocket and took out their rings, sliding one unto Duo's finger and the other unto his own. That's right, no ring bearer for them. They wanted this to be all theirs.

"Yes, they kissed-- hell, did they kiss! It must have lasted for at least five minutes. The priest seemed rather uncomfortable. After the reception, they left in a limo. Now, how many more times are you going to ask me to tell you this story?" Wufei smiled good-naturedly at his two children, ages four and eight.

Little Lucrezia smiled, hugging her arms around her father's neck.

Sally grinned widely, a large gap revealing itself where her front teeth should have been. "But, Dad, it's soooo romantic!"

Hilde stuck her head inside the door. "Wufei, they're here!"

Wufei stood up quickly, taking his daughters with him. //I never thought I'd be so happy to be surrounded by so many onnas! I guess things really do change... and I wouldn't have it any other way.//

With one girl hanging on his back and the other on his leg and arm, he somehow managed to open the door and greet their guests.

Two men stood outside on their doorstep, one of them attempting to use his braid as a muffler and the other shaking his head and laughing at him.

"Wu-chan!" Duo Maxwell-Yuy threw his arms around the Chinese man's neck. "It's been forever!"

Heero Yuy granted the wide-eyed girls a smile. "Hi, my name is Heero."

Sally's mouth dropped open. "Are you the Heero in the story?"

Heero blinked once, then turned to Wufei, who was trying to get Duo off of his neck. "What story?"

Wufei pried the braided man from him long enough to speak. "Why don't you guys sit down, and I'll remind you..."

~OWARI.... finally!~