Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Brother's a Wizard? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them.
Someone asked about Remus, hate to admit it but he completely slipped my mind so his fate will be learned either in this chapter or the next.
Chapter 3
Harry and Trowa sat on the couch together, Harry's photo album open on the table in front of them. Before leaving Earth he'd gathered all the pictures he had of their parents and them plus some of himself with his friends where the occupants were dressed as Muggles and then copied them and removed the charms that made them moved so that they were now normal muggle photos.
“That's Dad, Remus and Sirius. Sirius was my godfather, I don't know if he was yours too or if you had someone else. He died when I was fifteen.” Harry touched the photo gently, smiling sadly. Trowa frowned at the picture, the man was familiar.
“Sirius Black, the escaped murderer?”
“Sirius was innocent, he was framed by the real murderer. He was accused of killing our parents and a bunch of other people but he didn't do it. He died before he could be proved innocent.” Harry swallowed past the lump in his throat; it still hurt to talk about Sirius. Peter had paid dearly for his betrayal when Harry had found him.
“Who is that?” Harry looked down at the photo and smiled.
“Ginny Weasley, she was my best friend's little sister. She had the biggest crush on me for years and I was completely blind. She eventually realised I didn't see her that way and started dating a year mate of mine, Neville. She was killed three years ago along with her brother Ron, my best mate and a lot of other students at the school.”
“The war?” Trowa asked, feeling a twinge of apprehension and guilt. They all knew that civilian casualties had happened but they hated knowing that children had been killed.
“Yeah.” Of course Harry didn't specify which war they had died in.
“Thank you for showing me this.” Trowa said softly, moving to hand the book back to Harry.
“Keep it, they're copies I made when I found out I was coming here. I have the originals at home.” Harry pushed it back at Trowa.
“Thank you.”
Harry watched, grinning, as Quatre chased a madly laughing Duo around the kitchen. His grin widened further as Trowa walked in and easily sidestepped his lovers' attempts to use him as a human shield against the smaller blond. He pushed the chair next to him out from the table and Trowa took it.
“What did he do?” The `this time' was left unsaid.
“Kept trying to steal the batter, Quatre got fed up with the attempts and started chasing him with the spoon.” Harry laughed as Quatre finally cornered Duo, smacking the spoon across the top of his head and earning a pained yelp from the braided agent. He missed the triumphant grins the two exchanged at the sound of his laughter, which had been the aim of the whole thing. Quatre and Duo had both decided that Harry needed cheering up and had taken it upon themselves to make him at least smile more.
Harry followed duo and Trowa as they gave him a tour of the Preventer's Headquarters. They'd decided to stop by and say hi to Sally and Wufei on their way to lunch and that had lead to the tour since last time all Harry had seen was the meeting room and the labs.
“I thought you two were on leave?” The three turned to see Lady Une.
“Hey Lady Une! We came to say hi to Fei and Sally and then decided to give Harry here a tour. We'll be gone soon.” Duo grinned at their boss but they both noticed the way she looked at Harry.
“I wonder if I could speak to Harry alone for a minute?” Glances were exchanged and Harry nodded, following her into her office.
“Please sit down.”
“Is something wrong?”
“Not at all. I'd like to offer you a job actually.”
“Excuse me?” Harry stared at her in shock, had he heard right?
“With your experience and training you would make a top Preventer.” Harry's blood ran cold.
“I'm assuming an Order of Merlin First Class is a pretty big honour at your age.” Harry had gone deathly pale and was readying a wandless spell.
“I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about ma'am.”
“I received a file from the British government shortly after you left with your brother, it was very informative. A saviour at one year old.”
“And an orphan. What exactly is in that file?”
“Details of your schooling and extra training, at least the parts that are recorded, statistics for various battles and raids, most of which were planned by you. I am very impressed. I'd say you're the magical equivalent training wise to a Gundam pilot.”
“And what do you plan to do with that information?” Harry stared at her and she knew he'd be able to tell if she was lying.
“Nothing. The job offer is legitimate and open ended. You don't have to give an answer now or anytime soon.”
“Most of my skills are magic based lady Une, no use to a Muggle organization.”
“Not your more overt ones true but there are some skills that aren't all that noticeable from what I've read. Is Trowa?”
“A Wizard? No. He has some magic, that I can sense, but not enough to cast spells. Has he ever shown incredible luck, gotten out of a situation he shouldn't have? Or done something near physically impossible?”
“Yes to all of the above.”
“Then that's how his magic has manifested. There's no point trying to train him in anything else at his age and he'd be a very weak Wizard at best. Probably why he was skipped over by the schools although if he was on a colony at the time he probably was missed totally. There aren't really any colony students at magic schools.” Harry stood and moved to the window, staring out over the colony.
“Why the offer, its not just because of that file is it?” The emerald eyes that turned to her where far to old for the young man standing in her office.
“Something I noticed about a lot of ex-soldiers after the war, they had no purpose any more. You strike me as having the same problem. And we could genuinely use someone like you.”
“I've got more job offers than I know what to do with Lady Une.” He replied bitterly.
“You have my word that I will honestly consider it, that is the best I can do.”
“That's more than I expected. You should get back to your brother before he and Duo invade my office looking for you.” Harry gave a curt nod and left the room.
“You sure you have to go so soon?” Quatre asked, watching as Harry finished his packing.
“Term starts soon and you are all back at work so yeah. McGonagall will skin me alive if I'm late my first year.” Harry smiled at the blond.
“Good luck teaching.”
“Thanks.” He headed downstairs to where his brother was waiting, ready to take him to his shuttle. The others had gathered around to say goodbye, only Trowa would be going with him.
“It was great meeting you all. If you're ever in London feel free to drop in, I've got room for three if two don't mind sharing a bed. I'll put all your names on the list to be let into the building and given a spare key in case I'm not home.” Harry accepted the hugs from Duo and Quatre and shook hands with Heero and Wufei before getting in the passenger seat of Trowa's car. The made the trip in silence and Trowa used his badge to get Harry through security and to the gate with no fuss.
“Guess this is it.” He ran a hand through his hair, smiling nervously.
“I'll miss you Trowa.”
“I'm glad you came.” Harry grinned and surprised his brother by hugging him. Trowa hugged him back after a few seconds.
“I meant what I said, if you're on Earth…” Trowa nodded.
“Keep in touch Harry.”
“I promise.” Trowa watched as Harry boarded the shuttle, turning back at the last second to wave goodbye again. He watched from a window as the shuttle left the Colony before leaving for home.
Harry stared out the window as L4 got smaller and smaller. He leant back in his seat, smiling slightly. It wasn't goodbye just see you later.