Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Dear Death ❯ Memories & A Shifter Revealed ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing just this plot and AU.
Duo wondered where he was. He knew he wasn’t awake because he wasn’t where he last was. He wasn’t in Tomina that was for sure. This place had flowers everywhere. He heard laughter from behind him so he turned to see a black haired woman with blue eyes spinning through the field. She looked to be 17 and was very slim. She had on a billowing purple dress. She stopped and collapsed to her knees to pick flowers.
“Margret what are you doing?” a man yelled. Duo turned to see a man that looked just like Eldon just younger.  Margret laughed.
“Eldon you know I love to pick flowers!” She stated happily. That was when Duo realized that this was Mrs. Donovan and Eldon. Eldon sat next to her and watched her. Duo could tell that Eldon loved her but he knew she didn’t love him back. Margret perked up when she saw a man coming up the hill towards her. She squinted and stood. Her eyes widened.
“Jeffery!?” She yelled. The man paused and looked at her.
“Margret!” he exclaimed. She ran forward to the man and jumped to him. He caught her and pulled her down for a kiss.
“Aw my love I have missed you,” he whispered. They embraced again but Duo’s eyes were on Eldon. Eldon was fuming. Duo knew this wasn’t good.
The scene changed again. This time it was in Tomina and it was Mrs. Donovan’s house. He could hear sobbing. He could see Mrs. Donovan crying with Eldon across from her but it seemed to be years later.
“How could you do this to me!?” she screamed.
“He didn’t deserve you. You should be with me and live forever!” Eldon said harshly. She glared at him.
“I love him Eldon!! Why don’t you understand that!? I will never love you and all I feel for you is hate!!” She cried. Eldon looked furious.
“Then rot!” He yelled. He then threw magic at her. It hit her soundly. Duo watched in horror as Mrs. Donovan was aged forward 30 years. She was now the age of 72.
The scene changed again. He was still in Tomina but it was dark out. He looked around and saw a little him. He had to have only been about 5 at the time. His hair was to about his knees since he was only about half of Duo’s original height. The younger Duo had bruises and cuts all over his body that could be seen from his short sleeved black shirt along with black shorts and little black slippers. Duo watched as his younger self walked away from Eldon’s house. He noticed that Mrs. Donovan had just walked out and gasped when she saw him. Duo then realized that this was the first time he had been beaten.
“Duo? Oh you poor boy what happened?” Mrs. Donovan asked. Duo stopped and looked at Mrs. Donovan. He whimpered and the tears he had held back in front of Eldon finally burst. Mrs. Donovan got onto her knees and put her arms out for Duo. Duo looked at her carefully, analyzing her checking to see if she would hurt him. She smiled.
“I won’t hurt you child, I just want to give you some comfort,” Mrs. Donovan stated. Duo then rushed forward into Mrs. Donovan’s arms. He bawled his eyes out into Mrs. Donovan’s blouse. Mrs. Donovan stood picking Duo up as well. He clung to her like she was his lifeline. She walked into her house quietly.
The scene immediately changed to Mrs. Donovan stripping his younger self to check how bad he was. Mrs. Donovan gasped when she saw him. Almost every inch of Duo’s body, that was covered by clothing, was covered in bruises and long cuts. There wasn’t an inch of skin not bruised.
“Oh honey who did this to you?” Mrs. Donovan asked. Duo bit his lip and shook his head. Mrs. Donovan frowned.
“Duo, child, I won’t hurt you I swear it,” She whispered. He looked at her and finally nodded.
“Eldon,” He whispered. Mrs. Donovan’s eyes filled with rage. Mrs. Donovan couldn’t believe that Eldon would abuse a child! A child of only 5 no less! Duo could tell that she was mad.
“Y-you can’t tell him I told you…He said he would hurt me if I told anyone,” Duo said whimpering. Mrs. Donovan sighed.
“I don’t like the idea of you going back into that house with him child. There isn’t much I can do though. You know that your guardian is a mage and is looked up too. My interfering may just make it worse. How about if he ever hurts you… you come here?” Mrs. Donovan stated. Duo thought for a minute but nodded. She opened her arms again. He slowly went into her embrace.
The scene immediately changed again. Duo could only watch as he had to re-watch Eldon finding out about Mrs. Donovan. He watched as his younger self limped out of the house and towards Mrs. Donovan’s never noticing the shadow following him.
Duo wished that he could stop this but he knew he couldn’t.
His younger self was 10 now and he had finally gotten to 4’8 and was starting to fill out with muscle from chores Eldon made him do. Duo made his way to Mrs. Donovan’s house and knocked on it before entering. He was greeted cheerfully by Mrs. Donovan. She immediately set to work on wrapping his wounds. Right as she was about to finish the door slammed open to reveal an angry Eldon. The wind was billowing around him, his magic crackling. Mrs. Donovan didn’t flinch just watched him. Eldon lifted his hand which in turn made magic go around Duo’s throat and lift him from the ground. Duo choked and squirmed trying to get away from the magic. Mrs. Donovan glared at Eldon.
“Let him go Eldon…Immediately,” she said though her last word game out in a growl that sounded like it came from a bear. Eldon dropped Duo in surprise. He then smirked.
“Who would have thought that little Margret was a bear shifter. I guess I’ll just have to muzzle you,” He tusked. She growled.
“I’ve dealt with magic stronger than yours so I highly doubt you can muzzle me,” She stated. He laughed.
“I don’t have to do much. I’m going to make your life miserable,” He stated as he turned to Duo,” You boy will NEVER come back here again. Your punishment will be worse than it usually is if you do…along with the fact that I’ll make her life even worse.”
Duo turned his face away from to shield himself from this memory. He could hear his own roar of rage and the movement he made towards Eldon. Then nothing but choked gasps for air. He knew then that Eldon had grabbed him with his magic.
“Be a good little bear and stay away from the cub,” Eldon said harshly. She took a step forward when Duo turned to watch.
“Leave the boy out of this Eldon! He is just a child!” She hissed. Eldon chuckled.
“No but he has the mark,” He whispered. Her eyes widened but they narrowed again.
“Let him go,” she growled. He chuckled. He released Duo who dropped to his knees gasping and panting for air.
“Choose Duo. You either come with me and make Mrs. Donovan’s life somewhat good or stay with her and make her life miserable…just like you did with your parents,” He stated. Duo’s younger self flinched.
“Ya a sick motha’ fucka that’s what cha are,” Duo said. Eldon’s eyes narrowed.
“It seems more grooming is needed for your rude speech pattern to be fixed. Now choose,” Eldon stated. Duo stood and turned to cast a glance at Mrs. Donovan. She was smiling at him but Duo knew what he was going to do. He turned and walked away from her and back into Eldon’s clutches. Duo turned away from the scene knowing it to be one of the worst he could remember.
The scene changed again and this time Duo knew he wouldn’t like this.
He heard the cry of pain before he saw it. Eldon had his whip, a magic whip one that was created by him. It was made of fire, ice, and electric magic which made his wounds take longer to heal. His whip was piercing his younger self’s flesh like it was a soft fruit. Once Eldon had finished with his whip he resorted to conjuring his own attackers. These men, three of them, then proceeded to punch and kick him. They broke his arm, leg, ribs and fractured many different bones. Eldon would heal him every time making him suffer through the pain of re-mending the bones.  Then the three men would beat him again. This process would continue for hours. The “grooming” hadn’t even started yet.
Finally after a couples hours of torture Eldon un-summoned the three men. Eldon moved Duo’s younger self onto a chair and started the grooming process. Eldon placed his hand on Duo’s forehead and pushed magic into his head. It was an extremely painful process but when it was completed it usually allowed the person who did it to control the person. It only worked halfway with Duo so Eldon just kept him in fear of being beaten.
Duo stopped watching but he could still his cries of pain. He covered his ears.
“Stop it! Stop it! STOP IT!! I don’t want to hear anymore!!!” He yelled.
Duo sat up from his bed panting and shaking covered in sweat. He shivered. This was the first time that had ever happened. He never remembered things like that. Plus he had never heard Eldon speak about “the mark” so he was confused as to why he could hear it now. He guessed it had something to do with Mrs. Donovan’s death. Though every time he passed out after confronting someone about the curse he could see bits and pieces of what they had seen in life. He couldn’t believe it though. Eldon had already made Mrs. Donovan’s life miserable. He killed her lover, aged her, and then took away her house and money.
Duo shook his head. He stands and goes to the bathroom to take a shower. When he finished he dresses and goes downstairs to talk to Eldon. He noticed that Eldon is sitting in the living room. Duo goes and stands a good distance away from him. Eldon looks at him waiting.
“What is it boy?” He asks.
“I-I saw things as I slept. I saw memories from Mrs. Donovan…why do I see these? What am I?” Duo asked. Eldon glared.
“These are not things for you to know. Do not ask me again or you will regret it!” Eldon said seething. Duo nodded and quickly left the house.
“Heero we need to send a letter to the Commander. We have already been here to long,” Wufei stated. Heero nodded. He still couldn’t help but feel as if the person they were looking for was here.
“Who is going?” Heero asked.
“Either me or Trowa,” Quatre stated. Heero just gave a questioning look to Quatre. Quatre sighed.
“Really Heero? You and Wufei are the strongest shifters and we can’t take a chance on you finding that person and the enemies assassins,” Quatre stated. Heero nodded.
“I believe that Trowa should go. Just because he can defend himself in shifter form, you’re a sitting duck in that form Quatre and you know it. Plus we may need you to communicate with this person since…Wufei and I don’t come off as friendly,” Heero stated. Quatre nodded. Quatre turned and kissed Trowa on the lips. Trowa smiled and kissed the blonde man back. Wufei then stepped up when Quatre pulled away to kiss Trowa goodbye as well. Trowa pulled away and shifted taking off into the air.
Duo watched in fascination as the tall man shifted to his form. Duo was very knowledgeable in what forms shifters take so he could tell what the tall man was. He was a mythological bird, better known as a Stymphalian bird. It was a large bird, a bit bigger than a large horse, with bronze feathers and a metal beak and claws.
Duo felt an odd feeling…not like the one he had the day before. This feeling made him feel like he belonged with them. He never had that before. Duo then felt the gazes on him. He turned to see the three men watching him. Duo’s eyes widened and locked with the prince’s. Duo gulped. He really hoped he wouldn’t get in trouble for watching.
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