Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My GW Problem ❯ Prologue

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I can't deny this anymore. I'm in love with someone who doesn't even exist. I want to be with him all of the time, to feel his warm body pressed against mine, to see him smile, to have a child together. The problem is, it will never happen. He's not real. He's just a character in an animated series. He can't love me back.

I'll never be able to gaze at him sleeping in the moonlight.

I'll never be able to make him smile, to radiate happiness.

I'll never hear his sweet voice whispering "I love you's" into my ear.

I'll never be able to run my fingers through his beautiful long hair.

I'll never feel his lips on mine.

I'll never feel his warm, gentle breath on the back of my neck as we nuzzle.

I'll never be able to kiss his firm chest.

Because he doesn't exist.

So why can't my heart just accept that? Why do I have to continue loving him, when I can't have him? Am I doomed to dream every night of being in his arms, only to wake to an empty, cold bed and a broken heart?

…I love you, Duo Maxwell.

There, I said it. Anyone reading this probably thinks I'm mad. Maybe I am. Maybe we're all a little crazy. Thanks for taking the time to read about my problem.