Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Last Mission ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
i do not own Gundam Wing. yup. and please keep an open mind when reading this.

"My Last Mission"

Sobbing horrendously, he lends over the ceramic sink. Hands on either side of the frame.
"This.. This is..-Not happening." He coughed out.
His crystal like tears ran from his soft creamy face only to fall in the milky white bass of the sink.
"noo..its all a bad dream, this can't happen. not to me." He watched more tears film up and
"Why?... why god? Why do you fucking hate me!!?" he yelled as peace's of chestnut hair fall around his heart shaped perfect face.
Spitting in the sink as he coughed more.
"it's not happening.." He whispered once again trying to calm him self, but only more ridged sobs escaped his smooth warm lips.

A knock came to the door.
"are you alright?!!"
more frantic knocking.

Duo's knees started to tremble, causing him to put more weight on the sink to hold him self steady.
"no.. I ..I can't live like this.. I can't.. I just.."
"I won't." more rushed sobs.
He glanced up at the mirror and his tear stand face. He looked in his own eyes, those big violet childish eyes.
"how could I be so naïve?" he scowled him self.

"DUO! open this door RIGHT NOW!"
the door knob rattles
"Duo! talk to me!!"

Duo pushed his eyes close and threw the door open.
"DAMMIT WOMAN! GO.. go the fuck away!!"
Slamming the door shut and locking it once again he looks in the mirror and back to the violet orbs.

"Duo?.. I'm sorry. Please Duo, tell me what's wrong .. I want to help you" Hilde replied

"then just.." coughing "just go .. away.. leave me alone"
his mind starts to haze up on him.. his violet orbs he sees in the mirror form thinner and a shade of rich Blue. A voice in the back of his mind whispers to him.
"No! I'm not going to lose you!! This is unfair!!!" his fist clashes to the mirror, sending riser sharp peace's hurling throw the air.
".. I can't lose you.."

"DUO?! Stop it!! Please! We can talk it out it'll be better! I promise. "

"Promises .. you promised me you wouldn't leave me Heero.." his thin fingers smear the lost strands of hair out of his face, dragging the tears along for the short ride.
"and I promised you.. I'd never let you go.. Never-"
"you broke your promise .."
Duo picked up a small peace of the mirror and looked in it. Moving it in his finger tips, Small drops of blood formed and oozed up to met the worlds cold cold air.
"I'll miss you so much."
"there's no one like you that I could possible ever find.. you're the only one.. and I had my chance .. and well.. sweetie, I blew it. Nothing can change it.. you need to move on for me, be happy. It'll be ok some day.. away from here.."
"Duo.. I'm so sorry"
Duo blinked. To scared of what his voice might do if he spook.
"I'll be waiting for you. right here, tomorrow." Heero hugged Duo.
"Heero? What did I do wrong?"
".. it's not you."
"but.. then.." "Why!? Heero Why?!"
"the world is against us Duo.. you have to under stand. We can -never be together"
[end of flashback]

"Heero.. I'll be waiting for you.. Waiting.."
"I'll be waiting for you in hell my love."
Duo pushed the sharp object to his wrist. "I'll miss you.."
Slicing in to his vain, he quickly moved to the other hand making sure his mission shall get done.. his last mission.
he pushed the glass to his lips and cut 15 to 18 times tasting the sweetness of his blood.

"Is this About Heero?! It is isn't it!??? We could call Quatre! Duo?!"
"Duo Stop it! Heero is a son of a bitch, u just need to calm down!!"

He dropped the glass in to the sink and turned his palms up words to watch his deed at work.
The blood slid slowly out the opening of the perfect cuts on his wrist and finger tips and down the small distends of his hand and to the sink. The color of thick crimson red covered his hands in a matter of seconds.
As he watched his hands he thought to him self ; it's the scent most beautiful thing in the hole universe. He closed his eyes and pictured his love for the last time and then greeted Death with open arms.