Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Lily ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Lily

By NightmareKitten, a.k.a. yume_no_kanari

Warning: Rating stays at PG-13 for now. I'm still pondering the lemon. Slight lime may show up. I should stop writing these things before the story starts…

Author's Notes: Again, may contain lime, possible lemon, at least later on. Sorry this was so slow. Thanks to everyone who reviewed! I love you, ML! Forgive me, Iris: it did take another assignment. I got a 102 on the last one, so…

Disclaimer: Second verse, same as the first. A little bit louder and a little bit worse!


Chapter Two: 2300 hours, 31 December A.C. 199


Relena drew a soft breath at the sight of Heero full-length. Like his American counterpart, the Japanese man was clad in a black suit and white shirt. His tie was a deep blue that matched his eyes. Relena smiled. His hair was untidy as usual. She took this as another insurance that some things never change.

Heero gulped. He hadn't expected to be so close to the purpose of his secret mission tonight. "Hello, Relena."

Relena resisted the immense urge to glomp such a tempting target and reminded herself that anything she did tonight would be all over the tabloids in the morning. "How have you been? I haven't heard from you in so long!"

Heero's one-word answer was forming on his lips when a sharp elbow in his back reminded him that he couldn't get out of talking, what with a braided God of Death who never shut up behind him. "I've been alright. How are you doing?"

Duo smiled slyly. It was plain as day to him that his partner wasn't as icy as he appeared; rather, he had been stewing silently for the past four years over this delicate blonde. He slunk back into the shadow of the tree to observe the slow progression of this conversation.

"I'm fine, I guess."

"What do you mean, `I guess,' Relena? You know yourself, don't you?"

Relena flushed a translucent pink and looked at the rounded tips of her shoes. "I'm just so busy I don't really think about myself much. Everyone else needs my attention. It's my job."

"Tell them that they can fu-"

Duo had the presence of mind to clap a hand over Heero's mouth. Even before the Shinigami Smirk of Satisfaction® appeared on Duo's face, Heero's censor was removed due to a rapidly reddening bite mark the censor-ee had inflicted upon it. "OW! You…you…you…" Duo did not particularly want to play the part of a hypocrite, but he was finding it difficult.

Heero suppressed a snicker and turned his attention back to the female standing in front of him. She had also been attempting to stifle her laughter; however, she was finding the task quite hard. "Like I was saying, the people can live one day without you."

Both men realized the Japanese man's mistake when a palpable silence spread over the previous conversation. "Well, I- uh, I mean- it's…er…it's not like…um…"

Relena smiled. Heero was never, ever like this. The smile faded when she realized that his remark had hit home.

Duo grinned widely. "Well, Lena, I'm not sure about Heero here, but I think you need to have a bit of fun."

"And just what do you propose we do?" The usually prim ex-princess seemed to have adopted an expectant tone to her voice, perhaps anticipating exactly what kind of fun Duo was speaking of.

The bright grin on the American's face widened. He grabbed Relena's wrist and began dragging her away from the mimosa. "You need to get piss-ass drunk and play some poker."

After the initial shock, which lasted all of three seconds, two things happened. First, Relena burst into half-stifled laughter, causing her to trip on her heel and fall into her dark-haired guardian, who was busy beating Duo to a pulp. The unexpected intrusion knocked both Relena and Heero to the ground in a graceless heap.

"Well, I didn't know Heero was already piss-ass drunk…"

The beating continued.


Fifteen passing minutes found the trio sitting at a small, round table, a glass in front of each person. Relena had a Champaign flute half-full of sparkling cider. She had stopped the questions from her two accompanying males by saying, "I'm only twenty. Leave me alone."

Heero was nursing his third Bloody Mary. He secretly damned whoever invented sparking cider. He had been rather anxious to see Relena drunk.

Duo had no idea what was in his glass, except that it tasted like vodka and was swirling with red and orange. He had told the bartender to "surprise" him, and it looked like he was doing an excellent job. As usual, unknown drinks are usually the most intoxicating. Duo's was no exception.

Needless to say, Duo, not Heero, looked like the one who would be "piss-ass drunk."


"What the…?"

"Come on, Lena, say it! It only has four letters and one syllable!"

"Fuckwit, they all have four letters and one syllable!"

"Nuh-uh! Not bitch! That's got five!"

"Shut up, Duo."

Relena had glanced at the large illuminated clock on the far wall. Noticing the time, she had fled the table, leaving her glass as a parting gift. She hurried to the stage as quickly as her enormous heels would allow.


"I said shut up, Duo."

"Yeah, I know, but-"

"Shut the hell up."

"Where's Relena?"


Author's Notes: Sorry for the short chapter; it had to be under 800 words for the assignment. I had to wait a while for it because I printed it but didn't save it. Silly me. I'll try to have the next chapter out in a couple of days. Thanks again for reviewing.