Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Love is Not a Game! ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing. Gundam Wing is owned by Sunrise.
Pairings: 13+5, hints of 3+4 1+2
Warning: AU and Gundam Pilots as girls, if you don't like it don't read it.
A/N: This is somewhat of a sequel to 'Boys and Girls', but it's focuses more on Wufei.

It was a nice July afternoon. The birds were singing, the sun was out, it was almost Heaven. It was the type of day that was perfect to go to the beach. And that's just where everyone was.

"All right! Look it's the beach! The beach!" exclaimed an excited Duo Maxwell. She was smiling from ear to ear, this was her first time at a real beach. She wore her hair in her usual braid and was dressed in a very revealing black bikini that showed every one of her curves. She ran ahead of the others going straight for the water.

"Duo!" Quatre yelled after her friend. "You'll need to put on sun tan lotion!" She sighed at Duo's childish behavior. Quatre, unlike Duo, wasn't comfortable wearing a bikini. Instead, she wore a sensible light blue one piece.

"I'll go get her," Heero grumbled. He was wearing normal navy blue swim trunks. He marched after Duo, why in the world did he even bother with that girl?

As the others went towards the beach, Chang Wufei looked at them and sighed. Unlike the other two girls, she wore a one piece and a pair of swim trunks. She marched off in the direction of the beach with an angered face. "I hate this," she grumbled. "Why do I have to go to the damn beach, too. Maxwell and Winner are the ones that wanted to go!"

"Are you upset because you don't have a boyfriend pretty lady?" came a voice from behind her. She didn't even bother to turn around, she already knew who it was.

"Go away Treize!" she said, clearly not in the mood for his little games.

"Never," Treize replied with a charming smirk. Treize loved to tease his little dragon, she was so cute when she was mad. Treize wore a pair of navy blue trunks and a white T-shirt.

Wufei now turned to face him. "You know," she began "most women call the cops when a guy says something like that to them!"

"You wouldn't do that."

She once again began to walk away, not even bothering to give him an answer. She knew he would like that.

"Hey is that Treize over there?" Quatre asked.

"Where?" Trowa asked looking around the beach.

"Over there. In the parking lot with Wufei," she said pointing over in their direction.

"Hey your right!" Duo exclaimed. "Wu's got a boyfriend!"

"I don't think there dating just because there standing next to each other, Duo," Heero remarked dully.

"They don't even look like their getting along very well." Quatre pointed out as she laid back down next to Trowa. All Trowa could do was smile.

All of a sudden, Duo got a look in her eyes that told you there'd be trouble. "Heero sweetie, do you have a camera with you?"

"Why?" he looked at Duo questioningly.

"I just want to take a picture of this beautiful day that's all," she gave Heero her sweetest smile.

On the other side of the beach, Wufei had found a nice quite place to be alone and more importantly away from Treize. As soon a she got there, she pulled out her beach umbrella and towel and fell fast asleep. Giving Duo the prefect chance to take some great photos.*

"Photos you say?" Treize asked. Duo had found him at a Cafe not too far from the beach. At first, Duo was nervus at how her former enemy would treat her, but after talking to him for a little while Duo found out Treize was quite the gentlemen. 'So why in the world would a guy like this like Wufei?' she asked herself.

"That's right! I've got some great pics of Wufei that you'll just love!" She smiled the same smile that she gave Heero not more than half an hour ago. "But..." she began.

"But what Miss Maxwell?" he asked.

"But they won't come cheap." She said slyly. She almost fell out of her chair when she heard Treize laugh at her comment. She thought that she was going to have to push this sale.

"You are a very funny lady Miss Maxwell, and a good sales woman at that," Treize gave Duo a very charming smile, causing her to blush like crazy.

'God!' she thought. 'Handsome, rich, and charming! If Wu doesn't want this guy then I'll gladly take 'em!'

"You've got yourself a deal."

"Great! You'll get your photos in a week." She said as she began to walk off.

"Oh Miss. Maxwell," Treize called, stopping Duo in her tracks.

"Yes Treize?"

"Where do I go to get these photos, Miss. Maxwell?"

"Oh. Well." She thought for a moment. "Well meet me here I guess."


*If you've read volume 1 of Ranma 1/2 or have seen the 4th episode, then you'll remember how Nabiki was selling photos of female Ranma and Akane to Kuno.