Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Only Love ❯ My Only Love ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title:My Only Love

Author:Heero's Chibi Angel

Category:Angst,Death,Song fic

Ratings:don't know you tell me

Warnings:death and dispear

Disclaimer:Nope Don't Own Them

FeedBack:please give it to me.

Sunday Feb 14 V-Day

Sunlight spilled onto Mika's face. Grumbling, she moved closer to Heero,
but not feeling him there, she sighed and pushed away the blankets. Heero
was at his laptop, ordering gifts for his wife on their special day. He
quickly, silently closed out the window, hiding it from her as he felt a
pair of slender arms slip around his neck.

"So, are you finally awake?" She then tilted her head just enough to kiss
the corner of his mouth.

"Of course I am."

"It was getting cold without you near me." She then moved away from him
only to slip into the bathroom. Heero waited until her could hear the
water running and the music blaring from the bathroom before reopening
the window on his laptop. He rescanned for the items, then typed in his
credit card number. Moments later he joined his wife in the shower.

He pulled her close, moving his head slightly to deepen the kiss as he
pressed his lips to hers. Mika smiled into the kiss as she slipped her
arms around his waist.

"Hee-chan, is everthing alright?"

He replied by moving his mouth to her neck as he lifted her onto the
wall. Slowly yet gently he slid his ten-inch dick into his wife's tight
pussy. She groaned a bit as she begain to bounce up and down with him.
After an hour they both reached their climax, then they cleaned up only
to get dressed.

Mika grabed her pack and her keys. "I'll be back in a few hours, Heero."
Heero leaned back into his chair smiling. He was happy to be married to

Meanwhile Mika was driving along the interstate heading for the mall. She
wanted to surprise Heero on Valentine's Day by getting a crib for their
son and daughter. Relena spotted Mika's silver car. Speeding up, she
grined evily as she followed her. After a few moments, Relena moved her
pink car up beside Mika's. Soon she rammed her pink car into Mika's,
making her run off of the road into a ditch then rolling about ten times
before coming to a stop at the other side of the wall.

Back at the house the phone rang just as Duo entered. Picking up the
phone, he spoke quietly for a few moments then hung up. Racing up the
stairs, he kicked open Heero's door.

"Hey, I have bad news, pal." Heero looked up from his laptop. "You best
come with me, Heero, and fast."

As duo drove he spoke in a shaky voice.

<Deep in my soul...
A love so strong...
It takes control...>

"It's about Mika, Heero. She was involved in a wreck."

Heero turned his face to look out of the window, not wanting to hear
more. After reaching the scene of the accident, Heero jumped out of the
car, then pushed his way through the people gathered around. He reached
Mika's bloody form, then lifted her head into his lap. She opened her
eyes then forced a smile before trying to speak.

"Mika, don't talk; relax. We will get you to the hospital soon.

Mika weakly whispered her lover's name, then coughed up blood from her
lungs. She could feel one of them collapsing. "I love you always."

<Driven far apart,
I'll make a wish on a shooting star.
There will come a day, somewhere far away.
In your arms I'll stay, my only love.

"Mika, listen to me. You have got to stay with me." Heero's face was wet
with tears as he held her close. She placed her hand onto his face as her
eyes closed one last time.

<Even though your gone.>

"Nooo!" Heero screamed as tears streamed down his face. He held his
wife's now lifeless body to him.

<Love will still live on.>

Heero remained by his wife, four months pregnant, as an EMS team wheeled
her into the ambulance. He placed his hand over hers as the unit drove

The End