Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Own Prison ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

"Zechs?!" I cried.

I felt fuzzy all over like someone had drugged me. Quatre smiled and patted my forehead with a cool cloth. I finally let sleep take me. I needed the rest after what I'd been through. I couldn't help wondering why it was Zechs who had saved me from that Hell. Or was it Zechs even? I wasn't sure. Well, it's time for sleep now, I told myself.

POV change * third person *

After Quatre had seen Duo drift off, he straightened the covers and went downstairs where the others were waiting. He shot Heero a look and asked him what was on all their minds.

"What's going on Heero? We all knew Duo had been put away. What do you know about this new event?" He asked angrily.

"Nothing." Came the abrupt answer. Heero got up off of the overstuffed couch and left the room. Quatre went to follow him but Trowa stopped him.

"No Quat. Leave him be. This will take time and the only one with the answers is asleep upstairs." He said to the calmed down Arabian. "I have a feeling whomever brought him here knows a lot as well. Maybe Duo knows who that someone is."

Wufei huffed and went to leave himself. "Fei?" Said Quatre. "Where are you going now?"

"To think. Some quiet time will help me understand why someone would release that loudmouthed baka and set him upon us again. The man who did this will regret it if I find him." A dark flicker of hate flashed over Wufei's eyes and he stormed outside.

Quatre was about to check on Heero when a scream from upstairs had him running to check Duo instead. He opened the door and saw Duo out of bed, huddled in the far corner by the window. He had the sheets wrapped around himself and he was crying.

Quatre walked to him slowly like has was a frightened animal. Duo's head shot up and he stared wide-eyed at Quatre.

"I did it! I really did it!" He yelled. "I killed Treize!" He sniffled and sunk deeper into his sheet burrow. "I can't even repent my sins for it either. There's no one to hear them.

Quatre was scared by Duo's behaviour. // I thought he told us all at the trial that he hadn't done it! // He thought.

"Duo?" Quatre started. "May I sit next to you?"

"Sure Quat." Duo said. // Kinda strange how his attitude changes like a light switch. // Quatre thought again. // Another sign of being unstable. This could be bad. //

"What's up Quat?" Duo asked, while undoing himself from his sheets. "You're watching me like I'm crazy or something."

"Duo, would you tell me who saved you from that prison? There was no one here when I found you. You certainly didn't get her by yourself with your hands and feet that hurt."

"Quat. You'd never believe me. I don't believe me. It was like a dream. When I thought things couldn't get much worse I wanted to sleep and never wake up again. Just when I started to drift off the door opened and he appeared. Blonde hair, like a halo and warm hands. I thought I'd died already. He carried me out and put he in the cockpit of his suit. We flew for what seemed like forever and then he got me into the house, I guess, and then you must have found me." Duo's eyes glazed over and he started to cry again.

"Who did this for you Duo?" Asked Quatre, more insistently this time.

"Zechs Merquise, Quat. Like an angel answering my previous prayers he came and took me from that place. I don't know why though. It's too much to think about right now. My head hurts. I might be at peace here and free now, but it's a false peace. I didn't kill Treize in a fit of rage. I thought I did. The jury thought I did. I need the truth before I go crazy Quat." Duo shivered and wrapped himself around Quatre's middle. "Save me from myself, Quat." He begged. "Please."

Quatre had no idea what to do. He'd decided that only Zechs could fix things. // He should be easy enough o find. Heero will know where to find him. He kept records on where everyone had gone to after the wars. // A shout from Trowa made Duo jump. Quatre settled Duo back in bed and went to attend to Trowa's call. When he came down the last landing, he stopped dead. Zechs was in the front hall! And he had a very grave look on his face.

"Quatre." He said. "I have news and I'm sure you want answers from me too. I knew I would have to confess sooner or later. Now, the answers can wait, but the reason I'm here now is to tell you something serious.

Quatre was livid. He didn't need to hear excuses. He wanted to know everything that instant!

"Get on with it then! What is it?!" Yelled Quatre.

Zechs took one step back and cleared his throat.

"Treize is not dead, Quatre. He's in exile on L6 and he contacted me this morning. He wants to see Duo."

A/N~Well? I finished chapter two after some good requests for it. I guess I'm continuing this ficcie then. I hope I didn't leave too many of you hanging with the first chapter. I didn't think I would write any more. Now onto chapter three!!! //_~