Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Place ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: This is my first GW fic, so I thought I might make a few things clear. First, it's been nearly 5 years since I've seen GW or EW, so some things may not be correct. I'm actually planning to re-watch the series over the next couple of weeks, so the canon-based parts of this fic should turn out well. Next thing is that Trowa is my absolute fav. of the G-boys, and I enjoy him paired with just about anyone EXCEPT Quatre despite the fact that the very first yaoi I ever read (and what turned me on to the genre in the first place) was a 3x4 doujinshi. That being said, I will disregard any flames/complaints in which people bitch about how they think Trowa and Quatre belong together. As it stands, the only feasible pairing, in my opinion, for Quatre is Relena… assuming you read this fic, the reason why that is will be made clear in the first couple of chapter.
Warnings: Post EW, Violence, Language, YAOI, Torture, Mentions of past NCS and torture
Pairings: eventual 6x3/3x6, 1x2x5 (and combinations thereof), 4xR, maybe others as I add more of the characters to the story, past 3+4, 1+R
Disclaimer: I don't own GW or EW, and I'm not making any money off the writing of this fic.
Internal Dialogue
The rain pouring down from the sky certainly didn't make his day any better as Trowa Barton made his way towards the small trailer he shared with Catherine Bloom. It was funny that even two years after the Gundams had been laid to rest, he still couldn't think of the woman as his sister. He didn't know what tipped her off to find out, but shortly after he had returned to the colony where the circus was staying, she had insisted on a DNA test; it had confirmed that he was indeed the long, lost Triton Bloom, and Catherine insisted on calling him by that name. The tall, former pilot always - always - corrected the young woman to no avail. She was also forever trying to spend to with the brother she had lost at such an early age, but he just couldn't feel the connection that she seemed to think was there. Why do I stay here? This thought was constantly circling the recesses of his mind, and he always came up with the same answer. Where else would I go? He was actually starting to consider taking Une up on the offer to become a Preventer and make the move to Earth. At least there, he would be around people who would understand him, to some extent, at least. And some of them understand why I can't ever be Triton Bloom again, why I have to remain Trowa Barton.
The moment he pulled open the trailer door, he was assaulted with questions and concern from Catherine. As usual, the young, green eyed man looked on impassively as she fussed over his soaked form, not bothering to answer her questions aloud. I needed time away from you, from this. I needed the quiet that I can't find whenever I'm in the same room as you, and if it means walking around in the middle of a storm, then so be it.
“Triton,” her voice was exasperated, but the underlying worry was still detectable. “You'll make yourself sick if you keep going off like that,” she scolded gently. “You know very well this is the time of year they program heavy rains into the environmental system.”
“Trowa,” his deep, quiet voice corrected even as he didn't bother to respond to the rest of her mild rant. The young woman's shoulders sagged slightly as a sad look passed over her face as they stood facing each other in the middle of the small trailer. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't convince him that he was still Triton, the little brother that she so dearly loved. What she couldn't seem to grasp was that really wasn't Triton any longer; as far as he knew or remembered, he had never been Triton, and nothing could change that. Of course, Trowa considered trying to tell her of his past as Nanashi and he came to be Trowa Barton, but he always discarded the idea. She didn't need to know the details of his horrid past as it was already more than enough that she somewhat knew of his exploits as a Gundam pilot. In his own way, he was trying to protect her from certain harsh realities by hurting her in refusing to return her brother to her. Someone knocking at the door interrupted the melancholic silence that had settled over them; rather, it interrupted Catherine's thoughts as Trowa was well aware of someone approaching the trailer before the knock ever came. Watching the young woman answer the door through half veiled eyes, he surprised to see Chang Wufei standing on the other side. The thought of one of the other former pilots actually being there was almost enough to make him smile, almost.
“Wufei,” he greeted in monotone as the Chinese man stepped into the trailer. “Why are you here?” Coming from anyone else, that may have been an insult, but the ebony haired man knew that Trowa would be nothing less than direct; he himself was the same in that respect.
“Une sent me,” was the reply, earning a scowl from the auburn haired woman. She knew what that meant. “She still wants you for in the Preventers, and she believes that by sending one of us, you will be more inclined to accept the position.” Wufei kept his dark eyes focused on the tall man's face and smirked when he detected the small amount of interest leaking through the one visible eye.
“I don't know why she keeps trying to get Triton leave his home,” Catherine started without letting Trowa reply. “He always says no; this is where he belongs, after all.” She clearly wasn't nearly as experienced in reading her biological brother as the shorter man, and he hadn't seen Trowa more than twice in the past two years.
“Trowa,” he corrected, yet again. “And I can speak for myself, Catherine,” he told her in his quiet, firm voice before turning to his friend. “Une wasted your time in sending you here,” he began, the words earning a smug look from the young woman. “I was going to accept the position the next time she called, which, if she had remained consistent, would have been three days from now.” Wufei carefully schooled his features so as not to return the smug look that had quickly vanished from Catherine's face.
“You can't leave,” she pleaded. “We need you here; I need you here. Triton, please.” Tears were forming in her eyes even as her face began to show anger, and anger directed at Wufei, who represented the organization that was taking her `brother' away from her.
“Can you be ready to leave by the end of the week?” the raven haired man questioned, cutting off anything that Catherine might have said.
“I can be ready in an hour,” was the reply. At the raised eyebrow, he elaborated. “I don't have many possessions, just some clothes and few other things. It won't take long to pack.” The Chinese man nodded.
“I'll contact Une and inform her of your plans,” Wufei stated as he turned to the door. “I'll be back in an hour.” No sooner had the door closed did Catherine begin trying to persuade Trowa to stay. He tuned it out as he often did when she was upset. As Wufei had said, he returned an hour later, and the two left to one last plea.
“Triton, please!” she tried. “You're the only family I have left.” Her sobs were drowned out by the sound of the rain pounding against the metal of the trailer.
“My name is Trowa,” were his parting words as the two young men disappeared into the storm towards whatever transportation they would be taking to the shuttle port.
End Note: For those of you didn't like the way I left Catherine, I can only assure you that she will show up later. She's stubborn and strong, even if she is a bit whiny and overprotective, so she is one of the GW female characters that I like; I just can't leave her like this, but it will be awhile before she shows up again.