Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Reality Is Twisted ❯ Dim ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Reality Is Twisted

Chapter Nine

(C) 2001-2002

By: Lady Lye
Contact Info:

Title: My Reality is Twisted
Author(s): Lady Lye
FanFiction Source(s): Gundam Wing
Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Romance, Humor, Angst (you guys know the deal with me by now, right?)
Special Notes/Warnings: Here there be... G-Boys as G-GIRLS! Language, dialogue, homosexuality, heterosexuality, yeah, yeah...
Summary: What if Duo really was and always had been a girl? Following the war, she tries to reclaim the life she never could afford before- but Fate is cruel and her Past catches up with her..

Author's Notes: I must now thank my awesome author-buddy Mudpie, as I was inspired to write this from one of her fics. Both fics have kinda the same idea behind them (Duo's a girl) but they take drastically different turns. For one thing, mine has more sap. (Lady: Mud-chan I want SAP. Lots and lots and LOTS of SAP. Sticky gooey SAP. SAP SAP and MORE SAP!)
Disclaimer:Oh for crap's sake! It's not mine!! Hell, I admitted that even the original concept for the story ain't mine! … Wait, why am I writing then? OH, right! The whole 'be like Shakespeare but a woman, cleaner, and not dead' thing. Ah. Yes. See, the Bard didn't make up the stories- he just knew how to tell 'em. Thus is me. I want SAP, damnit!! So me'n my lil Beanie Bard are gonna write this ficcy. Ciao.

Other Crappy Warnings for People Who Get Scared Easily: This is obviously a 2/? fic, tho just who that other person is shall remain a mystery... for now... Also, there will be shonen ai (I'm going light in this...) and let's not forget my carefree use of language, ie: vulgar language. If any o' that bugs you, please scram or open your mind.

Important: This is What If fic, not in any way meant to take the place of good old fashioned yaoi. I adore yaoi, I really do, but the concept of if Duo were a girl struck my fancy and thus I am writing this. NOT to pretend homosexuality does not/ should not exist (HAH, if my IM buddies heard you suggesting that I thought that, they would probably die laughing. I love 1x2x1 and 3x4x3 and 2x5x2 and gawd only knows what else. Those just came to mind as my faves.) So DO NOT go there, ok? Just DO NOT suggest that I'm anti-homosexuality or anything cuz I will NOT respond well.

-Her Ladyship

Duo didn't return to the party that night. She took the roundabout way out of the garden, and skirted the building to the driveway, and from there walked down the gravel driveway. Absently, she wondered to herself what a marvel it was that the gravel and other bits of dust didn't fly around here so free in the colony. She knew the artificial gravity bound it to the 'ground', but it still seemed a little on the fantastic side, even when she had lived with it all her life.

From the gate, she began the long walk back to Hilde's. She didn't mind trudging the streets so much, even at this late hour. She knew her way, and she knew how to look after herself, and she could enjoy the solitude. The few times she received leery looks, she slipped easily into the shadows, evading trouble. The ignorant little fools couldn't think to match her; she had been one of them long before she had been trained in even more skilled forms of infiltration.

When she reached the small 'house', the answering machine was beeping, the caller ID warning her that it was Sally. With a sigh, she pressed the button and let the message start, then promptly shut it off after Sally's deep alto began to sound. She didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. She knew she should probably let them know she was alright, so they didn't worry too much, but somehow she couldn't bring herself to just yet.

She wanted was out of these clothes, and to wash this gunk out of her hair and off her delicate face. A trip to the bathroom was in order, and she kicked her shoes off as she went, pulling her hair free as well. The hot water was a mere twist of the tap away, and as a bath ran, she pulled the dress off over her head and traced carefully lacquered fingers along the delicately sewn seams. Such a waste… one night of grandeur and it was over. She sighed and deposited the superfluous thing in the hamper. Perhaps after a good dry-cleaning she could pass it on to a second-hand dress shop. By the time she wanted to wear it again, it'd undoubtedly be too small.

Having stripped off the bulky outer garment, she then had to content with the confining underpinnings, and slipped out of those as well, letting them drop silkily to the tiled floor. Stepping out of them, she gave them a kick in the hamper's direction and grabbed a loose hair band to pull her hair back again and proceeded to wash her face. When it became apparent that she wasn't going to be able to remove the stain from her lips, she sighed and let it go, knowing the deep color would dissipate over time on its own. Seeing the bath was barely half full, she sighed and dumped a little extra bubble bath into it, and a robe around her shoulders, not wanting to chill off.

Seeing her reflection in the large, cheap mirror, she turned to face it. She couldn't recognize her old self in the girl depicted there. The proportions were completely wrong now for one thing; dainty ankles, rounded thighs, a less severe imitation of an hour glass for hips, waist and bust. Her shoulders had always been thin, and her face always that distinctive heart shape dominated by large indigo eyes. There had been that long spill of chestnut down her back and into her eyes for as long as she could remember, although it hadn't always shone so. She had to admit it was an improvement over being dirty, cold, and alone.

Except, she was still that last part. She was still alone. True, she now had a roof over her head, and knew she had people who cared only a short way away. There was food in the kitchen and hot water pumping through the taps, but ultimately, she still felt alone. The thought made her shiver, and she pulled the robe a little tighter closed.

The doorbell rang, making her look up. It was late; calling on a girl at this time was uncommon. But, perhaps it was Hilde, too tired to dig out her key. Duo carefully picked her way to the door and looked out through the peephole, unwilling to take the risk without at least a cursory glance. She blinked at looked again, uncertain as to what she was seeing, and opened the door cautiously.


He stood on the front stoop, silhouetted against the street lamp's casting. At the curbside stood his car, a glossy blue, turned black in the night. He himself had loosened his tie and removed his jacket and cumber bund. His hair was glossy and neat as ever, but that was hardly unusual. She had seen him walk out of full-scale battles only minorly disheveled. Now here he was at her door, as though just returned from another battle, and she had to admit… Her better instinct was to hug him, invite him in, help him relax.

She ignored the feeling, looking up into his clear black eyes. He stared coolly back down at her, and she couldn't help thinking it was like some scene out of a primetime teen TV show. In such a scene, the boy would come inside, and they would slip back into her room, or perhaps the bedroom, to make hungry, slightly desperate, clumsy but passionate love. But this wasn't TV.

"You didn't return Sally's call," he reminded.

She looked down and away with a shrug. "I was going to get around to it."

A moment more of silence persisted before either spoke again. "Are you alright?" A nod.

She knew he could likely tell that she had cried. She felt he could probably guess the reason, as well. Yet, neither said anything more on it. She didn't invite him in, and he didn't ask. They didn't make love that night, or any other, because somehow, they knew it wouldn't work out. There was too much debris built up between them to become lovers.

The next morning, when Duo and Hilde met at the breakfast table, Hilde seemed to sense that Duo didn't want to talk about whatever had happened the night before. Duo lolled around the house, taking off her nail polish, letting her hair smooth itself out, feeling the muscles in her feet relax. It was a slow, dim day, but she didn't really mind.

On Monday, she got up as usual and went through her normal routine. The short walk to the end of the driveway and the mailbox was another dim one, and she looked towards the false sun and the false clouds with a sense of irony.

This wasn't TV. TV never let things be so real and… inconclusive.


Parting Notes: Yosh... it's been a bumpy road... MRIT is now COMPLETE, ladies and gents, and tis one of the few works I have posted that is! Be proud! ^_~ It took under a year! Accomplishment! Heehee... Please leave your response(s) in the Dream Book, it has the same function as a review.

Also, as I happen to relatively proud of this fic, I am considering entering it into a fic contest or perhaps two. In which case, I would GREATLY appreciate any and all commentary, and volunteer editors. I can do it myself, but if I do- it'll never happen! *falls over*

If you would like to be an awesome person and volunteer to gimme a hand, you will get recognition of MRIT's Front Page for helping, and you can drop me a line at

Thanks muchly, minna! I hope you enjoyed the trip!

-Lady Lye

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