Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Tourniquet ❯ Un-Named as of now... ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Must I put this up again? (Refer to previous chapters)
*…* Thoughts
~…~ Flashback
[…] person on other line of phone
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The blond pilot walked gracefully into the living room, sitting in a chair across from the L3 pilot. In the Arabian's dainty hands held a cup of hot tea before it was placed on the coffee table. “I'm happy for Duo and Heero. Aren't you, Trowa?” The blond asks, aqua eyes looking to the clown. Trowa's answer was just a nod, a hand moving for his soda to take a sip of it. “Trowa-san.. Might I ask you why you did not push me away when I had laid my head upon your shoulder?” Quatre asks after a few moments of silence, looking to the silent pilot.
Trowa blinked, looking over to the other male. * Shall I tell him now? Or shall I wait until Yuy's and Maxwell's wedding? * He thought silently to himself before giving a shrug to Quatre, making the blond sigh.
*I like Trowa… But, like how Duo was before he and Heero got together, I can't bring myself to tell him. * Quatre's mind raced, then he sighed again gently. He brought the tea mug up to his pink lips, taking a sip from his tea before setting it back down and grabbing a book to read. The book he grabbed was a romance novel, set in Arabia. The title was `Sandy Knights.' (A/N: I made up this title. At least, I believe I did. If there is actually a book by this title, then it's…. DISCLAIMER TIME! I don't own it, if it's really a book) Quatre loved this book. It was a yaoi, but it doesn't give any hints of that until the middle of the book. It almost reminded Quatre of him and Trowa. One male loving another, too scared to tell him. Too worried that the friendship would be ruined. That was exactly how Quatre felt. He didn't want to lose Trowa as a friend. He valued their friendship too much.
Trowa glanced over to Quatre, just watching him read for the time being. *I shall tell him at Duo and Heero's wedding… * He thought, glancing to the book, then away. He sat there silently before standing and walking up the stairs. “I'm going to take a shower.” He announced then disappeared onto the second floor. Quatre gave a nod, and a quiet “Alright,” before going back to reading his book. He heard the water start and an image of a naked Trowa flashed in his mind, making the Arabian blush a deep shade of red. “I must pay attention to my book…” he said, but unfortunately, the part of the book he is at, just so happened to be a shower scene. His eyes got wide and he just shut the book. A shaky hand grabbed his cup of tea and took a sip, slowly setting it back down. The blond then wondered how Heero and Duo were fairing.
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“So… When are we going to have the ceremony?” Duo asked his new fiancée, bouncing lightly upon the floor of the stoic pilot's house.
“Hn… A month from now? There wont.. be many guests.. Just the other pilots… Sally… Relena, I guess…” Heero answered, roughly grabbing the braid and tugging him down. “And stop bouncing.”
“Awww… Does Princess Pink have to go?” Duo whined, straddling Heero's hips. “She's obsessed with you..”
“Good point…” Heero muttered, then added. “She's not coming.”
“Yes!” Duo grinned, bouncing upon Heero's lap once. Heero just made a strangled gasp, then picked up the braided man and set him on the couch. Duo pouted at this, but shrugged and leaned against Heero. “When should we call everybody about it?!”
Giving a shrug, Heero glanced to the phone. “Now, if you want to…” At his reply, Duo jumped up and grabbed the phone, immediately calling Wufei.
“Wuffers!!” Duo exclaimed after he was greeted.
[What do you want, Maxwell?]
“To invite you to mine and Heero's wedding!”
[So… You're finally engaged? I guess I'll go…]
“Bring Sally as your date!” Duo teased, causing Wufei to hang up on him. Duo then called Quatre, inviting him and Trowa before hanging up the phone and jumping into Heero's lap. “Anyone else?” he asked with the biggest grin ever.
“I don't know anyone else… minus the doctors, but… NO.” Heero said, snapping the word no. Duo nodded, then nuzzled into Heero, the other pilot's arms encircling his waist. “How.. are we going to do this?” He asked, mainly to himself. Would they need a priest, or would they use someone else?
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That's it for now. Any ideas at all, email me at