Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ My Tourniquet ❯ Huh?! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Please refer to the other chapters for the disclaimer.
Please review.
*…* thoughts
~…~ flashback
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The month between Heero's and Duo's wedding was just about up. And surprisingly enough, everything was set up and planned and the tuxes were bought. Duo's best man would be Quatre and Heero's would be Trowa. The L1 pilot had originally asked Wufei, but the Chinese turned it down. Heero had understood, knowing Wufei was bring Sally Po and that the L5 man would want his time with the woman. Duo had called around in this one-month period, trying to locate all of the priests he had met when he was just a little boy. So, he had known that one of them would marry him and Heero. The priest was Father Samson, a good friend of the deceased Father Maxwell.
It was now the night before the wedding. Quatre had invited Duo over to his and Trowa's place for the night, saying it was bad luck for the two people getting married to see each other before the big ceremony. Duo could hardly wait to be married to Heero. He was so happy and it most definitely showed. He and Quatre had a slumber party while Trowa stayed up in his own room, trying to ignore the giggling boys.
“Duo? Who is Heero's best man?” Quatre asked after getting him and Duo some tea.
“Tro-Man.” The braided one answered, grinning broadly.
“O-oh…” The blond blushed a deep red, looking away, hoping Duo didn't see the flush upon his cheeks. But that was to no avail. Duo had seen it.
“Oooh.. Quat likes Tro.” Duo giggled, running to hide behind a couch. “You should tell him tomorrow at my wedding! That would be so great! Especially if he likes you too!” All Quatre could do at this moment was blush like a mad man.
“Maybe.. I will tell him..” he whispered, then sipped at his tea.
The two males talked until 5 in the morning, when they finally fell asleep in the large living room of Quatre's house. But, only 4 and a half hour after that, Trowa came down in his pajamas, which consisted of just a pair of green sleep pants. The 3rd pilot yawned, proceeding to wake Duo and Quatre up. Duo was easily woken and the braided pilot grinned as he saw Trowa. “I'll go make some coffee…” Duo snickered, then skittered off into the kitchen to make said coffee. A few minutes later, Trowa had finally woken up the blond pilot, who's face turned bright red as he stared up at the nice, toned chest of Trowa Barton. * Beautiful….. * Quatre thought, then quickly stood up, clearing his throat. “I guess we have to get ready now?” the blond asked, receiving a silent nod from Trowa. Duo bounced in with the hugest grin ever.
“Coffee is done!” Duo beamed, then all three dank two cups of coffee before one after the other grabbing hot showers.
Trowa was the first. And while he was in the, Duo nudged at Quatre and grinned. “Yanno, it would go faster if you went and joined Trowa in the shower.”
Quatre blushed as the image popped into his mind. An image of him and Trowa, naked together in a shower. “No.. no, I couldn't….” * But I want to so badly. * He added mentally.
About 5 minutes passed and Trowa walked down the steps in his own tux, his hair still slightly wet and clinging to his face and neck.
“Quat, you go next.” Duo grinned, relaxing on the couch he and Quatre had occupied. Quatre nodded, then headed upstairs to the bathroom.
“It still smells like Trowa in here..” He whispered after closing the door. He stripped and turned the water on, getting under the hot stream.
Quatre washed himself, using the bar of soap that he assumed Trowa had just used. He sighed happily, then finished his shower, drying himself off and wrapping the towel about his waist so he could go into his room and get dressed in the tux. Just as he stepped out of the bathroom, he bumped into something. Or, more like someone. “Trowa?!” The blond raised his hands in surprise, dropping the towel to the floor. He blushed like mad, scrambling to bring the towel back up around his waist. “I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you…” His face was bright red as he stared at Trowa, having shown his entire body to the one he loved and adored.
Trowa had been staring at the other male, then blinked his way out of the trance. “It's alright, little one..” He muttered, then proceeded to his room, his face turning red as soon as he knew Quatre couldn't see it happen. * Quatre is… amazing looking…. * He thought as he closed the door, going to his dresser to grab his comb.
Blushing still, Quatre went into his room to get dressed after calling down to Duo that he was done in the shower. Quatre heard the footsteps enter the bathroom and the water immediately start. He sighed then, grabbing the clothes he had laid out and putting them on in the correct order. Lastly, was his tie. By the time he was done getting ready, Duo was out of the shower and waiting patiently outside the blond pilots room. Quatre opened the door and let Duo in before leaving himself.
Duo grinned, closing the door behind the L4 pilot and got dressed himself. His tux was a bit different from Quatre's and Trowa's. Instead of a black vest, he had a white one. Same with Heero's tux. * Heero.. * Duo thought , looking at his fully dressed self in the body mirror. “I don't believe this..” he whispered, then braided his dry hair and left the bedroom.
When he got back downstairs, Quatre and Trowa were waiting for him by the front door. “Lets go!” Duo grinned, running down the steps and jumping to the door. “Last one to the limo is a rotten egg!” He ran out the door and got into the limo with both males right behind him. The driver took them to the church, which was only a few minute drive.
Heero had been at the church 15 minutes before Quatre, Trowa and Duo got there. Wufei and Sally showed up a few minutes after the three men. Duo stood in a room with Quatre, waiting for it to be time to finally get married to Heero. “I can't wait!!!” Duo exclaimed, pacing around the room while he twiddled with the end of his braid.
Heero had been standing at the front alter with Trowa and Father Samson a few minutes just before the ceremony would begin, thinking he thought that he'd never do something like this in his life. And he thought of how much Duo had changed him. His thoughts died out as the door opened and music began to play. Quatre walked out from the door and headed up to the alter. He grinned at Wufei and Sally who were sitting at the front pew. As soon as Quatre stopped walking, Duo walked out from behind a bigger door and made his way to beside Heero. He blushed a bit as the priest began. “We are gather here to day…” Father Samson started off with, then continued on. (AN: I don't know exactly what is said, so... don't sue me! >.> ) When it came to the part with the vows, Father Samson motioned for Heero to go first.
“Duo… Everyone in this room knows what I used to be like… But, having been with you, I have actually changed. And, I wish to thank you.. for that. And I also wish to thank you… for choosing me..” Heero stated, eyes glancing away. Duo smiled at this, then began his own vow.
“Heero, for longer than you know, I have wanted a day like this.. being yours forever.. The first day I met you, I instantly fell in love you. And, thanks to you, I actually am able to be very happy. Happier than I have appeared to be.” Duo replied, blushing. After which, Father Samson asked for the rings. He told Heero to repeat after himself. “With this ring, I thee wed.” Heero repeated, then the Father did the same for Duo. Once the rings were placed on the male's fingers, the priest finished the ceremony. “You may now kiss your life time partner.” Duo grinned and tightly pressed his lips to Heero's, arms wrapped around the Japanese's neck. Heero, in return, wrapped his arms around Duo's waist, deepening the kiss before breaking it.
Duo, Heero, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei and Sally all left the church to go to the fire hall where the reception would be held. A very small reception, but a reception. After the toasts and speeches and eating were the dances. Heero and Duo danced first, alone. Their wedding dance. Then, the two best men joined, followed by Wufei and Sally.
As Quatre and Trowa danced, they almost stared at each other. “Quatre… I have something I have been meaning to tell you…” He whispered, then stopped their dancing, a hand moving to cup Quatre's chin before gently placing his lips against Quatre's. The blonde's aqua eyes widened, then slowly closed as he returned the kiss warmly, blushing. At the sound of a “Woohoo!” from Duo, the two kissing pilots parted, both blushing.
“Quatre…. I want us to marry next…”
“Oh, Trowa…” Quatre began, then nodded. “Yes. I will.. marry you..:” His face got beat red as Trowa actually smiled and kissed him once again.
Heero and Duo watched the other two males, as did Wufei and Sally. Heero then turned Duo's gaze back to himself, then leaned down to kiss him. But, just as Heero's lips pressed to Duo, the Japanese pilot's eyes shot open and he glanced around. He was in his bedroom at the apartment he lived in. “It was.. all a dream?”
The End
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Please review!!! Please!!!!! -Pouts- I hope it was ok… There WILL be a sequel! I think. I hope…