Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ MyOrientation ❯ Summer ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: MyOrientation
Isabel Evelyn
Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing… mehh
Archive: Snakecharm
Warnings: drugs, alcohol, language, YAOI
Started: September 14, 2005
I guess this whole “college experience” thing started a few weeks before school ended. Everyone was getting ready for graduation and planning summer parties and such. Being the computer geek I am, I was planning my summer job at a local company's technology help desk. Seniors were able to end classes in late April and I jumped at that chance. Sadly, I didn't realize that the majority of my friends were a year behind me. My final day of classes was the last time I really hung out with my school friends.
Graduation came and went; suddenly the summer was half way over. While the majority of my school friends had left for exciting, tropical paradises, my townie friends were home and ready to have fun. It amazes some people how I can fit into two drastically different social groups, I guess that's just how I am: Heero Yuy, computer geek and ultimate bad-ass at your service.
Every day after work, I would walk three miles across town to my friend's house. I'd let myself in with the key under the turtle figurine, make myself something to ear, and watch Law and Order reruns until the lazy bum would wake up. Usually after about two or three episodes, the shower would start. Ten minuets later, a damp E.J. would stagger into the TV room with a bag of chips and a 6 back of TAB. E.J. would sit in his chair, tuck his hair behind his ears and yawn.
“So, what d'you wanna do today?” he would ask.
I would shrug, kick off my shoes, recline in my Lay-Z-Boy and doze off. The evening would come and we would get into E.J.'s car and drive around looking for something interesting to do. We would look for two important things: weed and entertainment. Where we're from, one usually leads to the other. Fights were also fun; there was always a chance that someone I knew from school would see me, but that just added to the fun.
There wasn't that much time for relationships in my busy life. Drunken hook-ups were more my style anyway. Technically I was a virgin, but I don't think anyone knew that for sure. My townie friends were well aware of my attraction to both sexes but it wasn't something that was brought up often.
My summer passed in an inebriated blur; to my friends and I, this was out last hurrah. The end of August came a lot faster than I thought it would; one night I found myself packing the station wagon with everything I owned. Oden - the father figure in this whole situation - came out while I was loading the mini fridge. He put a map and direction on the passenger side floor. I know how to get to college: drive six hours north, make one hell of an elaborate left hand turn and then drive for an hour, take a right, another right, three lefts and you're there.
I was both excited and horribly nervous at the same time. After tonight, I wouldn't have a home. Of course I didn't let any of this show. The last six years of my life, I wanted to get out of this stuck up, white suburban area and this was my chance. I finished packing the car.
That night I slept naked. It took a while but sleep finally came. In the morning, I would be Heero Yuy, college student.