Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Naughty Vodka ❯ Intercourse Intermission ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Intercourse Intermission - a Gundam Wing yaoi lemon
Masamune Reforged
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em, I just have 'em fuck each others' brains out.
Warnings: YAOI! (graphic lemon, some light S&M, 1x2 with Trowa thrown in the mix), cursing, consumption of alcohol. This is for fun, not meant as a serious story.
Note - This is a continuation of a 1x2 fic I wrote years ago, entitled 'Naughty Vodka'. Heero, Duo, and Trowa get stinking drunk. Duo pesters Heero into handcuffing him to their bed and buggering the life out of him, and at the end Trowa has been watching them. I've changed some minor details of the setting, like making this take place after Trowa's amnesia and not caring really when in the storyline this takes place. It's almost a PWP after all, so why let continuity get in the way of smutty fun?
"I sure as hell wouldn't mind!" an unexpected voice came from the doorway.
The two lovers nearly jumped out of their skin at the sudden intrusion. Heero instinctively whipped his arm around to pull his gun, but only succeeded in falling off the bed and landing in a sweaty, post-sex heap on the floor. Looking up, he saw Trowa standing in the door, a bottle in his hand.
"Got any room for me?" he asked with a hint of mischief in his voice.
~~And now, the continuation!
“Jesus Christ! Trowa!” Duo yelled, still handcuffed and very much exposed. “What the hell?” The braided teenager twisted and tried to cover up his nakedness, but the restraints held him fast. “What the fucking hell?!” he yelled again, turning red in the face at being seen like this.
“Relax, Duo,” Trowa chuckled, waving at him drunkenly and taking a sip from the bottle of liquor in his other. “I saw part of your medical examination when I was undercover inside of OZ. And it's not like I can't hear you guys every night anyway... Besides, you left the door wide open.”
“That's not the fucking point!” Duo shouted, now flush from both embarrassment and his futile effort to free himself from the handcuffs.
“If you want me to, I'll leave,” Trowa offered. “I just saw how kinky you all were getting and figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Hell, we've been drinking and unwinding all night anyway; why not?”
In exasperation, Duo blew a strand of hair out of his face from where it had fallen during his struggle to cover himself up. “How you go from peeping to asking for a threesome with that justification... You must really be drunk, Tro...” He looked around. “Um, Heero? Can you, like, cover me up here, please?”
Heero's hand emerged over the side of the bed, supporting him as he quickly bounded to his feet. Initially startled, Heero's face was still contorted in a snarl, both at being caught so off guard and having his privacy invaded. Seemingly unmoved by his own nudity and the awkwardness of the situation, the Japanese youth ignored his lover's plea and padded over to where Trowa was standing in the doorway. Heero's eyes crackled with a burning stare, matching his glistening muscles, his chiseled body still covered in post-coital perspiration.
Trowa did not back down as the dangerous Wing pilot approached him. Instead, he leaned casually against the doorframe and openly eyed Heero's sexy features, occasionally sipping from his bottle of liquor. Trowa's emerald green eyes slowly scanned upwards from Heero's swinging package, past his abs and pecs, and into the piercing, cobalt gaze. Calm as ever, the lanky youth's face betrayed his usually stoic facade as he lustfully smiled at the sight in front of him.
Heero was standing directly in front of Trowa now, his bare feet stopping on the wooden floor less than a foot from where Trowa stood. Neither of the two spoke as they squared up and sized the other up. Duo looked on from where he was bound to the bed, not wanting to break the uneasy silence that had fallen over the three. What would Heero do? His lover was prone to bouts of anger, but Trowa was their ally and friend... Duo feared the worst, staying painfully still so as not to add to the tension of the moment.
“Hn,” Heero grunted.
Heero's arm lashed out from his side like lightning. Duo shut his eyes for a moment, waited for the familiar sounds of battle to hit his ears.
... ... Nothing?
Opening his eyes, Duo was shocked to see that not only was Trowa still alive and not fending for his life, but that the Heavyarms pilot still stood coolly in the doorway, smiling even.
Heero was taking a long draw from the bottle of alcohol that Trowa had been holding just a moment before. He swallowed and wiped his chin, handing the now half empty container back to Trowa.
Duo blinked. What was going on?
“I thought you said there wasn't any left,” Heero said calmly, gesturing to the bottle. He made a face, pursing his lips at the sour aftertaste and asked, “What is that stuff anyway?”
“Tequila. I've been saving it for a special occasion,” Trowa answered.
“What kind of special occasion?” Heero countered.
Trowa turned and glanced over Heero's bare shoulders at where Duo lay on the bed, still naked as the day he was born. There was something in that look that Duo had never seen in Trowa's eyes before. No, not quite... There had been times, rare occurrences, when he'd caught Trowa stealing secret glances in his direction, always quickly cut off. But those glances were nothing like the unbridled attention he was getting now, so openly passionate and uninhibited. Trowa flashed a thin, devilish smile at the bound boy. He leaned in and whispered something in Heero's ear. Duo saw Heero softly bite his lower lip, answering in an equally hushed whisper.
Feeling incredibly uncomfortable, Duo called out to the two. “Hello?! Heero? Trowa? I hate to break up your little heart to heart there, but I'm still sorta naked over here and these cuffs are beginning to chafe my-”
The two turned, looked at him, and then turned away! They went back to their private huddle. Duo couldn't help but continue to stare open mouthed at the pair. Those bastards! The bound Shinigami let out a huff of breath and frowned at the cuffs, thinking that he'd have black and blue marks in the morning. Duo wriggled around on the bed, reaching with his foot to pull the covers up, but they were in a tangled heap over the far end, dangling on the floor. Heero and Trowa were silent now, and Trowa's eyes were possessively on Duo's naked body once again.
Finally, Heero said, “Fine. I like how that sounds. You'll be downstairs?”
Trowa nodded, gave one last long look at Duo, and turned to leave.
Alone with his lover again, Duo cautiously asked, “What was that all about?” But, when Heero didn't answer him, turning around and walking over to the bed, Duo began to get a bad feeling. He didn't understand, how could Heero be okay with Trowa's intrusion? Granted, he had felt a tinge of excitement at the tall boy's racy request, but that was... And Duo found Trowa somewhat attractive, but- but he just wasn't a part of their relationship!
Heero stood over him now, and Duo, still slightly tipsy from the alcohol and his mind struggling to make sense of what had just happened, demanded of his lover, “Uncuff me already!”
Heero did not. Instead, he sat down silently on the bed next to Duo and looked at him for a long minute. There was a gentleness there, in that normally expressionless mask that Heero only broke for his lover. It made Duo feel safe and warm.
“You know I love only you, right?” Heero asked, and Duo frowned at the question.
“Of-of course!” he sputtered in reply. Heero could show his softer side when they were alone, but Duo had reservations about his behavior now. “Of course, Heero. And I love you too.”
When Heero flashed a brief smile of relief, Duo involuntarily smiled as well. Heero put a hand on his lover's cheek, the cool touch making Duo close his eyes. They opened again quickly, however, as Heero removed his hand and stood up from the bed. Looking up, Duo saw that a sudden change had come over Heero's face. The Japanese youth still looked at him with love, but it was... different... a hungry, feral sort of love... Duo knew that face all too well, and his involuntary reaction was a flash of heat to his sex and wild desires running rampant through his mind.
“Then everything will be just fine,” Heero said cryptically; and, still naked, turned to leave the room.
“Um, Heero?” Duo called out. “Untie me?”
Heero faced his lover again, and the look in his eyes was certainly that licentious, lustful affection that usually signaled an imminent session of hot, steamy sex. “You can untie yourself, love,” Heero said coolly. “I know you always keep at least one lock-pick in that hair of yours. You've gotten yourself out of worse; this is nothing. That's how I know that if you'd really been uncomfortable with Trowa seeing you like this, you could have freed yourself and covered up.”
This left Duo dumbfounded. It was true, he actually had two lock-picks buried away in his thick hair, but... Had he really made a conscious decision to let Trowa ogle him like that? Why hadn't he covered himself up?
Heero answered part of Duo's question for him, saying, “I've suspected for some time that you were attracted to Trowa, and he knows it too.” Duo began to protest, but Heero cut him off. “It's okay. It's natural to be attracted to other people too. I don't mind, I know you'll always be mine.”
He turned and began to leave again, adding, “Come down to the kitchen when you're done, and don't bother getting dressed.”
Duo crept down the steps of the stairway, his bare feet soundless on the safehouse's wooden floor. It had taken him a good two minutes to free himself, as Heero had bound him very securely to their bed's headboard. Worse, Duo's hair had become a tangle during their ardent love-making, and it had taken quite a bit of effort to shake the lock pick out of the chestnut brown mess and into a position where he could curl up into a ball, feet near his ears, so he could grasp the small object with his toes and then pick the lock with them. Heero had often complimented Duo's flexibility, although not in the context of spying or covert operations...
As he neared the kitchen, Duo overheard Trowa and Heero talking, and stopped to listen in.
“I thought it was safe to assume that there was something between you two,” Heero was saying.
“I think there may be,” Trowa answered. “When we first met, at Corsica, I felt a connection. It was like nothing I've ever known before... But it hasn't turned into anything.”
“Hn. You should just approach him. It's obvious he has feelings for you.”
“There hasn't been an opportunity...” Trowa answered
“That's a lie,” Heero countered immediately. “There've been plenty of opportunities; you're just afraid and being overly cautious.”
“Don't get me wrong,” Heero continued. “That's a sign you really care about him.”
“And can I afford to bring those emotions into the battlefield?” Trowa asked coldly.
“That's a moot point. Can you really change anything?”
“...He's not the kind who should be in war,” Trowa said darkly, sadly. “I don't understand how such a gentle person like him can do it. I don't want to make it any harder for him.”
“Well, he's already in it, and so are you,” Heero said. “Besides, it's not necessarily true that you'd be making it harder for him. If anything, you could be supportive of each other; you could become stronger, together.”
There was silence, the clanking of glass and the sound of liquid being poured.
“When he's not around, I feel so lonely... I... I see you and Duo together, and the envy...” Trowa cut his confession short, and Duo felt a little ashamed now about his eavesdropping. He'd never guessed the Heavyarms pilot and Heero had this kind of friendship.
“It'll work out,” Heero assured. “Quatre cares about you too; I think he just needs time to figure out what to make of that. And, in the mean time, I think it'd be fine if we 'helped out'. So long as you stick to the ground rules, I don't mind sharing.” Sharing? “And, to be honest, I think he's up for this as well. Isn't that right, Duo?”
~ end Intermission
Smex coming right up.
Note - Despite my best efforts, I could NOT simply continue this without adding some kind of character interaction and explaining Trowa and Heero's behavior. I failed to keep this PWP. The following threesome is much lighter and, well, more focused on sex... I'd originally kept this part attached with the lemon, but it was almost 8 pages long at that point and Duo wasn't even on his knees yet. So I decided to split off this part and make it an 'intermission' of sorts. Hope you still enjoyed it. Feedback is always dearly appreciated!