Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmares and Memories ❯ Lying From You ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: nope nope nope don't own.

Warnings: same old same old.

Authors Notes: Ok sorry I was going to get this out on Friday but I for got I had to go to a dinner rehearsal for my cousins wedding. And then yesterday (sat.) I went to his wedding in Malibu so that took up the whole day. And now I'm sitting at my computer sick and trying to type. (Got sick from my other cousin. I have 8 cousins and one second cousin (She's so cute!).) Anyways here's what you've been waiting for!!!!


July 25, AC 205

"Relena…….Relena……..Relena…… ..I'm here for you……….you………you……!!!!"


"Bleach, get over here! NOW!" A middle age man said to one of his workers. "I want you to use an extra power source to Relena Peacecraft's heart."

"But Sir, Heero Yuy is too strong to have us create a dream." The man name Bleach said, standing behind the big black chair.

"I see…… Then how about you use an extra powerful one on him; a dream that's so over whelming that he can't even handle; a dream that will make Heero Yuy crazy for life. hmm hmm hmm, ha ha ha!" The man laughed an evil laugh that makes your stomach turn.


"Hey guys!" Hilde Maxwell said coming in Heero's house; hugging her best friend tightly. "I missed you guys so much!" she said braking apart from her and Relena's hug.

"Heero I want to thank you so much and what ever I can do for you I will." The braded man said.

"Its fine, they were very good; but what I want to know is, why can't Lizzy talk?"

"Lizzy can't talk?" Duo and Hilde said in unison.

"Yeah, they said she can't." Relena said pointing to the two little children.

"Sara Maxwell and Gabriel Maxwell what did you do?" Duo said using his mad tone to his children.

"We sorry daddy. We thought it would be fun!" Gabe explained.

"Will you ever do it again?" Duo questioned.

"No we won't." Sara said looking down at the floor ashamed with her actions.

"Ok that clears that up; sorry about that guys." Hilde said picking up the youngest. "Now Lizzy you won't ever listen to them again will you?"

"Yes I won't."

"Ok good. Now let's go home I'm so tired."

"Ok. Bye." Duo said picking up the bag that the kids had."


July 30, AC 205

"Relena," Heero said, looking at Relena through the shower glass. "Have you been eating a lot lately?"

"What?" Relena turned around to look at the Japanese man, while washing her hair with shampoo. Looking at her forming potbelly, she looked back up. "I guess I have."

"You really need to start working out, get fit again; I'm worried for you, Relena." Heero said looking into the mirror, saving his noticeable face hair off.

Getting out of the shower, she looked at her lover. "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"But that's my job to worry about you."

"Then try not to for once I'm fine. Remember I went to the doctor and I'm fine."

"Ok, I won't worry so much."


`Oh shit what I'm I going to do!?'


August 21, AC 205

"Hey Princess its time to wake up!" Duo knocked on Relena's door and opened it to find Heero butt naked pulling up his boxers, and finding Relena coming out of the bathroom with only a robe on. "What the…….What the Hell!" Duo exclaimed turning and closing the door.

"Shit!" Heero yelled.

"Shit." Relena whispered after Heero said it. "Heero……"

"I don't know Relena…….I just don't know what were going to do now." He replied knowing what Relena was going to say.

"I think it is time that everyone should know about us."

"Yeah…….. but not your brother."


"Hilde……." Duo said out of breath.

"What is it Duo, what did you do this time?"

"I didn't do anything, but I saw Heero in Relena's Room……and……and it looks like they just spent the night together."


"Yeah Heero was pulling up his pants and Relena was just coming out of the shower!"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for them!"

"Heero finely got her in bed…..hehehe….."



"Now what are we going to do?" Hilde asked her husband.

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."


Walking to his office, he past by Quarter, Trowa, and Wufei and they all didn't say anything to him. `Good, Duo's been keeping a secret.' Heero thought walking in the room. Duo looked up from his computer and then went back to what he was doing.


"So, Heero, how's your day going?" Duo asked, as he hadn't even walked in on them. Caught off guard by the question, he paused for a minute.

"Ok, I guess."

"That's good. You know what the triples are doing today, there starting preschool." Duo said proudly to Heero.

"That's good."

"Yep and Hilde can do her thing around the house and not have those mischief kids running around now."


"Don't worry Heero I wont tell; its time you two got together!" Duo smiled at his best friend.

"Actually Duo, we've been going out for a long time now."

"Really, how long."

"Four years." Heero said flat out.

"WHAT?!! And you guys been keeping it a secret from us all this time!" he paused to only catch his breath. "I thought you guys just started going out and for got to lock the door because it was the first time you guys slept together and for got about that!"


"That's it." Duo said angrily; walking to the door, he opened it just when Quatre walked past. "Quatre, did you know that Heero and Relena are together. And this morning I found them in bed."

"What?!" The blond man blushed as Duo said in bed.


"Quatre……" Heero started but his friend cut him off.

"Is this true, it's wonderful that you two finely got together. I guess I won the bet with Wufei."

"What bet?" Heero questioned his friend.

"This bet that we made over five years ago; Wufei said you guys would never get together and I said in the next five years their going to fall in love with each other. I bet quite a lot of money too."


"Sorry Heero, I am a shamed of my self." Quatre looked down to the ground. "Well I must be off. Good luck with your relationship; see you later." Quatre walked around the corner.

"HAHAHAHA!!!" Duo started laughing. "Oh man, I guess everyone was betting!"

Heero looked at the man to his right. "You were betting on Relena and my relationship!"

"Hehehe. If I told you yes would you kill me?"


"Then no I didn't."

"For Christ sake! Is everything money and betting to you?!"

"Ummm…..No, my wife and kids come first."

Rolling his eyes, he went back in the room taking a seat in his chair.



"Heero……" Relena started saying.

"Shh…..don't try to talk, Honey you're going to get through this don't worry the ambulance is on its way." Hugging a bloody Relena in his arms, he kissed her forehead again; unknown tears running down his cheeks on to his girlfriends face.

"Heero, I, I love you and I want you to take good care of…..of…..Stephanie….." her eyes rolling back in to forever slumber; a cry of pain and suffering Heero built up released.



"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Heero awoke from his awful dream. `What the hell was that?' he looked over to his side to see nothing there. His bed empty, alone, he was alone tonight. If only he was married to Relena, he wouldn't have to be alone anymore.

To Be Continued