Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Noin's Nieces ❯ Arrival of the Nieces ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1

Arrival of the Nieces

Paygon and Noin awaited the arrival of Ana and Kana, Noin's lovable teenaged nieces (sorta). They were standing in the lobby of the airport. Noin sighed as she held up a sign that had the twins' names on it.

"Paygon, how long am I to hold this thing!" Noin said impatiently.

"Only a few more minutes." Paygon reassured. Noin again groaned out a heavy sigh as she awaited for the plane to land. Finally, what seemed like forever, the people came out. A whole bunch of people poured out of the gate. After they were all gone, two familiar looking faces walked up to Noin and Paygon. The two girls ran up to their aunt and gave her a big hug. She did that in return and looked at the two grown girls.

"My heavens, you two sure have grown since the last time I've saw you!" Noin said, all teary eyed that she finally got to have her nieces with her.

"Aunt Noin, you know that we have to grow up sooner or later." Kana joked.

"I know, I know." A tear faded across her face as she hugged Ana and Kana again. "Man it's good to see you two twerps again."

"You too Auntie, you too." Ana said, tears in her eyes as she rehugged her Aunt. Paygon cleared his throat. Ana and Kana turned around and screamed.

"Paygon!" Kana yelled, scaring most of the people, Ana too had yelled his name as they almost knocked him over with their big bear hug on the old man.

"It is good to see you Paygon, I thought that I would never see you again, grandpa."

"Oh my dear, it is just that I've been so busy with Miss Relena."

"You mean Queen Relena."

"The bitch!"

"Ana! How come you call Relena a bitch! You don't even know what she is like."

"well, from what I saw on the Television, she sure acted like a bitch to me. I mean, who ever started these wars in the first place. Everything was goin good over here, until that fucking bitch came to view." Blunted out Ana.

"Ana, I am going to tell you this once and only once. I don't want any profane language to come out of your mouth. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't' say anything at all."

"Yes ma'am." said Ana as she stormed off to the car, after getting her luggage. Kana went after her as Noin and Paygon came from behind.