Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Not so everyday scenes ❯ chp 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Raven: I'm BAAC-K, with new ideas. I just joined school again, this time studies are very tough, and I have practically no time for anything else, so from now on my updates will come up after each week. Unless I have a killer test coming up. I tell you GCSE actually means God's Curse Sent Everywhere.

J.A: How lovely, lucky I'm a muse and I don't have to study. MWAHHAHA, pitiful humans.

Not so Everyday Scenes

Chapter 4: In London! ^_____^

**what is seen and heard through camcorder**

/where camcorder is located/




Scene One: Watch that first step!!!!

/Camcorder in Raven hands who is going up another escalator, filming the G-boys from the other side/

[Piccadilly Circus, London underground trains]

**There is a long line going up the escalator, Duo is in the very front currently with a sleepy expression on his face and is slowly zoning out

"DUO WAKE UP" Heero screamed into Duo's ear who woke up, lost balance and fell backwards on Heero who fell onto Trowa who fell onto Quatre, who in turn knocked over a man carrying three suitcases, which in turn caused two ladies to fall back onto three screaming kids who shrieking fell onto a small guy who fell on a cute girl whose necklace fell off and the men behind her tried to get it back knocking over a couple of few more people and they all came tumbling down the escalator.

"Eh-he sorry!" Duo apologizes grinning sheepishly. Raven is laughing out loud from the other side of the escalator. **


Scene Two: The trouble with being just kids.

/Camcorder hidden in Raven's jacket/

[Mitcham's public library]

** "WHAT?!" Heero cried out. Trowa, Quatre and Duo had gone reading books. Trowa was reading Harry Potter 5, Quatre was still looking for a book Wufei went into the different languages section and picked up a Chinese book, Duo was reading Garfield's guide to behaving badly. And we all know what Raven was doing. Back to Heero, he wanted to get the PC's to sit on the internet, but libraries rules were that ages under 18 cannot access internet and need parent's permission.

"Sir there's no need to scream, if you have a library card you can use it" The receptionist said.

Foiled by the unjust rules, Heero comes back sulking, gritting his teeth, clenching his fist, he goes into the section where there are war books. There he bribes a guy telling him to pretend to be his guardian. Heero gets the form signed by his "guardian" and to his confusion, is led to the kiddies section of computers. He tries to open his mail but the site is filtered (meaning that you cannot go to any site where you can chat, check mails, or anything else) His eye twitched, and….



Scene Three: Poor Heero

/Camcorder is on, so don't worry/

[Centre court, Wimbledon]

**Raven is recording everything from the second floor. Trowa is hanging around the food court with Wufei; Quatre went off to buy something for his sisters. After all he is a good brother. We see Heero coming up, he sees a 2 year old making a face at him, Heero looks around and makes a very out of character funny face at him, he sticks his tongue out at the kid and smiles to himself, smiling a maniacal smile. Duo (ground floor) is taking pictures of Heero. Heero sees him and starts to run opposite direction of the escalator creating a funny scene, he tries to go down, but stairs keep going up, so he keeps running on the same spot yelling the infamous cry of

"MAXWELLLLL!!!!!!!!!!" **


Scene Four: Poor Heero again.

/Camcorder is secretly recording Heero's every move/

[Centre Court, Wimbledon]

**Heero is standing in a queue at Mc Donald's, a 4 year old behind him shouts out loud to him mom "LOOK MOM THE GUY IN FRONT OF ME HAS A HEDGEHOG ON HIS HEAD" Duo comes behind him and says "Well kid, today is your lucky day, that guy is actually a human version of Sonic the Hedgehog"

(A/N: Considering Heero was also wearing a dark blue shirt, and Navy blue pants)

Heero bangs his head on the counter and cries "WHY ME, WHY ME, AHHHHHHAHAHAAWAHAAH"


Scene Five: Hair Paradise

/Cam still recording, after all when you charge the batteries you gotta waste them again/

[In front of a hair care shop]

** Trowa and Duo have their nosed pressed onto the window as the stare gape-jawed in awe at the extensive hair care products. "Trowa my man, this is once in a lifetime opportunity, lets make the most of it" Duo said holding up an American express credit card. Trowa actually smiles and they both go on a shopping spree. Quatre meanwhile looks around for an American express credit card. **


Scene Six: Commotion is disturbing

/Camcorder enjoying the sunrays in park, switched on/

[Hyde Park]

** Jumping around like a normal pre-teen that he never was, Duo causes quite a commotion, chasing ducks, climbing trees and acting like a complete Baka. The other G-boys kept telling the people that they don't know Duo. Heero throws Duo up a tree, the people starting giving them weird looks. Their cover was blown; sadly, they were stuck with the baka. Duo is still on a baka rampage, a small kid who is in his pram, drinking his milk bottle get irritated, he takes aim and chucks bottle at Duo who falls into the small lake. He settles down to go to sleep**


Scene Seven: War of the Water

/camcorder with Duo, cause raven can't follow them into the men's toilets/

[Men's bathroom]

**Wufei is standing outside a cubicle, getting bored he starts to flick water at the 3 year old, who gets irritated, he gets off his push-chair and out of nowhere brings a fire hose and washes Wufei away, "And the boy decontaminates the toilets" Duo added as he recorded and wiped the water off of the lens.**


Scene Eight: Duo Maxwell is falling down

/Camcorder is back in Raven's grateful hands/

[London Bridge]

** Duo is singing "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down my fair lady" Wufei comes from behind him and kicks him of bridge and sings " Duo Maxwell is falling down, falling down, falling down, Duo Maxwell (SPLASH) just fell down, and Quatre's really angry" he sang squinting a look at Quatre.


Scene Nine: How to kill a cockroach, Heero Yuy style

**Quatre has made a gourmet meal of roasted chicken. Heero grabs the chicken savagely, takes aim and whacks it at the table and says "I hate roaches" The rest are literally like (O. <)


Scene Ten: Innocent mayhem

/Camcorder has been taken out against authority at the airport/

[Airport (going back home)]

**People are running here and there, running late for their planes, there is a pile of boxes from where smoke is coming from, smoke alarms rings a fire brigade comes, man is holding the fire hose, water comes out with great pressure, he loses control and is fighting with a bucking water hose, water splashes on all G-boys and Raven, camera fizzes and goes out**


And for those who didn't understand

**~THE END~**

AUTHOR NOTE, mumbo jumbo to be exact!!

Raven: Why the end, because the camcorder's wrecked. So this is the final chapter, this is the END!!!!!!


Raven: O_O Was that Quatre?!

Duo: Yup he just saw the credit card bill.

Trowa: Oh Duo didn't do anything did we.

Duo: Nope, but I think that Credit card was Quatre's.

Quatre: WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON THOSE TWO NO GOOD TWITS I'M GONNA TEAR 'EM APART AND SELL THEM FOR SCRAP, *silence, then* ehehehehheeh, hahahahahaha, MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Zero system maniacal laughter)

Duo and Trowa: Uhhhohh *skedaddle out of room and out the mansion and go away far away!!