Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Nutella ❯ Nutella ( One-Shot )

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Disclaimer: Please do not sue. I have no money. I spent it fixing my computer so I could write this fic. I do not own any of the gundam pilots. Don't even bother trying to sue.

Please do not steal any of my ideas. I worked long and hard on it.

Please read and review. It's the only way I can make this fic/series better. Want to post it somewhere? Be my guest. But please tell me where by emailing me.

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Duo eyed the white shopping bags hungrily, searching for his prey. He frowned when he couldn't find it.

"Heero? You were the one who went shopping ne?"

An affirmative grunt came from behind a newspaper.

"Did you remember to buy my chocolate spread? Cos I can't see it…unless I've suddenly gone blind." Duo rummaged around in the bags making the bags to rustle loudly. Wufei shot Duo a `look'.

"What? I'm looking for my chocolate spread. I can't live without it!!!" cried Duo as the thrashed his hand wildly in the bags, thus causing more noise.


"Bag. Third from your left." Came the monotonous reply.

Duo grabbed the bag and tipped it upside down causing its contents to come crashing onto the table and floor. Quatre winced at the loud noise created by a plastic jar full of brown stuff. Duo picked up the jar and eyed it warily.

"Heero this isn't my chocolate spread." Complained Duo when he found a bottle containing a brown substance. "It's the original hazelnut spread-"

"Nutella, made from hazelnuts and skim milk." Recited Heero who had memorised all the nutritional facts when shopping.

Duo screwed up his face.

"I want my chocolate spread!!!"

"Duo, that stuff is bad for you."

"So is this! It probably tastes disgusting too! Skim milk and hazelnuts…yuck! I always go for the tried and true."

"You don't know until you've tried this baka and once again its good for you."

"Fine! I'll try it and you'll regret it when I die of food poisioning!"

"Shinigami doesn't die. You told me yourself." Said Heero quietly, Duo chose to ignore this statement and went to get himself a dessert spoon. He opened the jar and took out a small spoonful. He cautiously stuck his tongue and licked the spoon. Mmm, kinda sweet he thought to himself. Duo licked the spoon again.

"Mmm, this is good. You were right Heero."


"Mmmmmmmm sweeeeeet."

Duo deliberately pulled the spoon out of his mouth at a painfully slow speed.

Wufei suddenly rushed out of the room with a nose bleed.

Duo licked harder. "Ohhhhhh yummy!" he moaned and sucked the spoon clean.

Heero peered over the newspaper he was reading just in time to see Duo put down the spoon and dip his index finger into the jar, his eyes fixated on the Duo's finger as it disappeared into his mouth.

Sensing that he had an audience, Duo intentionally dragged his finger slowly out of his mouth before dipping his finger into the jar and repeating the action.

Heero could stand it no more by the third round.


Duo fluttered his eyelashes. "Yes Heero?" His expression quickly changed from flirt to shock when he saw a fast approaching Heero.

"Heero I-"

Heero , picked Duo up with one arm and took the open jar of nutella with the other.

"Bedroom." He said and headed in that direction.